Knapsack with continuous (non distinct) constraint - algorithm

I watched Dynamic Programming - Kapsack Problem (YouTube). However, I am solving a slightly different problem where the constraint is the budget, price, in double, not integer. So I am wondering how can I modify that? Double is "continuous" unlike integer where I can have 1,2,3 .... I don't suppose I do 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 ...?
I thought of converting double to int by multiply by 100. Money is only 2 decimal places. But that will mean the range of values will be very large?
The problem I need to solve is:
Items have a price (double) & satisfaction (integer) value. I have a budget as a constraint and I need to maximize satisfaction value.
In the youtube video, the author created two 2d array like int[numItems][possibleCapacity(weight)]. Here, I can't as budget is a double not integer

If you want to use floating point numbers with arbitrary precision (i.e., don't have a fixed number of decimals), and these are not fractions, dynamic programming won't work.
The basis of dynamic programming is to store previous results of a calculation for specific inputs. Therefore, if you used floating point numbers with arbitrary precision, you would need practically infinite memory for each of the possible floating point numbers and, of course, do infinite calculations, something that is impossible and non-optimal.
However, if these numbers have a fixed precision (as with the money, which only have two decimal numbers), you can convert these into integers by multiplying them (as you've mentioned), and then solve the knapsack problem as usual.

You will have to do what you said in UPDATE 1: express the budget and item prices in cents (assuming we are talking about dollars). Then we're not talking about arbitrary precision or continuous numbers. Every price (and the budget) will be an integer, it's just that that integer will represent cents.
To make things easier let's assume the budget is $10. The problem is that the Knapsack Capacity will have to take all the values in:
[0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, ..., 9.99, 10.00]
The values are two many. Each line of the SOLUTION MATRIX and the KEEP MATRIX will have 1001 columns so you won't be able to solve the problem by hand (if the budget is millions of dollars even a computer might have a hard time) but that is inherent to the original problem (you can't do anything about it).
Your best bet is to use some existing code about KNAPSACK or maybe write your own (I don't advice that).
If you can't find existing code about KNAPSACK and are familiar with Linux/Mac I suggest you install the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) and express the problem as an Integer Linear Program or a Binary Linear Program (if you're trying to solve the 0-1 Knapsack). It will solve the problem for you (plus you can use it through C, C++, Python and maybe Java if you need to). For help using GLPK check this awesome article (you'll probably need part 2, where it talks about integer variables). If you need more help with GLPK please leave a comment.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that your constraint is not continuous, it's discrete (cents), your problem is that the budget might be too many cents so you won't be able to solve it by hand.
Don't get intimidated because your budget might be several dollars -> several hundreds of cents. If your budget is just 18 cents your problem's size will be comparable to the one in the YouTube video. The guy in the video wouldn't be able to solve his problem either (by hand) if his knapsack size was 1800 (or even 180).

This is not an answer to your question, but might as well be what you are looking for:
Linear Programming
I've used Microsoft's Solver Foundation 3 to make a simple code that solves the problem you described. It doesn't use the knapsack algorithm, but a simplex method.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Common;
using Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services;
namespace LPOptimizer
class Item
public String ItemName { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public double Satisfaction { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
//Our data, budget and items with respective satisfaction and price values
double budget = 100.00;
List<Item> items = new List<Item>()
new Item(){
new Item(){
new Item(){
//variables for solving the problem.
SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
Model model = context.CreateModel();
Term goal = 0;
Term constraint = 0;
foreach (Item i in items)
Decision decision = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, i.ItemName);
model.AddDecision(decision); //each item is a decision - should the algorithm increase this item or not?
goal += i.Satisfaction * decision; //decision will contain quantity.
constraint += i.Price * decision;
constraint = constraint <= budget; //this now says: "item_1_price * item_1_quantity + ... + item_n_price * item_n_quantity <= budget";
model.AddConstraints("Budget", constraint);
model.AddGoals("Satisfaction", GoalKind.Maximize, goal); //goal says: "Maximize: item_1_satisfaction * item_1_quantity + ... + item_n_satisfaction * item_n_quantity"
Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
Report report = solution.GetReport();
Console.Write("{0}", report);
This finds the optimum max for the number of items (integers) with prices (doubles), with a budget constraint (double).
From the code, it is obvious that you could have some items quantities in real values (double). This will probably also be faster than a knapsack with a large range (if you decide to use the *100 you mentioned).
You can easily specify additional constraints (such as number of certain items, etc...). The code above is adapted from this MSDN How-to, where it shows how you can easily define constraints.
It has occurred to me that you may not be using C#, in this case I believe there are a number of libraries for linear programming in many languages, and are all relatively simple to use: You specify constraints and a goal.
According to your Update 2, I've updated this code to include satisfaction.

