Viewfinder Alignment - algorithm

Is there anyone who worked with Viewfinder Alignment method? The first step (Edge Detection) is more or less understandable. It's written that "to extract edges we take the squared gradient of the image in four equally spaced directions: horizontal, vertical, and the two diagonal directions." (1). And "we then perform an integral projection of each gradient image in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the gradient" (2). For horizontal direction I implemented that algorithm this way:
function pl = horgrad(a)
[h,w] = size(a);
b = uint8(zeros(h,w));
for i = 1 : h
for j = 2 : w
% abs() instead of squaring
b(i,j) = abs(a(i,j) - a(i,j-1)); % (1)
pl = sum(b); % (2)
The real problem for me is the second step: Edge Alignment. What mean px[i]1, py[i]1, pu[i]1 and pv[i]1? Why are they equal to 1? How does i-counter change?

As I understand the algorithm, px, py, pu and pv are integral projections into each of 4 directions. So, px is pl in your code. px[i]0 is every point in this vector - pl(i) in the code. px[i]1 is to get total number of points used to generate the projection (normalization coefficient?). So the sum of all px[i]1 will be the image height h. For other direction it's similar.
Repeating my comment to your question, for better performance you should try to avoid loops, specially nested loops, specially when it is as easy as in your case:


In a restricted space with n dimension, how to find the coordinates of p points, so that they are as far as possible from each other?

For example, in a 2D space, with x [0 ; 1] and y [0 ; 1]. For p = 4, intuitively, I will place each point at each corner of the square.
But what can be the general algorithm?
Edit: The algorithm needs modification if dimensions are not orthogonal to eachother
To uniformly place the points as described in your example you could do something like this:
var combinedSize = 0
for each dimension d in d0..dn {
combinedSize += d.length;
val listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension = new List
for each d dimension d0..dn {
val percentageOfWholeDimensionSize = d.length/combinedSize
val pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension = percentageOfWholeDimensionSize * numberOfPoints
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[d.index] = d.length/(pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension - 1)
Run on your example it gives:
combinedSize = 2
percentageOfWholeDimensionSize = 1 / 2
pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension = 0.5 * 4
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[0] = 1 / (2 - 1)
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[1] = 1 / (2 - 1)
note: The minus 1 deals with the inclusive interval, allowing points at both endpoints of the dimension
2D case
In 2D (n=2) the solution is to place your p points evenly on some circle. If you want also to define the distance d between points then the circle should have radius around:
2*Pi*r = ~p*d
r = ~(p*d)/(2*Pi)
To be more precise you should use circumference of regular p-point polygon instead of circle circumference (I am too lazy to do that). Or you can compute the distance of produced points and scale up/down as needed instead.
So each point p(i) can be defined as:
p(i).x = r*cos((i*2.0*Pi)/p)
p(i).y = r*sin((i*2.0*Pi)/p)
3D case
Just use sphere instead of circle.
ND case
Use ND hypersphere instead of circle.
So your question boils down to place p "equidistant" points to a n-D hypersphere (either surface or volume). As you can see 2D case is simple, but in 3D this starts to be a problem. See:
Make a sphere with equidistant vertices
sphere subdivision triangulation
As you can see there are quite a few approaches to do this (there are much more of them even using Fibonacci sequence generated spiral) which are more or less hard to grasp or implement.
However If you want to generalize this into ND space you need to chose general approach. I would try to do something like this:
Place p uniformly distributed place inside bounding hypersphere
each point should have position,velocity and acceleration vectors. You can also place the points randomly (just ensure none are at the same position)...
For each p compute acceleration
each p should retract any other point (opposite of gravity).
update position
just do a Newton D'Alembert physics simulation in ND. Do not forget to include some dampening of speed so the simulation will stop in time. Bound the position and speed to the sphere so points will not cross it's border nor they would reflect the speed inwards.
loop #2 until max speed of any p crosses some threshold
This will more or less accurately place p points on the circumference of ND hypersphere. So you got minimal distance d between them. If you got some special dependency between n and p then there might be better configurations then this but for arbitrary numbers I think this approach should be safe enough.
Now by modifying #2 rules you can achieve 2 different outcomes. One filling hypersphere surface (by placing massive negative mass into center of surface) and second filling its volume. For these two options also the radius will be different. For one you need to use surface and for the other volume...
Here example of similar simulation used to solve a geometry problem:
How to implement a constraint solver for 2-D geometry?
Here preview of 3D surface case:
The number on top is the max abs speed of particles used to determine the simulations stopped and the white-ish lines are speed vectors. You need to carefully select the acceleration and dampening coefficients so the simulation is fast ...

