New OSX User: Opening up a new terminal window in current space(?) - macos

I'm just meddling with OSX after a few years on Linux. There's a lot that I'm liking, but one thing that's slowing me down is that if I run the 'terminal' command via shortcut/spotlight/quicksilver, it whisks me off to any existing terminal in whatever space already has a terminal instance open.
I regularly like to pop up a terminal, run a quick command and then close it again, all the while staying in whatever desktop space I happen to be on.
...So, how do I do that on Mac?

Go to System Preferences -> Exposé & Spaces -> Spaces and check When switching to an application, switch to...

Download this tool called Visor
It lets you quickly get a tabbed drop down terminal using a hotkey like Ctrl-`.
Insanely convenient for working in the shell.

Try this tool:
This is a really handy tool for programmers on Mac as it lets you open the folder directly in Terminal. You can select multiple folders to open them in multiple terminal windows. You can also select files to open the parent directory in Terminal. This application works with Finder as well as without Finder which is a plus!


Can I have multiple Powershell Consoles in one window?

So, now I have many open apps, often 3-4 powershell consoles. I'm able to order the powershell windows to watch them together (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
So this means that if I switch to another app, when I switch back I have to restore all multiple powershell windows to see them all again.
What I want is, to create only one 'shared window' for many powershell, because when I need one, I need all of them to see.
Is there a way to do this?
Just to add more details about Windows Terminal approach:
Open a Windows Terminal
Type Alt+Shift+= or Alt+Shift+- to open a new Pane in the same tab
Type Shift+Ctrl+W to close the current Pane
If you need more details or modify the settings, go to next page Panes in Windows Terminal
ConEmu has this option.
You can also configure it to open as much consoles as you want when it starts.
ConEmu website
VSCode can have Multiple Terminals which is the closest to this I've seen, quoted from documentaion:
You can create multiple terminals open to different locations and easily navigate between them. Terminal instances can be added by hitting the plus icon on the top-right of the TERMINAL panel or by triggering the Ctrl+Shift+` command. This creates another entry in the dropdown list that can be used to switch between them.
You can also split the terminal by triggering the Ctrl+\ command or via the right click context menu
Windows now provides the Windows Terminal.
Windows Terminal can split the terminal into panes and can also run different shells (i.e. cmd, powershell, and bash through the wsl)
You can install Windows Terminal directly from the Windows Store.
Create a virtual machine where you can run your PowerShell sessions uninterrupted. The PowerShell windows are always where I placed them when I come back.
It could be an expensive solution depending on your needs, but I have been doing this a long time. It's a robust solution since the only user processes on the VM are my PowerShell sessions.

Opening up iTerm / Terminal with commands by default.

My current use of iTerm is the following everytime:
- Open up
- cd into my project folder
- open up another tab
- cd into my project folder
- Grunt Watch
- open up another tab
- SSH into live server
This is getting a bit tedious now, is there a simple way to make a one click for all of this to be done? I remember back in the windows days you could create custom command prompt files so it would open up and you could just double click it like an app.
Is there anyway I can do this? I have looked at the profiles and I don't think I can do what I am after with that.
Just need pointing in the right direction.
If you're using iTerm2, there is a feature called Arrangements (see the last entry on the page). With this, you can set iTerm to open a series of profiles (which can be set to run a command at startup, start in a specific directory, run a certain shell, etc.).
It seems that creating one profile for working in a directory, a second for the Grunt Watch, and a third to SSH should be trivial, and once the arrangement is saved, it can be recalled with the press of a hotkey (Cmd⇧R on my install). You can also set this to save split-pane windows if you don't want a separate window for each of these tasks.