Have your looked at this.
Sorry, I don't have comment privilege.
Edit 1
Are you saying constraint is the budget instead of knapsack weight?
This still remains a knapsack problem.
Or are your saying instead of Item Values as Integers(0-1 knapsack problem) your have fractions. Then Greedy approach should do fine.
Edit 2
If I understand your problem correctly.. It states
We have n kinds of items, 1 through n. Each kind of item i has a value vi and a price pi. We usually assume that all values and pricess are nonnegative. The Budget is B.
The most common formulation of the problem is the 0-1 knapsack problem, which restricts the number xi of copies of each kind of item to zero or one. Mathematically the 0-1-knapsack problem can be formulated as:
maximize E(vi.xi)
subject to E(pi.xi) <= B, xi is a subset of {0,1}
Neo Adonis's answer is spot on here.. Dynamic programming wont work for arbitrary precision in practice.
But if you are willing to limit the precision say to 2 decimal places.. then carry on as explained in video.. your table should look something like this..
| Vi,Pi| 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 0.04 ... B |
|4,0.23| | | | | | |
|2,2.93| | | | | | |
|7,9.11| | | | | | |
| ... | | | | | | |
| Vn,Pn| | | | | | answer |
you can even convert real numbers to int as you have mentioned.
Yes, the range of values is very large, and you also have to understand knapsack is NP-complete, i.e, there is no efficient algorithm to solve this. only pseudo polynomial solution using DP. see this and this.

