How to install Git Shell - windows

Windows 7 Ultimate
I used to have Git Shell installed. The icon is grey with a cat face. It was either installed by the Git or by GitHub for Windows.
Somehow I've lost it.
I've tried re-installing both Git and GitHub for Windows, but I can't get it back.

If you have GitHub for Windows (installed, it should come with your shortcut.
It is a shortcut to:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
More recent versions of G4W (see answer below) could have it at:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
If that shell complains about the absence of git, launch "G4W" itself, which will extract git.
See "Where is git.exe located?".
As mentioned below, to restore the shortcut, after having run the first command, execute in the Git shell:
github --reinstall-shortcuts

Try running the following command:
github --reinstall-shortcuts
That repaired the Git Shell shortcut for me, and also put the proper icon back.

I found out that the answer that you specifically wanted involves a combination of the previous answers:
1. Running the Git Shell via the command line (Since you lost the shortcut)
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\GitHub\GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell
2. Once youre in the Git Shell run the command in the previous answer
github --reinstall-shortcuts
You'll find the Git Shell with the grey cat icon that originally came with the GitHub setup in the desktop.

Windows 10
The Git Shell is installed by default in:
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe
Try create a shortcut to your desktop, not sure if this answer your question.

The direct link for Git Shell is now:

I ran into this same issue today, and since this is the first Google result for my query trying to find a solution, I'll post what I sorted here.
It looks like GitHub for Windows installs some or all of itself into %LOCALAPPDATA%\Apps\2.0\...\...\* and this reference was broken on Git Shell .lnk shortcut on the desktop. The GitHub.exe file pointed to did not exist; the entire path was missing.
I viewed properties on the .lnk file (select Properties from context menu or ALT+ENTER on keyboard with .lnk selected) and clicked the Change Icon button. A message box appeared noting that the path to the old icon file was missing and what the bad path was.
I found the "current" path by poking about in the above noted directory and finding GitHub.exe again. The icon is one of three available in GitHub.exe; I expect this is what some of the other answers (like the reinstall-shortcuts suggestion) accomplish.
Hope this helps someone!
(Which seems to be normal for .NET ClickOnce applications; those ... are randomized/obfuscated/generated so they will look like gibberish. My specific working path, as an example, ended up being: C:\Users\anshou\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\RZ33EP02.2J7\5OMOZAGM.89T\gith..tion_317444273a93ac29_0001.0003_e68db37a99107794 -- note that this path is not truncated, that is the exact path, double period and all.)


How to use git commands in Visual Studio 2019 Integrated Terminal [duplicate]

