Installing IIS on Windows 7 Home Basic - windows

I have a ASP.NET application and I would like to deploy it on a webserver.
So I searched for a some tutorials and most of them tell to enable the IIS Management Console in control panel.But I don't have such an entry in there.
So I guessed that I have some component missing(jigsaw) and used the MS WebPI utility to install IIS components and other things even remotely connected to web development.
I have installed
Web deploy 3.0
IIS Express 7.5
.NET framework 4
and MS web tools for Visual studio 2010.
Still no luck.Run>inetmgr still fails.There is no inetpub folder anywhere.(I expected something like apache htdocs folder)
Excuse me for the newbie question.I am in windows7 home basic.

You are NOT able to use full-fledged IIS with Windows 7 Home Basic.
According to MSDN IIS7 installed on Windows 7 Home Basic is too limited and you won't be able to run ASP.Net application there. IIS Management Console is also unavailable on Windows 7 Home Basic.
I think that you can try IIS Express and all-in-one WebMatrix solution. WebMatrix provides you with a neat interface to start /stop / restart IIS Express and to edit some of IIS Express settings.


Windows 8 Home & IIS & VS 2012: Can't find virtual directory

I wonder if this problem is due to the Home Edition of Windows I use.
I have several other development machines (Win 7 Pro) and never had problems with this.
When I open a preexisting ASP.Net project which uses the IIS VS 2012 on Windows 8 Home says it is configured for the use with IIS but doesn't find the web server/directory.
The IIS virtual dir exists though. I have the IIS installed (from the standard Windows feature list). I have setup the web application etc. I can even start websites in the browser with localhost. Only thing is VS 2012 can't find the IIS.
Is there a limitiation in Home?

How to set up Windows Web Server 2008 R2 for MVC Applications

What I am looking for and seem unable to find, it's late and I'm tired, is a step by step guide on how to set up windows 2008 server to run mvc applications.
I am a web applications developer, amongst other things, and can do that bit fine. Normally I let someone else, like the hosting company, worry about the setup and just publish using 1-Click with web deploy or ftp.
However, for this projects I have a local Windows Web Server 2008 R2 installed but I don't know how to set it up to run the application. the deploy works, all the files arrive in the correct folder on the server, but can I get it to work?
Hence the question.
For your information the app is built using Sharp Architecture, MVC3 and Razor and targeted at .NET 4 which is installed on both my development PC and the server.
Any suggestions?
Best thing would be to download Windows Web Platform installer and select the options you want, for example, .NET 4, MVC3 etc etc ...
Then, remember to enable ASP.NET in your IIS (under Roles or something...).

Unable to start debugging on the web server after installing SharePoint

Visual studio 2010 was debugging fine on Win 7 , 64-bit machine. after installing sharepoint foundation 2010. SP site r working fine. but mvc, aspnet projects showing follwoing error
Unable to start debugging on the web server. the web server cound lnot find the requested resource.
When SharePoint is installed the default web site in IIS is replaced by the SharePoint default site. Create a whole new website (and also an application pool preferrably) for yourself in IIS and deploy your code there and try debugging it. It should work.
From my past experience you cannot use an MVC template on a sharepoint environment (i.e. sharepoint iis site)
There are a few add-ons and customizations you can do, but their quite tedious.

Deploying a silverlight webapp from Visual Studio 2010 to Windows 7 IIS

Hope somebody can give me some info regarding this.
I have a silverlight web app (.NET 4). I would like to use msdeploy to deploy it to IIS 7 running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine.
I have read many pages and have tried a lot of the steps in them so far but am still struggling.
What I have done:
1. Installed Web Platform Installer.
2. Installed msdeploy
3. Started and set to automatically start: "Web Deployment Agent Service" and "Web Management Service"
4. Created a web site in IIS 7 and set permissions.
5. Tested the website "http://server/page and get a blank directory browsing because nothing is added yet.
So now I would like to deploy but am getting an error : "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it:
I have tested telnet'ing to the address on port 8172 which fails.
It is suggested that msdeploy is not configured correctly and I need to Enable Remote Connections. However it does not seem that Windows 7 IIS 7 has the icons in IIS to do this. (No "Management Service" option under add / remove features of IIS)
Does this mean i can not deploy to Windows 7 IIS 7?
Or is there another way to enable remote connections, perhaps using powershell?
Any help is greatly appreciated

Frontpage server extensions install problem

Here is the antenced of my story
I've got a problem with the VS or IIS. I don't know.
When in the Visual Studio 2010 I try to create website: throw up the follow errormessage:
Unable to create the Wet site''. The Web server does not appear to have FrontPage Server Extensions installe.
I download the Frontpage extension from here:
Then I read how can it install, but when the article write that:
To extend a Web site using HTML Administration pages on Windows, use the following steps:
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft SharePoint Administrator to open the Server Administration page.
In the list of virtual servers, click Extend next to the virtual server you want to extend.
In the Administrator box, type the user name for the administrator of the virtual server.
Click Submit.
I don't find Microsoft SharePoint Administrator on my Windows 7 Profesionnal 64 bit
You can extend a Web site by using the command-line tools, owsadm or owsrmadm. These tools are located in the "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\bin" folder. To extend a Web site, use the install operation, which takes the following parameters.
I don't find the Web Server Extennsions dir on my Windows 7 Profesionnal 64 bit
I have read another article where write that, Use the Visual Studio DVD go to WCU dir and into the Web Server ... dir, but I don't find...
I download the FPSE and install with my local Administration account.
But the Visaul Studio Always says: The WEb server does not appear to haver FPSE installed.
How can I fix it? Install it?
Bad news (may not be so bad): FPSE for IIS 7 and 7.5 are not supported. Alternative is to use WebDav and here's an article explaining how to migrate FPSE Sites to WebDAV.
Good News (may not be so good due to licensing part): As of December 18, 2010, Ready-to-Run Software Inc. has created Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) 2002 for IIS 7 and 7.5.
See this announcement from MS: FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista
If the FrontPage Server Extensions are installed, this error may occur because the _vti_bin virtual directory is not marked executable. To correct this problem, run the Internet Service Manager, select the Web server having the problem, and use the Check Server Extensions task. Reference:
