Knapsack with unique elements - algorithm

I'm trying to solve the following:
The knapsack problem is as follows: given a set of integers S={s1,s2,…,sn}, and a given target number T, find a subset of S that adds up exactly to T. For example, within S={1,2,5,9,10} there is a subset that adds up to T=22 but not T=23. Give a correct programming algorithm for knapsack that runs in O(nT) time.
but the only algorithm I could come up with is generating all the 1 to N combinations and try the sum out (exponential time).
I can't devise a dynamic programming solution since the fact that I can't reuse an object makes this problem different from a coin rest exchange problem and from a general knapsack problem.
Can somebody help me out with this or at least give me a hint?

The O(nT) running time gives you the hint: do dynamic programming on two axes. That is, let f(a,b) denote the maximum sum <= b which can be achieved with the first a integers.
f satisfies the recurrence
f(a,b) = max( f(a-1,b), f(a-1,b-s_a)+s_a )
since the first value is the maximum without using s_a and the second is the maximum including s_a. From here the DP algorithm should be straightforward, as should outputting the correct subset of S.

I did find a solution but with O(T(n2)) time complexity. If we make a table from bottom to top. In other words If we sort the array and start with the greatest number available and make a table where columns are the target values and rows the provided number. We will need to consider the sum of all possible ways of making i- cost [j] +j . Which will take n^2 time. And this multiplied with target.


Find minimum steps to convert all elements to zero

You are given an array of positive integers of size N. You can choose any positive number x such that x<=max(Array) and subtract it from all elements of the array greater than and equal to x.
This operation has a cost A[i]-x for A[i]>=x. The total cost for a particular step is the
sum(A[i]-x). A step is only valid if the sum(A[i]-x) is less than or equal to a given number K.
For all the valid steps find the minimum number of steps to make all elements of the array zero.
Can anybody help me with any approach? DP will not work due to high constraints.
Just some general exploratory thoughts.
First, there should be a constraint on N. If N is 3, this is much easier than if it is 100. The naive brute force approach is going to be O(k^N)
Next, you are right that DP will not work with these constraints.
For a greedy approach, I would want to minimize the number of distinct non-zero values, and not maximize how much I took. Our worst case approach is take out the largest each time, for N steps. If you can get 2 pairs of entries to both match, then that shortened our approach.
The obvious thing to try if you can is an A* search. However that requires a LOWER bound (not upper). The best naive lower bound that I can see is ceil(log_2(count_distinct_values)). Unless you're incredibly lucky and the problem can be solved that quickly, this is unlikely to narrow your search enough to be helpful.
I'm curious what trick makes this problem actually doable.
I do have an idea. But it is going to take some thought to make it work. Naively we want to take each choice for x and explore the paths that way. And this is a problem because there are 10^5 choices for x. After 2 choices we have a problem, and after 3 we are definitely not going to be able to do it.
BUT instead consider the possible orders of the array elements (with ties both possible and encouraged) and the resulting inequalities on the range of choices that could have been made. And now instead of having to store a 10^5 choices of x we only need store the distinct orderings we get, and what inequalities there are on the range of choices that get us there. As long as N < 10, the number of weak orderings is something that we can deal with if we're clever.
It would take a bunch of work to flesh out this idea though.
I may be totally wrong, and if so, please tell me and I'm going to delete my thoughts: maybe there is an opportunity if we translate the problem into another form?
You are given an array A of positive integers of size N.
Calculate the histogram H of this array.
The highest populated slot of this histogram has index m ( == max(A)).
Find the shortest sequence of selections of x for:
Select an index x <= m which satisfies sum(H[i]*(i-x)) <= K for i = x+1 .. m (search for suitable x starts from m down)
Add H[x .. m] to H[0 .. m-x]
Set the new m as the highest populated index in H[0 .. x-1] (we ignore everything from H[x] up)
Repeat until m == 0
If there is only a "good" but not optimal solution sought for, I could imagine that some kind of spectral analysis of H could hint towards favorable x selections so that maxima in the histogram pile upon other maxima in the reduction step.

What is the following known as?

I have a simple algorithmic problem.
I have a set of positive integers S and a positive maximum integer i.
Let's say the sum of S (or a subset of S) is the sum of its elements.
I need to find a subset s of S whose sum does not exceed i and is "maximally summing" - meaning no other subset of S has a greater sum than s without exceeding i.
The trivial solution I came up with is to go over each set of the power set of S and sum the integers, keeping track of the set with the properties I seek, but this algorithm is obviously exponential.
There must be a well-known name for this problem, as I don't think I am the first to come across this need. Could someone help me out?
Solve subset sum problem for your set using dynamic programming.
Then scan filled table from i-th entry to smaller values until you find non-zero entry (i.e. such sum exists). This is the largest sum of subsets that not exceeding given value.

Number of ways to represent a number as a sum of K numbers in subset S

Let the set S be {1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 10}
Now i want to find the number of ways to represent x as sum of K numbers of the set S. (a number can be included any number of times)
if x = 10 and k = 3
Then the ans should be 2 => (5,4,1) , (4,4,2)
The order of the numbers doesn't matter ie.(4,4,2) and (4,2,4) count as one.
I did some research and found that the set can be represented as a polynomial x^1+x^2+x^4+x^5+x^10 and after raising the polynomial to the power K the coefficients of the product polynomial gives the ans.
But the ans includes (4,4,2) and (4,2,4) as unique terms which i don't want
Is there any way to make (4,4,2) and (4,2,4) count as same term ?
This is a NP-complete, a variant of the sum-subset problem as described here.
So frankly, I don't think you can solve it via a non-exponential (iterate though all combinations) solution, without any restrictions on the problem input (such as maximum number range, etc.).
Without any restrictions on the problem domain, I suggest iterating through all your possible k-set instances (as described in the Pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming solution) and see which are a solution.
Checking whether 2 solutions are identical is nothing compared to the complexity of the overall algo. So, a hash of the solution set-elements will work just fine:
E.g. hash-order-insensitive(4,4,2)==hash-order-insensitive(4,2,4) => check the whole set, otherwise the solutions are distinct.
PS: you can also describe step-by-step your current solution.

PartitionProblem - find the optimal subsets

I need to find the optimal subsets after solving the partition problem using the Dynamic Programming pseudo polynomial time algorithm.
More specifically, I'm not able to make sense of this answer:
I'm not able to understand how to construct the optimal subsets from the boolean table.
The Wikipedia article on the partition problem has it too:
Can someone please shed some light on it?
Everything you need is in the answer you posted.
First of all, when you create table using pseudo-polynomial time algorithm you don't store boolean values (True if it's reachable, False otherwise), but value of the element that you added to the subset. Than you should be able to construct subset by simply substracting it from the sum you obtained.
So the algorithm is:
For every number x_i in your set:
Set p(1, x_i) = x_i
For every other field p(row, sum) set it to x_i if p(row-1, sum-x_i) != 0
So now p(row, sum) = x means that we can get sum by taking some row elements of our set and last one of them is x.
Once p(some_row, N/2) != 0 you can construct the subset by taking it's value x, and moving to p(some_row - 1, N/2 - x) and so forth.
Hope this makes it clear.
BTW. Is there a way to write latex in the answers?

Efficient algorithm for finding a set of non adjacent subarrays maximizing their total sum

I've come across this problem in a programming contest site and been trying different things for a few days but none of them seem to be efficient enough.
Here is the question: You are given a large array of integers and a number k. The goal is to divide the array into subarrays each containing no more than k elements, such that the sum of all the elements in all the sub arrays is maximal. Another condition is that none of these sub arrays can be adjacent to each other. In other words, we have to drop a few terms from the original array.
Its been bugging me for a while and would like to hear your perspective on approaching this problem.
Dynamic programming should do the trick. Short explanation why:
The key property of a problem susceptible to dynamic programming is that the optimal solution to the problem (here: the whole array) can always be expressed as composition of two optimal solutions to subproblems (here: two subarrays.) Not every split needs to have this property - it is sufficient for one such split to exist for any optimal solution.
Clearly if you split the optimal solution between arrays (on an element that has been dropped), then the subsolutions are optimal within both subarrays.
The algorithm:
Try every element of the array in turn as the splitting element, looking for the one that yields the best result. Solve the problem recursively for both parts of the array (the recursion stops when the subarray is no longer than k). Memoize solutions to avoid exponential time (the recursion will obviously try the same subarray many times.)
This is not a solution, but a clue.
Consider solving the following problem:
From an array X choose elements a subset of elements such that none of them are adjacent to each other and their sum is maximum.
Now, the above problem is a special case of your problem where K=1. Think how you can expand the solution to a general case. Let me know if you don't know how to solve the simpler case.
I don't have time to explain why this works and should be the accepted answer:
def maxK(a, k):
states = k+1
myList = [0 for i in range(states)]
for i in range(0, len(a)):
maxV = max (myList)
myList = [a[i] + j for j in myList]
myList[(states-i) % k] = maxV
return max(myList)
This works with negative numbers too. This is linear in size(a) times k. The language I used is Python because at this level it can be read as if it were pseudo code.
