SSRS Action - Go To Report/Cascading Parameter - visual-studio

I have a question to determine if something is possible.
I have a report where the user enters in a client number into the parameter. This parameter is not loaded with available values because the number of unique client numbers is too large. After they enter a client number, they receive a list of that client's matters. Some clients have hundreds of matters.
What I want is for the user to be able to click on a matter and have it take them to a second report, the go to feature, that shows them additional details about that one matter they clicked on. Is that something that's possible? I don't want the user to have to input a matter from a list of values on that second go-to report, so maybe it's possible to have a cascading parameter in the second one that's hidden from the user but auto-populates based on what they clicked?
I'm still trying to get cascading parameters to even work for me, but I'm not even sure where to begin researching what I want to do here. Any guidance on what to look for would he super helpful, or let me know if it's not possible.

Rough guidelines:
create a report that accepts the matter number as a parameter
on the textbox/cell in the original report that the users will be clicking, right click on it and select properties, set action to go to report, and then select the new report and pass the value of matter id to the new report parameter


Sending unnecessary data in one query response or making multiple queries?

I have been working on a project. I always followed this idea. Don't send all the data in one call.
Here is an example,
Suppose there is an API to return all the list of students that can be added to test they need to finish.
So, on UI side every student have one button "add" which will show a pop up if the student is already assigned to take the test. Or it will show a pop up he has already finished the test.
I could join many table and send all the data in one api call while fetchig students. Or
I could send the send the students and then on "add" there is another API to make sure the above mentioned conditioned met.
Which approach is better?
Because If I send all the data in one api call, there might be only few students be assigned the test.
Checking if a student is already assigned or not should happen in the backend, not frontend, and also atomically so as to prevent duplicates - either using a database transaction or a unique constraint.
When the Add button is clicked then in any case a backend call will need to be made (to perform the actual Add). If the add failed, the backend can interpret the "unique constraint violation" database error and return a "student is already assigned" message.
For the rest of the question, the rule is simply: don't fetch more data than is required by the UI.
If the Add button is always shown regardless of whether or not the student is already added, there is no need to retrieve this information beforehand.
But it might be useful to give a visual indication of which students are already added, in that case obviously there's no choice but to retrieve and return this information to the UI.
Fortunately GraphQL is precisely the tool for this job - it makes it possible for the UI to request exactly what information is needed for a given page, without having to code each and every possible query by hand.

Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process

I have a Master Detail form in my Oracle APEX application. When I am trying to update data in this form, I am getting below error.
Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated
update process. current row version identifier =
"26D0923D8A5144D6F483C2B9815D07D3" application row version identifier
= "1749BCD159359424E1EE00AC1C3E3FCB" (Row 1)
I have cleared browser cache and try to update. But it not worked.
How can I solve this?
I have experienced similar problem where my detail records set has timestamp fields. By default master detail wizard creates the timestamp fields as date picker type fields. If you set the date format on these, it would resolve the issue.
This blog post tries to address this issue on a Tabular Form (I know that's not what the original issue was with, but thought it might be related). It says the same as #sangam does below.
Short version: If you have an updated field that's timestamp datatype, you should set a date/time format.
My tabular form has a field that's timestamp datatype, but I had already set a date format, so this didn't help me.
Here's another possibility, which I discovered was the case in my application.
That would be if the data the original checksum was calculated on is truly different than the pre-update checksum calculation, due to a design-flaw in your query!
In my application, the source for one of the updateable fields was COALESCE(name_calced, name_preferred). In the source table, the person's name could already be loaded in the record by an external process and we save it to one field - name_calced. But the end-user can enter a preferred name, which we wanted to save to the name_preferred field. We wanted to initially populate the displayed, updateable tabular form field with name_calced, if one existed, or name_preferred if the user had already provided a preferred name. Then they could change that value and save it back to the database.
I finally discovered that the Save action threw the error message if name_calced was non-null, but name_preferred was null. I realized that the initial checksum was calculated based on name_calced, but the pre-update checksum was based on name_preferred, so the application thought someone had changed the value in the background and showed the error message.
What I don't understand is how this problem didn't show up in the past 3 years the application has been running in production!
My solution is to make the field source only on name_preferred, which immediately solved this problem. I also think the back-end process will also get changed to pre-populate that table field from name_calced, so the user always sees the base value, if there is one.
I just had this issue myself. Now, I realize that tabular forms are deprecated at this time, but I have an application that was developed beforehand and still uses them. This issue occurred and I had to get one of our big guns at Oracle to help me out. I do a lot of DB work and a decent amount of Apex development but I'm more of a Java, WebLogic, etc guy, and I really couldn't figure this one out.
In my case, it turned out to be really simple. One of the columns in my tabular form was a hidden field, generated via a sub query. Being hidden, this column is not editable by the user and should not be part of the MRU update. I had the field set to "Hidden Column (saves states)" and setting its type to "Hidden Column" fixed the issue. So, this leads to sub queries being executed in such a way as to change the checksum for the overall query before hitting submit (save), causing the error.
For those who are continuing to troubleshoot this, look at your query for every field that you have specified and note which columns are editable in the tabular form. All other fields should be set in a way that makes them not save state so that they are not part of the update.
I had this error when I had two update processes processing on submit.
My solution was to add a condition to both processing steps. I had forgotten to do this when I made an additional process for Button A, but I never updated Button B to limit it's behaviors.
Processing -> Processes -> [Your Process Name] -> Server-side Condition -> When Button Pressed = [Your button Name]
In my case I had a column from a secondary table that was not set as Query Only and was being updated! The error would occur trying to save a column not in the table being updated. It took me half a day to figure it out (the column names were the same).
Set your Link column hidden to display only in the form.
Set "Send On Page Submit" to 'No' or disable the link column that is your primary key ( Rownum/rowid/id etc).
Hope it will work for you.
I have noticed this error comes when I was working Tabular Form and has disabled one of the form operations i.e. by setting server-side condition to "Never" for add, apply changes (submit) buttons
When I have restored back to its original state, it worked as expected.
In case you have to hide Add/Update button, use some other option.

