Is there a command to update redis? - macos

I'm working on the front end for a web app, but I'm trying to learn as much of the backend setup as I can as well. I am setting up redis on a new computer myself, but running into a few hiccups.
The wget command cannot be found, so I assume it Linux only? I am following these instructions to install redis on Mac OS 10.7. I have redis 2.0.0 installed, but while attempting to install 2.4.4 using the same commands, I am told redis-server, redis-cli, redis-benchmark cannot be found, and I can't copy them to /usr/local/bin.
I could not find an update command to bring redis up to the most recent version. I don't think it should be this difficult to install the most recent version on redis on Mac OS, but I can't see what I am doing wrong.

So far as I know, typing:
$ brew upgrade redis
should work, where $ indicates your command line. If it complains about HomeBrew not being installed, you can obtain that here. Brew is an excellent package manager, and a great way of taking care of your files.

If you're not using brew, then these steps will help you get up to date.
First, find the location of your installed redis-server instance before updating. In my case, it was in /usr/local/bin/, but it might also be in /usr/bin/. If it's not here, you can type which redis-server to find the location.
Next, download the redis tar file from, then install it from the directory it downloaded to:
cd Downloads
tar xzf redis-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd redis-X.Y.Z
make test
Next, we'll move the new installed redis to the location where the current instance is running:
sudo mv src/redis-server /usr/local/bin
sudo mv src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin
Now you should be ready to use redis-server and redis-cli in the new version.
PS - I also moved the redis-benchmark, redis-sentinel, redis-check-aof, and redis-check-dump files because they were also already in /usr/local/bin.

It would be better to follow this way.
$ brew update
$brew upgrade redis

Create a bash file...
cd ~
nano .update_redis
Go into the tmp directory and download the latest stable version
cd /tmp
Decompress the files
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
Copy the bin programs
cp src/redis-cli /usr/bin/
cp src/redis-server /usr/bin/
cp src/redis-benchmark /usr/bin/
Set Permissions
chmod 755 /usr/bin/redis-cli
chmod 755 /usr/bin/redis-server
chmod 755 /usr/bin/redis-benchmark
bash .update_redis


How to install Fly CLI to mac

I download the latest version of the Fly cli
to ~/Downloads then cd to ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
mv fly_darwin_amd64 fly
install fly
then I do
and i get
-bash: fly: command not found
Is one of my steps wrong?
cd ~/Downloads
mv fly_darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/fly
chmod 0700 /usr/local/bin/fly (Thanks to #Andrew Ramnikov)
For the newest mac os version, you need to allow the App to run from System Settings->Security and Privacy->General-> Allow app
fly -version
On MacOS, you can install with brew like, brew install --cask fly.
You might also want to install CredHub to manage credentials, brew install cloudfoundry/tap/credhub-cli.
Note that in the accepted answer, in Catalina and Newer the equivalent to the last step to allow the app in privacy settings is: xattr -d /usr/local/bin/fly
And this does not require admin rights, but doing it via the GUI does.
Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and click allow anyway next the the fly app.
I ended up moving the fly binary to a folder in my home directory, and just added it to my path variable in ~/.bash_profile so I guess it works now.
However, when I do
fly -t main login
I get
error: unknown target: main
easiest way is to run first command curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=darwin' -o fly \ && chmod +x ./fly which will create a fly binary and for the second part of command just do it manually && mv ./fly /usr/local/bin/ meaning you need to copy fly binary into /usr/local/bin

How to uninstall Go?

