Since vim doesn't support native clipboard on OS X by default, I decided to create some keybindings to emulate it.
I started with such a command, which passes visual selection to pbcopy and replaces selection with command output. Since it has no output and just deletes text, i immediately undo the change.
:vmap c !pbcopy<CR> :undo<CR>
It works fine, but not if I'm copying the last line in the file. It is copied well, but undo doesn't bring it back. If I manually undo later, it works fine.
Is there a way to make this binding work with on the last line as well?
Remove the space between the first <CR> and :undo:
:vmap c !pbcopy<CR>:undo<CR>
Nothing wrong with setting a keybinding, but I've never felt the need to.
As with all platforms, Vim does save to the system clipboard, but only when using the visual commands. Select using any of the visual commands (V, shift-V, Control-V). Then yank. Whatever was visually selected will be on the system clipboard.
I have been working with two terminal windows in my Mac (dev/prod), both had shown the commands and results history (scrolling up) for the last 6 months of work, which was very helpful to run periodic commands and to check past errors.
Yesterday I turn off my mac and closed both terminal windows manually, but today when opening the terminal it has no history at all. There is a way to recover the windows with all the history for past commands and their results?
I know there is a .bash_history file but it only shows commands typed but not the results.
Thanks in advance.
Bash's history only store executed commands, not their output, and only a limited number of them (usually 500, as defined by environment variable HISTFILESIZE). This won't help in your situation.
From what I can see, it appears that Terminal store save window's state (including console history) inside directory /Users/<user>/Library/Saved Application State/ Files in this directory are modified in real time whenever new events occurs in the terminal window, and unless I am mistaken, should be included in Time Machine backups. Therefore, it seems that if you can restore files in this directory from some former backup, you should get back your history. You could even try some "file undelete" tools in that directory, though these tools are rather rare on OS X.
The procedure for this should be that you first quit Terminal, then restore the whole directory (for example using Time Machine), then simply launch Terminal. These saved state files use a custom binary format, that you can't be read otherwise than by the Terminal program itself.
By the way, it might be worth mentioning that you can, at anytime, save the content of a Terminal window to a text file, from the Shell menu. You might consider doing it periodically, in the future, given that your terminal's history appears to have some significant value...
if using zsh check your /etc/zshrc for the history file location, mine has
# Save command history
also check your ~/.zshrc incase the defaults for these have been changed
I am using spacemacs with default settings in vim mode, in terminal on macOS Sierra.
In the shell or other terminal applications, I often highlight text with the mouse and then (command+c) copy it to the system clipboard, from which I then (command+v) paste it somewhere else. I often do this with filepaths output by pwd for example.
This highlighting and copy-pasting worked for me in emacs before I installed spacemacs. But after installing spacemacs, when I hit (command+c) after highlighting with the mouse, my computer makes the dun sound it does when input is not understood, and the highlighted text is not copied to clipboard.
I have also tried highlighting the text using the visual mode commands (v, move cursor, then command+c) to highlight and copy, but the result is the same i.e. doesn't work.
In spacemacs, how can I copy to system clipboard in order to paste in another application? Is there some terminal setting that I need to adjust?
I am liking spacemacs, but this has been an issue for me as I the need to copy text from the editor seems to occur regularly in my workflow.
I want to be able to use Option-left and Option-right to skip words (and Cmd-left/right to go to beginning and end of lines) within Vim as it does at my shell prompt. My Iterm2 preferences have mappings to do this (e.g. Option-left to Esc-H and a one for option-right to Esc-F to skip over words), and this works in the shell locally or when ssh'd to a remote server.
When I use Vim locally or remotely, option-left works, but option-right does not. I suspect this is because Vim naturally listens for Esc-H, but not Esc-F. I am able to get around this by modifying .vimrc file to Esc-b to b and Esc-f to f, but I don't want to do this to every server I'm connecting to.
Similarly, I have the same desired setup for Cmd-left/right for going to beginning and end of a line. I can get this working in the shell via Iterm2 mappings (e.g. Cmd-left to Esc-[h), but Vim doesn't respond at all to this unless I map keys again (e.g. Esc-[h to ^).
