Joomla 1.5 SEF Qcontacts not working - joomla

I am working with a joomla site and I installed a component named qcontacts. It works perfectly, but when I enable sef in joomla I get:
All the other menus in the site work properly with seo enabled with com_content, the problem is only with qcontancts. Any suggestions?

i actualy commented out from "components/com_content/router.php" the following lines
and everything seems to be working fine with sef. I am not sure if i did the correct thing or if i have any sideefects in the futre. But for now everything seems to be working.


Github pages w/ Jekyll 404 on specific page

I am currently having an issue with Github Pages
I guess it doesn't hurt to use the actual live example
The corresponding repo is
I made some styling changes (maybe some JS changes I don't remember) ages ago when I was actively working on the content, and somehow ever since the 'projects' page has been 404 when I try and click through to it from the menu.
I am using Jekyll theme Jam which is some obscure obsolete theme, but I don't see it being a problem really
The strangest part is that if I load the site locally with bundle exec jekyll serve then this page appears perfectly at localhost:4000/projects, just not on the live site
If I put (live site) it also appears perfectly, just not at like I want
I have seen some suggestions about GH servers caching an old version or something like this but I don't really understand and I need some guidance
"About" page works and you have a permalink there, but nothing for projects.
Probably adding
permalink: /projects/
will fix the issue.

Ajax pagination not working with wp-property plugin

I'm using the wp-property plugin with Genesis Framework. The plugin has an ajax pagination in the properties page but is not working.
While testing I realized that it works fine with Twenty Fourteen theme, I posted it on the plugin forum suport and they told me that I'm getting this error:
'You don't have permission to access /cms/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on this server.'
But I don't know how they are seeing it(because I can't see it with firebug) or why it's happening.
I tried the fixes of this post:
but is still not working.
The link to the website: link
I figured out!
The plugin has a property overview template that can be customized by copying it into the theme directory and editing it, and it seems that it doesn't accept many changes because the problem was there.
Deleting the customized template solved the issue.

Magento 1.8 my account layout in chrome

I am using Magento CE. Using theme Perfectum but have customized it to meet our needs. Everything seems to look great in Firefox and IE but the My Account, Login, checkout, basically all the 1column.phtml pages are messed up in Chrome. The main column is pushed up into the header. Have tried to fix this with CSS and messing with 1column.phtml and customer.xml and cannot seem to figure it out. Any help would save my sanity.
In styles.css file line number 6599 remove the margin-top:160px and margin:-160px -25px 0
remove this margin:-160px -25px 0; too it will work for you

Less, Joomla and Gantry development

I am trying to design a Gantry template for Joomla with less. It doesn´t work. No updates.
I´ve tried every solution i've found on the internet now.
My less changes doesn´t work/updates.
This is what I done/do:
In Joomla: Turned off all Joomla cache functions in configuration and plug-ins. I clear cache both in Joomla configuration and Gantry Theme after updates. I also use NoNumber Cache Cleaner plug-in. In my index.php header I have entered: [header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");] and [header("Pragma: no-cache");]
In files: I use Gantrys file naming [menu.less -> menu-custom.less]. The files "Modified" time stamp on the remote server are right/updated. The code are right in those files.
But when I check the code with Firebug the old code is still there.
Browser: Private Browsning in Firefox
Nothing works. Updates doesn´t show up.
What more can I do?
Best regards

Getting Issues in IE

Everything is working fine but as i moved my website in IE, the content is not displaying-- I am using IE 8.0. URL is
Kindly help me out from this kind of issue.
Just make your code valid (fix validation errors) and you will be fine.
