Installing vim-fugitive on windows 7 - windows

I'm a vim newbie, trying to install vim-fugitive on windows 7. I followed the instructions on the script's github site without success.
If I run :Git I get the Not an editor command :Git error.
Any ideas ?

fugitive only defines it's functions when you are inside a git controlled folder, so you'll have to initialize git in that folder before loading one of the folder's files to vim.
Simply run git init in that folder, and than open any file in that folder with vim, and you should have all of fugitive's commands working.

I ran into this same issue, here is how I solved it.
Right click on "Computer" from the "Start Menu".
Click on "Advanced system settings".
Click on "Environment Variables".
Go down to the "Path" variable under "System variables".
Click on "Edit..." then add to the end of the "Variable value the location of your git bin directory, mine was "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin".
Close out all vim sessions, and command prompts. At this point you should be able to open a command prompt and type "git" and you should get a list of commands. If that works your Fugitive commands should work as well.
Hope this helps!

On Windows, if you install msysgit, and check the following box, fugitive should work out of the box just as on Mac or Linux.


'open in terminal' option is enabled on the right-click menu, but it goes directory to the home directory

When I am in a folder and I want to open that folder on the terminal, the 'open in terminal' option on the right-click menu takes me to my home directory. I have two computers, both of them have Ubuntu 18.04, This problem exists on only one of them. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
I finally found the problem and fixed it. On the terminal preferences, I had assigned a custom command to be run instead of my shell. I unchecked the option to run a custom command and things went back to normal.

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I created Android Project in Android Studio, now that I would like to push it into my repository.
When I enter the following command in Android Studio terminal:
git remote add origin https://..........
The following error is returned:
git is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
How can I fix this?
If "git" is not installed then you need to install git and while installation select option 'Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt'.
If "git" is installed but still you are getting "git is not recognized as an internal or external command" error then you need to set PATH variable to point to git executable. To do that follow the steps below:
Open My Computer, right click and select Properties
On this window, click on Advanced System Settings link which will open System Properties popup.
In that popup (under Advanced tab), click on Environment Variables which will open Environment Variables popup.
In that popup, select Path and click on Edit, which will open Edit Environment Variable popup
From that popup window, click on Browse and browse to the git installation directory. Mostly it would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin", select the directory and click Ok on all opened popups.
You will need to close command prompt and open again. Git command should work now!
Most probably Git is not installed on your machine (or installed incorrectly). Open this link to download an installer. It should do the job for you.
There are also other ways to install Git on Windows.
When you install Git, you must select the option 'run Git from the Windows command prompt'?
Download the latest version of the Git from here : and try again!

I want to be able to run iPython from any directory through Command Line

So I just switched over from the Enthought Canopy distribution to the Anaconda Distribution (had a lot of trouble installing modules in the Canopy version), and now I can't remember what, if anything I did to allow me to run iPython from any directory.
I can run both Python and iPython from the install directory, but this doesn't really help me as all my scripts are stored in various other directories. I believe this is more of a Windows Command Line question, but I could be wrong.
Any help is appreciated!
You can change that from "System Properties"- "Advanced" tab. Client the "Environment Variables" on the bottom right. Then you can choose to edit the variable path. Append iphython directory into the path and press "OK". (Be careful only to append the directory into the "path" variable, do not delete old ones.)