I tried the answer here Removed golang but go command still works?, but it didn't work (I can still run go)
Currently, when I run which go I see this output
I think I had two installations of go as my GOPATH was pointing to another folder named gocode. I've now removed that folder, and the usr/local/go/bin/go folder.
I've also removed my GOPATH. However, I can still run go.
How do I uninstall go?
Update August 2019
Found the official uninstall docs worked as expected (on Mac OSX).
$ which go
In summary, to uninstall:
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
$ sudo rm /etc/paths.d/go
Then, did a fresh install with homebrew using brew install go. Now, i have:
$ which go
You might try
rm -rvf /usr/local/go/
then remove any mention of go in e.g. your ~/.bashrc; then you need at least to logout and login.
However, be careful when doing that. You might break your system badly if something is wrong.
PS. I am assuming a Linux or POSIX system.
I'm using Ubuntu. I spent a whole morning fixing this, tried all different solutions, when I type go version, it's still there, really annoying...
Finally this worked for me, hope this will help!
sudo apt-get remove golang-go
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove golang-go
On a Mac-OS system
If you have used an installer, you can uninstall golang by using the same installer.
If you have installed from source
rm -rf /usr/local/go
rm -rf $(echo $GOPATH)
Then, remove all entries related to go i.e. GOROOT, GOPATH from ~/.bash_profile and run
source ~/.bash_profile
On a Linux system
rm -rf /usr/local/go
rm -rf $(echo $GOPATH)
Then, remove all entries related to go i.e. GOROOT, GOPATH from ~/.bashrc and run
source ~/.bashrc
For Windows 10:
Go to Apps in the Settings App.
Look for Go Programming Language * in the list and uninstall it.
Remove C:\Go\bin from your PATH environment variable (only if you don't plan on installing another version of golang)
Update (Sep, 2022)
The official page has changed path for the uninstallation help along with the help text. Here is what it says now.
Uninstalling Go
You can remove Go from your system using the steps
described in this topic.
Linux / macOS / FreeBSD
Delete the go directory.
This is usually
Remove the Go bin directory from your PATH environment variable.
Under Linux and FreeBSD, edit /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile. If you
installed Go with the macOS package, remove the /etc/paths.d/go file.
The simplest way to remove Go is via Add/Remove Programs in
the Windows control panel:
In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
In Add/Remove
Programs, select Go Programming Language, click Uninstall, then follow
the prompts.
For removing Go with tools, you can also use the command
Uninstall using the command line by running the following command:
msiexec /x go{{version}}.windows-{{cpu-arch}}.msi /q
Note: Using this
uninstall process for Windows will automatically remove Windows
environment variables created by the original installation.
Original Answer
From the official install page -
To remove an existing Go installation from your system delete the go
directory. This is usually /usr/local/go under Linux, macOS, and
FreeBSD or c:\Go under Windows.
You should also remove the Go bin directory from your PATH environment
variable. Under Linux and FreeBSD you should edit /etc/profile or
$HOME/.profile. If you installed Go with the macOS package then you
should remove the /etc/paths.d/go file. Windows users should read the
section about setting environment variables under Windows.
Use this command to uninstall Golang for Ubuntu.
This will remove just the golang-go package itself.
sudo apt-get remove golang-go
Uninstall golang-go and its dependencies:
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove golang-go
To uninstall go on MacOS, do this:
On the terminal type which go it will; return a path like this /usr/local/go/bin/go
Go to the root folder of go which is /usr/local/go/ and type on the terminal rm -rf /usr/local/go/ . you may get permission denied depending on your system setup, so the command should be prefixed with sudo like this
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go/
It will request for your password, just enter it.
sudo apt-get remove golang-go
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove golang-go
This is perfect for Ubuntu 18.18
On a Mac-OS Catalina
need to add sudo before rm -rf /usr/local/go sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
otherwise, we will run into permission denial.
sudo vim ~/.profile or sudo ~/.bash_profile remove export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/BIN or anything related to
go lang
If you use Zsh shell, then you need to remove the above line to ~/.zshrc file.
Hope it helps you :)
I just have to answer here after reading such super-basic advice in the other answers.
For MacOS the default paths are:
/user/bracicot/go (working dir)
/usr/local/go (install dir)
When uninstalling remove both directories.
If you've installed manually obviously these directories may be in other places.
One script I came across installed to /usr/local/.go/ a hidden folder because of permissioning... this could trip you up.
In terminal check:
echo $GOPATH
echo $GOROOT
go version
For me after deleting all go folders I was still getting a go version.
Digging through my system path echo $PATH
revealed some places to check for still-existing go files such as /usr/local/bin
Another user mentioned: /etc/paths.d/go
You may also want to remove GOPATH and GOROOT environment variables.
Check .zshsrc and or .bash_profile.
Or you can unset GOPATH and unset GOROOT
In MacOS, you can just do it with brew:
brew uninstall go
brew install go
brew upgrade go
On linux we can do like this to remove go completely:
rm -rf "/usr/local/.go/"
rm -rf "/usr/local/go/"
These two command remove go and hidden .go files. Now we also have to update entries in shell profile.
Open your basic file. Mostly I open like this sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and remove all go mentions.
You can also do by sed command in ubuntu
sed -i '/# GoLang/d' .bashrc
sed -i '/export GOROOT/d' .bashrc
sed -i '/:$GOROOT/d' .bashrc
sed -i '/export GOPATH/d' .bashrc
sed -i '/:$GOPATH/d' .bashrc
It will remove Golang from everywhere. Also run this after running these command
source ~/.bash_profile
Tested on linux 18.04 also. That's All.
only tab
rm -rvf /usr/local/go/
not works well, but
sudo rm -rvf /usr/local/go/
Go to the directory
cd /usr/local
Remove it with super user privileges
sudo rm -rf go

How do I install Symfony in Cygwin?

Symfony provides a wrapper/install, or you can use Composer. Is there a way to get the installer to run in Cygwin?
The easiest way I found to complete this was to install a Cygwin package manager, either apt-cyg or Sage (I'm using Sage since apt-cyg is no longer being actively worked on).
$ lynx -source > sage
$ install sage /bin
Next we will install the packages required for both the Composer route and the Installer route.
$ sage update
$ sage install wget curl sed
$ sage install php php-json php-phar php-mbstring php-iconv php-zlib php-ctype php-tokenizer php-simplexml
We should now have enough for Composer.
$ mkdir -p ~/tmp
$ cd ~/tmp
$ wget
We can double check by asking the Installer.
$ php installer --check
If all is good, proceed
$ php installer
$ rm installer
$ chmod a+x composer.phar
Install Composer globally (put it in PATH)
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
If you want to use the alternate Symfony install via Composer, you should now be able to do that.
If we want to use the Symfony Installer, we'll need to grab it.
$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/symfony
$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony
If you don't have a timezone set in your php.ini, you should set it before trying to run the Symfony Installer or else it will complain.
$ sed -i -e 's/;date.timezone/date.timezone = "America\/Toronto"/g' /etc/php5/php.ini
An explanation for the sed command is available in this answer. Set your own timezone as appropriate based on your location.
You should now be able to run the Symfony Installer to create your project
$ symfony new my_project_name lts
Where the lts part is for your version. Currently lts is 2.8.4. If you leave that part off you'll get the most current stable.
I hope this helps you (and perhaps me, next time I have to do this) save a bit of time.

