Looking for a custom image grid - image

I'm trying to find a grid which is especially designed to show images. It needs to have good performance too, and preferably with some sort of thumbnail cache. The images need to be loaded from files, and it would be good if images can be assigned dynamically too. It shouldn't work on a list of col/row records like standard grids, but a single list of items, each item representing an image. There should be a property to define col width and row height for all cols and rows at once, not one at a time. The end goal is to list all images with user options to control how large to display the images. It will be used as a product display, so there needs to be some sort of custom drawing capability too, like an OnDrawItem event. This may display up to 50,000 images in this list, so TListView won't work, as it's very heavy for this.
It needs to work with Delphi 2010, XE2, and preferably 7 too.
Here's 3 examples of how to display 8 images below. I don't mean each image being a different size, but exactly the same size. No 2 columns can have different widths, and same with rows.

For the fun of it, I wrote an ImageGrid component for you.
It has only a vertical scroll bar; resizing the width of the control adjusts the column count and row count. The images are cached as resized bitmaps in an internal list, along with their file names.
Because loading and resampling these images may take some time, depending on image count, resolution and whether you want to use the Graphics32 library for better resample quality, the component delegates the loading process to a separate thread, which (re)runs on setting the column width or the row height, and on changing the file names or the folder path in which the component tries to find all images of types to be supplied in the FileFormats property.
Creates and resizes image thumbs in a background thread, from file names with the GDI+ library or from manually added images with the Graphics 32 library
Automatically recognizes all registered image file formats
Animated scrolling
Touchscreen support for scrolling by dragging the grid
Keyboard support for selecting thumbs
OwnerDraw support, e.g. for adding captions to the thumbs
Virtual support for bypassing the automatic creation of thumbs
Properties and events:
ColCount: number of columns, readonly
Count: number of images, readonly
Images: list of all manually added images where the thumbs are internally created from
Items: list of all filename-thumbnail or image-thumbnail combinations
RowCount: number of rows, readonly
Thumbs: list of all internally created thumbs
AutoHideScrollBar: hides the scroll bar when all rows are visible
BorderStyle: shows or hides themed border
BorderWidth: margin of the component, outside of the scroll bar
CellAlignment: alignes thumbs at the left, center or right of the cell
CellHeight: height of cell
CellLayout: alignes thumbs at the top, middle or bottom of the cell
CellSpacing: spacing between the cells
CellWidth: width of cell
Color: background color of border and cell spacing
ColWidth: width of column (equals width of cell plus cell spacing)
DefaultDrawing: draws all thumbs by default
DesignPreview: shows thumbs in the designer
DragScroll: supports scrolling the grid by draging the grid
FileFormats: image file name extensions by which the file names are filtered
FileNames: list holding all file names
Folder: the directory in which the component tries to find all images files
ItemIndex: selected cell index
MarkerColor: color of temporarily thumb marker during loading process
MarkerStyle: style of temporarily thumb marker during loading process
OnClickCell: fires when a cell is clicked
OnDrawCell: fires when a cell is drawn
OnMeasureThumb: fires when the size of a thumb is to be calculated
OnProgress: fires when an image is resized to thumb format
OnUnresolved: fires when a thumb cannot be created, e.g. when file name is not found
RetainUnresolvedItems: keeps empty thumbs in the list
RowHeight: the row height (equals cell height plus cell spacing)
ParentBackground: draws the (themed) background of the parent in the border and between the cells
Proportional: resizes images proportionally
Sorted: file names are sorted
Stretch: stretches small images up to the cell size
VirtualMode: prevents of automatically creating the thumbs
WheelScrollLines: number of rows to be scrolled with mouse wheel
With thanks to:
InterfaceLIFT for the images shown in the screenshot above
How to create a slowing scroll effect on a scrollbox?
How to get all of the supported file formats from Graphics unit?
Is it necessary to convert String to WideString?
Bugfix for BorderWidth > 0 in combination with a scroll bar?
The code is too long to post here, but the OpenSource project is downloadable from the GitHub server here. This is the interface section:
unit AwImageGrid;
Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Messages, Controls, Graphics, Forms, StdCtrls,
Grids, GDIPAPI, GDIPOBJ, RTLConsts, Math, Themes
{$IFDEF USE_GR32}, GR32, GR32_Resamplers {$ENDIF};
