Weird character zsh in emacs terminal - macos

When using the terminal in emacs (M-x term) under MacOS for some reason it always posts the characters 4m before every line in zsh and always prints 2 lines containing the user info such as
It's more of an annoyance than anything but I was just wondering if there's a way to fix this. I also seem to have issues in Zsh in Mac OS emacs terminal mode when a lot of output is written to it it seems to reduce it all to one line and constantly overwrite the same line (may be related as the 4m is possibly just a special character that emacs is treating differently which can affect formatting).
If need be I can post my .zshrc and .emacs files.

You don't have eterm-color terminfo.
First, you try to add following S-exp in your configuration file and evaluate.
;; Use Emacs terminfo, not system terminfo
(setq system-uses-terminfo nil)
If problem is not resolved previous setting, you should create eterm-color terminfo
by using following command. (terminfo path may different from your system)
# If you use Cocoa Emacs or Carbon Emacs
tic -o ~/.terminfo /Applications/

I needed to set the following environment variables in my ~/.zshrc
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export TERM=xterm-256color

This installed eterm-color.ti for me on OSX Mavericks 10.9.5:
Upload eterm-color.ti to /tmp on the remote OSX server.
Run the command sudo tic -o /usr/share/terminfo /tmp/eterm-color.ti on the server.
In my case, this put a file eterm-color in the directory /usr/share/terminfo/65/


How to get the mac terminal to be using UTF-8 encoding on the new macs?

i have searched other answers to this question and they all say to edit the .zshrc or .profile files however these do not exist on my system even with hidden files shown.
I have a feeling there is a different solution for the new M1 macs, maybe these files have a new location
trying to run a pod install on an ionic capacitor project and receiving this error:
WARNING: CocoaPods requires your terminal to be using UTF-8 encoding.
Consider adding the following to ~/.profile:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
does anyone have an idea?
thank you in advance!
nb ive been on this problem for two days
.zshrc and .profile only exist if someone creates them. You do that in Terminal with
touch ~/.zshrc
touch ~/.profile
Check what shell you are using. In Terminal
echo $SHELL
It is recommended to use the Z shell, you change this with
chsh -s /bin/zsh
and then you need to restart Terminal for it to take effect. I think with the Z shell .profile may be ignored, and only .zshrc may be used.
Quite likely there is no real change how the M1 Macs work compared to Intel Macs; you just created these files on your old Mac many years ago and have all forgotten about it.

-bash: emacs.profile: command not found

I am trying to resolve this issue and trying to get it work. What are all the steps of the solution? I really don't know what to do on my Mac terminal
-bash: emacs.profile: command not found
What are you trying to accomplish? If you're trying to open a file named .profile with emacs you'll want to add a space between the command emacs and the file .profile:
$ emacs .profile
If you are typing emacs.profile you will get an error because you are mixing together the command emacs and the file you are trying to edit: .profile. Therefore the solution would be to add a space between them like someone suggested: $ emacs .profile.
On the other hand, if you are typing emacs .profile and you are still getting: -bash: emacs: command not found, this means that you haven't installed emacs yet and your system doesn't recognize that instruction.
Emacs is a very popular text editor and is widely used by technical users, but it is not installed by default.
Solution 1:
If you want to edit a file (in this case ~/.profile) you don't need emacs to do so, you could just use a normal text editor or a pre-installed text editor using your terminal like:
$ vi ~/.profile or $ nano ~/.profile
(Guide to use Vi/Vim text editors) (Guide to use Nano).
Solution 2:
If you want to install emacs to edit that file, you can do so using brew:
$ brew update
$ brew install emacs
And after that you can use:
$ emacs ~/.profile
You can find other ways to install emacs here.
Important Note:
One important thing to consider in this example, is that if you are trying to edit the .profile file (i.e. to set an exported environment variable) you should know that the name of the .profile file might vary from one Mac system to another. The name of this profile configuration file depends on the shell of your system, if you are using bash the name of this profile will be .bashrc or .bash_profile.
Before editing your profile file make sure what is the name of the profile file you are trying to edit. To do so, you can use:
$ cd $HOME
to go to the Home folder and then use:
$ ls -al
to see hidden files (These files starting with . are hidden files). You will find the profile file of your system there.

Set path to applications for vim on mac capitan

I have used vim to make small scripts in python and typesetting things in LaTeX. So it is very useful to run applications from vim by typing :!python or :!pdflatex etcetera. But after upgrading to el capitan, this seems not to work anymore, get message like /bin/bash: pdflatex: command not found. But the funny thing is that it is possible to run the applications directly from terminal. Anyone that know how to set the correct that for vim as well?
$PATH variable not properly set in gvim/MacVim when it is opened from the finder
first check :!echo $SHELL and see if SHELL is set to bash or not
then try to set your path in your ~/.bash_profile?
export PATH=<dir_contains_pdflatex>:$PATH

Can't seem to change default editor in OSX Lion terminal

I can't seem to change the default bash editor in OSX Lion terminal.
I've tried setting:
export EDITOR='<editor symlink with parameter>'
in both ~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile . The symlink is subl, and the parameter is -w.
from the prompt it is:
subl -w
I have restarted terminal after each but every time I enter:
it opens TextWrangler (not the editor I've set). I've tried opening the symlink from the command line with no problem. I realize that I should probably just get used to typing the symlink, but the anal side of me wants to know why I can't set the default editor.
Any help with this trivial problem would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
I'm not even sure what edit command is. i don't have in on my Mac OS X Lion. Whatever it is, sounds like it ignores the EDITOR env variable and uses your MacOS X application settings.
What you want can be accomplished with the alias shell command though:
alias edit=/path/to/vim

