Which joomla module choose to create screencasts? - joomla

I have a task from the client to create a screncasts website. It must be similar to egghead.io or laracasts.com. I decided to choose Joomla for a basis. And for this reason, I want to know are there components or modules for Joomla, which realize similar video functionality? For example, the site has two types of screencasts. Paid and free. If the video is paid, then at the opening, instead of showing, the user must to pay. (All like on laracasts.com). This is the main point. Thank you.
P.S. Perhaps there is a better solution for this kind of site?

Your project has 3 different aspects.
User management
Managing payments and memberships
Video display
1.For the first point Joomla ACL (Access Control Level) provides good built-in functionality to filter user access. You can create different user groups (free memberships, paid, pro etc.) and use acl to control access to the content. 2.Managing payments. There are many components that do this (free and paid), you can search on extensions.joomla.org Akeeba subscriptions is a good one for managing subscriptions.
3. Video playing. You can do anything from simple to complex. Basic solution is to embed the video in an article using standard html5 tags. A better solution, is to use a content builder extension like K2 that has additional features to handle multimedia content. It makes editing and content creation easier for non specialists.
Or you can build or find a specialized component that will handle all these aspects in one solution.


Website creation query

I need to create a website which stores the list of all games the player has played and it shows right on your profile. As the player goes on completing a game, he adds the game into his list.
So i would need a basic lo-gin configuration and then by using AJAX, I will populate the list of games which he wants to add to his list. So that he can track the list with games that he has played.
So now I need suggestion on how to go on with it?
How to start building?
Which language do I need to pickup?
I am well versed with Java and j2ee.
Is this enough?
Also I am a freelancer so I can't afford to pay for a website. So any free website hosting service which will help me to build the website which I have in mind??
Also if I use any free website hosting service, will they provide me with a database and AJAX capabilities?
Here's the basic setup:
You need a domain first. Try to pick something unique, as it will be cheaper. You can find one on namecheap: https://www.namecheap.com
You need hosting. Again, go with namecheap.
To start building, you need to learn some HTML and CSS. HTML is markup of the web, and CSS is the stylesheet of the web. They aren't hard languages to start off in. You can start for free at Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/html-css
I believe namecheap offers database support as well. Ajax isn't provided by a hosting service. It's more of a group of languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
This should get you going. I can't really give you more detailed information than this because your question is really broad. If you Google your questions, you'll get good answers and guides.
Best of luck.

What is the best extension for Image changing on Joomla CMS?

I have this specific requirement that there is a list of names of people and a container for photo.
So when I click on specific user's name, his photo will appear in that container.
Is there any specific extension for this, so that admin can manage all the people names with their images ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are referring to an Avatar and using Joomla 2.5+ then I would recommend using Community Builder. I know it's a fairly big system, however it extends user profiles massively and might come in handy in the future.
If you're using Joomla 1.5 then you could always use DAvatar which is simply a plugin.
Hope this helps
You can user Community Builder as well but its very large & powerful extension & i think your interested to show only users image. If you have Joomla 2.5 then Profile Picture plugin will be most suitable for your case. Here is the link check it out. http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/clients-a-communities/user-management/19702 . Hope it helps you.
Community builder is overkill just to get an image.
Here are a few options, depending on how often these are updated and whether you want to allow users to update these themselves.
Of course you can always make a category and an article for each team member, then use the links and urls to load the image in a standard location (override +use css in your template to do this). Use ACL to manage who can change this and to decide if you will allow users to manage.
Use the image field in the contact component, put all of the team members in the same category in contact. Put bio etc in miscellanous information. Only admins can manage this since it is edited back end only.
Use a profile plugin for com_user if you want users to be able to manage for themselves.