DefCellSpacing = 5;
DefCellWidth = 96;
DefCellHeight = 60;
DefColWidth = DefCellWidth + DefCellSpacing;
DefRowHeight = DefCellHeight + DefCellSpacing;
MinThumbSize = 4;
MinCellSize = 8;
PImageGridItem = ^TImageGridItem;
TImageGridItem = record
FFileName: TFileName;
FObject: TObject;
FImage: TGraphic;
FThumb: TBitmap;
PImageGridItemList = ^TImageGridItemList;
TImageGridItemList = array[0..MaxListSize div 2] of TImageGridItem;
{ TImageGridItems
The managing object for holding filename-thumbnail or image-thumbnail
combinations in an array of TImageGridItem elements. When an item's image
changes, the item's thumb is freed. When an item's filename changes, then
the item's thumb is freed only if the item's image is unassigned. }
TImageGridItems = class(TStrings)
FCapacity: Integer;
FChanged: Boolean;
FCount: Integer;
FList: PImageGridItemList;
FOnChanged: TNotifyEvent;
FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
FOwnsObjects: Boolean;
FSorted: Boolean;
procedure ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: Integer);
function GetImage(Index: Integer): TGraphic;
function GetThumb(Index: Integer): TBitmap;
procedure Grow;
procedure InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: String; AObject: TObject;
AImage: TGraphic; AThumb: TBitmap);
procedure PutImage(Index: Integer; AImage: TGraphic);
procedure PutThumb(Index: Integer; AThumb: TBitmap);
procedure QuickSort(L, R: Integer);
procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
function CompareStrings(const S1, S2: String): Integer; override;
procedure Changed; virtual;
procedure Changing; virtual;
function Get(Index: Integer): String; override;
function GetCapacity: Integer; override;
function GetCount: Integer; override;
function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override;
procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: String); override;
procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); override;
procedure PutThumbSilently(Index: Integer; AThumb: TBitmap); virtual;
procedure SetCapacity(Value: Integer); override;
procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override;
function Add(const S: String): Integer; override;
function AddImage(const S: String; AImage: TGraphic): Integer; virtual;
function AddItem(const S: String; AObject: TObject; AImage: TGraphic;
AThumb: TBitmap): Integer; virtual;
function AddObject(const S: String; AObject: TObject): Integer; override;
function AddThumb(const S: String; AThumb: TBitmap): Integer; virtual;
procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings); override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Clear; override;
procedure ClearThumbs; virtual;
procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); override;
function IndexOf(const S: String): Integer; override;
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: String); override;
procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; const S: String;
AObject: TObject); override;
function Find(const S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
procedure Sort; virtual;
property FileNames[Index: Integer]: String read Get write Put;
property Images[Index: Integer]: TGraphic read GetImage write PutImage;
property OnChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanged write FOnChanged;
property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
property OwnsObjects: Boolean read FOwnsObjects write FOwnsObjects;
property Sorted: Boolean read FSorted write SetSorted;
property Thumbs[Index: Integer]: TBitmap read GetThumb write PutThumb;
{ TBorderControl
A control with a system drawn border following the current theme, and an
additional margin as implemented by TWinControl.BorderWidth. }
TBorderControl = class(TCustomControl)
FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);
procedure WMNCPaint(var Message: TWMNCPaint); message WM_NCPAINT;
procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED;
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
function TotalBorderWidth: Integer; virtual;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle
default bsSingle;
property BorderWidth;
{ TAnimRowScroller
A scroll box with a vertical scroll bar and vertically stacked items with a
fixed row height. Scrolling with the scroll bar is animated alike Windows'
own default list box control. Scrolling is also possible by dragging the
content with the left mouse button. }
TAnimRowScroller = class(TBorderControl)
FAutoHideScrollBar: Boolean;
FDragScroll: Boolean;
FDragScrolling: Boolean;
FDragSpeed: Single;
FDragStartPos: Integer;
FPrevScrollPos: Integer;
FPrevTick: Cardinal;
FRow: Integer;
FRowCount: Integer;
FRowHeight: Integer;
FScrollingPos: Integer;
FScrollPos: Integer;
FWheelScrollLines: Integer;
procedure Drag;
function IsWheelScrollLinesStored: Boolean;
procedure Scroll;
procedure SetAutoHideScrollBar(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetRow(Value: Integer);
procedure SetRowCount(Value: Integer);
procedure SetScrollPos(Value: Integer; Animate, Snap: Boolean);