A question recently posted to sci.op-research offered me a welcome respite from some tedious work that I’d rather not think about and you’d rather not hear about. We know that the greedy heuristic solves the continuous knapsack problem
to optimality. (The proof, using duality theory, is quite easy.) Suppose that we add what I’ll call a count constraint, yielding
where e=(1,…,1) . Can it be solved by something other than the simplex method, such as a variant of the greedy heuristic?
The answer is yes, although I’m not at all sure that what I came up with is any easier to program or more efficient than the simplex method. Personally, I would link to a library with a linear programming solver and use simplex, but it was amusing to find an alternative even if the alternative may not be an improvement over simplex.
The method I’ll present relies on duality, specifically a well known result that if a feasible solution to a linear program and a feasible solution to its dual satisfy the complementary slackness condition, then both are optimal in their respective problems. I will denote the dual variables for the knapsack and count constraints λ and μ respectively. Note that λ≥0 but μ is unrestricted in sign. Essentially the same method stated below would work with an inequality count constraint (e′x≤b˜ ), and would in fact be slightly easier, since we would know a priori the sign of μ (nonnegative). The poster of the original question specified an equality count constraint, so that’s what I’ll use. There are also dual variables (ρ≥0 ) for the upper bounds. The dual problem is
This being a blog post and not a dissertation, I’ll assume that (2) is feasible, that all parameters are strictly positive, and that the optimal solution is unique and not degenerate. Uniqueness and degeneracy will not cause invalidate the algorithm, but they would complicate the presentation. In an optimal basic feasible solution to (2), there will be either one or two basic variables — one if the knapsack constraint is nonbinding, two if it is binding — with every other variable nonbasic at either its lower or upper bound. Suppose that (λ,μ,ρ) is an optimal solution to the dual of (2). The reduced cost of any variable xi is ri=ci−λai−μ . If the knapsack constraint is nonbinding, then λ=0 and the optimal solution is
If the knapsack constraint is binding, there will be two items (j , k ) whose variables are basic, with rj=rk=0 . (By assuming away degeneracy, I’ve assumed away the possibility of the slack variable in the knapsack constraint being basic with value 0). Set
and let b′=b−∑i∉{j,k}aixi and b˜′=b˜−∑i∉{j,k}xi . The two basic variables are given by
The algorithm will proceed in two stages, first looking for a solution with the knapsack nonbinding (one basic x variable) and then looking for a solution with the knapsack binding (two basic x variables). Note that the first time we find feasible primal and dual solutions obeying complementary slackness, both must be optimal, so we are done. Also note that, given any μ and any λ≥0 , we can complete it to obtain a feasible solution to (3) by setting ρi=ci−λai−μ+ . So we will always be dealing with a feasible dual solution, and the algorithm will construct primal solutions that satisfy complementary slackness. The stopping criterion therefore reduces to the constructed primal solution being feasible.
For the first phase, we sort the variables so that c1≥⋯≥cn . Since λ=0 and there is a single basic variable (xh ), whose reduced cost must be zero, obviously μ=ch . That means the reduced cost ri=ci−λai−μ=ci−ch of xi is nonnegative for ih . If the solution given by (3) is feasible — that is, if ∑ih . Thus we can use a bisection search to complete this phase. If we assume a large value of n , the initial sort can be done in O(nlogn ) time and the remainder of the phase requires O(logn) iterations, each of which uses O(n) time.
Unfortunately, I don’t see a way to apply the bisection search to the second phase, in which we look for solutions where the knapsack constraint is binding and λ>0 . We will again search on the value of μ , but this time monotonically. First apply the greedy heuristic to problem (1), retaining the knapsack constraint but ignoring the count constraint. If the solutions happens by chance to satisfy the count constraint, we are done. In most cases, though, the count constraint will be violated. If the count exceeds b˜ , then we can deduce that the optimal value of μ in (4) is positive; if the count falls short of b˜ , the optimal value of μ is negative. We start the second phase with μ=0 and move in the direction of the optimal value.
Since the greedy heuristic sorts items so that c1/a1≥⋯≥cn/an , and since we are starting with μ=0 , our current sort order has (c1−μ)/a1≥⋯≥(cn−μ)/an . We will preserve that ordering (resorting as needed) as we search for the optimal value of μ . To avoid confusion (I hope), let me assume that the optimal value of μ is positive, so that we will be increasing μ as we go. We are looking for values of (λ,μ) where two of the x variables are basic, which means two have reduced cost 0. Suppose that occurs for xi and xj ; then
It is easy to show (left to the reader as an exercise) that if (c1−μ)/a1≥⋯≥(cn−μ)/an for the current value of μ , then the next higher (lower) value of μ which creates a tie in (7) must involve consecutive a consecutive pair of items (j=i+1 ). Moreover, again waving off degeneracy (in this case meaning more than two items with reduced cost 0), if we nudge μ slightly beyond the value at which items i and i+1 have reduced cost 0, the only change to the sort order is that items i and i+1 swap places. No further movement in that direction will cause i and i+1 to tie again, but of course either of them may end up tied with their new neighbor down the road.
The second phase, starting from μ=0 , proceeds as follows. For each pair (i,i+1) compute the value μi of μ at which (ci−μ)/ai=(ci+1−μ)/ai+1 ; replace that value with ∞ if it is less than the current value of μ (indicating the tie occurs in the wrong direction). Update μ to miniμi , compute λ from (7), and compute x from (5) and (6). If x is primal feasible (which reduces to 0≤xi≤ui and 0≤xi+1≤ui+1 ), stop: x is optimal. Otherwise swap i and i+1 in the sort order, set μi=∞ (the reindexed items i and i+1 will not tie again) and recompute μi−1 and μi+1 (no other μj are affected by the swap).
If the first phase did not find an optimum (and if the greedy heuristic at the start of the second phase did not get lucky), the second phase must terminate with an optimum before it runs out of values of μ to check (all μj=∞ ). Degeneracy can be handled either with a little extra effort in coding (for instance, checking multiple combinations of i and j in the second phase when three-way or higher ties occur) or by making small perturbations to break the degeneracy.

The answers are not quite correct.
You can implement a dynamic programm that solves the knapsack problem with integer satisfaction and arbitrary real number prizes like doubles.
First the standard solution of the problem with integer prizes:
Define K[0..M, 0..n] where K[j, i] = optimal value of items in knapsack of size j, using only items 1, ..., i
for j = 0 to M do K[j,0] = 0
for i = 1 to n do
for j = 0 to M do
//Default case: Do not take item i
K[j,1] = K[j, i-1]
if j >= w_i and v_i+K[j-w, i-1] > K[j, i] then
//Take item i
K[j,i] = v_i + K[j-w_i, i-1]
This creates a table where the solution can be found by following the recursion for entry K[M, n].
Now the solution for the problem with real number weight:
Define L[0..S, 0..N] where L[j, i] = minimal weight of items in knapsack of total value >= j, using only items 1, ..., i
and S = total value of all items
for j = 0 to S do L[j, 0] = 0
for i = 0 to n do
for j = 0 to S do
//Default case: Do not take item i
L[j,i] = L[j, i-1]
if j >= v_i and L[j-v_i, i-1] + w_i < L[j, i] then
//Take item i
L[j, i] = L[j -v_i, i-1] + w_i
The solution can now be found similiar to the other version. Instead of using the weight as first dimension we now use the total value of the items that lead to the minimal weight.
The code has more or less the same runtime O(S * N) whereas the other has O(M * N).