Finding the length of 3 rectangles so that they share one corner to form a triangle, given a common width and 3 points

Hi sorry for the confusing title.
I'm trying to make a race track using points. I want to draw 3 rectangles which form my roads. However I don't want these rectangles to overlap, I want to leave an empty space between them to place my corners (triangles) meaning they only intersect at a single point. Since the roads have a common width I know the width of the rectangles.
I know the coordinates of the points A, B and C and therefore their length and the angles between them. From this I think I can say that the angles of the yellow triangle are the same as those of the outer triangle. From there I can work out the lengths of the sides of the blue triangles. However I don't know how to find the coordinates of the points of the blue triangles or the length of the sides of the yellow triangle and therefore the rectangles.
This is an X-Y problem (asking us how to accomplish X because you think it would help you solve a problem Y better solved another way), but luckily you gave us Y so I can just answer that.
What you should do is find the lines that are the edges of the roads, figure out where they intersect, and proceed to calculate everything else from that.
First, given 2 points P and Q, we can write down the line between them in parameterized form as f(t) = P + t(Q - P). Note that Q - P = v is the vector representing the direction of the line.
Second, given a vector v = (x_v, y_v) the vector (y_v, -x_v) is at right angles to it. Divide by its length sqrt(x_v**2 + y_v**2) and you have a unit vector at right angles to the first. Project P and Q a distance d along this vector, and you've got 2 points on a parallel line at distance d from your original line.
There are two such parallel lines. Given a point on the line and a point off of the line, the sign of the dot product of your normal vector with the vector between those two lines tells you whether you've found the parallel line on the same side as the other, or on the opposite side.
You just need to figure out where they intersect. But figuring out where lines P1 + t*v1 and P2 + s*v2 intersect can be done by setting up 2 equations in 2 variables and solving that. Which calculation you can carry out.
And now you have sufficient information to calculate the edges of the roads, which edges are inside, and every intersection in your diagram. Which lets you figure out anything else that you need.
Slightly different approach with a bit of trigonometry:
Define vectors
b = B - A
c = C - A
uB = Normalized(b)
uC = Normalized(c)
Alpha = atan2(CrossProduct(b, c), DotProduct(b,c))
HalfA = Alpha / 2
HalfW = Width / 2
uB_Perp = (-uB.Y, ub.X) //unit vector, perpendicular to b
//now calculate points:
P1 = A + HalfW * (uB * ctg(HalfA) + uB_Perp) //outer blue triangle vertice
P2 = A + HalfW * (uB * ctg(HalfA) - uB_Perp) //inner blue triangle vertice, lies on bisector
(I did not consider extra case of too large width)

Determine whether the direction of a line segment is clockwise or anti clockwise

I have a list of 2D points (x1,y1),(x2,y2)......(Xn,Yn) representing a curved segment, is there any formula to determine whether the direction of drawing that segment is clockwise or anti clockwise ?
any help is appreciated
Alternately, you can use a bit of linear algebra. If you have three points a, b, and c, in that order, then do the following:
1) create the vectors u = (b-a) = (b.x-a.x,b.y-a.y) and v = (c-b) ...
2) calculate the cross product uxv = u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x
3) if uxv is -ve then a-b-c is curving in clockwise direction (and vice-versa).
by following a longer curve along in the same manner, you can even detect when as 's'-shaped curve changes from clockwise to anticlockwise, if that is useful.
One possible approach. It should work reasonably well if the sampling of the line represented by your list of points is uniform and smooth enough, and if the line is sufficiently simple.
Subtract the mean to "center" the line.
Convert to polar coordinates to get the angle.
Unwrap the angle, to make sure its increments are meaningful.
Check if total increment is possitive or negative.
I'm assuming you have the data in x and y vectors.
theta = cart2pol(x-mean(x), y-mean(y)); %// steps 1 and 2
theta = unwrap(theta); %// step 3
clockwise = theta(end)<theta(1); %// step 4. Gives 1 if CW, 0 if ACW
This only considers the integrated effect of all points. It doesn't tell you if there are "kinks" or sections with different directions of turn along the way.
A possible improvement would be to replace the average of x and y by some kind of integral. The reason is: if sampling is denser in a region the average will be biased towards that, whereas the integral wouldn't.
Now this is my approach, as mentioned in a comment to the question -
Another approach: draw a line from starting point to ending point. This line is indeed a vector. A CW curve has most of its part on RHS of this line. For CCW, left.
I wrote a sample code to elaborate this idea. Most of the explanation can be found in comments in the code.
clear;clc;close all
%% draw a spiral curve
N = 30;
theta = linspace(0,pi/2,N); % a CCW curve
rho = linspace(1,.5,N);
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta,rho);
clearvars theta rho N
hold on
%% find "the vector"
vec(:,:,1) = [x(1), y(1); x(end), y(end)]; % "the vector"
scatter(x(1),y(1), 200,'s','r','fill') % square is the starting point
scatter(x(end),y(end), 200,'^','r','fill') % triangle is the ending point
line(vec(:,1,1), vec(:,2,1), 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'r')
%% find center of mass
com = [mean(x), mean(y)]; % center of mass
vec(:,:,2) = [x(1), y(1); com]; % secondary vector (start -> com)
scatter(com(1), com(2), 200,'d','k','fill') % diamond is the com
line(vec(:,1,2), vec(:,2,2), 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'k')
%% find rotation angle
dif = diff(vec,1,1);
[ang, ~] = cart2pol(reshape(dif(1,1,:),1,[]), reshape(dif(1,2,:),1,[]));
clearvars dif
% now you can tell the answer by the rotation angle
if ( diff(ang)>0 )
One can always tell on which side of the directed line (the vector) a point is, by comparing two vectors, namely, rotating vector [starting point -> center of mass] to the vector [starting point -> ending point], and then comparing the rotation angle to 0. A few seconds of mind-animating can help understand.

