How do you create a report (rdlc) that shows 1 record per page - visual-studio-2010

Having some trouble getting this to work... I basically want the report to look similar to:
The way I remember doing this in the past was by creating "page groups" in the report wizard. However, I believe that was in VS05, and now the report wizard is very different in VS10. It now has column groups and row groups but no page groups, and I can't see how to get this to work without the wizard either. If tried looking for a tutorial or example but haven't had much luck. Also, the site '' is pretty terrible and has not been much help.

To create the effect of one record per page means you need to set a group element to the report. For instance assume you have a database table called "Login" and you wanted to group by a person's login name. Here is what you do:
First add a table to the report like so:
The table can be found in the "Toolbox" on the left hand side of VS2010. Once the table is added you will want to add a group to this table:
After this you will want to go to the properties of the group:
Here you simply can set a page break between each instance of a group, in addition, this will give you a "one record per page".


Model-driven PowerApp: Best practice to display subgrid of records with no appropriate primary column name

Each Dataverse table contains a primary name column. When displayed in a subgrid, clicking on the primary name column will navigate to the form so that the user can edit that row. Most subgrids in my application work this way.
The Problem
I have a Course form with a list of participants displayed in a subgrid. The subgrid displays each student's name (as a link) and the grade received in the course. There is no appropriate primary name column for this Participant table. To edit the participant record, the user must select the row in the subgrid, then click the subgrid's Edit button. As a result, this UI is different from all other subgrids in the application and I know that user's will click the student name to try to edit the participant record and be confused when they are presented with the student record.
Am I missing something? Is there a better way to handle this?
It's a common problem I face quite often. Here is usually what I would do.
Make sure the Primary Name Column always contains relevant information to the user to be able to quickly identify a record. Sometimes it requires copying information from one or multiple other columns into the primary column.
In your case that would probably means concatenating the student's name and grade.
How to do that?
Common to all solutions below
Use one of the following solution to copy the content of one or several fields into the primary column.
Make sure the solution you select also updates the content of the primary name column when one of the copied field is updated.
Remove or hide the primary column from the form, the name of the record will be displayed at the top of the form anyway and you probably don't want users to play with it.
Display the primary name column in every subgrid.
I would recommend not adding the fields copied into the primary column in the subgrids to avoid confusion.
Solution 1 - Classic Workflow
Create a classic workflow that runs when a record is created / updated
Very quick to put in place
Runs synchronously (users will see the name updated in real-time)
Not very practical if you need to add business logic (using different fields as source depending on a certain condition for example)
Solution 2 - Power Automate
Create a Flow that runs when a record is created / updated
You can implement complex business logic in your Flow
Runs asynchronously (users will have to refresh the page after the creation of a record to see the record's name)
According to Power Automate licensing that flow would certainly be considered as an "enterprise flow" and you are supposed to pay 100$ / month. That specific point must be taken with a grain of salt. I had several discussions with Microsoft about it and they haven't given me a clear answer about what would be considered an enterprise flow.
Solution 3 - Plugin
Create a plugin that executes when a record is created / updated
You can implement very complex business logic in your Flow
It can run synchronously
Pro-code (I put it as a con since Model-Driven App is a low-code / no-code approach but there is nothing wrong about pro-code per say)
Developing a new plugin for each entity where you need this logic is kind of overkill in my opinion. I would consider developing something very generic that would only require some sort of configuration when the logic needs to be applied to a new table.

SSRS Action - Go To Report/Cascading Parameter

I have a question to determine if something is possible.
I have a report where the user enters in a client number into the parameter. This parameter is not loaded with available values because the number of unique client numbers is too large. After they enter a client number, they receive a list of that client's matters. Some clients have hundreds of matters.
What I want is for the user to be able to click on a matter and have it take them to a second report, the go to feature, that shows them additional details about that one matter they clicked on. Is that something that's possible? I don't want the user to have to input a matter from a list of values on that second go-to report, so maybe it's possible to have a cascading parameter in the second one that's hidden from the user but auto-populates based on what they clicked?
I'm still trying to get cascading parameters to even work for me, but I'm not even sure where to begin researching what I want to do here. Any guidance on what to look for would he super helpful, or let me know if it's not possible.
Rough guidelines:
create a report that accepts the matter number as a parameter
on the textbox/cell in the original report that the users will be clicking, right click on it and select properties, set action to go to report, and then select the new report and pass the value of matter id to the new report parameter

OpenERP Report over multiple purchase orders using openoffice / libreoffice

I was able to add a report record for object purchase.order. It shows up when I select and open a specific PO.
How do I print a report over multiple purchase orders, or multiple stock moves, or multiple sales orders etc.?
What do I specify in "object" (model) for the report record and where would this print menu show up?
(I am using aeroo reports engine and I was able to specify a
<for each..> ... </for>
loop but it only prints one record (which is the currently selected PO).
at report template level you have two variables o and objects. the 1st one is present if you have only one item. the second one should be always available and must contains all the selected objects (or the objects that has been filtered trough a custom parser).
TIP: when you have doubt on how to do things... just look at how other modules do.
I. Create your report as it was intended for one object only.
<for each="o in objects"></for> as you define
II. On your OpenERP, go to Settings->Customization->Aeroo Reports->Reports and open the report you've previously created. On the report, click the Advanced tab and enable Process separately then save.
Hope this help to you.

