Visual Basic 2010 Express Error: No Editor Available - visual-studio-2010

When I open my SLN file in Visual Studio, it launches and loads correctly with no errors. When I select a VB file from the Solution Explorer, I get the following message:
I have tried to associate the file type with Windows, but it is already associated. What can I do to get my files to open? HELP PLEASE!
: I can right click and open any file in Visual Basic Express and it works, but the problem is that when I am in the IDE I cannot open files from the solution explorer which means I cannot edit the UI.

The problem described was occurring due to a bug in the Windows 8 developer preview. Upgrading to the Consumer Edition fixes the problem, and adds a number of stability improvements, plus a new Visual Studio IDE is available: Visual Studio 11.


Unable to open project in Visual Studio 2013 Pro - Marmalade Project

I'm unable to open Marmalade MKB Files in Visual Studio 2013 Pro, while my other class mates can with the exact same version of Visual Studio. I've tried multiple projects but unfortunately I'am unable to open any. I've already tried to reinstall Marmalade.
The error message I get is:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the
following projects. The project types may not be installed or this
version of Visual Studio may not support them.
Sounds like you may have set the mkb to be opened by visual studio as default instead of Marmalade.
So instead of Marmalade taking the mkb and turning it into a visual studio project and then opening it Visual Studio is just trying to open the .mkb file it doesn't understand.
Try right clicking on the mkb and choosing Open in Hub (or similar) from the context menu. You should be able to then open in IDE from there and have it open your project in visual studio. If you still get the same error then it means the problem is probably something else. If it works you'll have to stop visual studio being the default that will hopefully let marmalade take over again
Good Luck

How can I open an .xsc file?

I'm trying to read an .xsc file, but I'm not sure what program to use to open it with, I so I googled and everywhere it's telling me I can just use Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, which I have but when I tried to open it with that, it gave me an error:
XSC files are created by the Dataset Designer tool in Visual Studio. They should be able to open with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Professional. Check out here.
You can also open it in FileViewPro, see here.

Project Not Loading in Visual Studio 2010

I recently installed the Windows Phone 7 SDK that came bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I downloaded a sample app and tried to open the solution file. When I checked the solution view window, the app project was not loaded. Every time I tried to reload the project, it flash as available for a moment and then go back to being unavailable. I tried all the usual tricks like removing source control from the .csproj and deleting the .user and .suo files. Any ideas?
Ok I figured it out. When I open the solution file, it opens in Visual Studio 2010 Shell. What I needed to do was to go to Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone, open existing project, and then browse to the solution file and open it. Sorry for the confusion everyone!

Visual studio watch window not allowing to type

I am debugging my application. When I open watch window and click on new row to write variable name it shows error. Please see the image.
It creates a file "VisualStudio_Debugger_Intellisense_1880_13" and file contains nothing. I restarted Visual studio but didn't worked.
I found the problem. It was due to a extension "Where Am I". Where Am I extension is available for Visual Studio 2010. This is not available for VS 2012. I did a hack so that it can be installed on VS 2012. This caused this problem. I disabled that extension, and now everything working fine.

VS Studio Crashes hard with "encountered a user-defined breakpoint" error on any config file

I have a odd problem here I can't figure out.
alt text
This happens each time I open the web.config file in my project. Studio crashes immediately after clicking close. Clicking debug just opens and empty Studio with the debugger attached to nothing.
I even resorted to open studio 2008 naked, without and project or solution, and then manually browsed to the web.config. It still crashes.
Other info:
All *.config files with crash as soon as the file opens.
This occurs in both VS 2005 and 2008.
Any file named .config, whether a .cs file renamed, or an empty text file called bob.config.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try looking at your packages installed for Visual Studio. They are registered in the registry under:
Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2005
If you have a lot, I say kill them all. And then reinstall your specific addons (such as CodeSmith or VisualSVN).
For reference, this is my fresh new install of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 RTM. Only 1 plugin, and it's for SQL Server's SSIS:
