On a web server with IIS, you can specify a domain account for the identity of an application pool. How do you accomplish the same thing with the Visual Studio 2010 debugger?
In the web application's web.config file you can specify a username and password for processModel:
<processModel enable="true" userName="user" password="pwd" />
That either didn't work or it's not doing what I'd hoped.
I think what you have should work if you use IIS Express instead of the built-in Cassini web server with Visual Studio.
IIS Express acts exactly like the built-in web server (along with debugging, etc), but with a more realistic environment in which to test. Easiest way to download it is with the Web Platform Installer.
After you install it, right click on your project within Visual Studio and select "Use IIS Express..."
I am using Visual Studio 2019 with a ASPNetCore and React. The template that Visual Studio gives you. ASPNetCore handles the API Code and uses Windows Roles for authentication. I set anonymous auth false and windows auth true in launch.settings. But I do not know if the publish profile has any such setting.
I had to change the publish profile to contain an Environment so it doesn't load npm start on the IIS server execution.
I tried adding a web.config file to the solution but it conflicts with the IIS express settings and it doesn't load. I have set it in IIS directly and it works fine. I can add it directly to the web.config generated by the folder publish but I was hoping there was a way in the publish profile so I didn't have to do it everytime.
I'm new to web-servers. I have Internet Information Services (IIS) 10 Express installed on Windows 10. I'm trying to develop an Office add-in so as to host it in the same computer I use. The problem is how do I host the add-in in a local web server? Since I'm new would appreciate a little of step by step answer.
while you are developing the add-in, you do not need to worry about a local web server. The Visual Studio tools take care of all that for you (it will run in a web server provided by Visual Studio).
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 (the community edition is free and works fine with Office add-ins), you simply create a new 'office add-in' project and it will all be set up for you. It will create a 'web project' for you and it will use that web project when you run the application locally - you do not need to do anything to make that happen.
You may find that you have to install the Office tools for Visual Studio but if you go to File > New > Project > Visual C# > Office/SharePoint you'll get a link to download the tools if you do not already have them.
In terms of hosting it in the public domain, I like to use the Azure Web App service as you can very easily publish directly from Visual Studio or you can setup continuous integration with GitHub, VSO etc. Once you have it hosted in the public domain, you simply change the 'Source Location' in your office add-in manifest file to point at your public URL.
Well I figured it out.
Except it broke my VS Setup now (Resolved)--> See here Installing IIS broke Visual Studio Office Add In Project Localhost
To enable IIS I had to open "Programs and Features" and select "Internet Information Systems".
Then start --> IIS. Browse to default site and added binding for SSL/Port 44367 (Same as VS). I already had a SSL cert from previous configurations, selecting the Dev Cert worked fine.
I copied everything from \ExcelWebAddIn1\ExcelWebAddIn1Web\* to the webroot C:\inetpub\wwwroot and adjusted the following in manifest.
I then sideloaded the manifest and it worked as expected.
Note that Martin Kearn's answer still applies, this isn't needed if you want to just use VS and it has better debugging, but I wanted to test and learn.
This was all to test/debug deployment, and I was able to do the same by just changing the localhost url to a simple nginx webserver w/ the contents of the above webroot.
Our ASP.NET C# web application is used in the following environment
.NET Framework 4
Silverlight 4
Windows 2008
Visual Studio 2010
In order to keep development closely aligned with our Production environment and qa environment.
I installed IIS express on my local development desktop.
Scott Hanselman has documented a good step-by-step guide as to how we should setup a fake UnSigned Certificate for the IIS express on my local development desktop so that a developer can deploy development code in an HTTPS ( SSL ) development environment.
I created a fake UnSigned Certificate for the IIS express on my local development desktop so that I can deploy development code in an HTTPS ( SSL ) development environment.
I tried to configure Visual Studio 2010 by selecting the "Use Local IIS Web server" radio button in the Properties tab page.
I specified a project url of "https://localhost/"
(Note: I used httpS in the project url mentioned above as in for SSL )
I clicked on the "Create Virtual Directory".
I navigated to the C:\Users{YOU}\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config file.
I opened up the C:\Users{YOU}\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config in adminstrator-mode notepad, but it failed to show any entry for my website.
I manually entered a site configuration into the applicationhost.config file:
<site name="PivotServer(12)" id="14">
<application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files\IIS Express\WebSite1\Pivot_JIT_Sample2\PivotJitServer\PivotServer" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:45621:localhost" />
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:443:localhost" />
I need to figure out a way to debug using IIS express working in combination with Visual Studio 2010.
I tried to run the application from Visual Studio 2010 by pressing "F5" but I get a popup window error box that states:
"A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly. In order to debug this project, add an executable project to this solution which references the library project. Set the executable project as the startup project."
Could someone please make suggestions?
As noted in this other SO post, you need to ensure you have correctly setup the Startup project.
Then when you launch the project, make sure the correct port is showing, as in: https://localhost:443/.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I would like change debugging environment from the localhost to my full computer name/domain. Does anyone have some step by step instructions on how to do this? (I would also like to set it up as the default for all new projects plus how to change it in existing projects). I am new to using visual studio and programming in general.
I found this post Visual Studio 2010 - Change localhost to custom domain in the forum but it wasn't clear to me on how to make the change. I went to the project properties web tab and attempted to set up local IIS Web server but got the following error:
"ASP.NET 4.0 has not been registered on the Web server. You need to manually configure your Web server for ASP.NET 4.0 in order for your site to run correctly."
I am not ever sure if that was the correct way of going about doing this. I just need my debug url address to go from:
For fixing the iis web server, I am not really sure what was done...our IT department worked on that. For setting up the local IIS webserver in visual studio I did the following: In the web project properties, under the web tab, I choose "Use Local IIS Web server, in the project URL, I put the full computer domain and told it to create a virtual directory.
Got it. Our IT came to the rescue — he fixed some issues with the ASP.NET not accessing 4.0 correctly. Then I set up the "Use Local IIS Web server" correctly and it worked like a charm.
I have just installed Glimpse for MVC3 from nuget and I have logginEnabled set to true in web config but still do not get the "Execution" tab. This is on IIS Express.
I have another project which does not use IIS Express (uses visual studio dev web server) and I can see the execution tab.
I have checked my web.config and I have all the sections configured.
Any ideas?