Unable to start debugging on the web server after installing SharePoint - visual-studio-2010

Visual studio 2010 was debugging fine on Win 7 , 64-bit machine. after installing sharepoint foundation 2010. SP site r working fine. but mvc, aspnet projects showing follwoing error
Unable to start debugging on the web server. the web server cound lnot find the requested resource.

When SharePoint is installed the default web site in IIS is replaced by the SharePoint default site. Create a whole new website (and also an application pool preferrably) for yourself in IIS and deploy your code there and try debugging it. It should work.

From my past experience you cannot use an MVC template on a sharepoint environment (i.e. sharepoint iis site)
There are a few add-ons and customizations you can do, but their quite tedious.


Sharepoint 2013 Farm Visual Studio cannot connect

I have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and SharePoint Designer installed on my local machine. I have a SharePoint installed on a server farm that i have full read and write permissions on. My problem is when i try to create the project the wizard to connect to the SharePoint will not show up and it says i need it installed on my local machine. I have read many forums posts such as
along with others these are just the ones still open in my browser. I would love some help or a proper tutorial because the ones i am finding are no help and im not seeing anything besides a error message saying i cannot create a project until i install foundation or server for sharepoint
This is a case where the error message means exactly what it says. You must install SharePoint on your development machine in order to use Visual Studio for local SharePoint development. You can develop on Windows Server 2008/2013 (most common solution I've seen), install SharePoint on your Windows 7/8 machine (which is painful to do but possible), or set up a remote environment for development after signing up for an Office 365 Developer Site.
After hours of searching I found a work around for anyone who is running into this problem... You need to make a web reference to the SharePoint site then you can access the XML and do it that way. Microsoft hides the option its under service reference then you click web reference add the URL and a easily called name add it and your good to go.

Develope Sharepoint solution in VS2010 in Development machine and sharepoint 2013 in Server machine

Am very new to Sharepoint , i installed the VS2010 in development machine and Sharepoint 2013 installed in Server machine. now i have to Develope Sharepoint solution in VS2010.
but in sharepoint wizard,
it asking the site and security for debugging :i have given the my site in textbox which running in my local machine. and when i validated that,
am getting the
SharePoint Connection Error
Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: my site. Make sure that the Site URL is valid, that the SharePoint site is running on the local computer, and that the current user has the necessary permissions to access the site.
Additional information:
A SharePoint server is not installed on this computer. A SharePoint server must be installed to work with SharePoint projects.
**Am one of the active directory user
**I have the privileged to access my site what i created in Central admin
**VS 2010 installed in Development machine, sahrepoint 2013 installed in server machine, am using the sahrepoint , by sharepoint dll installed into GAC in to develpment machine.
any one come across this problem and know the solution for it. ?
Thanks in advance.
The error says:
Make sure that the Site URL is valid, that the SharePoint site is running on the local computer
You need to install SP2013 on your dev enviroment.

Installing IIS on Windows 7 Home Basic

I have a ASP.NET application and I would like to deploy it on a webserver.
So I searched for a some tutorials and most of them tell to enable the IIS Management Console in control panel.But I don't have such an entry in there.
So I guessed that I have some component missing(jigsaw) and used the MS WebPI utility to install IIS components and other things even remotely connected to web development.
I have installed
Web deploy 3.0
IIS Express 7.5
.NET framework 4
and MS web tools for Visual studio 2010.
Still no luck.Run>inetmgr still fails.There is no inetpub folder anywhere.(I expected something like apache htdocs folder)
Excuse me for the newbie question.I am in windows7 home basic.
You are NOT able to use full-fledged IIS with Windows 7 Home Basic.
According to MSDN IIS7 installed on Windows 7 Home Basic is too limited and you won't be able to run ASP.Net application there. IIS Management Console is also unavailable on Windows 7 Home Basic.
I think that you can try IIS Express and all-in-one WebMatrix solution. WebMatrix provides you with a neat interface to start /stop / restart IIS Express and to edit some of IIS Express settings.

Visual Studio 2010 published web site returns "Could not load assembly App_Web_xxxxxx.dll"

I am working on client's application in which we have two servers - development server and testing server. We first develop applications on development server and then publish it and host it on test server for client testing.
Testing server has Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1. On development we have Visual Studio 2010.
We publish the website on development server using VS 2010 and then copy that folder to testing server and host it on its IIS.
Whenever we try access any aspx page of site hosted on testing server, we get error:
Could not load assembly App_Web_xxxxxx.dll". Make sure it is compiled before accessing the page
What can I do to resolve this?
This could be due to a lot of reasons.
I would start by trying one of the following things..
Make sure your IIS Site has the correct .net version specified - same as your application
Make sure you have all the required .net components installed in windows features (control panetl)
Look at event viewer for more errors and post it here
OK guys here is the solution.
Since my testing server is having Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 so on the development server while publishing from VS 2010, I have to choose target framework as 3.5.
Do this:
Right click web site -> Property Page -> Build -> Change the target framework.
After doing this setting, publish the web site again.

Visual studio web server iis6 or iis7?

When I run my asp.net mvc site in visual studio 2008 is it running iis7 or iis6 Internally?
Also does mvc require iis7 (is intended for?)
Via Visual Studio, you're not really running IIS6 or IIS7. You're running Cassini. You can find out how Cassini differs from IIS here. As for ASP.NET MVC, it may be deployed to run under IIS6 or IIS7. As mentioned previously, you have to jump through some hoops if you want to run under IIS6 so IIS7 is ideal if possible. If you are stuck with IIS6 (maybe you're on Windows Server 2003) there are a couple of best practices (Url file extensions or wild card application maps) which Phil Haack has well documented which will help to get your application running correctly.
If you mean the one built in to windows, that is tied to your OS version rather than to your version of Visual Studio.
If you mean the version that Visual Studio uses as a development webserver, then that version is not IIS. Its an internal webserver (very similar to Cassini) suited for testing and debugging only.
MVC can work in IIS6 but you need to make sure to set your routing to "{controller}.aspx/{action}/{id}".
As for IIS6 or 7 for the "IISLite" that VS uses, I am unsure of that. I think VS2008 uses IIS7 because I do not need to add ".aspx" to my controller in the route when debugging.