Visual Studio Code reports "It look like git is not installed on your system." when I try to switch to the git view. I know I have git installed and used by other Git clients. I guess if I reinstall Git following Visual Studio Code's instruction ("install it with Chocolatey or download it from"), it probably can fix the problem, but I don't want to mess up the existing Git clients on my system. Is there a reliable way to configure Visual Studio Code so it can find existing git installation?
Now you can configure Visual Studio Code (version 0.10.2, check for older versions) to use an existing Git installation.
Just add the path to the Git executable in your Visual Studio Code settings (menu File → Preferences → Settings) like this:
// Is Git enabled
"git.enabled": true,
// Path to the Git executable
"git.path": "C:\\path\\to\\git.exe"
// Other settings
Update 2020 (Mac)
I went through this $h!† again after updating to macOS v10.15 (Catalina), which requires an Xcode update.
And to clarify, while this post is about Visual Studio Code, this issue, is system wide. Your Git install is affected/hosed. You can try to run git in your terminal, Bash, Z shell (zsh), or whatever. It is now and it just won't.
It is the same fix. Just update Xcode. Start it up and agree to the license. That's it.
I hit this on Mac/OS X.
You've been using Visual Studio Code for some time and have don’t have any issues with Git
You install Xcode (for whatever reason - OS update, etc.)
After installing Xcode, Visual Studio Code suddenly "can't find Git and asks you to either install or set the Path in settings"
Quick fix:
Run Xcode (for the first time, after installing) and agree to license. That's it.
How I stumbled upon this "fix":
After going through numerous tips about checking git, e.g., which git and git --version, the latter actually offered clues with this Terminal message:
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please run “sudo xcodebuild -license” and then retry this command.
As to why Xcode would even wrap it's hands on git, WAT.
Visual Studio Code simply looks in your PATH for git. Many UI clients ship with a "Portable Git" for simplicity, and do not add git to the path.
If you add your existing git client to your PATH (so that it can find git.exe), Visual Studio Code should enable Git source control management.
This can happen after upgrading macOS. Try running Git from a terminal and see if the error message begins with:
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools) ...
If so, the fix is to run:
xcode-select --install
from the terminal. See this answer for more details.
I had this problem after upgrading to macOS v10.15 (Catalina).
The issue is resolved as follows:
Find the Git location from the terminal:
which git
Add the location of Git in settings file with your location:
"git.path": "/usr/local/bin/git",
Depending on your platform, the user settings file (settings.json) is located here:
Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json
Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json
In Visual Studio Code, open 'User Settings': Ctrl + P and type >sett. Press Enter.
This will open the default settings on the left side and User Settings on the right side.
Just add the path to git.exe in user settings:
"git.path": "C:\\Users\\[WINDOWS_USER]\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"
Replace [WINDOWS_USER] with your user name.
Restart Visual Studio Code.
First check if Git* is installed or not in your system by typing the command in cmd /command prompt (in Windows):
where git
If you get an output like this,
λ where git
Then Go to Settings → Preferences → Settings and put the bellow code** right part.
// If git enabled?
"git.enabled": true,
// Path to the Git executable
"git.path": "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\git-for-windows\\cmd\\git.exe"
If you don't have Git installed, install Git from
** Just add a double slash (\\), just like the above code.
UPGRADE TO MacOS Ventura < 13.0
As of November 2022
Upgrading to MacOS Ventura does not seem to affect your coding environments too much.
After upgrading to macOS Ventura your Terminal and VScode will give off a few errors. Such as:
It look like git is not installed on your system ..
can't find Git and asks you to either install or set the Path in settings
some errors depend on your zsh setup or other customizations.
These common problems can be resolved by simply by reinstalling xcode command line tools and updating Homebrew - since your terminal might be affected reinstall from apples executable you will need to log in with your apple id.
Once installed, update Homebrew
brew upgrade
Mac M1 - M2 machines likely have some native and ARM applications so run:
arch -arm64 brew upgrade
Close all terminals and Vscode to restart!
reopen Vscode, errors should be gone.
If Vscode is still looking for Git path you will need to add it manually.
Find git location and copy from the terminal:
which git
and add the path to the git executable in your Visual Studio Code JSON settings file (File -> Preferences -> Settings) find and update the line - should look similar:
"git.path": "/usr/local/bin/git",
After an OS X update, I had to run xcode-select --install for GitLens to work.
Ran into the same problem after!
how I fixed it?
Step 1: Go to the Settings in vscode.
Step 2: Open settings.json.
Step 3: You need to find something like "git.path" in settings.json
Step 4: just add the directory path where git is installed in your system.
example : "git.path": "D:/Git/bin/git.exe"
Step 5: Restart your vscode.
Hope this helps.
xcode-select --install it'll prompt you to install command line developer tools. Install the tools and installation restart your VScode.
You'll see git working once again in VScode
I ran into this problem after upgrading my macOS to Monterey.
It turned out that the xcode has been removed in the new update from my mac. Just tried the following suggested solution:
VSCode 1.50 (Sept 2020) adds an interesting alternative with issue 85734:
Support multiple values for the git.path setting
I use VSCode in three different places; my home computer, my work computer, and as a portable version I carry on a drive when I need to use a machine that doesn't have it.
I use an extension to keep my settings synced up between editors, and the only issue I've encountered so far is that the git path doesn't match between any of them.
On my home machine I have it installed to C of course,
work likes to be funny and install it on A,
and for the one on my drive I have a relative path set so that no matter what letter my drive gets, that VSCode can always find git.
I already attempted to use an array myself just to see if it'd work:
"git.path": ["C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\git.exe", "A:\\Git\\bin\\git.exe", "..\\..\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"],
