Unknown column - multiple joins in CDbCriteria - activerecord

I'm trying to get data from multiple tables and I've ended with this error:
SQL: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'p.firstname' in 'field list'
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = 'ohu_id, hash, p.firstname, p.surname, p.city, u.email AS Email';
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN `profiles` p ON p.user_id = user_id';
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN users u ON user_id = u.id';
$criteria->condition = 'offer_id = :oID';
$criteria->params = array(':oID' => $_GET['id']);
$model = MyModel::model()->findAll($criteria);
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Or is there better way to get related data?

You are making the same mistake I made hehe.
You are overwriting the first join with the second one, instead of appending the second join.
$criteria->join = "join ...."; //first join
$criteria->join .= "join ...."; //second join

Actually its way better to user some "with" clause like this:
$criteria->with = array(
'profiles '=>array(
You can use this also in model searching for CGridView DataProvider.

It's better if you show your database structure. But here it's the solution to join multiple tables using left join
Code to join tables:
$criteria->select = 'ohu_id, hash, p.firstname, p.surname, p.city, u.email AS Email';
$criteria->alias = 'c';
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN profiles p ON (p.user_id = c.user_id) LEFT JOIN users u ON (c.user_id = u.id)';
Hope it will help you.


Select from junction table

What should I do if I need to make select from junction table?
For example, I develop project and I need to make chats between users. I have two entities: User and Chat, and many-to-many relation between them (accordingly, I have three tables: user, chat, chat_user). I try to get all chats, which user is member, and to get all users from these chats.
I made the following SQL query:
FROM chat c
INNER JOIN chat_user cu ON c.id = cu.chat_id
INNER JOIN user u ON u.id = cu.user_id
WHERE c.id IN (SELECT chat_id
FROM chat_user
WHERE user_id = <idUser>);
But I don't know how to translate in DQL subquery SELECT chat_id FROM chat_user WHERE user_id = <idUser>, because a haven't additional entity for table chat_user.
And I tried to add entity ChatUser and get data in ChatRepository smt. like this:
public function getChatsData($idUser)
$subQuery = $this->getEntityManager()
->andWhere('chus.user = :idUser')
->setParameter('idUser', $idUser)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
return $qb
->innerJoin('c.chatUsers', 'cu')
->innerJoin('cu.user', 'u')
->innerJoin('c.messages', 'm')
->andWhere('u.id = :idUser')
->setParameter('idUser', $idUser)
but it doesn't work. I get error [Semantical Error] line 0, col 12 near 'chat FROM App\Entity\ChatUser': Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression.
Have Doctrine standard tools for such tasks?

Laravel query using group by and where does not work

This is a query that I have in raw sql.
DB::select('SELECT bldgs.name as building , floors.name as floor, areas.name as area, locations.area_id ,count(reqs.location_id) as occupied FROM `reqs` '
. 'JOIN locations ON locations.id = location_id '
. 'JOIN areas ON areas.id = area_id '
. 'JOIN floors ON floors.id = areas.floor_id'
. ' JOIN bldgs ON bldgs.id = bldg_id '
. 'WHERE `status`=2 and (DATE_FORMAT(start_date,"%Y-%m")<= "'.$dateFrom.'" AND DATE_FORMAT(end_date,"%Y-%m")>="'.$dateTo.'") group by locations.area_id, areas.name, floors.name, bldgs.name' );
And this is one of many attempts to make it work in Laravel elequent instead of raw.
Req::select('bldgs.name as building',DB::raw('count(location_id) as count_occupied'))
->join('bldgs as bl','bl.id','=','floors.bldg_id')
->where('reqs.status','=', '2')
->where('start_date','<=', $date)
->where('end_date','>=', $date)
I need to understand why the second way gives mysql error and refuses to run the query above. Is is a mistake in my code or is this normally not possible in using eloguent to group by like this except in raw mysql string?
This is the error I get.
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'bldgs.name' in 'field list' (SQL: select `bldgs`.`name` as `building`, count(location_id) as count_occupied from `reqs` inner join `locations` on `locations`.`id` = `location_id` inner join `areas` on `areas`.`id` = `locations`.`area_id` inner join `floors` on `floors`.`id` = `areas`.`floor_id` inner join `bldgs` as `bl` on `bl`.`id` = `floors`.`bldg_id` where `reqs`.`status` = 2 and `start_date` <= 2018-10 and `end_date` >= 2018-10 group by `bldgs`.`name`)
As the error states, you don't have a bldgs.name column. You named the bldgs table bl when you joined it.
Rename your references from bldgs.name to bl.name.