Calculating translation value and rotation angle of a rotated 2D image

I have two images which one of them is the Original image and the second one is Transformed image.
I have to find out how many degrees Transformed image was rotated using 3x3 transformation matrix. Plus, I need to find how far translated from origin.
Both images are grayscaled and held in matrix variables. Their sizes are same [350 500].
I have found a few lecture notes like this.
Lecture notes say that I should use the following matrix formula for rotation:
For translation matrix the formula is given:
Everything is good. But there are two problems:
I could not imagine how to implement the formulas using MATLAB.
The formulas are shaped to find x',y' values but I already have got x,x',y,y' values. I need to find rotation angle (theta) and tx and ty.
I want to know the equivailence of x, x', y, y' in the the matrix.
I have got the following code:
rotationMatrix = [ cos(theta) sin(theta) 0 ; ...
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 ; ...
0 0 1];
translationMatrix = [ 1 0 tx; ...
0 1 ty; ...
0 0 1];
But as you can see, tx, ty, theta variables are not defined before used. How can I calculate theta, tx and ty?
PS: It is forbidden to use Image Processing Toolbox functions.
This is essentially a homography recovery problem. What you are doing is given co-ordinates in one image and the corresponding co-ordinates in the other image, you are trying to recover the combined translation and rotation matrix that was used to warp the points from the one image to the other.
You can essentially combine the rotation and translation into a single matrix by multiplying the two matrices together. Multiplying is simply compositing the two operations together. You would this get:
H = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) tx]
[sin(theta) cos(theta) ty]
[ 0 0 1]
The idea behind this is to find the parameters by minimizing the error through least squares between each pair of points.
Basically, what you want to find is the following relationship:
xi_after = H*xi_before
H is the combined rotation and translation matrix required to map the co-ordinates from the one image to the other. H is also a 3 x 3 matrix, and knowing that the lower right entry (row 3, column 3) is 1, it makes things easier. Also, assuming that your points are in the augmented co-ordinate system, we essentially want to find this relationship for each pair of co-ordinates from the first image (x_i, y_i) to the other (x_i', y_i'):
[p_i*x_i'] [h11 h12 h13] [x_i]
[p_i*y_i'] = [h21 h22 h23] * [y_i]
[ p_i ] [h31 h32 1 ] [ 1 ]
The scale of p_i is to account for homography scaling and vanishing points. Let's perform a matrix-vector multiplication of this equation. We can ignore the 3rd element as it isn't useful to us (for now):
p_i*x_i' = h11*x_i + h12*y_i + h13
p_i*y_i' = h21*x_i + h22*y_i + h23
Now let's take a look at the 3rd element. We know that p_i = h31*x_i + h32*y_i + 1. As such, substituting p_i into each of the equations, and rearranging to solve for x_i' and y_i', we thus get:
x_i' = h11*x_i + h12*y_i + h13 - h31*x_i*x_i' - h32*y_i*x_i'
y_i' = h21*x_i + h22*y_i + h23 - h31*x_i*y_i' - h32*y_i*y_i'
What you have here now are two equations for each unique pair of points. What we can do now is build an over-determined system of equations. Take each pair and build two equations out of them. You will then put it into matrix form, i.e.:
Ah = b