Recreating PyCharm launcher in Ubuntu

I installed pycharm normally via bin/, but the mistake I made was doing bash while the pycharm directory has inside the Downloads folder.
I later on moved the directory to /opt/Pycharm/. This is causing the once functioning unity launcher (which was added when PyCharm was initially installed) to fail every time I attempt to use it (as expected).
How can I re-add as a lauchable app from the unity launcher? I know the location of the file. I've tried to add it to /usr/bin/ but that does not change anything.
I can still launch pycharm via bash /usr/opt/Pycharm/bin/ But this is tedious.
I have tried making a new .desktop file for pycharm, using the following script:
[Desktop Entry]
However, I get a "Unable to save Pycharm.desktop" error when I try to save the file inside /usr/share/applications/pycharm.desktop. Any help regarding this would be deeply appreciated.
First start pyCharm from it's bin folder via command line
$ ./
Then, goto
Tools -> Create Desktop Entry.
It will create a correct Desktop file in the correct place. Afterward you can initiate it from the menu and pin the icon or drag and drop it to the bar. This way, you don't have to deal with .desktop files and mumbo jumbo..
I managed to solve it. The thing is, Pycharm already installs a launcher inside .local/share/applications. Thus, you need to get rid of it before proceeding to create your own. After that, all you have to do is add your own *.desktop file to the applications directory inside usr/share/applications/.
You need to create your .desktop file using sudo and inside the desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Icon=/opt/pycharm-3.0.1/bin/pyCharm.png # Changed from pycharm_32.png
After that is done, you can launch your app properly. Please note that must also have execution rights.
With Ubuntu 16.04, I used the "snap" installer, which doesn't include an easily accessible icon (there's probably one hidden inside the snap image, but it's hard to get at). Instead it shows a grey question mark icon in the launcher instead. Also there doesn't seem to be a Tools > Create Desktop Entry option in version 2017.3.3 as far as I can see - maybe it has been moved somewhere.
So I copied pycharm.png from an earlier non-snap Community installation, saved it somewhere, then created ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-pycharm-ce.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=PyCharm Community Edition
Exec="/snap/bin/pycharm-community" %f
Comment=The Drive to Develop
Then when I start PyCharm (from the command line), the launcher item appears with the correct icon, and then I right-click on it and choose "Lock to Launcher", and it now persists.
A downside is that the icon will not be automatically updated with the app, so it might fall out of date.
In case you just want to update your launcher to point to an updated PyCharm, for me changing 4.0.4 to 4.0.6 in the following worked:
nano /usr/share/applications/jetbrains-pycharm.desktop
When Tools -> Create Desktop Entry does not work:
Create a new file on your desktop (using vi or a similar command) named: jetbrains-pycharm.desktop
Paste the following inside:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="/opt/pycharm-5.0.1/bin/" %f
Comment=Develop with pleasure!
Keep in mind to change the path and version number of icon and exec properties above.
Tested on various versions of PyCharm - like a charm ☺
In the 2016 version of PyCharm just do following:
Start PyCharm.
From the Tools menu, select "Create Desktop Entry..."
Create entry for "all the users" if required.
Relaunch PyCharm from Launcher.
Ubuntu 16.04 (haven't checked prior versions)
Run (make sure you use the correct dir and PyCharm version below):
$ ./dir_where_you_placed_it/pycharm-2016.1.4/bin/
While PyCharm is running, right click its icon on the Launcher and select "lock to Launcher".
Run $ pycharm-community
Right after you will see the icon on the taskbar.
Right Click, select Lock on the Taskbar.
Somewhat solves the problem.
Simply replaced the Icon=/path/to/pycharm.pngin ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-pycharm-ce.desktop from meowsqueak's answer with the correct path when installed from snap.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=PyCharm Community Edition
Exec="/snap/bin/pycharm-community" %f
Comment=The Drive to Develop
sudo vim `which charm`
Now edit the RUN_PATH.
I recently resolved a related issue where, after updating from v2.7 to v3.0.2, my PyCharm launcher was still pointing to the old (and now deleted) PyCharm path.
After attempting all of the (good) advice above, the problem still persisted.
The solution, in my case, was to create a desktop entry for ALL USERS.
[Welcome Screen]->Configure->Create Desktop Entry...
Check the box: "Create entry for all users" and then proceed.
Apparently, in a previous installation I must have installed it in this fashion and was not able to update the launcher for a single account.
Now the pycharm updated to version 2016.1 and I find the file jetbrains-pycharm.desktop in the path ~/.local/share/applications
then just edit the path for Icon and Exec
Simply type this on your terminal window:
Hope that helps :)
I just wanted to add, I just installed PyCharm Edu for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS today, and the way to create a desktop entry is very easy. When PyCharm Edu opens up, before entering any project, click on configure, and there should be a create Desktop Entry option. Select it, and it will create a PyCharm Edu.desktop file in the following directory:
Now traverse to that destination, and click the newly created PyCharm Edu.desktop file to launch PyCharm Edu. After that, you would just need to lock to launcher. It should work.
I know I am very late, but I hope I've helped those of us on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS who are trying to configure a desktop entry for this specific application.
I guess you didn't check 'Create the entry for all users (requires superuser privileges)' option on Tools -> Create Desktop Entry. You should check it.
You don't have to create something new.
you can always use python for automation
may be this will help you
a python script that allows u to run pycharm as user or sudoers/root
import os
from time import sleep
program = input('which program to run: >')
if program == "pycharm":
os.chdir('#full path to pycharm paste here')
root = input('run as root(y/n): >')
if root == 'y':
print('started ' + program + ' as root')
print('please enter root password to continue:')
os.system('sudo ./')
elif root == 'n':
print('running ' + program + ' as non root')
elif program != 'pycharm':
print('program not found')
I have an LXDE desktop (on Debian Buster) and using PyCharm CE 2020.2.3. Choosing Create Desktop Entry... created nothing on the desktop, no matter whether Create the entry for all users was checked or not.
However, the PyCharm menu entry (under Programming) offers a context menu entry Add to desktop. Clicking this finally made the desktop icon appear.