Restrict manager to only see list items created by their employees in SharePoint 2010

I am using a SP2010 custom list as a weekly time sheet for an organization of about 50 employees and 8 managers to use. To create an item, an employee enters client, project, activity type, week ending, and hours in the default view. Now I want to create another view that is restricted to managers. Ideally, I want SP2010 to know who the manager is, and restrict the items they can see to be only those items created by their employees.
I tried the following with no luck.
There is a user information list created by IT that includes all the members of my organization. I added the Manager's Name to every item.
I re-purposed the Modified By column appeared in my custom list when I created that list.
Specifically, I renamed the Modified By column which is a Person or Group type to Manager's Name and changed the value of Show Field: to Manager's Name. I would have rather not done it this way, but I couldn't figure out how I add a list column that is a Person or Group type, and allows you to pick a column to populate with the value I needed.
I saved the view settings and I could see the Manager's Names in the first column for their specific employees. So far so good!
Then I re-edited the view and created a filter that shows items when Manager's Name is equal to [ME].
I saved the view setting and this time I could not see any employee list items which made sense since I am not a people manager.
I had a colleague who is a people manager try it out and he saw no items for his employees, yet I know there are a dozen or so, and they showed up in #4.
I changed the filter to look for his name specifically, and he still could not see his employees, although I could.
So I figured it must be a permission level issue since his permission level was Contribute and mine is Full Control.
I bumped him up to Design level, and he could see his employees as long as I hard-coded his name in the filter for the view.
Do someone knows how to do this easily?
From what I have learnt, there are differences in creating lists and libraries.
A library does not seem to have the functionality displaying group fields in the correct format, whereas a list does. So if you want to create a view for managers / employees then you need to do it in a list, with the manager and employee both as columns in the view.
Just ensure that the employees and managers do not have access to edit their views.

FileMaker Pro -- Filtering Relationship Not Working

I'm trying to build a FileMaker Pro 11 layout that excludes records containing a certain value. The relevant data is in table Invoice. I want to filter so that Invoice records whose "Invoice Check Grouping" field is blank are not displayed on the layout.
I've added a global field to the invoice table called "Blank Invoice Check Grouping" to use as my filter criteria. I've created a self-join relationship to the Invoice table, joining "Invoice ID" to "Invoice ID" and joining "Invoice Check Grouping" to "Blank Invoice Check Grouping". The resulting table is named "Invoice Check Groupings".
The layout which I build based on table "Invoice Check Groupings" shows all records in Invoice--it does not filter out those with blank values. What am I doing incorrectly?
Layouts show records in a table (or more accurately, a table occurrence) and don't directly deal with related data. As mentioned by #pft221, you can use relationships for filtering, but only when viewing data through a portal.
If you always want a particular layout to show data based on a particular find, you can do so with a script and a script trigger. First set up a script to do the following:
Enter Find Mode[]
Set Field["Invoice Check Grouping"; "*" // Find all records with any data in this field
Perform Find[]
Note that you can also embed the find request within the Perform Find script step, but I tend to script finds in the above manner as it's easier to see what the find request is in the script and variables can be used in the find request.
Now you need to set your layout to execute this script whenever it's loaded. Go to the layout and enter Layout Mode. Select Layouts>Layout Setup from the menu bar. Click the Script Triggers tab and check the box for OnLayoutEnter and select the script you wrote above. Now whenever the layout is entered, that script will run and exclude the records that have that particular field being empty.
There are many ways to filter records, depending on what you are trying to do and what you are trying to display for your users.
The most common and simple way you can filter records is through a simple Find in a list view. I'm unclear from your question, but my best guess is that you're already using a list view and misunderstanding how FileMaker's relationships and Table Occurrences (TO's) work.
To Filter with the "Find Records" method:
Create a new List View layout of any Table Occurrence of your Invoice Table -- most likely you will want to use the default Table Occurrence that FileMaker created for you when you created the table.
Place the fields that you would like to display on that layout, including the "Invoice Check Grouping" field.
Switch into Find Mode
Put a '*' character into the "Invoice Check Grouping" field
Perform the Find
You should now see a list of all Invoices where the "Invoice Check Grouping" field is not blank. (You can find additional interesting search criteria in the "Insert: Operators" drop down of the title bar.)
Now you may actually be looking to filter related records through a portal but, given that you've set up a self-join on the Invoice index on the Invoice table my guess is that, at best, this would show either 0 or 1 record for each Invoice record you display in your main layout.
To Filter Records with the "Portal Filter" method:
Let's assume, though, that you have a Client table where you'd like to see only the records with a non-blank "Invoice Check Grouping" value. The table set-up would be as follows:
Client ID
[... other client info ...]
Invoice ID
Client ID
Invoice Check Grouping
[... other invoice info ...]
With a relationship in the relationships graph:
Client::Client ID ------< Invoice::Client ID
From there you would set up a Form layout on the Client TO and create a portal showing records from the Invoice TO. From the options for the portal you would select "Filter Portal Records" and use a formula similar to:
not IsEmpty(Invoice::Invoice Check Grouping)
Finally, it's worth noting that a portal filter isn't appropriate for all display situations or calculations. You can set up a similar filter completely through your relationships graph (as I believe you have already tried to do.) This will work, once again, for viewing records through a portal but not for the records displayed by a layout itself.
The answers above don't actually help Ben with his question. They are workarounds.
I have the same problem as Ben, and I don't think there is a solution, even now in Filemaker 12. There is I think no way to define a relationship that will omit the related records where the match fields are empty.
Two options come to mind:
On a specific layout, you have more fine-grained control in the portal definition itself, and can use this to exclude the records
You can now use SQL queries to achieve this result within Filemkaer.