A would be a matrix of coefficients that were built from each set of equations using the co-ordinates from the first image, b would be each pair of points for the second image and h would be the parameters you are solving for. Ultimately, you are finally solving this linear system of equations reformulated in matrix form:
You would solve for the vector h which can be performed through least squares. In MATLAB, you can do this via:
h = A \ b;
A sidenote for you: If the movement between images is truly just a rotation and translation, then h31 and h32 will both be zero after we solve for the parameters. However, I always like to be thorough and so I will solve for h31 and h32 anyway.
NB: This method will only work if you have at least 4 unique pairs of points. Because there are 8 parameters to solve for, and there are 2 equations per point, A must have at least a rank of 8 in order for the system to be consistent (if you want to throw in some linear algebra terminology in the loop). You will not be able to solve this problem if you have less than 4 points.
If you want some MATLAB code, let's assume that your points are stored in sourcePoints and targetPoints. sourcePoints are from the first image and targetPoints are for the second image. Obviously, there should be the same number of points between both images. It is assumed that both sourcePoints and targetPoints are stored as M x 2 matrices. The first columns contain your x co-ordinates while the second columns contain your y co-ordinates.
numPoints = size(sourcePoints, 1);
%// Cast data to double to be sure
sourcePoints = double(sourcePoints);
targetPoints = double(targetPoints);
%//Extract relevant data
xSource = sourcePoints(:,1);
ySource = sourcePoints(:,2);
xTarget = targetPoints(:,1);
yTarget = targetPoints(:,2);
%//Create helper vectors
vec0 = zeros(numPoints, 1);
vec1 = ones(numPoints, 1);
xSourcexTarget = -xSource.*xTarget;
ySourcexTarget = -ySource.*xTarget;
xSourceyTarget = -xSource.*yTarget;
ySourceyTarget = -ySource.*yTarget;
%//Build matrix
A = [xSource ySource vec1 vec0 vec0 vec0 xSourcexTarget ySourcexTarget; ...
vec0 vec0 vec0 xSource ySource vec1 xSourceyTarget ySourceyTarget];
%//Build RHS vector
b = [xTarget; yTarget];
%//Solve homography by least squares
h = A \ b;
%// Reshape to a 3 x 3 matrix (optional)
%// Must transpose as reshape is performed
%// in column major format
h(9) = 1; %// Add in that h33 is 1 before we reshape
hmatrix = reshape(h, 3, 3)';
Once you are finished, you have a combined rotation and translation matrix. If you want the x and y translations, simply pick off column 3, rows 1 and 2 in hmatrix. However, we can also work with the vector of h itself, and so h13 would be element 3, and h23 would be element number 6. If you want the angle of rotation, simply take the appropriate inverse trigonometric function to rows 1, 2 and columns 1, 2. For the h vector, this would be elements 1, 2, 4 and 5. There will be a bit of inconsistency depending on which elements you choose as this was solved by least squares. One way to get a good overall angle would perhaps be to find the angles of all 4 elements then do some sort of average. Either way, this is a good starting point.
I learned about homography a while ago through Leow Wee Kheng's Computer Vision course. What I have told you is based on his slides: Take a look at slides 30-32 if you want to know where I pulled this material from. However, the MATLAB code I wrote myself :)