procedure UpdateScrollBar;
procedure WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL;
procedure CreateWnd; override;
function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
procedure DrawFocusRect; virtual;
procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer); override;
procedure Resize; override;
procedure SetRowHeight(Value: Integer); virtual;
procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
property AutoHideScrollBar: Boolean read FAutoHideScrollBar
write SetAutoHideScrollBar default True;
property Row: Integer read FRow write SetRow default -1;
property RowCount: Integer read FRowCount write SetRowCount;
property RowHeight: Integer read FRowHeight write SetRowHeight
default DefRowHeight;
property DragScroll: Boolean read FDragScroll write FDragScroll
default True;
property DragScrolling: Boolean read FDragScrolling;
property ScrollingPos: Integer read FScrollingPos;
property WheelScrollLines: Integer read FWheelScrollLines
write FWheelScrollLines stored IsWheelScrollLinesStored;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
procedure MouseWheelHandler(var Message: TMessage); override;
function Scrolling: Boolean;
{ TCustomImageGrid
The base class of an image grid. It shows images from left to right, then
from top to bottom. The number of columns is determined by the width of the
control, possibly resulting in a vertical scroll bar. The coord size is set
by ColWidth and RowHeight, being the sum of CellWidth resp. CellHeight plus
CellSpacing. Each cell shows a thumb of the corresponding image. The control
automatically starts a thumbs generating background thread when an image's
graphic, filename or its cell size is changed. Before every such change, any
previously created thread is terminated. Combine multiple changes by calling
Items.BeginUpdate/Items.EndUpdate to prevent the thread from being recreated
repeatedly. }
TCustomImageGrid = class;
TPath = type String;
TDrawCellEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomImageGrid; Index, ACol,
ARow: Integer; R: TRect) of object;
TImageEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomImageGrid; Index: Integer) of object;
TMeasureThumbEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomImageGrid; Index: Integer;
var AThumbWidth, AThumbHeight: Integer) of object;
TCustomImageGrid = class(TAnimRowScroller)
FCellAlignment: TAlignment;
FCellLayout: TTextLayout;
FCellSpacing: Integer;
FColCount: Integer;
FColWidth: Integer;
FDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
FDesignPreview: Boolean;
FFileFormats: TStrings;
FFolder: TPath;
FItemIndex: Integer;
FItems: TImageGridItems;
FMarkerColor: TColor;
FMarkerStyle: TPenStyle;
FOnClickCell: TImageEvent;
FOnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent;
FOnMeasureThumb: TMeasureThumbEvent;
FOnProgress: TImageEvent;
FOnUnresolved: TImageEvent;
FProportional: Boolean;
FRetainUnresolvedItems: Boolean;
FStretch: Boolean;
FThumbsGenerator: TThread;
FVirtualMode: Boolean;
procedure DeleteUnresolvedItems;
procedure FileFormatsChanged(Sender: TObject);
function GetCellHeight: Integer;
function GetCellWidth: Integer;
function GetCount: Integer;
function GetFileNames: TStrings;
function GetImage(Index: Integer): TGraphic;
function GetRowCount: Integer;
function GetSorted: Boolean;
function GetThumb(Index: Integer): TBitmap;
function IsFileNamesStored: Boolean;
procedure ItemsChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure ItemsChanging(Sender: TObject);
procedure Rearrange;
procedure SetCellAlignment(Value: TAlignment);
procedure SetCellHeight(Value: Integer);
procedure SetCellLayout(Value: TTextLayout);
procedure SetCellSpacing(Value: Integer);
procedure SetCellWidth(Value: Integer);
procedure SetColWidth(Value: Integer);
procedure SetDefaultDrawing(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetDesignPreview(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetFileFormats(Value: TStrings);
procedure SetFileNames(Value: TStrings);
procedure SetFolder(Value: TPath);
procedure SetImage(Index: Integer; Value: TGraphic);
procedure SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);
procedure SetItems(Value: TImageGridItems);
procedure SetMarkerColor(Value: TColor);
procedure SetMarkerStyle(Value: TPenStyle);
procedure SetProportional(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetRetainUnresolvedItems(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetStretch(Value: Boolean);
procedure SetThumb(Index: Integer; Value: TBitmap);
procedure SetVirtualMode(Value: Boolean);
procedure TerminateThumbsGenerator;
procedure ThumbsUpdated(Sender: TObject);
procedure UpdateThumbs;
procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE;
procedure CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter); message CM_ENTER;
procedure CMExit(var Message: TCMExit); message CM_EXIT;
procedure ChangeScale(M, D: Integer); override;
procedure DoClickCell(Index: Integer); virtual;
procedure DoDrawCell(Index, ACol, ARow: Integer; R: TRect); virtual;
procedure DoMeasureThumb(Index: Integer; var AThumbWidth,