Update: I just figured out how to get option-left/right working. I changed mapping in iTerm2 for these to be escape-[1;5D and escape-[1;5C respectively. I still want to solve the Cmd-left/right problem though (I changed my question's title to reflect this). Any ideas?
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Cmd-left/right to the beginning/end of a line, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Cmd-left to escape-sequence [1~
Cmd-right to escape-sequence [4~
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Option-left/right to the previous/next word, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Option-left to escape-sequence [1;5D
Option-right to escape-sequence [1;5C
Special thanks to this blog post for tracking down what I was missing with the cmd-left/right mappings
I'm using iTerm2 3.4.2 and there's actually a preset that you can select for your profile that enables this.
FWIW, dolan's answer didn't work for me on iTerm 2 on Mac OS X 10.7.3. His solution only inserted ~ and 5D/5C into my terminal when I pressed the shortcut keys.
Instead, I used the following solutions:
iTerm 2: How to set keyboard shortcuts to jump to beginning/end of line?
Option-left/right as well as option-delete:
YMMV, not sure why one set of solutions would work and not the other
I don't have MacOS, so I cannot exactly know your situation, but I recognize the problem from other OSes.
Basically, it would mean that the terminal sends keycodes that aren't understood by vim. I fixed it in the past by doing
export TERM
before invoking vim
E.g. in order to get all keys and syntax highlighting working on AIX 5.3 across Putty/screen, I needed to use
TERM=iris-ansi vim
There is a list of builtin terminal types if you pass a bad TERM
I see a few entries here about making Shift-Tab work in vim, but none of them addresses the failure when it's in Cygwin, running at a Windows command prompt. In that environment, Shift-Tab works for me exactly like an unshifted tab, and my attempts at remapping have failed:
:imap <S-Tab> ^D [ this is a real Ctrl-D, entered with Ctrl-V before it ]
:imap [ typed Ctrl-V, Shift-Tab here; got a Tab character inserted ]
So it seems that the Shift modifier is being ignored. Any thoughts about how to proceed? Thanks.
That won't work in the Cygwin console because it sends the same keycode for both Tab and Shift+Tab: ^I.
You might want to install Cygwin's mintty terminal emulator, which sends the standard keycode for Shift+Tab: \e[Z.
Instead of messing with the Cygwin version, I suggest you remove it and install the native version instead. With that, you can map Shift-Tab without issues, even when starting Vim from a bash shell.
I don't have windows right here now, but look whether your vimrc contains
behave mswin
source ...\mswin.vim
In that case,
:e +g/mswin/norm!\ 0i" $MYVIMRC
should automatically comment these out. Relaunch vim, and inspect whether there are existing mappings:
:verbose map <S-Tab>
will show you any existing mappings, and where it was last defined, so you can find the script/plugin that is causing this (:he :verbose-cmd)
Update to the comment:
Well - blimey, turns out that Shift-Tab is magically impossible with Win32 Consoles. Never noticed.
Perhaps it is because I
use mintty these days, to provide a much better experience (Unix like copy pasting, real alternative terminals, more performance, and re-attaching screen sessions, e.g.)
might have tweaked the CompletionChar setting although this seems like a loose fodder even to me
Could you try with mintty? I'd think I'd have noticed such a hairy incompatibility over the years. But, you never know :)
I'm just meddling with OSX after a few years on Linux. There's a lot that I'm liking, but one thing that's slowing me down is that if I run the 'terminal' command via shortcut/spotlight/quicksilver, it whisks me off to any existing terminal in whatever space already has a terminal instance open.
I regularly like to pop up a terminal, run a quick command and then close it again, all the while staying in whatever desktop space I happen to be on.
...So, how do I do that on Mac?
Go to System Preferences -> Exposé & Spaces -> Spaces and check When switching to an application, switch to...
Download this tool called Visor
It lets you quickly get a tabbed drop down terminal using a hotkey like Ctrl-`.
Insanely convenient for working in the shell.
Try this tool:
This is a really handy tool for programmers on Mac as it lets you open the folder directly in Terminal. You can select multiple folders to open them in multiple terminal windows. You can also select files to open the parent directory in Terminal. This application works with Finder as well as without Finder which is a plus!