How to install Git Shell

Windows 7 Ultimate
I used to have Git Shell installed. The icon is grey with a cat face. It was either installed by the Git or by GitHub for Windows.
Somehow I've lost it.
I've tried re-installing both Git and GitHub for Windows, but I can't get it back.
If you have GitHub for Windows (installed, it should come with your shortcut.
It is a shortcut to:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
More recent versions of G4W (see answer below) could have it at:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
If that shell complains about the absence of git, launch "G4W" itself, which will extract git.
See "Where is git.exe located?".
As mentioned below, to restore the shortcut, after having run the first command, execute in the Git shell:
github --reinstall-shortcuts
Try running the following command:
github --reinstall-shortcuts
That repaired the Git Shell shortcut for me, and also put the proper icon back.
I found out that the answer that you specifically wanted involves a combination of the previous answers:
1. Running the Git Shell via the command line (Since you lost the shortcut)
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
2. Once youre in the Git Shell run the command in the previous answer
github --reinstall-shortcuts
You'll find the Git Shell with the grey cat icon that originally came with the GitHub setup in the desktop.
Windows 10
The Git Shell is installed by default in:
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe
Try create a shortcut to your desktop, not sure if this answer your question.
The direct link for Git Shell is now:
I ran into this same issue today, and since this is the first Google result for my query trying to find a solution, I'll post what I sorted here.
It looks like GitHub for Windows installs some or all of itself into %LOCALAPPDATA%\Apps\2.0\...\...\* and this reference was broken on Git Shell .lnk shortcut on the desktop. The GitHub.exe file pointed to did not exist; the entire path was missing.
I viewed properties on the .lnk file (select Properties from context menu or ALT+ENTER on keyboard with .lnk selected) and clicked the Change Icon button. A message box appeared noting that the path to the old icon file was missing and what the bad path was.
I found the "current" path by poking about in the above noted directory and finding GitHub.exe again. The icon is one of three available in GitHub.exe; I expect this is what some of the other answers (like the reinstall-shortcuts suggestion) accomplish.
Hope this helps someone!
(Which seems to be normal for .NET ClickOnce applications; those ... are randomized/obfuscated/generated so they will look like gibberish. My specific working path, as an example, ended up being: C:\Users\anshou\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\RZ33EP02.2J7\5OMOZAGM.89T\gith..tion_317444273a93ac29_0001.0003_e68db37a99107794 -- note that this path is not truncated, that is the exact path, double period and all.)