But VSCode reads it as one entire value.
What I'd like is for it to recognize it as an array and then try each path in order until it finds Git or runs out of paths.
This is addressed with PR 85954 and commit c334da1.
with VSCode 1.60+
"git.enabled": true
I faced this problem on macOS v10.13.5 (High Sierra) after upgrading Xcode.
When I run the git command, I received the below message:
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please run “sudo xcodebuild -license” and then retry this command.
After running the sudo xcodebuild -license command, the below message appears:
You have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements. You must agree to both license agreements below in order to use Xcode.
Hit the Enter key to view the license agreements at '/Applications/'
Typing the Enter key to open the license agreements and typing the space key to review details of it, until the below message appears:
By typing 'agree' you are agreeing to the terms of the software license agreements. Type 'print' to print them or anything else to cancel, [agree, print, cancel]
The final step is simply typing agree to sign with the license agreement.
After typing the git command, we can check that Visual Studio Code detected Git again.
I have recently started with Visual Studio Code. I have this issue and just writing the exact path of the Git executable solves
the issue. Here is the code:
"git.path": "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe",
If you have multiple environments. You could include Git Path in the Visual Studio Code Workspace Setting. For Windows, depending on your setting, you could hit Ctrl + P, search for "settings". Open settings.json (or menu File → Preferences → Settings). Navigate to Workspace Settings. Find "Path" and add paths to Git bin and cmd folders.
Environments can have their own paths. I discovered this when I echoed my PC %PATH% on cmd. Git bin and cmd path where available, but when I was working on my project, echoed %PATH% did not have git and cmd folder. Adding them, as shown above, solved the issue.
Extra Notes:
On cmd, you can echo "%PATH%" and see if git bin and cmd folders are included. If not, you could concatenate using SETX PATH on, for example,
SETX PATH "%PATH%;Path_to_Git_bin;Path_to_Gt_cmd;"
This will make git available on local, root but not in some environments which comes with their own paths (SETX /M PATH "%PATH%;Path_to_Git_bin;Path_to_Gt_cmd;" would have though).
In case you have a long Path that is chopped off due to Path length (getting "Error: Truncated at X characters." message), you can increase the path length in RegEdit.
In "Search Windows", search for "regedit". Right-click to open as Administrator.
Go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
Right-click and modify. Change value data from 0 to 1
This will increase your path length. If it is already one, then I am not sure how to proceed from there :).
The only way I could get to work in my Windows 8.1 is the following:
Add to system environment variables (not user variables):
This fixed the "it looks like git is not installed on your system" error on my Visual Studio Code.
Make sure git is enabled (File --> Preferences --> Git Enabled) as other have mentioned.
Make sure Gits installed and in the PATH (with the correct location, by default: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd) - PATH on system variables btw
Change default terminal, Powershell can be a bit funny, I recommend Git BASH but cmd is fine, this can be done by selecting the terminal dropdown and selecting 'set default shell' then creating a new terminal with the + button.
Restarting VS Code, sometimes Reboot if that fails.
Hope that helped, and last but not least, it's 'git' not 'Git'/'gat'. :)
In my case GIT was installed on my WIndows 10 OS and there was an entry in PATH variable. But VS CODE 1.52.1 still unable to detect it from terminal window but it was available in CMD console.
Problem was solved by switching terminal from PowerShell to CMD or Shell + VsCode restart.
I solved the same problem on MacOS with m1 pro processor by installing Git Lens Visual Code extension. The changed files were displayed after enabling the extension. Then I turned reloaded the VSCode and there was no changes, but once I run
git status
in terminal, it shows all the files, and all changes are tracked.
Faced this issue after updating macOS!
Installed git again using homebrew and it worked!
brew install git
First, type
in the terminal and see what error you are getting.
If the error is related to Command Line tool!
xcode-select --install
Just go ahead and go through this answer, For Mac especially. Worked very easily for me.
Three years later, I ran into the same issue. Setting the path in user settings & PATH environment variable didn't help. I updated Visual Studio Code and that solved it.
First install Git onto your desktop, and then add the encircled extension in Visual Studio Code, as seen in the picture.
That helped me fix the same issue you have.
Comment any Git line there:
// ...
// "git-graph.integratedTerminalShell": "E:\\Apps\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
// "git.path": ""
And add git.exe to the OS path.
Note for me: Fixing this Git error also fixed the npm error too. Since they are both defined in the path, if one fail, the remaining will fail as well.
Follow this :
1. File > Preferences > setting
2. In search type -> git path
3. Now scroll down a little > you will see "Git:path" section.
4. Click "Edit in settings.json".
5. Now just paste this path there "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\libexec\\git-core\\git.exe"
Restart VSCode and open new terminal in VSCode and try "git version"
In case still problem exists :
1. Inside terminal click on terminal options (1:Poweshell)
2. Select default shell
3. Select bash
open new terminal and change terminal option to 2:Bash
Again try "git version" - this should work :)
What worked for me was manually adding the path variable in my system.
I followed the instructions from Method 3 in this post:
If git is missing after the OS update, in my case Big Sur, just literally: brew install git
I edited Path into System Environment and add "C:\Program Files\Git\bin" then restart Vscode. It's worked for me. I don't understand why I am using it normally then I have this problem. Maybe during the installation of something it causes that problem.
It worked for me just by installing git for windows, from this link
There was no need of setting environment variable or path.
I had installed VS Code, and github desktop, I cloned the repo using Github desktop.
When I opened repo, using VS Code, I saw this error.
I resolved by installing git for windows.