AThumbHeight: Integer); virtual;
procedure DoProgress(Index: Integer); virtual;
procedure DrawFocusRect; override;
procedure InvalidateItem(Index: Integer); virtual;
procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
procedure Loaded; override;
procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer); override;
procedure Paint; override;
procedure Resize; override;
procedure SetRowHeight(Value: Integer); override;
property CellAlignment: TAlignment read FCellAlignment
write SetCellAlignment default taCenter;
property CellHeight: Integer read GetCellHeight write SetCellHeight
default DefCellHeight;
property CellLayout: TTextLayout read FCellLayout write SetCellLayout
default tlCenter;
property CellSpacing: Integer read FCellSpacing write SetCellSpacing
default DefCellSpacing;
property CellWidth: Integer read GetCellWidth write SetCellWidth
default DefCellWidth;
property ColCount: Integer read FColCount;
property ColWidth: Integer read FColWidth write SetColWidth
default DefColWidth;
property Count: Integer read GetCount;
property DefaultDrawing: Boolean read FDefaultDrawing
write SetDefaultDrawing default True;
property DesignPreview: Boolean read FDesignPreview write SetDesignPreview
default False;
property FileFormats: TStrings read FFileFormats write SetFileFormats;
property FileNames: TStrings read GetFileNames write SetFileNames
stored IsFileNamesStored;
property Folder: TPath read FFolder write SetFolder;
property Images[Index: Integer]: TGraphic read GetImage write SetImage;
property ItemIndex: Integer read FItemIndex write SetItemIndex default -1;
property Items: TImageGridItems read FItems write SetItems;
property MarkerColor: TColor read FMarkerColor write SetMarkerColor
default clGray;
property MarkerStyle: TPenStyle read FMarkerStyle write SetMarkerStyle
default psDash;
property OnClickCell: TImageEvent read FOnClickCell write FOnClickCell;
property OnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent read FOnDrawCell write FOnDrawCell;
property OnMeasureThumb: TMeasureThumbEvent read FOnMeasureThumb
write FOnMeasureThumb;
property OnProgress: TImageEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
property OnUnresolved: TImageEvent read FOnUnresolved write FOnUnresolved;
property Proportional: Boolean read FProportional write SetProportional
default True;
property RetainUnresolvedItems: Boolean read FRetainUnresolvedItems
write SetRetainUnresolvedItems default False;
property RowCount: Integer read GetRowCount;
property Sorted: Boolean read GetSorted write SetSorted default False;
property Stretch: Boolean read FStretch write SetStretch default False;
property Thumbs[Index: Integer]: TBitmap read GetThumb write SetThumb;
property VirtualMode: Boolean read FVirtualMode write SetVirtualMode
default False;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
function CellRect(Index: Integer): TRect;
function CoordFromIndex(Index: Integer): TGridCoord;
procedure Clear; virtual;
function MouseToIndex(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
procedure ScrollInView(Index: Integer);
procedure SetCellSize(ACellWidth, ACellHeight: Integer);
procedure SetCoordSize(AColWidth, ARowHeight: Integer);
property ParentBackground default False;
property TabStop default True;
TAwImageGrid = class(TCustomImageGrid)
property ColCount;
property Count;
property Images;
property Items;
property RowCount;
property Thumbs;
property Align;
property Anchors;
property AutoHideScrollBar;
property BorderStyle;
property BorderWidth;
property CellAlignment;
property CellHeight;
property CellLayout;
property CellSpacing;
property CellWidth;
property ClientHeight;
property ClientWidth;
property Color;
property ColWidth;
property Constraints;
property Ctl3D;
property DefaultDrawing;
property DesignPreview;
property DragCursor;
property DragKind;
property DragMode;
property DragScroll;
property Enabled;
property FileFormats;
property FileNames;
property Folder;
property ItemIndex;
property MarkerColor;
property MarkerStyle;
property OnCanResize;
property OnClick;
property OnClickCell;
property OnConstrainedResize;
property OnContextPopup;
property OnDblClick;
property OnDockDrop;
property OnDockOver;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnDragOver;
property OnDrawCell;
property OnEndDock;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnEnter;
property OnExit;
property OnGetSiteInfo;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnMeasureThumb;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnMouseWheel;
property OnMouseWheelDown;
property OnMouseWheelUp;
property OnProgress;
property OnResize;
property OnStartDock;
property OnStartDrag;
property OnUnDock;
property OnUnresolved;
property ParentBackground;
property RetainUnresolvedItems;
property RowHeight;
property ParentColor;
property ParentCtl3D;
property ParentShowHint;
property PopupMenu;
property Proportional;
property ShowHint;
property Sorted;
property Stretch;
property TabOrder;
property TabStop;
property VirtualMode;
property Visible;
property WheelScrollLines;

