Using the Spring Security plugin with Grails without the domain model - spring

We're using Grails but with an existing model layer and DAO layer. We have an app written already in Spring MVC, using Spring for IoC and also Security. I'm trying to port the control and view over to Grails as a proof of concept. I have Grails working fine with IoC but am having some trouble getting Grails to work with Spring Security. I'm using 0.5.1 of the Spring security plugin for grails. I have an xml file with all of the spring security settings that work fine with the Spring MVC app, but I'm having trouble getting it to work in Grails. If anyone has any experience using Grails with Spring Security but not using the domain part of the Spring security plugin, then please let me know. Any advice, websites etc would be helpful.

You don't even need the Grails Spring Security Plugin,
You can integrate Spring Security 3 right into Grails as
it all Spring under the hood any way.
You only have to place the Security jars in the lib folder, add two entries into the web.xml and copy over your security applictionContext
This way you can use your existing Spring Security in your grails project
This worked for me.!-td25339938.html#a25339938


JSF with Spring boot 2.5+

I'm needing to get JSF running with Spring boot 2.5+ and I'm not finding an easy way to convert from a web.xml/faces-config.xml setup to the Spring Boot method. Does anyone know of a tutorial on how to get mojarra up and running with Spring boot 2.5? I'm currently running a Spring Framework (xml) war project, that I'm trying to migrate to Spring Boot.
I don't want to use something like joinfaces ( as I feel like it is doing too much and more then I need or want.

Convert project from Spring framework to Spring boot

I have a set of projects in Spring framework and I have to Find the ones which can be converted to Spring boot.
Is there anything that is related to Spring framework and cannot be converted to spring boot ? In my research, I Could not Find something like that.
But does anyone know something, like a dependency, which would force the project to stay in Spring framework ?
Spring Boot uses the Spring Framework as a foundation and improvises on it. It simplifies Spring dependencies and runs applications straight from a command line. Spring Boot provides several features to help manage enterprise applications easily. Spring Boot is not a replacement for the Spring, but it’s a tool for working faster and easier on Spring applications. It simplifies much of the architecture by adding a layer that helps automate configuration and deployment while making it easier to add new features.
Most of the changes for migrating Spring Framework application to Spring Boot are related to configurations.This migration will have minimal impact on the application code or other custom components.Spring Boot brings a number of advantages to the development.
It simplifies Spring dependencies by taking the opinionated view.
Spring Boot provides a preconfigured set of technologies/framework to reduces error-prone configuration so we as a developer focused on building our business logic and not thinking of project setup.
You really don’t need those big XML configurations for your project.
Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly.
Provide opinionated Maven POM to simplify your configurations.
Application metrics and health check using actuator module.
Externalization of the configuration files.
Good to refer this for migrating from Spring to Spring Boot application:

Use Spring Boot Spring Security configuration in Grails 3

I'm looking to learn Spring Security with Grails but I can't find any intensive course that is built with Grails. My question is, since Grails 3 is built on top of Spring Boot, can I use Spring Boot Spring Security configuration for my Grails 3 app?
There are several security related Guides at
Some documentation you might find helpful:

What are the similarities between Spring and Spring Boot

I have a requirement that I have to use Spring Boot with JSF as user interface, as of now I am using JSF with spring other modules. So, I want know the similarities, differences and advantages of Spring boot over Spring other modules.
Long story short, Spring Boot is highly opinionated wrapper for Spring Framework with a lot of production and cloud ready features. It can significantly reduce amount of your configuration if you follow conventions.
Start reading here.
You can not compare spring boot and spring framework. Spring Boot is a new project aims to help spring development by auto configuration of things required to run the spring application.
So, if you have spring application, you can use spring boot to run your Spring application without worrying about writing the XML configuration.

Steps for Creating a jsp application with SpringHibernate framework?

I used to hardcode my JSP applications and I have never used Spring framework before, I would like to get an overview of how to create a JSP app, I already have spring hibernate set up in eclipse:
How to configure web.xml?
JavaBeat has some good tutorials on Spring, in particular some with Spring and Hibernate I recommend you check out:
Spring Framework Tutorials
Spring and Hibernate ORM Framework Integration
