how do I install a ruby plugin in Powershell? - ruby

I'd like to install the scheduler_daemon plugin. I get to this part of the instructions and I'm stuck.
script/plugin install git://
# Install required gems
gem install daemons rufus-scheduler eventmachine chronic -s
The term 'script/plugin' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function...
Ok, so I preface it with Ruby:
PS>ruby script/plugin install git://
D:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory -- script/plugin (LoadError)
I then tried ruby script/plugin install calendar_helper but got the same error. I tried putting script/plugin in quotes. I tried putting a trailing slash. I tried using http://github.... There are other things I've tried, to no avail.
What do I need to do to install a Ruby plugin via Powershell?

Found it shortly after: rails plugin install git://
The thing I've learned about Rails: any info that isn't on an official Rails site may be very outdated. Go to first, second, then stackoverflow, then the rest of the net.

Before Rails 3
ruby script/plugin install git://
should work, provided you are at the root of your Rails app.
From Rails 3 onwards, this has become rails plugin install


Middleman command not found/ Bundler not working

I'm trying to install middleman. I installed the gem and can see it in my gem list. However, if I enter middleman -v I get the message middleman: command not found.
I tried installing bundler to run middleman with a Gemfile in the project directory using bundle exec middleman. But when I try to run bundle I get the following error:
bash: /usr/bin/bundle: /usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
I'm running ruby v. 2.6 and installed middleman v.4.3.5 on Ubuntu 18.04.
Any help would be very much appreciated; I've wasted half a day trying to solve this and I'm still on high waters!
which ruby gives me /snap/bin/ruby and my path variable is /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/share/rvm/bin. The problem is that ruby is in the snap folder.
I just uninstalled the ruby snap (and snaps in general) and installed "normal" Ruby, which had the correct path (usr/bin/ruby). The middleman installation then worked fine.

Ruby Gems suddenly stopped working on ubuntu 12.04

After a couple of days of not doing pretty much anything on the ubuntu box, I decided to try out some ruby stuff. For this, I wanted to fire up pry. Unfortunately, I was presented with
Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library.
Please gem install rb-readline or recompile Ruby --with-readline.
`require': cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory -
Being quite new to linux in general, I figured I'd just do as it said, and install this rb-readline. The installation passes just fine, but doesnt seem to do anything at all. If I do gem list p, the package just doesn't appear.
So yeah, I just don't know what to do to get it working again, and the only thing I managed to find by searching was related to an installation without rbenv and had something to do with sudo etc.
Any ideas?
Without understanding the problem and following the advice in option 2 of the message:
Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library.
Possible solutions:
* Rebuild Ruby with Readline support using `--with-readline`
* Use the rb-readline gem, which is a pure-Ruby port of Readline <==== Option 2
* Use the pry-coolline gem, a pure-ruby alternative to Readline
I added the gem into the Gemfile (as follows), bundled and pry was then available.
group :development, :test do
gem 'pry'
gem 'rb-readline'
I had this problem too. I am using rbenv and reinstalling ruby via
rbenv install -f 2.2.3
did fixed it for me. Of course you'd put in your respective version. -f forces the installation even though you already have that specific version installed. use rbenv global to find out what version you have installed and set.
I have some problem. But I don't want to add gem 'rb-readline'. So try it...
$ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.8.0.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib
Do a sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev, seems like you're missing the readline shared library that pry is wanting. If it worked before, not sure why the library isn't there anymore.
I ended up doing rbenv uninstall, followed by rbenv install and re-installing all the gems, and got it back to working. Still no idea what caused it in the first place, but it works now.

How do you install pry plugins?

I've read about these great pry plugins (e.g. pry-debugger, pry-stack_explorer), but after nearly 30 minutes of searching, I can't find any documentation on how to install them. I've gone to their github site, the pry wiki and read/watched several tutorials, but there's nothing in there about installation.
Every pry plugin that start with pry- are auto-loaded. You just need to gem install pry-name.
Here is the link about plugins(creating plugins too) and exact quote:
A valid Pry plugin is a gem that has the pry- prefix (such as the
pry-doc gem)
If a Pry plugin is installed (i.e a gem with the pry- prefix is
installed) it will be loaded automatically when a session starts.
Note: pry has special command gem-install gem_name. You should use that command instead of .gem install gem_name in order to work. This (pry)command install and(!) reload gem cache.
If that won't work try installing gems from console then running pry.
ps. you can check installed plugins via pry --installed-plugins(in console) or in pry just type help and it will show you available commands.

How to install Compass on Windows

I have installed Ruby on my system, and now I want to install Compass. But when I execute the gem install compass command, it shows an error like this:
could not find valid gem 'compass' <>=0> in any repositary
And also:
SocketError: getadressinfo: no such host is known.<>
I don't know what the problem is. If I run ruby -v, it shows the Ruby version. So what's the problem with installing Compass?
Can anyone explain this to me properly? I've searched Google, but all I could find was some proxy problem - and I couldn't understand how to set the proxy at all.
I'm using Windows and a company internet connection, so I don't know the username and password of my proxy.
I was behind a proxy and HumberFrench's solution above helped:
Go to Ruby bin folder:
cd c:/Ruby193/bin
And then install compass gem:
gem install compass --http-proxy http://<proxy_adreess>:<port_of_proxy>
Another tip: am on Aptana Studio, so this could be run from within Aptana's terminal.
Cant up-vote so adding this here.
I had the same problem, finally solved it manually.
Goto the rubygems compass page, and download the gem by clicking the Download link. Scroll down and you will see three Runtime Dependencies. Goto each of them and download those gems also. Put all of them in a directory, and try
gem install downloaded_compass_filename
This should solve your problem.
If it gives an repository not found error message, you can force gem to try local files through the gem --local install option
if you use a proxy, and get error, do it
gem install compass --http-proxy http://<proxy_adreess>:<port_of_proxy>
gem install -h gives you a lor of options
The proxy is the most likely cause. You will have to get permission from the network admin, or manually download compass. For more info, See this SA post.
If you decide to go the manual route here is a link to the RubyGems compass page. This not ideal, but also better than having to write css without compass magic ^^
Good luck!
On windows i had a few instalations of ruby:
install compass in both places, using:
gem install compass
Try running the install command in the bin folder.
$ cd C:\Your_Ruby_Folder\bin
$ gem install compass
I have same problem and i resolve it with.
Uninstall ruby end deleted folder ruby
Download ruby version 1.9.x
After thet install sass
last stem: install compass

Rails server command generates error report

When I used rails server command, found following errors in terminal. It shows that "could not find a JavaScript runtime". I am newbie in ROR and don't know to configure different files. I Google and found solutions of this problem 1 2 3. Still I am not getting the things. Please suggest some solutions.
Ruby and Rail versions on my system
Ruby version:- ruby 1.8.7 , Rails version:- Rails 3.2.6
I suppose you lack executable on your system/
Haven't you try to run gem install execjs or bundle install(from your project directory) in console?
Also visit execjs homepage and try instaling any of JS runtimes supported.
I was able to reproduce your error (with ruby 1.9.2). Just add gem 'therubyracer' to your Gemfile and run bundle install. For some weird reason ROR is not working out of the box on Ubuntu. See this and search for runtime word for more info.
Please put your Gemfile here. This might help.
The error message also tells your to
See for a list of available runtimes.
You have to install one of the JavaScript runtimes listed there:
Microsoft Windows Script Host
For Rails 3.2.6 I suggest to use Ruby 1.9.3. for better performance.