I'm using the multi-image view from the ImageEn library. It does everything you asked for, and it's very fast. I'm happy with it. You can still get an older, free version from Torry that works with Delphi 7 (I haven't tried it on XE2).
The methods aren't exactly intuitive, but once you get the hang of it (nice help file included), it works great.
The latest version has some more features, and it's not expensive if you do decide to license it.
You can see a video of ImageEn multi-image view in action in my application.
They even have a Flow View control that looks like the slide show on a Mac.


Loading an array of records back into a program from a file?

I am creating a program that moves through an array of records and save these student records to a file.
However I now wish to reload the data (StudentName,Class,Grade) back into the array and subsequently display them in a list box on another form.
I have tried a few methods but with no success.
This is the code that wrote the file:
unit NewStudent;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
ExtCtrls, studentdata;
{ TFormNewStudent }
TFormNewStudent = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
ButtonAddStudent: TButton;
Button3: TButton;
ComboBoxPredictedGrade: TComboBox;
EditClass: TEdit;
EditName: TEdit;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure ButtonAddStudentClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }
TPupil = Record
FormNewStudent: TFormNewStudent;
StudentRecArray : Array[1..30] of TPupil;
{$R *.lfm}
{ TFormNewStudent }
procedure TFormNewStudent.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TFormNewStudent.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TFormNewStudent.ButtonAddStudentClick(Sender: TObject);
StudentNo := StudentNo + 1;
procedure TFormNewStudent.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ScreenShot 1: StudentFile
ScreenShot 2: AddStudent Form
Answer given by Zamrony P. Juhara is correct, but your approach here may be not the most convenient. You define record which contains information about each student, then you write procedures to write this record to file and another one to read it. If you'll eventually change format of your record, you'll have to rewrite this code also. There are better ways, in my opinion.
You can define record containing only simplest members, like Ken White suggested:
TPupil = Record
ClassGroup:String[20]; //some convenient value
Such a record have fixed size and contains all needed information in itself (version with ClassGroup:String actually stores pointer to another area in memory where your string is), and then you can save and load it extremely easy:
myFile : File of TPupil;
procedure TFormNewStudent.ButtonAddStudentClick(Sender: TObject);
Write(studentFile,StudentRecArray[StudentNo]); //THAT'S IT!
procedure TFormNewStudent.ReadFromFile;
while not Eof(studentFile) do begin
There is little drawback: file is not so readable as it was before, because Integer is saved exactly as 4-byte value, not its decimal representation.
There is much more interesting possibilities if you move from record to class, in that case you can use streaming system in a way as IDE saves forms to disc, in .dfm or .lfm files, so you'll be able to automatically save complex ierarchies of objects and load them back.
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
lines : TStringList;
i : integer;
lines := TStringList.Create();
while not Eof(studentFile) do
ReadLn(studentFile, text);
lines.CommaText := text;
studentRecArray[i].Name := lines[0];
studentRecArray[i].ClassGroup := lines[1];
studentRecArray[i].ComboBoxPredictedGrade := StrToInt(lines[2]);