vagrant: command not found after install on Mac OSX 10.10.4

Downloaded Vagrant, and went through th installation process.
When I ran vagrant -v it says vagrant: command not found
It has put the files in /opt/vagrant/...
It should install in the Applications folder with a link to the /usr/bin so it is added to the shell path.
There is no directory that has been created during this process.
I am afraid I can't even get started with it. ITs obviously not creating all the shortcuts it needs to be able to run the commands.
I have looked for support on this issue and reported a bug.
I also accepted the xcode licence agreement.
Has anybody else had this issue.
My next step is to manually create the shortcuts.
If you look at the uninstall script including in the Vagrant DMG, it is referring to /usr/local/bin which does not exist. It should be error handling (the Vagrant pkg installer) and create it (permissions/ownership etc) but it doesn't.
You need to mkdir the /usr/local/bin. I tried a symlink between /usr/bin/vagrant (as /usr/bin exists, and in-path) to /opt/vagrant/bin/vagrant BUT this does not work, as later on in life, Vagrant refers in a hard fashion to /usr/local/bin/vagrant because its stupid.
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
If you sudo it, it should be made with correct ownership etc. Now just re-run the Vagrant installer pkg.
Make sure the Virtual Box setup is installed on Mac before installing Vagrant.
I raised the bug with
The issue is that I had no /usr/local directory at all.
It is an apple issue.
After I created the directories as you described I was able to install vagrant vitrual boax and laravel.
Here is what I did.
sudo mkdir /usr/local
Then bin.
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir bin
I uninstalled Vagrant, re-installed and when I ran vagrant -v I then got the version.
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod 755 vagrant
Thanks for your Answer.
Weird, on 1.8.5 I couldn't run Vagrant either, noticed that /usr/local/bin was owned by root. Ran command
# chown -R User:Group /usr/local/bin
as root and works from my username now.

How to install mcrypt extension on mac os x yosemite (10.10)

I've updated my Mac OS X to Yosemite, but doing that I over write all my dev environment. So now, to run Laravel 4 on my local apache I need to install the Mcrypt extension, but everything that i've tried i fail. Even the steps that have worked on OS X Mavericks (10.9)
Anybody has the same issue?
Thanks in advance.
I just installed it right now on my Mavericks installation using homebrew and it worked surprisingly well. Can't say whether or not it will work so well on Yosemite but worth a shot..
brew install autoconf
brew install mcrypt
Check PHP version
php -v
Update Macports
sudo port -v selfupdate
Download & install the appropriate version..
sudo port install php55-mcrypt
now dummy proof it..
Find where Macports put the file and copy it to all instances of /php/extensions/no-debug-... folder. If you have that directory structure in multiple places, copy it to all of them. So every php/extensions/no-debug.. folder on your computer has a copy of
sudo cp /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/
Determine where your php.ini file is and make sure it's the one your actually using because you may have this file in more than 1 place. Do this to all php.ini files you find..
Within that file find and uncomment the following line. If it's commented out, uncomment it. If it's not in the file at all, add it. In my default php.ini file I found this on line 536:
Download mcrypt
curl -O
Uncompress it
tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz
Configure, build, and install
./configure && make && sudo make install
Download Autoconf
curl -O
Uncompress it
tar xvfz autoconf-latest.tar.gz
Configure, build, and install
./configure && make && sudo make install
Regardless which method you used to install it. You should always restart Apache when your done.
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
I just did these and it installed. MAMP etc. is not installed.
brew tap josegonzalez/homebrew-php
brew install php55-mcrypt
And weirdly, I had to reinstall to make it install properly.
brew reinstall php55-mcrypt
However, this also re-installed PHP5.5 from source, but no matter, all is working fine on my end.
I had the same problem. But, I'm using MAMP for my local development. So, I just needed to symlink the php file over to MAMP's version and all is working.
If using homebrew, try reinstalling or relinking your php install.
I'm sure I can help you get back up and working, so just let me know if that doesn't help.
First Install libtool from homebrew, which is a dependency in 10.10 Yosemite
brew reinstall libtool --universal && brew unlink libtool && brew link libtool
Then CD to your php directory
cd /usr/local/php5
And into your php.d directory
cd php.d
Then finally do a quick ls to see which extensions you are using:
ls -l
If you see duplicate entries containing "mcrypt" you will need to open one of them up, and comment out the line:
But only in one of them. For me it was mcrypt.ini. So..
sudo nano mcrypt.ini
added the line and done!
