Informix - select from a table of another user - oracle

I have to do CRUD operations on a table that is not owned by the user I am using to connect to my Informix database. I have been granted the necessary privileges to do the operations, but I do not know how to do the actual query.
I have little experience with Informix, but I remember in OracleDB I had to do reference the shema like so:
In Informix should I reference the user that owns the table ? Like :
Or can I just do :
Thanks for any help !

In Informix you can generally use the table name without or without the owner prefix unless the database was created with mode ANSI in which case the owner prefix is required. Note that the correct syntax when using the owner is to use a period "." as in:
SELECT * FROM owner.table;
The colon is used to separate the database name as shown in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax
FYI you can determine if the database is mode ANSI with this query:
SELECT is_ansi FROM sysmaster:sysdatabases WHERE name = "<database name>";


data extraction from oracle source

I am trying to extract data from oracle source using pyspark.
I am using this code.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Spark_Job').getOrCreate()
driver = 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:#XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXX'
user = 'XXXXX'
password = 'XXXXXXXX'
query = 'SELECT col_1 from schema_1.view_1'
df ='jdbc').option('driver', driver).option('url', url).option('dbtable', query)\
.option('user', user).option('password', password).load()
I am getting this error :
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00903: invalid table name
ORA-00903 means that you tried to use table name, but - that table doesn't exist.
There's only one select statement here:
SELECT col_1 from schema_1.view_1
-------- ------
owner table (or view) name
Info you posted suggests that you're connected as
user = 'XXXXX'
If view_1 belongs to currently connected user, you don't have to specify owner name so query would then be just select col_1 from view_1.
If view_1 belongs to currently connected user, then view_1 must be correctly spelled. Oracle doesn't care about letter case unless you decided to enclose its (table's, view's) name into double quotes and used lower or mixed case - then you have to do it every time you reference that table, so query might be e.g. select col_1 from "View_1".
If view_1 belongs to user who is different from currently logged user (that's what information you posted suggests), then yes - preceding table's name with its owner's name is the way to do it. However, schema_1 (the owner) has to grant at least select privilege on view_1 to XXXXX - otherwise, it won't work. (Double quotes/letter case issue still stands.)
I can't tell which situation of these you have, but now you have something to check and act appropriately.

Extract table names from oracle database server

I have access to an oracle11g server that blongs to a store and have a software to get reports inside softare but the software is closed source.
bacause i have a username inside database i can access from the software to all reports but i want to automate some works and want to write a python3 script to do that.all i need is that know the table names in DB. i want a code in oracle that returns me the table name.
I have access to database from "PLSQL Developer" and from my notcompleted code in python.
import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password#serveraddress/dbname')
print (con.version)
cur =con.cursor()
cur.execute(" SOME ORACLE CODE")
#cur.execute('select * from tablesname orderby id' )
for i in cur:
print (i)
so what is a code that can execute and return table names to me?
p.s : i even used wireshark to find out what was the code that program sent to server but table names was not there in packet. :(
p.s 2 : any creative and unusual answer is welcome.
You can use
select table_name
from user_tables
order by table_name
select table_name
from cat
where table_type = 'TABLE'
order by table_name
to derive the names of all tables in your current user. Where cat is synonym of user_catalog data dictionary view and user_tables is another data dictionary view automatically created by database during installation.

Oracle find all users I created (excluding Oracle accounts)

Is there a way to find all user accounts in Oracle which have been created by me?
The SELECT * FROM ALL_USERS; returns all users in Oracle, but there seems to be no way of defining the 'owner' of the account (ORC_SYS would be nice) so I can add a clause like
'WHERE OWNER !+ 'ORC_SYS' or something.
Thanks in advance
If its only the users created by oracle at install time you want to exclude you can properly do it filtering on user_id. Normally these users will have the lowest numbers:
Ajust the 35 to your installation.
Select * from dba_users where user_id > 35;
And if you are running 12c or above there is a column "Oracle_maintained" telling you if it is an oracle created user.
Select * from dba_users where oracle_maintained = 'N';
If you have access to dba_users and your Oracle's version is 12.1 and above, you can filter by oracle_maintained column.
Otherwise, there is no "official" way to distinguish between oracle internal users and your own.
There are some indirect ways, though:
Filter by all_users.created column. Mostly, internal users are created when the database is created, so your users will be after this date. You may find the database creation time in v$database.created .
Filter by all_users.user_id. As above, mostly, internal users are created when the database is created, so they get low user_id. There are some exceptions for several users like SYSBACKUP, SYSDG.
Both ways may produce incorrect results when internal users are created much later than the database creation - for example when an Oracle Option is reinstalled.
Should you try:
SELECT * FROM dba_users;

ORA-00942: Can select from "schema.table" but not "table"?

I experienced an ORA-00942 ("table or view does not exist") when executing
select * from brunch
However, no such problem when executing
select * from joe.brunch
May i know what is the issue here?
Unqualified, BRUNCH refers to a different object than JOE.BRUNCH in your current session. You've got a couple of options to fix that.
Create a public synonym. This will allow any user that has privileges on the JOE.BRUNCH table to access it by querying BRUNCH
FOR joe.brunch
Create a private synonym. This will allow just the current user to access the JOE.BRUNCH table by querying BRUNCH
FOR joe.brunch
Change the current schema for the current session to JOE. This will cause all unqualified references in the current session to resolve to the JOE schema rather than to the current user's schema
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = JOE
There are several possible causes
1) there is more than one object (table,view, procedure, etc) called brunch. Oracle does not know which one you are referring to.
2) most likely cause: the table exists in the joe schema but you are connecting as another user who has not been granted select on the joe.brunch object
Grant select on joe.brunch to your_user
and try this and see how many objects match the name brunch
select *
from all_objects
where object_type in (‘TABLE’,'VIEW’)
and object_name = ‘brunch‘;
I found that the table I was referencing (Flyway's schema_version table), was created with double quotes... and thus needed double quotes wherever it was referenced.
Here's what Oracle says:
A quoted identifier begins and ends with double quotation marks (").
If you name a schema object using a quoted identifier, then you must
use the double quotation marks whenever you refer to that object.
In practice, these worked:
SELECT * FROM MYSCHEMA."schema_version";
SELECT * FROM "MYSCHEMA"."schema_version";
When this didn't (-> ORA-00942: table or view does not exist):
SELECT * FROM MYSCHEMA.schema_version;

What is the meaning of '#' symbol in Oracle SQL?

What is the # symbol mean in oracle?
For example:
select * from question_answer#abcd where id = '45'
It refers to a non-local table, the bit behind the # is the db descriptor.
select * from question_answer#abcd where id = '45'
Means select not from the local question_answer table, but from the table on the db designated as abcd. The keyword to google for is dblink
This is the syntax for accessing a table via a database link called "abcd"
See the documentation for CREATE DATABASE LINK, or to see the defined db links:
SELECT * FROM all_db_links;