How to create a Canvas object inside a Paintbox on Lazarus?

On a Form I've put a Paintbox with the property Align = alClient and a Button.
I need to draw a object of Canvas type inside the PaintBox in the OnClick event of the Button.
This is the Canvas object that will be created:
const IconSize:Integer = 10
Icon = Class
posX, posY:Integer;
constructor Create(X,Y:Integer);
destructor Destroy;
procedure SetX(AValue: Integer);
procedure SetY(AValue: Integer);
property LocationX : Integer read posX write SetX;
property LocationY : Integer read posY write SetY;
var CanvasIcon: Icon;
This is constructor method of the object:
constructor Icon.Create(X, Y: Integer);
var Bitmap:TBitmap;
Bitmap.Height := IconSize;
Bitmap.Width := IconSize;
Bitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
Bitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(Round(X-(IconSize/2)), Round(Y-(IconSize/2)),
Round(X+(IconSize/2)), Round(Y+(IconSize/2)));
PaintBox.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Bitmap);
This is the OnClick event of the Button:
procedure TFormPaintBox.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
However, the Lazarus show the follow message:
src/unitpaintbox.pas(121,33) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "Create"
But the constructor receive two parameters, exactly like was specified on onClick event of the Button. How to solve this problem?

OSX Yosemite and XE7 Firemonkey

can anybody tell me how to make a TTrackBar object read only in C++Builder (or Delphi) XE7 in an OSX firemonkey application?
I tried the "Locked" property but it seems not working.
Set the Enabled property to False. Locked locks the position of the trackbar in the designer so that you cannot accidentally move it.
Here's another answer because of your additional requirements. There is no "readonly" property that will keep the TrackBar enabled.
You could just use the TrackBar.OnChange event and just reset the value if the user tries to change it:
procedure TForm1.TrackBar1Change(Sender: TObject);
TrackBar1.Value := 50;
A more advanced approach is using an observer in order to get a true readonly TrackBar.
TReadOnlyTrackObserver = class(TInterfacedObject, IEditLinkObserver, IObserver, ISingleCastObserver)
procedure Removed;
function GetActive: Boolean;
procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean);
function GetOnObserverToggle: TObserverToggleEvent;
procedure SetOnObserverToggle(AEvent: TObserverToggleEvent);
procedure Update;
function Edit: Boolean;
procedure Reset;
procedure Modified;
function IsModified: Boolean;
function IsValidChar(AKey: Char): Boolean;
function IsRequired: Boolean;
function GetIsReadOnly: Boolean;
procedure SetIsReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
property IsReadOnly: Boolean read GetIsReadOnly write SetIsReadOnly;
function GetIsEditing: Boolean;
property IsEditing: Boolean read GetIsEditing;
procedure BeginUpdate;
procedure EndUpdate;
function GetUpdating: Boolean;
property Updating: Boolean read GetUpdating;
function TReadOnlyTrackObserver.GetActive: Boolean;
Result := True;
function TReadOnlyTrackObserver.GetIsReadOnly: Boolean;
Result := True;
// todo: implement the other required functions of TReadOnlyTrackObserver
MyObserver: IEditLinkObserver;
MyObserver := TReadOnlyTrackObserver.Create;
TrackBar1.Observers.AddObserver(TObserverMapping.EditLinkID, MyObserver);