The answer to your question depends on several factors:
How large is the value of constraint (if scaled to cants and converted to integers).
How many items are there.
What kind of knapsack problem is to be solved
What is required precision.
If you have very large constraint value (much more than millions) and very many items (much more than thousands)
Then the only option is Greedy approximation algorithm. Sort the items in decreasing order of value per unit of weight and pack them in this order.
If you want to use a simple algorithm and do not require high precision
Then again try to use greedy algorithm. "Satisfaction value" itself may be very rough approximation, so why bother inventing complex solutions when simple approximation may be enough.
If you have very large (or even continuous) constraint value but pretty small number of items (less than thousands)
Then use branch and bound approach. You don't need to implement it from scratch. Try GNU GLPK. Its branch-and-cut solver is not perfect, but may be enough to solve small problems.
If both constraint value and number of items are small
Use any approach (DP, branch and bound, or just brute-force).
If constraint value is pretty small (less than millions) but there are too many (like millions) items
Then DP algorithms are possible.
Simplest case is the unbounded knapsack problem when there is no upper bound on the number of copies of each kind of item. This wikipedia article contains a good description how to simplify the problem: Dominance relations in the UKP and how to solve it: Unbounded knapsack problem.
More difficult is the 0-1 knapsack problem when you can pack each kind of item only zero times or one time. And the bounded knapsack problem, allowing to pack each kind of item up to some integer limit times is even more difficult. Internet offers lots of implementations for these problems, there are several suggestions in the same article. But I don't know which one is good or bad.


Number of ways to represent a number as a sum of K numbers in subset S

Let the set S be {1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 10}
Now i want to find the number of ways to represent x as sum of K numbers of the set S. (a number can be included any number of times)
if x = 10 and k = 3
Then the ans should be 2 => (5,4,1) , (4,4,2)
The order of the numbers doesn't matter ie.(4,4,2) and (4,2,4) count as one.
I did some research and found that the set can be represented as a polynomial x^1+x^2+x^4+x^5+x^10 and after raising the polynomial to the power K the coefficients of the product polynomial gives the ans.
But the ans includes (4,4,2) and (4,2,4) as unique terms which i don't want
Is there any way to make (4,4,2) and (4,2,4) count as same term ?
This is a NP-complete, a variant of the sum-subset problem as described here.
So frankly, I don't think you can solve it via a non-exponential (iterate though all combinations) solution, without any restrictions on the problem input (such as maximum number range, etc.).
Without any restrictions on the problem domain, I suggest iterating through all your possible k-set instances (as described in the Pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming solution) and see which are a solution.
Checking whether 2 solutions are identical is nothing compared to the complexity of the overall algo. So, a hash of the solution set-elements will work just fine:
E.g. hash-order-insensitive(4,4,2)==hash-order-insensitive(4,2,4) => check the whole set, otherwise the solutions are distinct.
PS: you can also describe step-by-step your current solution.

Knapsack with unique elements

I'm trying to solve the following:
The knapsack problem is as follows: given a set of integers S={s1,s2,…,sn}, and a given target number T, find a subset of S that adds up exactly to T. For example, within S={1,2,5,9,10} there is a subset that adds up to T=22 but not T=23. Give a correct programming algorithm for knapsack that runs in O(nT) time.
but the only algorithm I could come up with is generating all the 1 to N combinations and try the sum out (exponential time).
I can't devise a dynamic programming solution since the fact that I can't reuse an object makes this problem different from a coin rest exchange problem and from a general knapsack problem.
Can somebody help me out with this or at least give me a hint?
The O(nT) running time gives you the hint: do dynamic programming on two axes. That is, let f(a,b) denote the maximum sum <= b which can be achieved with the first a integers.
f satisfies the recurrence
f(a,b) = max( f(a-1,b), f(a-1,b-s_a)+s_a )
since the first value is the maximum without using s_a and the second is the maximum including s_a. From here the DP algorithm should be straightforward, as should outputting the correct subset of S.
I did find a solution but with O(T(n2)) time complexity. If we make a table from bottom to top. In other words If we sort the array and start with the greatest number available and make a table where columns are the target values and rows the provided number. We will need to consider the sum of all possible ways of making i- cost [j] +j . Which will take n^2 time. And this multiplied with target.