issue with Git Bash

I am able to open git bash by typing "git bash" in the windows explorer URL space on one of my other laptop.
However, I'm trying to do it on another laptop of mine and it refuses to work. A black terminal opens for a split second and then disappears.
I've reinstalled it multiple times to no avail.
Currently using v2.27 of Git on Windows 10.
Any idea how I can get this working again? It's super convenient for me.
In system variables the C:\Program Files\Git\cmd is added to Path.
To launch git-bash.exe (which is the program which will use git.exe internally)
directly from windows explorer address field, you need to make it findable in Path.
git-bash.exe is in C:\Program Files\Git\ (notice the lack of cmd directory)

No such file or directory - git ls-files -- WINDOWS

I am trying to find a way to add Git to the Windows path. Whenever I try to run RakeFiles from either JetBrains' neat IDE, RubyMine or from GitBash itself, I get the error that this title is posted under:
No such file or directory - git ls-files
According to a fellow developer, I need to add Git to my windows path. I haven't been able to find how to remedy this error for anything BUT Macs. Is there anyone who can help me figure out how to fix this with Windows?
Right-click "My computer" and choose Properties
Click Advanced system settings
Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and add the directory where git.exe is located. Directories are separated with semicolons.
The funny thing is, that this simple operation is very uncomfortable, especially when your PATH is long and people created tools, only to edit system path.

How to use SVN with Emacs (psvn can't create tunnel)

We just installed svn at my office. TortoiseSVN works (with putty to do the ssh thing--sorry if this doesn't totally make sense, I'm a total svn newbie, I always used cvs). I found psvn for emacs, which seems to be pretty standard. When I tried running it, it said it couldn't find svn. So I downloaded the client from actually redirected me to a place called CollabNet which had me register a username and password just to download the svn client--still don't know what that was all about.
Anyway. Looong story short: now emacs tells me "Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified." when I try to show the revision log on a file.
Can anyone tell me how to setup svn with emacs? It doesn't have to follow the steps above, I can start again. I just want a client that'll work with emacs.
Found the following and it works:
Set the following environment variable
(by right-clicking on My Computer,
Properties, Advanced, Environment
Variables, New):-
Variable name: SVN_SSH
Variable value: C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoisePlink.exe
(The "\\" is very important, otherwise
it won't work. Equally, you cannot use
the plink.exe that comes with putty as
that fires up a command shell window
which is really annoying. The
TortoisePlink.exe is a windows
implementation of plink that doesn't
bring up any UI)
If TortoiseSVN already works for you, try using "tortoise-svn.el"
Emacs Wiki - Version Control Category

git without bash/cygwin

I'm on a vista laptop, trying out git for the first time.
I installed the msysgit version, and it installed a "git bash" shortcut on the desktop. When I run it, it seems to run in a cygwin kind of box, where C:\ is /c/
Is it safe to use git from the windows command line where /c/ is C:\? does that create any conflict with the way git expects the pathes to be like?
What about, if I init from the bash/cygwin console, then commit from the windows console? Does that create any trouble?
Note: Keep in mind that git does not track where the repository is at -- just references. In other words you can cleanly move an entire git directory (.git + working tree) and it still works fine.
It should work in either case assuming your environment variables allow you to run git from the windows command line.
Both point to the same actual directories (although referenced differently), and use the same executable to modify the repository.
When you install MSYS Git, it will give you 3 options related to system paths. Which one you choose will determine how you can use it. It sounds like you want the 3rd option, "Run Git and included tools from the windows command prompt". This will put all of the git-related binaries in the system path, allowing you to use git from a normal command prompt. Be aware that it also overrides a few built-in windows tools, as the warning in the installer says.
After installing msysgit, you should be able to right click on an empty folder and see options "Git GUI here" and "Git BASH here". If you click Git GUI here it will open a GUI. Have fun!