Generating random points within a hexagon for procedural game content

I'm using procedural techniques to generate graphics for a game I am writing.
To generate some woods I would like to scatter trees randomly within a regular hexagonal area centred at <0,0>.
What is the best way to generate these points in a uniform way?
If you can find a good rectangular bounding box for your hexagon, the easiest way to generate uniformly random points is by rejection sampling (
That is, find a rectangle that entirely contains your hexagon, and then generate uniformly random points within the rectangle (this is easy, just independently generate random values for each coordinate in the right range). Check if the random point falls within the hexagon. If yes, keep it. If no, draw another point.
So long as you can find a good bounding box (the area of the rectangle should not be more than a constant factor larger than the area of the hexagon it encloses), this will be extremely fast.
A possibly simple way is the following:
F ____ B
/\ /\
A /__\/__\ E
\ /\ /
Consider the parallelograms ADCO (center is O) and AOBF.
Any point in this can be written as a linear combination of two vectors AO and AF.
An point P in those two parallelograms satisfies
P = x* AO + y * AF or xAO + yAD.
where 0 <= x < 1 and 0 <= y <= 1 (we discount the edges shared with BECO).
Similarly any point Q in the parallelogram BECO can be written as the linear combination of vectors BO and BE such that
Q = xBO + yBE where 0 <=x <=1 and 0 <=y <= 1.
Thus to select a random point
we select
A with probability 2/3 and B with probability 1/3.
If you selected A, select x in [0,1) (note, half-open interval [0,1)) and y in [-1,1] and choose point P = xAO+yAF if y > 0 else choose P = x*AO + |y|*AD.
If you selected B, select x in [0,1] and y in [0,1] and choose point Q = xBO + yBE.
So it will take three random number calls to select one point, which might be good enough, depending on your situation.
If it's a regular hexagon, the simplest method that comes to mind is to divide it into three rhombuses. That way (a) they have the same area, and (b) you can pick a random point in any one rhombus with two random variables from 0 to 1. Here is a Python code that works.
from math import sqrt
from random import randrange, random
from matplotlib import pyplot
vectors = [(-1.,0),(.5,sqrt(3.)/2.),(.5,-sqrt(3.)/2.)]
def randinunithex():
x = randrange(3);
(v1,v2) = (vectors[x], vectors[(x+1)%3])
(x,y) = (random(),random())
return (x*v1[0]+y*v2[0],x*v1[1]+y*v2[1])
for n in xrange(500):
v = randinunithex()
A couple of people in the discussion raised the question of uniformly sampling a discrete version of the hexagon. The most natural discretization is with a triangular lattice, and there is a version of the above solution that still works. You can trim the rhombuses a little bit so that they each contain the same number of points. They only miss the origin, which has to be allowed separately as a special case. Here is a code for that:
from math import sqrt
from random import randrange, random
from matplotlib import pyplot
size = 10
vectors = [(-1.,0),(.5,sqrt(3.)/2.),(.5,-sqrt(3.)/2.)]
def randinunithex():
if not randrange(3*size*size+1): return (0,0)
t = randrange(3);
(v1,v2) = (vectors[t], vectors[(t+1)%3])
(x,y) = (randrange(0,size),randrange(1,size))
return (x*v1[0]+y*v2[0],x*v1[1]+y*v2[1])
# Plot 500 random points in the hexagon
for n in xrange(500):
v = randinunithex()
# Show the trimmed rhombuses
for t in xrange(3):
(v1,v2) = (vectors[t], vectors[(t+1)%3])
corners = [(0,1),(0,size-1),(size-1,size-1),(size-1,1),(0,1)]
corners = [(x*v1[0]+y*v2[0],x*v1[1]+y*v2[1]) for (x,y) in corners]
pyplot.plot([x for (x,y) in corners],[y for (x,y) in corners],'b')
And here is a picture.
alt text
The traditional approach (applicable to regions of any polygonal shape) is to perform trapezoidal decomposition of your original hexagon. Once that is done, you can select your random points through the following two-step process:
1) Select a random trapezoid from the decomposition. Each trapezoid is selected with probability proportional to its area.
2) Select a random point uniformly in the trapezoid chosen on step 1.
You can use triangulation instead of trapezoidal decomposition, if you prefer to do so.
Chop it up into six triangles (hence this applies to any regular polygon), randomly choose one triangle, and randomly choose a point in the selected triangle.
Choosing random points in a triangle is a well-documented problem.
And of course, this is quite fast and you'll only have to generate 3 random numbers per point --- no rejection, etc.
Since you will have to generate two random numbers, this is how you do it:
R = random(); //Generate a random number called R between 0-1
S = random(); //Generate a random number called S between 0-1
if(R + S >=1)
R = 1 – R;
S = 1 – S;
You may check my 2009 paper, where I derived an "exact" approach to generate "random points" inside different lattice shapes: "hexagonal", "rhombus", and "triangular". As far as I know it is the "most optimized approach" because for every 2D position you only need two random samples. Other works derived earlier require 3 samples for each 2D position!
Hope this answers the question!
1) make biection from points to numbers (just enumerate them), get random number -> get point.
Another solution.
2) if N - length of hexagon's side, get 3 random numbers from [1..N], start from some corner and move 3 times with this numbers for 3 directions.
The rejection sampling solution above is intuitive and simple, but uses a rectangle, and (presumably) euclidean, X/Y coordinates. You could make this slightly more efficient (though still suboptimal) by using a circle with radius r, and generate random points using polar coordinates from the center instead, where distance would be rand()*r, and theta (in radians) would be rand()*2*PI.