Joomla membership for old articles

I would like my Joomla website to behave like this:
All users can view new articles
When new articles are published over sometime (say 1 week), they become
old articles. (This part can be done
manually, if there are no extension
for it.)
Normal users can only view the title of old articles. If they click them, they are asked to pay.
Paid users can view old articles.
All users can search against new and old articles. But as mentioned, only paid users can view old articles.
What kind of extensions do I need?
Thank you very much.
I asked AEC (Account Expiration Control) support about my requirements. Here the reply I got:
AEC is not an Access Restriction
component but a Membership Manager
that happens to be good at telling
other components what they should do.
Many users extend the Joomla
usergroups with components like
FlexiAccess, JACL or JUGA. With
extended usergroups (and, in this
case, Access Levels), you can restrict
access to articles, categories and
menu entries. I would advise that the
best idea might be to check out the
ACL components - AEC can cater to
pretty much all of them so that it's
more of a question whether the ACL
components can do what you want to
Also - archiving articles is
completely out of scope for AEC, so
you'd have to find out how to
accomplish this in your content
Updated 2:
I think AEC might be the one I need.
You can do this by using Access Expiration Control. You will have to do the follwing :
Create plans for your users and handle the plans ( Free, Monthly, Life time .. etc ) , the payment and the access control.
Create menu item for the archived articles.
Use ACE to make accessing this part of the site restricted to payed members.
Profit $$$
This is how I see how it could be done ... I've used on many sites but not for archived contents so I would recommend you contact the developers at their site and ask them about your case.

Looking for Joomla Extensions suggestions

A colleague and I have been partnered on a project for school, in which we must take an existing site and revamp it to client specifications.
The client's site is the college journalism site, built on Joomla. They're currently using an archaic version, and we are migrating their content to a new installation. In addition to an overhaul to the interface (which we are having no trouble with) the client has asked for the addition of some features.
Email subscription services
Moderated social commentary
Multimedia integration
For Email subscription services, we've decided on jNews, and after a preliminary check on a temporary install it seems to be a decent choice. The problem we've come across is with the other two feature additions.
My question essentially is; What suggestions could SO offer of Joomla Extensions that provide moderated social commentary functionality, and multimedia (audio/video) integration, that play well together. I've looked at yvComment and jMultimedia for social commentary and multimedia integrations respectively, however jMultimedia breaks entirely (PHP throws an exception) post install, and yvComment is giving me headaches.
Just some quick details on the functionality;
Moderated social commentary I suppose is rather straightforward. Something that supports perhaps OpenID or similar. Visitors can comment on articles, and moderators can review, and moderate (edit/delete) as necessary.
Multimedia integration is also straightforward. Simply the ability to associate uploaded or linked audio/video content with articles. Gallery views, and other client side snazzyness is also important, but can certainly be sacrificed for better administrative integration.
I'm only looking for suggestions, not comprehensive installation/customization instructions, though I'm certainly not opposed to hearing any from those who have performed such tasks successfully :) Thanks in advance!
I've used several email subscription services... I found AcyMailing to be the best. Especially if you have to do newsletters often.
Moderated social commentary - jComment is a good choice for adding commenting features to the Joomla Articles. However, I recommend using non-native version of content management like K2. K2 is extremely powerful CCK with many cook features and it comes with commenting features, social media sharing and author pages.
I used several components for videos about a year ago. The best one I found was hwVideoShare. It is a great video component similar to Youtube with sharing, commenting, etc... I'm not sure about audio.
Subscription Service - AcyMailing
Content Construction Kit - K2
Video Component - hwVideoShare
If you need community component which has Video/Images/etc look into JomSocial. That thing is amazing.

One website for support tickets, documentation, user management, file transfer, etc

Does anyone know of a web app that can do all of the above in one place? We are currently working with Vtiger (support), Confluence (documentation), Joomla (website, user management & custom file transfer area).
We've tried using various Joomla components, but we've found nothing as good as the individual web apps listed above... We need something really robust & easy to use. And something that can be controlled with varying group permissions.
Cheers :)
I personally use Redmine for all of the mentioned needs.