OS X Terminal UTF-8 issues

Okay, so I finally got myself a MacBook Air after 15 years of linux. And before I got it my big concern was UTF-8 support because no matter if I get files sent to me from windows or mac-clients theres always issues with encoding, while on ubuntu I can be sure that all output no matter what program will produce perfect utf-8 encoded data.
And now on my second day (today) with OS X Im tearing my hair of by frustration. Why?
When I open Nano and type some swedish characters like ÅÄÖ in it, it puts out blank characters at the end of the line (which i guess is the other byte in each character)
When I open python and try using swedish characters, it does not output anything at all
When I connect to a Ubuntu server trough SSH I cant type åäö in bash, tough it works in VIM (still trough SSH). And in nano backspace does not work, but if check the box "Delete sends ctrl+H" in the Terminal preferences, backspace starts working in nano but stops working in VIM.
I've tried unchecking all other encodings then UTF-8 in terminal preferences but that does not seem to work either.
I'm sure that every non US-person must have the same issues, so hove do I fix them? I just want full UTF-8 support... :'(
For me, this helped:
I checked locale on my local shell in terminal
$ locale
Then connected to any remote host I am using via ssh and edited file /etc/profile as root - at the end I added line:
export LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8
After next connection it works fine in bash, ls and nano.
Go to Terminal -> Preferences -> Advanced (Tab) go down to International and select Unicode (UTF-8) as Character Encoding.
And tick Set locale environment variables on startup.
Unfortunately, the Preferences dialog is not always very helpful, but by tweaking around you should be able to get everything working.
To be able to type Swedish characters in Terminal, add the following lines to your ~/.inputrc (most likely you must create this file):
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off
This should do the work both with utf8 and other codings in bash, nano and many other programs. Some programs, like tmux, also depends on the locale. Then, adding for instance export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 to your ~/.profile file should help, but keep in mind that a few (mainly obscure) programs require a standard locale, so if you have trouble running or compiling a program, try going back to LC_ALL=C.
Some references that may be helpful:
The following is a summary of what you need to do under OS X Mavericks (10.9). This is all summarized in
Go to Terminal->Preferences->Settings->Advanced.
Under International, make sure the character encoding is set to Unicode (UTF-8).
Also, and this is key: under Emulation, make sure that Escape non-ASCII input with Control-V is unchecked (i.e. is not set).
These two settings fix things for Terminal.
Make sure your locale is set to something that ends in .UTF-8. Type locale and look at the LC_CTYPE line. If it doesn't say something like en_US.UTF-8 (the stuff before the dot might change if you are using a non-US-English locale), then in your Bash .profile or .bashrc in your home directory, add a line like this:
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
This will fix things for command-line programs in general.
Add the following lines to .inputrc in your home directory (create it if necessary):
set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off
This makes Bash be eight-bit clean, so it will pass UTF-8 characters in and out without messing with them.
Keep in mind you will have to restart Bash (e.g. close and reopen the Terminal window) to get it to pay attention to all the settings you make in 2 and 3 above.
Short versatile answer (fits to other national languages, even Lithuanian or Russian)
open Terminal
edit .profile in home directory - nano .profile or in Catalina or newer nano .zshenv
add line export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
press Ctrl+x and Y (exit and save)
This solved for me even small country rare national characters. You may need to close and open Terminal to make changes effective.
Also if you like Linux behavior (use lot of Alt shortcuts like Alt+. or Alt+, in mc) then you should disable Mac style Option key function:
Terminal->Preferences->Profiles->Keyboard and check box:
Use Option as Meta key
To make nano work as you want it to, try:
export LANG="UTF-8"
Or get a newer version of nano via MacPorts:
# cf.
port info nano
port variants nano
sudo port install nano +utf8 +color +no_wrap
With respect to ssh & UTF-8 issues comment out SendEnv LANG LC_* in /etc/ssh_config.
See: Terminal in OS X Lion: can't write åäö on remote machine
My terminal was just acting silly, not printing out åäö. I found (and set) this setting:
Under Terminal -> Preferences... -> Profiles -> Advanced.
Seems to have fixed my problem.
Check whether nano was actually built with UTF-8 support, using nano --version. Here it is on Cygwin:
nano --version
GNU nano version 2.2.5 (compiled 21:04:20, Nov 3 2010)
(C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Email: Web:
Compiled options: --enable-color --enable-extra --enable-multibuffer
--enable-nanorc --enable-utf8
Note the last bit.
Since nano is a terminal application. I guess it's more a terminal problem than a nano problem.
I met similar problems at OS X (I cannot input and view the Chinese characters at terminal).
I tried tweaking the system setting through OS X UI whose real effect is change the environment variable LANG.
So finally I just add some stuff into the ~/.bashrc to fix the problem.
# I'm Chinese and I prefer English manual
export LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_MONETARY="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LC_NUMERIC="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LC_TIME="zh_CN.UTF-8"
BTW, don't set LC_ALL which will override all the other LC_* settings.
Having a Powerline compatible font installed
Setting these ENV vars in .zshrc or .bashrc:
Just add a file on remote server
$ sudo nano /etc/environment
PS: Top answer has a suggestion to change /etc/profile file on remote server, it works, but this file is often overwritten by system, and doesn't help for long.
/etc/profile file contains disclaimer:
It's NOT a good idea to change this file unless you know what you are doing. It's much better to create a shell script in /etc/profile.d/ to make custom changes to your environment, as this will prevent the need for merging in future updates.
In my case, simply using the uxterm command instead of xterm solved the problem. It's available in /opt/X11/bin/uxterm by installing the XQuartz package provided by Apple.