I want to pass this query to Eloquent in laravel

I'm trying to make a query with eloquent, I try to get all the users who have one or more ads, taking into account that it is a one to many relationship (users to ads).
This query in general does what I want, but I do not know if it is well done and also how to pass it to Eloquent through the User model.
SELECT users.id, COUNT( anuncio.id ) AS 'total' FROM users
INNER JOIN anuncio ON users.id = anuncio.usuario_id WHERE
(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM anuncio WHERE anuncio.usuario_id = users.id) >0
GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY total DESC
I have tried several ways that only return Builder to me.
For example:
$listas = new User;
$listas = $listas->join('anuncio','users.id','=','anuncio.usuario_id');
$listas = $listas->select(array('users.*', DB::raw('COUNT(anuncio.id) AS total')));
$listas = $listas->where(function($query) use ($listas){
$listas = $listas->orderBy('total','DESC')->paginate(48);
By any suggestion I will be very grateful.
Try with this
$listas = User::join('anuncio','users.id','=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
->select('users.id',DB::raw("count(anuncio.id) as total"))
->having('total', '>', '0')
->orderby('total', 'desc')
Just use left join for this.
$users = DB::table('users')
->leftJoin('anuncio', 'users.id', '=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
So Left Join will only select those result which has any match in anuncio table.

left join with ActiveRecord (yii2)

I tried to send SQL request with LEFT JOIN but it doesn't display data from table2 table.
public static function top($limit)
return self::findBySql("
SELECT * FROM table 1 g1
LEFT JOIN table2 s1
ON (g1.id = s1.g_id AND s1.id = (
FROM table2 s2 WHERE s2.g_id = g1.id
LIMIT :limit",
[':limit' => $limit]
It seems you are adding this function to the model and self represents the model itself.
Yii will not return results from another table and will be limited to the model only if you are calling the find on a model, instead you need to use a db query as below:
$query = new \yii\db\Query;
->from('table 1 g1')
->leftJoin('table2 s1', 's1.g_id AND s1.id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table2 s2 WHERE s2.g_id = g1.id')
$command = $query->createCommand();
$resp = $command->queryAll();
The correct SQL query is
SELECT * FROM table 1 g1
LEFT JOIN table2 s1
ON g1.some_field = s1.some_field
where g1.some_field = s1.some_field are the fields that define the join.
I have working code something like...:)
with user and user_friend_list
$query = new Query;
$query ->select(['user.id AS user_id', 'user_friend_list.id'])
->innerJoin('user_friend_list', 'user.email = user_friend_list.email');
$command = $query->createCommand();
$data = $command->queryAll();
foreach($data as $datakey)
//echo $datakey['id'];
$friendfind = UserFriendList::findOne($datakey['id']);

How to select first row of each id linq

So I have few tables and i want inner join it information two create
new object. But I have a little bit trouble.
One my table have connection one to many, and when linq request , it
give me more result than i want , he just copy information. I need
request something like this:
IPagedList<HelperListings> srch = (from l in db.gp_listing
where l.DateCreated > weekago
join lp in db.gp_listing_photo on l.Id equals lp.ListingId
join loc in db.gp_location on l.LocationId equals loc.Id
orderby l.DateCreated ascending
select new HelperListings { id = l.Id, HouseNumber = l.HouseNumber,ListingPrice = l.ListingPrice, PhotoUrl = lp.PhotoUrl.First(), AreaStateCode = loc.AreaStateCode }).ToList().ToPagedList(page ?? 1, 15);
PhotoUrl = lp.PhotoUrl.First() i need something like this but i don`t have any ideas how to do it. Need ur help guys.
Responding to your comment, you have at least 2 options : 1. use group by and select only the first PhotoUrl from each group, or 2. don't join to gp_listing_photo table to avoid duplicated rows, and use subquery to get only the first PhotoUrl. Example for the latter :
IPagedList<HelperListings> srch =
(from l in db.gp_listing
where l.DateCreated > weekago
join loc in db.gp_location on l.LocationId equals loc.Id
orderby l.DateCreated ascending
select new HelperListings
id = l.Id,
HouseNumber = l.HouseNumber,
ListingPrice = l.ListingPrice,
PhotoUrl = (from lp in db.gp_listing_photo where l.Id = lp.ListingId select lp.PhotoUrl).FirstOrDefault(),
AreaStateCode = loc.AreaStateCode
).ToList().ToPagedList(page ?? 1, 15);
How about simply appending .Distinct() after your LINQ query to avoid duplicated data :
IPagedList<HelperListings> srch =
(from l in db.gp_listing
where l.DateCreated > weekago
join lp in db.gp_listing_photo on l.Id equals lp.ListingId
join loc in db.gp_location on l.LocationId equals loc.Id
orderby l.DateCreated ascending
select new HelperListings
id = l.Id,
HouseNumber = l.HouseNumber,
ListingPrice = l.ListingPrice,
PhotoUrl = lp.PhotoUrl,
AreaStateCode = loc.AreaStateCode
).Distinct().ToList().ToPagedList(page ?? 1, 15);
For Reference : LINQ Select Distinct with Anonymous Types
