Auto Update application - windows

I'm looking for a solution (better if Open Source) to allow me add Auto Update functionality to my Windows applications. I should be able to detect new versions and automatically download the new version from a server, then uninstall the old version and install the new one.
Thanks in advance,

The only library I know of for Windows is WinSparke (, which is based off the popular Sparkle framework on the Mac (
But then again, I do not dabble in Windows all too much anymore. There might be better alternatives now, but I'd personally try WinSparkle.

this is not applicable in all situations, but there are also some package managers for Windows you can use. I'd of course recommend Npackd :-)


how do I uninstall Xcode 5.1.1 completely?

i'm running mavericks and want to remove Xcode 5.1.1 so i can use more powerful tools. I see that there are some bloatware programs out there for uninstalling Xcode 5.1.1 but none of them really seem credible. Please help!
A Mac application I can recommend (since I am using it myself) is CleanMyMac. It has several cleaning features and also the deinstallation of applications is possible.
It is paid, however there is a trial version and if you only need it once then that should work.
[Note: I do not have any relation with the product if people may doubt, I just like and recommend it since it really does what it should and fits your needs.]
Hope that helps :)
I've had good luck using this application for complete removal: (I'm not affiliated with them. It's just a good tool.)

Fastest/easiest way to build a WebKit based Windows application?

I am a web developer. I don't know how to build native Windows applications. I recently built a Mac desktop application (using MacRuby) which is a WebKit wrapper around one of my web applications. I'd like to do the same thing for Windows (preferably in Ruby, but whatever is easiest).
Since this is not the core of the application, I'd rather not spend a lot of time trying to build and maintain it. I just need a Windows application that can:
Open a specific website on application launch using an embedded WebKit WebView
Trigger Growl notifications via JavaScript (with some sort of named bridge)
What is the easiest, fastest, cleanest way to do this?
Update: So far I've come across some frameworks like Qt and Awesomium. I don't know how these frameworks compare to other options available, so if you have any opinions or advice, I would appreciate it.
Check out it's built with NodeJS at its core! And it uses chromium webkit at it's core :D
Well, this is a very old question, but if you are still interested...
I'd recommend Qt. There are some very good books available with a lot of boilerplate code and wizard-type tools. You will be able to find example code demonstrating the embedded Webkit that you can modify to suit your needs. It is free and redistribution is free (last I knew). You won't have to know anything about native Windows development, nor even use any native Windows dev tools.
Good luck!

How do I use the new PowerManagement Functions together with the Qt Framework?

In Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced new functions for power management in the Windows API.
These are usually included by #include <PowrProf.h>. The Problem is, that the Qt SDK 2010.05 uses MinGW with an outdated version of PowrProf.h. That’s why you cannot, for example, use the function PowerEnumerate.
Which would be the proper way to make the Qt SDK ‘speak’ the new functionality?
Thank You,
I know it's not the easiest solution, but you could always download the Windows SDK and grab the latest header file from there. (I just checked v7.0a and it does indeed have 'powrprof.h'.)
I haven't tried this, but you may be able to simply swap the new version of the header with the old version that ships with Mingw32. You will probably have to link with the new version of the library too ('powrprof.lib').

Are there any plans for a native windows version of NodeJs?

I'm wondering if anyone has any information or speculation as to when or if there will be a native windows version/port of Node.js.
There is an ongoing effort to provide a mingw port of Node.js. Version 0.3.6+ can be build that way.
However that is still experimental and anything but ready for more than quick and dirty development. Even in case this version matures, I suppose that it will always lag behind the *nix versions, mainly due to the fact that the event loop implementations that Node uses were originally written for those systems and APIs.
The windows version may become stable for development at some point in the future, but I hardly doubt it will ever be usable for production.
July 2011 Update:
#nodejs v0.5.1 is the first to ship with an official Windows executable. We're hoping to get some good feedback.
Microsoft has officially gotten involved with joyent in making node.js work natively on windows.
If one or two Windows C++ developers would put in the effort, then they could fill the gaps in the native Windows version and produce a node.js implementation that would be usable for production.
For now, there is a working Cygwin version and I don't know of any testing that shows it to be unsuitable for production. It certainly works fine (version 0.5.0pre) for development.
Have a look at:
Which is based on the work of these guys here
Both good ways of getting node on windows if you dont have cygwin. However after many heartaches I found developing Node stuff on windows easiest by just using virtualbox with the ubuntu image.
I am strictly a Windows Dev and I have wanted to mess around with Node.js for quite a while.
It looks like Microsoft, and the Node.js team are planning on working together port Node.js to Windows.
So, it's not hear yet but it should be soon. w00t!
The Official Node.js Blog
The first stable version has been released: Release details here.
Be sure to check for the latest version as the link above will go out of date.

C# mono from windows to mac

I wanted to know what i shouldn't do in code that will prevent my C# app from running on mac.
In general you shouldn't use anything from the Microsoft.* namespaces, no PInvoke (DllImport in C#) and UI might be problematic as well.
Further information on Mono compatibility is contained in the Mono Guide Porting Winforms Applications. Existing applications can be checked for compatibility using the Migration Analyzer tool.
UPDATE: PInvoke actually works in Mono, but if you want to have it working cross-platform you must provide a native shared library with the same interface for each platform (i.e. Win API most likely will not work).
Mono's Application Portability guide is a good reference.
In addition to divo's recommendations, I would recommend the Mono Migration Analyzer (MoMA) tool: "The Mono Migration Analyzer (MoMA) tool helps you identify issues you may have when porting your .Net application to Mono"
Also, I would keep an eye on Miguel de Icaza's blog, and the Mono Project website.
In his presentation for the Boston.NET Users Group this month, he showed a preview of a Visual Studio plugin that launches your app on Mono using a VM! This lets you test compatibility during the development process.
I believe their goal was to release it at TechEd 2009, so look for an update over the next month or so.
You will, at the very least, want to try and avoid using Windows Forms, since that is just a paper-thin layer on top of the Windows native UI.
Mono emulates it somewhat with help from WINE, but I wouldn't trust that.
Mono did this a while ago but the effort was abandoned. See WinForms on Mono for more information. Thanks jpobst.
Try using GTK# or Qt# (although I'm not too sure the latter one actually exists) for cross platform support. You might also consider using Java with SWT or even Swing instead of C#, but that will probably not be an option you're willing to consider.
Using anything related to P/Invoke is probably also a bad idea, since that invokes native code which will probably not be portable (unless you write it yourself, then you can choose to make it portable).
I'm not sure if it is possible with mono, but WIN32 API calls will definitly not work ;)