Procedures on Free Pascal

Im relatively new to Pascal and, though i have a fair understanding of the language, there's still some stuff i cant figure out how to implement. I've ran into this problem and, after trying for like hours on my own and looking for similar cases on the internet, i have not found anything. I hope this question is a fair one because, honestly, i dont know how to figure this out.
Here's the thing.
I have an application which dynamically creates TextBoxes (TextEdits in this case) and adds them to a panel for displaying. Thing is, i need to execute some procedures on the newly created elements. I added a new procedure in my app (this is for explaining purposes only):
procedure Demo_Procedure(i: integer, a: String);
Then i proceeded to "develop" my procedure underneath the "implementation" part of the Form.
procedure Demo_Procedure(i: integer, a: String);
ShowMessage(a, ' ' ,i);
Now, for my dynamically created elements im trying to set the "OnKeyDow" event to run my new procedure (this is what i dont A- know if its possible to do or B- how to do it)
NewlyButton.OnClick:= Demo_Procedure(5, 'Hi');
Im getting different errors depending on how i call up my procedure. For example:
If i do it like this: Demo_Procedures(5, 'Hi'), it says:
Error: Incompatible types: got "untyped" expected "procedure variable type of procedure(TObject,var Word,TShiftState) of object;Register>"
Now, researching around i found out that some people that put an '#' before calling the method, the only difference is that this time instead of saying "untyped" it says that it got "procedure variable type of procedure(AnsiString,LongInt) of object" and that it was expecting the same as before (procedure(TObject,var> Word,Tshift...etc)
Can anyone help me out here? I really am lost so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
There are errors in your code:
procedure Demo_Procedure(i: integer, a: String); // Wrong
procedure Demo_Procedure(i: integer; a: String); // Right, use semicolon as parameters delimiter
ShowMessage(a, ' ' ,i); // Wrong, ShowMessage takes only one string parameter
ShowMessage(Format('%s %d', [a, i])); // Right, %s means string value and %d means decimal value, see help about Format function
Events is a procedural variables so they have its own types. For example, OnKeyDown event have a type
TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) of Object;
where of Object means that your event handler must be a class method.
So, you can not assign to the event any procedure but only class method with parameters provided in the type declaration.
Here is the simple code:
unit Unit1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
{ TForm1 }
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure EditKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
{ public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.lfm}
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
e: TEdit;
e := TEdit.Create(Self); // Create new TEdit control
e.Parent := Self; // Place control onto the form
e.Left := 10; // Set control coordinates
e.Top := 10;
e.OnKeyDown := #EditKeyDown; // Assign event handler
procedure TForm1.EditKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
ShowMessage(Format('Key code is %d', [Key]));

Use HWND (or something similar) as Node Image in Virtual Stringtree

Is it possible to display an Icon obtained from an external Handle, as the Image of my Node in Virtual Stringtree? The Node's Data contains the HWND.
I would use ImageList assigned to your VT's Images property and OnGetImageIndex event.
Here's how to fill the image list using WM_GETICON.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var IconHandle: HIcon;
IconHandle := SendMessage(123456, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL2, 0);
ImageList_AddIcon(ImageList1.Handle, IconHandle);
And for example pass the 0 image index to the VirtualTreeView.
procedure TForm10.VirtualStringTree1GetImageIndex(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
Node: PVirtualNode; Kind: TVTImageKind; Column: TColumnIndex;
var Ghosted: Boolean; var ImageIndex: Integer);
ImageIndex := 0;
