How do I match a full link in capybara? - ruby

In Capybara+Rspec, I can check that a link is missing:
response.body.should_not have_link("link_content")
This is fine, but unfortunately the test fails for when "link_content" partially matches a link, such as "this_is_a_long_link_content". How can I change the test to make it pass in this case?
(That is, the matcher should not partially match, it should only fully match).

You can also use the following workaround:
response.body.should_not have_xpath("//a[normalize-space(text())='link_content']")
This is whitespace-agnostic and therefore a little more flexible than the raw HTML approach.

From the docs:
If all else fails, you can also use the page.html method to test against the raw HTML:
This works for me:
page.html.should match('>\s*Log in\s*</a>')
page.html.should_not match('>\s*link_content\s*</a>')
Note that the argument to match can a regular expression. That means that you can make the solution whitespace-agnostic by simply adding \s*.


Is it possible to use Following and preceding in combination in Selenium?

On this page
I have:
//*[text()='Reception']//preceding::th[contains(#id, 'ep')]//following::I
But it only registers following.
The default firepath selector is: .//*[#id='mw-content-text']/div/table[5]/tbody/tr/td[1]/I but this kind of selector is known to break quite frequently. Just wondering if there is a better way of doing this and I thought this might be a way.
- You can see that it's getting stuff under the table which is not what I want :S
Try to use below XPath to match required elements:
//th[contains(#id, 'ep')]/following::I[./following::*[text()='Reception']]
This looks more simple
//tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')]//i
Don't overcomplicate things. You need I tag inside each row. So just find row locator tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')] and get it's I
Another good approach in case you want to check that inside of parent element is located some special element, but you want to find some 3rd element is to use such style: //element[./specific]//child , so in your case:
//tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')][./th[contains(#id,'ep')]]//i
so it's I tag inside row that contains #id,'ep' in header

getting attribute via xpath query succesfull in browser, but not in Robot Framework

I have a certain XPATH-query which I use to get the height from a certain HTML-element which returns me perfectly the desired value when I execute it in Chrome via the XPath Helper-plugin.
//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/#height
However, when I use the same query via the Get Element Attribute-keyword in the Robot Framework
Get Element Attribute//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/#height
... then I got an InvalidSelectorException about this XPATH.
InvalidSelectorException: Message: u'invalid selector: Unable to locate an
element with the xpath expression `//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*
[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/`
So, the Robot Framework or Selenium removed the #-sign and everything after it. I thought it was an escape -problem and added and removed some slashes before the #height, but unsuccessful. I also tried to encapsulate the result of this query in the string()-command but this was also unsuccessful.
Does somebody has an idea to prevent my XPATH-query from getting broken?
It looks like you can't include the attribute axis in the XPath itself when you're using Robot. You need to retrieve the element by XPath, and then specify the attribute name outside that. It seems like the syntax is something like this:
Get Element Attribute xpath=(//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"])#height
or perhaps (I've never used Robot):
Get Element Attribute xpath=(//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"])[1]#height
This documentation says
attribute_locator consists of element locator followed by an # sign and attribute name, for example "element_id#class".
so I think what I've posted above is on the right track.
You are correct in your observation that the keyword seems to removes everything after the final #. More correctly, it uses the # to separate the element locator from the attribute name, and does this by splitting the string at that final # character.
No amount of escaping will solve the problem as the code isn't doing any parsing at this point. This is the exact code (as of this writing...) that performs that operation:
def _parse_attribute_locator(self, attribute_locator):
parts = attribute_locator.rpartition('#')
The simple solution is to drop that trailing slash, so your xpath will look like this:
//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/... and #class="bar bar1"]#height`

XPath: nested/complex conditions

a certain element of my xml data should match EXACT ONE of the following conditions:
1.) It has a #when attribute and nothing else.
2.) It has a #when-iso attribute and nothing else.
3.) It has both a #notBefore-iso and a #notAfter-iso attribute, but neither a #when nor a #when-iso attribute.
I try to test that using schematron, but I fail at creating a matching xpath expression.
I tried
<assert test="#when or #when-iso or (not(#when) and not(#when-iso) and #notBefore-iso and #notAfter-iso)">
but that doesn't work. Obviously, the content in brackets is simply ignored. So, how can I build complex/nested conditional expressions?
An example that should work for your case :
<assert test="(#when and count(#*)=1) or (#when-iso and count(#*)=1) or (#notBefore-iso and #notAfter-iso and count(#*)=2)"/>

using xpath in selenium.get.Text and

I have Адреса магазинов on page and want to store text, then click on this link and verify that the page where am I going to contains this text in headers. So I tried to find element by xpath, and selenium.getText get the right result, but goes to another link. Where have I made a mistake? Thanks in advance!
String m_1 = selenium.getText("xpath=html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/h4[1]");"xpath=html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/h4[1]");
using xpath=//descendant::a[#href='/address_shops/'][2] or css=div.deff_one_column a[href='/address_shops/'] get right results
using xpath=//a[#href='/address_shops/'] - Element is not currently visible
xpath=//a[#href='/address_shops/'][2] - Element not found
There is a missing slash at the beginning of the expression. I am kind of surprised this got through at all - the first slash means "begin at root node".
Also, it is better to select the <a> element instead of the <h>. Sometimes it works, sometimes is misclicks, sometimes the click doesn't do anything at all. Try to be as concrete as you can be.
Try this one.
String m1 = selenium.getText("xpath=/html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div/h4/a");"xpath=/html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div/h4/a");
// your variable is named m1, but m_1 was used here
By the way, there are even better XPath expressions you could use. See the documentation, it really is helpful. Just an example, this would work, too, and is much easier to write and read:
String m1 = selenium.getText("xpath=//a[#href='/address_shops/']");"xpath=//a[#href='/address_shops/']");
Sorry, didn't notice page link. Css for second link can be something like that css=div.deff_one_column a[href='/address_shops/']

How do I verify an xPath expression in Selenium IDE?

How would I test for the following expression in Selenium?
not(//select[#id='ddlCountry']/#class) or
true if the class attribute doesnt exist, or if it does, the attribute doesn't contain invalidValue.
I've tried using the verifyElementPresent command, but it errors out, I assume because I'm returning a boolean rather than a node.
I'm happy with an alternative to this if theres no way to do the above using xPath.
In case your XPath engine API doesnt allow expressions returning atomic values (not nodes), then you still can
and test if an element was selected or not.
true if the class attribute doesnt
exist, or if it does, the attribute
doesn't contain invalidValue.
