Creating a liferay portlet using spring roo - spring

Does Spring Roo supports creating a liferay portlet built out of JSP/Primefaces scaffolding.

There is no plan to support portlet development with Roo.
But, you can find an add-on here that allow your Roo project to turn into a Spring MVC Portlet project so that it will be complient with the portlet specification.


Maven archetype for Liferay Spring MVC portlet

Is there any maven archetype available for liferay 6.1.0 spring mvc portlet?
Here you can find a custom it good for your needs?

Steps for Creating a jsp application with SpringHibernate framework?

I used to hardcode my JSP applications and I have never used Spring framework before, I would like to get an overview of how to create a JSP app, I already have spring hibernate set up in eclipse:
How to configure web.xml?
JavaBeat has some good tutorials on Spring, in particular some with Spring and Hibernate I recommend you check out:
Spring Framework Tutorials
Spring and Hibernate ORM Framework Integration

How i convert spring project to liferay?

I developped an application (spring, hibernate) and i must convert it to liferay Project
how i can do it?
please could you help me
thank you.
A solution would be to build your application using Spring Portlet MVC, the Portlet version of Spring MVC. Then you will be able to deploy your application as a Portlet on Liferay.
Spring hibernate and liferay have nothing in common.
Spring and hibernate are frameworks : one for managing bean, other for database mapping (orm).
Liferay is a portal.
So you can't migrate automatically a project to liferay.
BUT, you can :
integrate your project using social widgets into a liferay portal
if your project have some standard portlets, you should have no problem to copy them in a liferay environment
for other case, you will need to rewrite your code to adapt to liferay api

can i use Spring framework for developing JSP application?

I have Eclipse-EE 3.6 IDE...I want to develop a Web Application using JSP and Servlet.
I plan to develop this application using Spring framework.
is it possible...can i use Spring framework for developing JSP application?
can you provide some Tutorials for JSP Application development using spring for beginners.
You can use Spring MVC. Try following tutorials:
Yes, you can. JSP is a standard view technology for spring-mvc. I'd recommend the official spring-mvc documentation
Yes, I would say, that this is one of the most done use case for Spring.
Anyway: I strongly recommend to use STS (SpringSource Tool Suite), it is free and based on Eclipse 3.6 Java EE, but provides additional Spring features. For example the some templates for Spring Projects (new Project/SpringSource Tool Suite/Spring Template Project).
And one very interesting Feature: Task Base Tutorials. They are great if you want to lern form an example: Dashbord/Tutorials/

Using the Spring Security plugin with Grails without the domain model

We're using Grails but with an existing model layer and DAO layer. We have an app written already in Spring MVC, using Spring for IoC and also Security. I'm trying to port the control and view over to Grails as a proof of concept. I have Grails working fine with IoC but am having some trouble getting Grails to work with Spring Security. I'm using 0.5.1 of the Spring security plugin for grails. I have an xml file with all of the spring security settings that work fine with the Spring MVC app, but I'm having trouble getting it to work in Grails. If anyone has any experience using Grails with Spring Security but not using the domain part of the Spring security plugin, then please let me know. Any advice, websites etc would be helpful.
You don't even need the Grails Spring Security Plugin,
You can integrate Spring Security 3 right into Grails as
it all Spring under the hood any way.
You only have to place the Security jars in the lib folder, add two entries into the web.xml and copy over your security applictionContext
This way you can use your existing Spring Security in your grails project
This worked for me.!-td25339938.html#a25339938