A greedy or dynamic algorithm to subset selection

I have a simple algorithmic question. I would be grateful if you could help me.
We have some 2 dimensional points. A positive weight is associated to them (a sample problem is attached). We want to select a subset of them which maximizes the weights and neither of two selected points overlap each other (for example, in the attached file, we cannot select both A and C because they are in the same row, and in the same way we cannot select both A and B, because they are in the same column.) If there is any greedy (or dynamic) approach I can use. I'm aware of non-overlapping interval selection algorithm, but I cannot use it here, because my problem is 2 dimensional.
Any reference or note is appreciated.
A simple sample of the problem:
A (30$) -------- B (10$)
C (8$)
If you are OK with a good solution, and do not demand the best solution - you can use heuristical algorithms to solve this.
Let S be the set of points, and w(s) - the weightening function.
Create a weight function W:2^S->R (from the subsets of S to real numbers):
W(U) = - INFINITY is the solution is not feasible
Sigma(w(u)) for each u in U otherwise
Also create a function next:2^S -> 2^2^S (a function that gets a subset of S, and returns a set of subsets of S)
next(U) = V you can get V from U by adding/removing one element to/from U
Now, given that data - you can invoke any optimization algorithm in the Artificial Intelligence book, such as Genetic Algorithm or Hill Climbing.
For example, Hill Climbing with random restarts, will be something like that:
1. best<- -INFINITY
2. while there is more time
3. choose a random subset s
4. NEXT <- next(s)
5. if max{ W(v) | for each v in NEXT} < W(s): //s is a local maximum
5.1. if W(s) > best: best <- W(s) //if s is better then the previous result - store it.
5.2. go to 2. //restart the hill climbing from a different random point.
6. else:
6.1. s <- max { NEXT }
6.2. goto 4.
7. return best //when out of time, return the best solution found so far.
The above algorithm is anytime - meaning it will produce better results if given more time.
This can be treated as a linear assignment problem, which can be solved using an algorithm like the Hungarian algorithm. The algorithm tries to minimize the sum of costs, so just negate your weights, and use them as the costs. The assignment of rows to columns will give you the subset of points that you need. There are sparse variants for cases where not every (row,column) pair has an associated point, but you can also just use a large positive cost for these.
Well you can think of this as a binary constraint optimization problem, and there are various algorithms. The easiest algorithm for this problem is backtracking and arc propogation. However, it takes exponential time in the worst case. I am not sure if there are any specific algorithms to take advantage of the geometrical nature of the problem.
This can be solved by a pretty straight forward dynamic programming approach with a exponential time complexity
s = {A, B, C ...}
getMaxSum(s) = max( A.value + getMaxSum(compatibleSubSet(s, A)),
B.value + getMaxSum(compatibleSubSet(s, B)),
where compatibleSubSet(s, A) gets the subset of s that does not overlap with A
To optimize it, you can memorize the result for each subset
Some way to do it:
Write a function that generates subsets ordered from the subset off maximum weight to the subset off minimum weight while ignoring the constraints.
Then call this function repeatedly until a subset that honors the constraints pops up.
In order to improve the performance, you can write a not so dumb generator function that for instance honors the not-on-the-same-row constraint but that ignores the not-on-the-same-column one.

Constraint Satisfaction: Choosing real numbers with certain characteristics

I have a set of n real numbers. I also have a set of functions,
f_1, f_2, ..., f_m.
Each of these functions takes a list of numbers as its argument. I also have a set of m ranges,
[l_1, u_1], [l_2, u_2], ..., [l_m, u_m].
I want to repeatedly choose a subset {r_1, r_2, ..., r_k} of k elements such that
l_i <= f_i({r_1, r_2, ..., r_k}) <= u_i for 1 <= i <= m.
Note that the functions are smooth. Changing one element in {r_1, r_2, ..., r_k} will not change f_i({r_1, r_2, ..., r_k}) by much. average and variance are two f_i that are commonly used.
These are the m constraints that I need to satisfy.
Moreover I want to do this so that the set of subsets I choose is uniformly distributed over the set of all subsets of size k that satisfy these m constraints. Not only that, but I want to do this in an efficient manner. How quickly it runs will depend on the density of solutions within the space of all possible solutions (if this is 0.0, then the algorithm can run forever). (Assume that f_i (for any i) can be computed in a constant amount of time.)
Note that n is large enough that I cannot brute-force the problem. That is, I cannot just iterate through all k-element subsets and find which ones satisfy the m constraints.
Is there a way to do this?
What sorts of techniques are commonly used for a CSP like this? Can someone point me in the direction of good books or articles that talk about problems like this (not just CSPs in general, but CSPs involving continuous, as opposed to discrete values)?
Assuming you're looking to write your own application and use existing libraries to do this, there are choices in many languages, like Python-constraint, or Cream or Choco for Java, or CSP for C++. The way you've described the problem it sound like you're looking for a general purpose CSP solver. Are there any properties of your functions that may help reduce the complexity, such as being monotonic?
Given the problem as you've described it, you can pick from each range r_i uniformly and throw away any m-dimensional point that fails to meet the criterion. It will be uniformly distributed because the original is uniformly distributed and the set of subsets is a binary mask over the original.
Without knowing more about the shape of f, you can't make any guarantees about whether time is polynomial or not (or even have any idea of how to hit a spot that meets the constraint). After all, if f_1 = (x^2 + y^2 - 1) and f_2 = (1 - x^2 - y^2) and the constraints are f_1 < 0 and f_2 < 0, you can't satisfy this at all (and without access to the analytic form of the functions, you could never know for sure).
Given the information in your message, I'm not sure it can be done at all...
numbers = {1....100}
m = 1 (keep it simple)
F1 = Average
L1 = 10
U1 = 50
Now, how many subset of {1...100} can you come up with that produces an average between 10 & 50?
This looks like a very hard problem. For the simplest case with linear functions you could take a look at linear programming.

A packing algorithm ... kind of

Given an array of items, each of which has a value and cost, what's the best algorithm determine the items required to reach a minimum value at the minimum cost? eg:
Item: Value -> Cost
A 20 -> 11
B 7 -> 5
C 1 -> 2
MinValue = 30
naive solution: A + B + C + C + C. Value: 30, Cost 22
best option: A + B + B. Value: 34, Cost 21
Note that the overall value:cost ratio at the end is irrelevant (A + A would give you the best value for money, but A + B + B is a cheaper option which hits the minimum value).
This is the knapsack problem. (That is, the decision version of this problem is the same as the decision version of the knapsack problem, although the optimization version of the knapsack problem is usually stated differently.) It is NP-hard (which means no algorithm is known that is polynomial in the "size" -- number of bits -- in the input). But if your numbers are small (the largest "value" in the input, say; the costs don't matter), then there is a simple dynamic programming solution.
Let best[v] be the minimum cost to get a value of (exactly) v. Then you can calculate the values best[] for all v, by (initializing all best[v] to infinity and):
best[0] = 0
best[v] = min_(items i){cost[i] + best[v-value[i]]}
Then look at best[v] for values upto the minimum you want plus the largest value; the smallest of those will give you the cost.
If you want the actual items (and not just the minimum cost), you can either maintain some extra data, or just look through the array of best[]s and infer from it.
This problem is known as integer linear programming. It's NP-hard.
However, for small problems like your example, it's trivial to make a quick few lines of code to simply brute force all the low combinations of purchase choices.
NP-harddoesn't mean impossible or even expensive, it means your problem becomes rapidly slower to solve with larger scale problems. In your case with just three items, you can solve this in mere microseconds.
For the exact question of what's the best algorithm in general.. there are entire textbooks on it. A good start is good old Wikipedia.
Edit This answer is redacted on account of being factually incorrect. Following the advice in this will only cause you harm.
This is not actually the knapsack problem, because it assumes that you cannot pack more items than there is space for in some container. In you case you want to find the cheapest combination that will fill up the space, allowing for the fact that overflow may occur.
My solution, which I don't know is the optimal but it should be pretty close, would be to compute for each item the cost benefit ratio, find the item with the highest cost benefit and fill the structure with this item until there isn't space for one more item. Then I would test to see if there was a combination with any of the other available items that could fill the available slot for less that the cost of one of the cheapest items and then if such a solution exist, use that combination otherwise use one more of the cheapest items.
Amenddum This may actually also be NP-complete, but I am not sure yet. Anyway for all practical purposes this variation should be much faster than the naive solution.
