How to copy data from one database/table to another database/table - oracle

I have written the following query using the documentation at: Oracle Documentation to copy some data from a database/table on my production server to database/table on Sandbox server.
COPY FROM username1/passwd1#<production_IP> to username2/passwd2#<sandbox_IP> INSERT TABLE_C (*) USING
However, I am constantly running into Connection failed error. Is there anything wrong with the query?

In a typical Oracle environment, you have TNS names set up. That's a service to lookup the connection parameters for Oracle instances given an SID or service name. In it's simplest form, TNS names is a file called tnsnames.ora located by the environment variable TNS_ADMIN (which points to the directory where the file is).
Given the SIDs PROD and SANDBOX, you can then copy the tables from the SQLPLUS command line utility:
COPY FROM username1/passwd1#PROD to username2/passwd2#SANDBOX
Please note that this COPY command only supports a limited set of Oracle datatypes: char, date, long, varchar2, number.
If you don't have TNS names set up, you'll need to know the host name or IP address, the port number and the service name. The syntax then becomes:
COPY FROM username1/passwd1#// to username2/passwd2#//
To determine the SID and/or service name, you best have a look into the TNSNAMES.ORA file on the database server itself. If you are able to login to the database, you can use the following queries to determine the SID and service name (but don't ask me which is which):
select name from v$database;
select * from global_name;
select instance_number, instance_name, host_name from v$instance;

Copy gpl_project/gpl_project#gpldatar to gpl_project/gpl_project#gplrdp. Replace BGROUPMASTER using select * from BGROUPMASTER.

The following is the solution that I used. I created a link the remote database then used an INSERT command to populate the data.
CREATE DATABASE LINK database_link_name
CONNECT TO my_user_name IDENTIFIED BY my_password
USING 'tns_name';
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_remote_table#database_link_name;
If you want to get rid of the database link after the work. Use the following:
DROP DATABASE LINK database_link_name;
See this link for helpful information:


Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client ORA-00903 invalid table name

I'm using the sqldeveloper and have one database connection with the following connection string:
MES is the schema owner and a select statement like this shows me what I want to see:
select count(*) from site
I'm also using Visual Studio and I'm trying to connect to the database by using the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client
I'm using exactly the same connection string.
The connect to the database works fine. But I'm always getting the 00903 error.
Any idea what the problem can be ?
Many thanks in advance
I've tried also something like this:
select count(*) from
If you have used quoted identifiers to create the table then you will need to use quoted identifiers (and use the same case) whenever you access the table.
For example:
CREATE TABLE MES."site" (something NUMBER);
Then you would need to use:
SELECT count(*) FROM MES."site";
SELECT count(*) FROM mes."site";
SELECT count(*) FROM mEs."site";
The MES schema name is unquoted so you can use any case (and Oracle will implicitly convert it to upper-case to look it up in the data dictionary); however, "site" is a quoted identifier and Oracle will respect the case-sensitivity of the identifier and you MUST use the correct case and the surrounding quotes.
You can see the exact case you need to use in the result of the query:
SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables WHERE UPPER(table_name) = 'SITE';
If the data dictionary shows that the table name is upper-case then you can use an unquoted identifier (assuming that all the other naming rules have been respected and the table name is not a reserved/keyword) otherwise you will need to use a quoted identifier.
Normally you would get the ORA-00942: table or view does not exist exception but you can get ORA-00903: invalid table name when you use a keyword for a table name:
Give the exception:
ORA-00903: invalid table name
However, MES and SITE are not keywords that should trigger that.

Informix - select from a table of another user

I have to do CRUD operations on a table that is not owned by the user I am using to connect to my Informix database. I have been granted the necessary privileges to do the operations, but I do not know how to do the actual query.
I have little experience with Informix, but I remember in OracleDB I had to do reference the shema like so:
In Informix should I reference the user that owns the table ? Like :
Or can I just do :
Thanks for any help !
In Informix you can generally use the table name without or without the owner prefix unless the database was created with mode ANSI in which case the owner prefix is required. Note that the correct syntax when using the owner is to use a period "." as in:
SELECT * FROM owner.table;
The colon is used to separate the database name as shown in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax
FYI you can determine if the database is mode ANSI with this query:
SELECT is_ansi FROM sysmaster:sysdatabases WHERE name = "<database name>";

Extract table names from oracle database server

I have access to an oracle11g server that blongs to a store and have a software to get reports inside softare but the software is closed source.
bacause i have a username inside database i can access from the software to all reports but i want to automate some works and want to write a python3 script to do that.all i need is that know the table names in DB. i want a code in oracle that returns me the table name.
I have access to database from "PLSQL Developer" and from my notcompleted code in python.
import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password#serveraddress/dbname')
print (con.version)
cur =con.cursor()
cur.execute(" SOME ORACLE CODE")
#cur.execute('select * from tablesname orderby id' )
for i in cur:
print (i)
so what is a code that can execute and return table names to me?
p.s : i even used wireshark to find out what was the code that program sent to server but table names was not there in packet. :(
p.s 2 : any creative and unusual answer is welcome.
You can use
select table_name
from user_tables
order by table_name
select table_name
from cat
where table_type = 'TABLE'
order by table_name
to derive the names of all tables in your current user. Where cat is synonym of user_catalog data dictionary view and user_tables is another data dictionary view automatically created by database during installation.

Oracle XE not seeing tables with names longer than 14 chars

I have an Oracle XE database link to a MySQL 5.7 instance. The link is working fine as I am able to do lookups like:
select count(*) from "wp_mal_mast"#MYSQl1;
However, when I try to do this for tables with a name greater than 14 characters, it fails with an error:
select count(*) from "123456789012345"#MYSQL1;
ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=MYSQL1)))
But, if I select anything up to 14 chars, even non-existing, I get a normal response:
select count(*) from "12345678901234"#MYSQL1;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.7.19-log]Table 'blah.12345678901234' doesn't exist {42S02,NativeErr = 1146}
Here is my init[SID].
set ODBCINI=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/odbc.ini

ORACLE 11G Data base administration

Dear friends,
I using oracle 11g database, I want to create a number of users. for example username starting from test001 to test100, one by one I do create a all usernames. so this problem I want to create a number of users in a single file( using script) or any of commands kindly guide me! not only creating as well as grant also?
You could try writing SQL-generating SQL.
Try something like this SQL script to get you started:
spool create_100_users.sql
select 'create user user'||rownum||' identified by user'||rownum||';' from dual connect by level < 101;
spool off
You can do similar SQL to generate grants, etc. Just modify the text in the select statement.
