Using Magento to track inventory for two separate stores - magento

I recently found the following add-on:
And while it is great that I’m able to separate prices by store view, I also want to keep track of stock on a store view basis.
Here’s the scenario.
I’m currently selling collectible cards on my site for different games. (Magic: The Gathering, Universal Fighting System, etc.)
What I would like to do is have the same inventory appear on two different websites:
Buy (where customers can BUY the cards from me)
Sell (where customers will SELL their cards to me)
I know that I will need to set up either a separate website/store view under Magento’s backend. That’s fine. I also know that I will need to configure special payment modules in the backend (because people shouldn’t be paying me to sell their cards). But what I’m mostly looking for is guidance on how to set these two up.
The inventory (for the most part) will be shared between the two sites (with the exceptions of products I’m only interested in selling).
Can anyone help? I've tried to research inventory and the separate stores bit but to no avail.

I think possibly what you're looking for is a "Marketplace" type extension, maybe similar to the Unirgy Dropship extension, which allows you to have sellers add their products to the site (and fulfill them as well).
This would probably be a better model than having a seller go through a modified "checkout" flow with a customized payment gateway module in order for them to add their catalog to the site.


downloadable item product selling cart with filter

I want to sell downloadable product like: video files, pdf files, word documents, text documents etc.
And also my storefront should have filtering feature.
I have option for following cart in my hosting control panel:
Abantecart, Opencart 1.5, PrestaShop etc. Actually I am accessing mochahost cPanel.
To make a storefront of downloadable products with filtering feature, Which free cart product should I choose?
Big, proven, free, plus easy customization: WooCommerce. It's a classic for a reason.
The real issue is: how is the rest of your website managed? What software languages are you intending? Server? # of hits projected / day? You definitely want tools that easily integrate, and have an active feedback and improvement system. (Open source on Github?)
PHP or Java Content Management system? (Symphony, Laravel, Wordpress? dotCMS, Magnolia, Hippo, Jahia, OpenCMS?) I'd pick one of those first, then choose a storefront that integrates nicely. If you are just starting out, and don't expect more than 5K to 10K hits a day, Wordpress / WooCommerce is way easy. If bigger growth than that, I'd think I'd be looking at Java implementation.
Reference your comment on Uploading API costing money.
So download a free version, and write an upload tool yourself. Shouldn't be a big deal.
And hey, how much are these guys charging, anyway? What is your time worth?
I thought you were selling downloaded items.. why would your customers be uploading anything anyway? In fact, why is an upload tied to the shopping cart in the first place? (I can see letting folks upload quality content, then earning credit, but that doesn't have to be directly tied to the shopping cart...)
You will certainly be able to find sample code to safely allow users to upload content.

Which joomla module choose to create screencasts?

I have a task from the client to create a screncasts website. It must be similar to or I decided to choose Joomla for a basis. And for this reason, I want to know are there components or modules for Joomla, which realize similar video functionality? For example, the site has two types of screencasts. Paid and free. If the video is paid, then at the opening, instead of showing, the user must to pay. (All like on This is the main point. Thank you.
P.S. Perhaps there is a better solution for this kind of site?
Your project has 3 different aspects.
User management
Managing payments and memberships
Video display
1.For the first point Joomla ACL (Access Control Level) provides good built-in functionality to filter user access. You can create different user groups (free memberships, paid, pro etc.) and use acl to control access to the content. 2.Managing payments. There are many components that do this (free and paid), you can search on Akeeba subscriptions is a good one for managing subscriptions.
3. Video playing. You can do anything from simple to complex. Basic solution is to embed the video in an article using standard html5 tags. A better solution, is to use a content builder extension like K2 that has additional features to handle multimedia content. It makes editing and content creation easier for non specialists.
Or you can build or find a specialized component that will handle all these aspects in one solution.