Terminal window inside Sublime Text 2

I saw this project that basically opens a new terminal window from sublime text-2.
What I'm looking for is a way to open the terminal inside sublime text 2 via console.
Does anyone knows how can I do that?
SublimeREPL does what you want
Of course, there are some limitations because the window of Sublime Text 2 is not originally designed for continuous running buffer of stdin input.
+ 2 years (sorry) - but my solution in ubuntu was to open both sublime and my (real) terminal in the same window, shrink and stretch the terminal to cover the lower portion of the screen, then right click on the terminal and select "keep on top" - works a treat.
EDIT 04/23/2019: Terminus extends TerminalView & adds:
Windows support
Continuous history
Easily customizable themes (see Terminus Utilities)
Unicode support
256 colors support
Better xterm support
Terminal panel view
imgcat support (also works on Linux / WSL)
Bind key shortcut to open shell on file path (e.g. ctrl+alt+t to open):
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+t"], "command": "terminus_open", "args": {
"cwd": "${file_path:${folder}}"
Original Answer:
I've tried pretty much every terminal package around, what you want is TerminalView:
To bind a key shortcut, simply add it to your user key bindings file:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+t"], "command": "terminal_view_open" },
Use Glue. It is a plugin that provides an interface to your shell from the Sublime Text. So basically it a terminal for Sublime Text.
Like #mikko I also decided that due to the limitations of the shell add-ons for sublime to stick with a real terminal window - I've got too used to the F2-F4 workflow of geany.
So really the issue for me is quickly flip-flopping between the two windows easily. To that end, I knocked this up - to be fired from F12 (or whatever you want) in your desktop manager (XFCE in my case)
Note, I launch sublime a from shortcut with terminator -T st3_bash & st3 so I've got a known bash window title for switching focus to.
I know this code is really, (really) bad, and it'll fail if you have multiple sublime's open, but i don't ever have that anyhow.
Feel free to fork and improve it.
I have always wanted a way to open terminal inside sublime text. After trying out different options I have come to a solution of installing guake terminal as a work around on linux systems, follow the steps below.
Run the command sudo apt-get install guake
Press F12 (for opening terminal)
Now you can use the terminal without leaving sublime.
For windows :
Install Conemu
Have the Quake settings as shown in the pic below
Press ctrl + ~ (for opening terminal)
Note: This is just a workaround. Guake is basically a terminal package for ubuntu-like linux systems.

Launching a Shell Script using a Global Shortcut on OSX Snow Leopard

I have a shell script, which I launch several times during work everyday. I do this by launching terminal, and launching the script from within. However, I would like to be able to launch it (from within a terminal) with a global OSX keyboard shortcut (Cmd+Shift+R say).
There are quite a few applications which work in this manner already (for eg. EverNote, RemindMeLater, even the default Cmd-Space which brings up the search utility) and hence, I am guessing this should be at least theoretically possible.
Could someone please tell me if and how this can be done?
Instead of using a global shortcut key, maybe try creating an applescript that runs the shell script? So just open at AppleScript Editor, and enter something like this.
do shell script "//Your script";
Then save it as an application in the format drop down.
After that, you can run the script just by opening up the application with something like spotlight.

"Open folder in Terminal" for Spotlight or Alfred

Is there any way in Spotlight to have a folder open in a Terminal window, either by providing an "Open in Terminal" option in search results, or (ideally) by holding down a key when selecting a result? Basically the same way holding down command will "Open containing folder" maybe make it so holding option (or whatever key) could "Open in Terminal".
Alternately, is there a way to setup the Alfred app so that it will always open folder search results in the Terminal? that might be even better, then I could use ctrl-space exclusively for opening folders in the Terminal and command-space (Spotlight) for everything else.
The closest thing I can find to anything like these is the "cdto" application, which adds an "Open in Terminal" button to the Finder. This is nice, but being able to do this directly from Spotlight or with a keypress would be much more convenient.
This question is old and you undoubtedly found the answer by now; for the sake of completeness: the latest version of Alfred allows one to search/navigate the filesystem from within Alfred, and take action on the folder or file found. One folder action is "Open Terminal Here", which seems to be what you are asking for.
I've found this to be the fastest method without any external tinkering.
Requirement: need to have iTerm or Terminal in the Dock:
Type the folder name into Alfred / Spotlight
Click and drag the folder that was found into the iTerm / Terminal icon in the Dock
Try this tool:
This is a really handy tool for programmers on Mac as it lets you open the folder directly in Terminal. You can select multiple folders to open them in multiple terminal windows. You can also select files to open the parent directory in Terminal. This application works with Finder as well as without Finder which is a plus!
use this Alfred extension
then just lob off the input and set it to a hotkey.. I have one to open the current finder in terminal and vice-versa
#Verboze - I'm still looking for an answer :)
Perhaps it should be migrated to stack exchange or the other one used non-programming topics, such as system administrivia. Though a case could be made that the command line is essential to programming.....
Windows has "Command Prompt Here". Linux has Nautilus' "Open In Terminal". The world's most advanced operating system has nothing (the best I can tell).
For completeness, I did look at the customizable toolbar ('drag your favorites here'; but my favorite is missing). I also found an old Action Script or Automator Script that did not work (the article was old, and it could not be followed).
I did find a program called "CD To...", but its broken. Upon opening the first terminal, the program opens two terminals. I'm not sure what other programming mistakes were made by the developer, and I really don't want to experiment.
Check this:
It opens a new Terminal/iTerm window in the current space.
Holding the alt key, the new window is also opened opened in the current frontmost Finder folder.
For me that is almost sufficient for my daily work!
Hope it helps!