OpenERP Report over multiple purchase orders using openoffice / libreoffice

I was able to add a report record for object purchase.order. It shows up when I select and open a specific PO.
How do I print a report over multiple purchase orders, or multiple stock moves, or multiple sales orders etc.?
What do I specify in "object" (model) for the report record and where would this print menu show up?
(I am using aeroo reports engine and I was able to specify a
<for each..> ... </for>
loop but it only prints one record (which is the currently selected PO).
at report template level you have two variables o and objects. the 1st one is present if you have only one item. the second one should be always available and must contains all the selected objects (or the objects that has been filtered trough a custom parser).
TIP: when you have doubt on how to do things... just look at how other modules do.
I. Create your report as it was intended for one object only.
<for each="o in objects"></for> as you define
II. On your OpenERP, go to Settings->Customization->Aeroo Reports->Reports and open the report you've previously created. On the report, click the Advanced tab and enable Process separately then save.
Hope this help to you.

How do you create a report (rdlc) that shows 1 record per page

Having some trouble getting this to work... I basically want the report to look similar to:
The way I remember doing this in the past was by creating "page groups" in the report wizard. However, I believe that was in VS05, and now the report wizard is very different in VS10. It now has column groups and row groups but no page groups, and I can't see how to get this to work without the wizard either. If tried looking for a tutorial or example but haven't had much luck. Also, the site '' is pretty terrible and has not been much help.
To create the effect of one record per page means you need to set a group element to the report. For instance assume you have a database table called "Login" and you wanted to group by a person's login name. Here is what you do:
First add a table to the report like so:
The table can be found in the "Toolbox" on the left hand side of VS2010. Once the table is added you will want to add a group to this table:
After this you will want to go to the properties of the group:
Here you simply can set a page break between each instance of a group, in addition, this will give you a "one record per page".

List of values with multiple return items

List of values, with multiple columns and multiple return values in Apex. It's a question i've seen around the web quite a few times, but i'm struggling with it aswell.
Coming from Oracle Forms, and now migrating forms to Apex, this is a feature i'm missing quite well. It also still baffles me a bit how enormously basic the built-in popup-lov is.
For example, right now i'm making some smaller forms, each having about 4 or 5 multirecord columns, for not much else than having 2 values linked up. Column 1: some value, used in sap for example, column 2: the id of a record in the oracle database (another table than the base table for the block). On column 2 there is an lov, with validate from list, and displays 3 columns, but also returns 3 columns. So you can choose a record from the lov, and automatically, the id will be filled in, aswell as the 'name' and 'description' for said id. Column 1 and column 2 form the base table of the block.
Now, in Apex, i'd loose this functionality by default. So for now, i've mostly coded the onchange event in javascript, and get the values with an ajax callback process. In the popup i concatenate the 3 columns. This however looks stupid (in my most humble opinion) when you want to force the user to pick a value from the lov ('Not Enterable, Show Display Value and Store Return Value'): the item will contain the concatenated value used in the lov, not just the id i'd much rather show - plus, i'll already have my other 2 fields filled in by the ajax callback.
It rather stings a bit to have to deal with this. The users are used to working with these old (headstart generated) forms, with just 2 enterable columns, one of which has an lov. Now they need to start working with this 'new tech', and even though there is some adjustment required, this area does feels a bit archaic at times!
So, i've made it work through an Ajax callback on the onchange event. So, when the value is changed through the lov, extra fields are filled up. This goes together with an after header process, after the automated row fetch, so the values are fetched when the page is loaded (or a user navigates the rows).
I've also written a custom solution, which requires me to create a page with a classic report on it with a search box. I then use this page in an iframe, and pop it up through a modal. When the user selects a record, i return the required returnvalue and a list of displayvalues. This i do through a bunch of javascript, which i've packed in a JS file, and actually requires quite little extra work to do on the pages: include the file on both, make an item with some post element text calling an 'open' procedure, and calling a select-and-close procedure on my lov page. I'm quite considering creating a small item typep plug-in, so i can more easily configure my calling item. Just a couple of buts: i've not actually used this in some forms already, i've engineered this in a testing application after getting frustrated with the standard tool. It would also require the client to maintain this javascript code + remember the config of the 2 items, let alone me writing a small plugin. So i'm hesitant to implement this.
TLDR: if you've been using Apex for a while, and maybe done some forms: how do you actually work with the popups. And if you've known forms: how did you deal with this change?
I'm still struggling - throw me a bone ;)
I haven't used it myself yet but I believe SkillBuilders Super LOV plug-in probably does what you need.