Magento product translation for multiple multi-lingual websites

I am wondering how to manage my product catalog for Magento efficiently. I keep one stock of products and sell them through multiple websites, those websites are in turn all in multiple languages.
The most common advice is to create a store for each website and a different store view per language, in which you can translate the product description. This doesn't seem very efficient to me. For example, if you have 4 different websites, each offering products in English and in Spanish, you have to do the same translation 4 times for each website. This becomes very cumbersome for multiple websites in multiple languages and a lot of products.
What I ideally would do, is maintain one translation per language and keep track of my product stock centrally (ie. still be able to manage the product globally). How can this be achieved in Magento?
Update: after digging around some more, asking in IRC channels, posting on forums, and searching the heck out of Google and the Magento Connect extension repository, I am starting to realise this is one of Magento's short comings. I am going to develop my own solution for this. Please leave a message here if you are interested in the same functionality, if there is enough response I will see if I can make it available for others.
Unfortunately there is no good answer to this question. Product texts are typically entered on the store view level, like you already discovered. Having multiple store views in the same language (but under different websites) will create a burden and overhead to configure.
If this was my store, I would pick one of these routes:
Load data from an external source, where product data is already nicely managed. Managing product data in Magento can be a pain.
Or, if you MUST do it in Magento, create a custom module to update all the relevant fields across multiple websites. You could create an event listener "on product save", that updates all texts for store views with the same language.
or, you can override the product resource model, so product names, descriptions and some other texts are loaded differently from the database (but this would definately be the most complicated route).
In App/Locale/ Directory this is Global locale directory you can read it in all your websites managed from one back-end !
And you can set the local directory for each storeview from
so basically you can use the same locale for different themes as long as you maintain the files updated with all the variables !
I was running 9 websites with different store views from one backend i never had issues with translations !

Complete references of all Magento pages (for FULL test of the entire store)?

I'm testing my Magento store with a bought theme at (which I have been testing and customizing since 4 months ago). I have an obsession of testing ALL different / possible pages of a site before launching it. In most cases, the site is simple enough to have about 3 - 10 different types of pages (list page, article page, contact form page, about page, etc.) which I would go through one by one to tweak and customize into every minor detail.
However, Magento (based on Zend Framework) seems to be very versatile in having all different sorts of pages accessible from a variety of different URLs (even for the same content). Understandably, the user experience is much more sophisticated with a eCommerce site than that of a content site, thus having many more types of pages.
In addition to the problem, theme designers may not fully understand Magento. They would usually left many not-so-common pages un-designed with just default styles that would look pretty ugly to users who step on them.
My question is, how can I find a reference / list of ALL possible Magento pages so that I can go through them one by one to make a consistenly good design throughout the entire Magento store?
Thanks a lot! It sucks to have obsessive disorders.
There is no list of "ALL possible Magento pages". Any frontend-routable module can have any number of action controller classes under its controllers directory, and those classes can have any number of route-satisfying methods.

Joomla membership for old articles

I would like my Joomla website to behave like this:
All users can view new articles
When new articles are published over sometime (say 1 week), they become
old articles. (This part can be done
manually, if there are no extension
for it.)
Normal users can only view the title of old articles. If they click them, they are asked to pay.
Paid users can view old articles.
All users can search against new and old articles. But as mentioned, only paid users can view old articles.
What kind of extensions do I need?
Thank you very much.
I asked AEC (Account Expiration Control) support about my requirements. Here the reply I got:
AEC is not an Access Restriction
component but a Membership Manager
that happens to be good at telling
other components what they should do.
Many users extend the Joomla
usergroups with components like
FlexiAccess, JACL or JUGA. With
extended usergroups (and, in this
case, Access Levels), you can restrict
access to articles, categories and
menu entries. I would advise that the
best idea might be to check out the
ACL components - AEC can cater to
pretty much all of them so that it's
more of a question whether the ACL
components can do what you want to
Also - archiving articles is
completely out of scope for AEC, so
you'd have to find out how to
accomplish this in your content
Updated 2:
I think AEC might be the one I need.
You can do this by using Access Expiration Control. You will have to do the follwing :
Create plans for your users and handle the plans ( Free, Monthly, Life time .. etc ) , the payment and the access control.
Create menu item for the archived articles.
Use ACE to make accessing this part of the site restricted to payed members.
Profit $$$
This is how I see how it could be done ... I've used on many sites but not for archived contents so I would recommend you contact the developers at their site and ask them about your case.
