XPath: nested/complex conditions - xpath

a certain element of my xml data should match EXACT ONE of the following conditions:
1.) It has a #when attribute and nothing else.
2.) It has a #when-iso attribute and nothing else.
3.) It has both a #notBefore-iso and a #notAfter-iso attribute, but neither a #when nor a #when-iso attribute.
I try to test that using schematron, but I fail at creating a matching xpath expression.
I tried
<assert test="#when or #when-iso or (not(#when) and not(#when-iso) and #notBefore-iso and #notAfter-iso)">
but that doesn't work. Obviously, the content in brackets is simply ignored. So, how can I build complex/nested conditional expressions?

An example that should work for your case :
<assert test="(#when and count(#*)=1) or (#when-iso and count(#*)=1) or (#notBefore-iso and #notAfter-iso and count(#*)=2)"/>


getting attribute via xpath query succesfull in browser, but not in Robot Framework

I have a certain XPATH-query which I use to get the height from a certain HTML-element which returns me perfectly the desired value when I execute it in Chrome via the XPath Helper-plugin.
//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/#height
However, when I use the same query via the Get Element Attribute-keyword in the Robot Framework
Get Element Attribute//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/#height
... then I got an InvalidSelectorException about this XPATH.
InvalidSelectorException: Message: u'invalid selector: Unable to locate an
element with the xpath expression `//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*
[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"]/`
So, the Robot Framework or Selenium removed the #-sign and everything after it. I thought it was an escape -problem and added and removed some slashes before the #height, but unsuccessful. I also tried to encapsulate the result of this query in the string()-command but this was also unsuccessful.
Does somebody has an idea to prevent my XPATH-query from getting broken?
It looks like you can't include the attribute axis in the XPath itself when you're using Robot. You need to retrieve the element by XPath, and then specify the attribute name outside that. It seems like the syntax is something like this:
Get Element Attribute xpath=(//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"])#height
or perhaps (I've never used Robot):
Get Element Attribute xpath=(//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="svg"]/*[name()="g"]/*[name()="rect" and #class="bar bar1"])[1]#height
This documentation says
attribute_locator consists of element locator followed by an # sign and attribute name, for example "element_id#class".
so I think what I've posted above is on the right track.
You are correct in your observation that the keyword seems to removes everything after the final #. More correctly, it uses the # to separate the element locator from the attribute name, and does this by splitting the string at that final # character.
No amount of escaping will solve the problem as the code isn't doing any parsing at this point. This is the exact code (as of this writing...) that performs that operation:
def _parse_attribute_locator(self, attribute_locator):
parts = attribute_locator.rpartition('#')
The simple solution is to drop that trailing slash, so your xpath will look like this:
//*/div[#class="BarChart"]/... and #class="bar bar1"]#height`

How do I verify an xPath expression in Selenium IDE?

How would I test for the following expression in Selenium?
not(//select[#id='ddlCountry']/#class) or
true if the class attribute doesnt exist, or if it does, the attribute doesn't contain invalidValue.
I've tried using the verifyElementPresent command, but it errors out, I assume because I'm returning a boolean rather than a node.
I'm happy with an alternative to this if theres no way to do the above using xPath.
In case your XPath engine API doesnt allow expressions returning atomic values (not nodes), then you still can
and test if an element was selected or not.
true if the class attribute doesnt
exist, or if it does, the attribute
doesn't contain invalidValue.

Problem running xpath query with namespaces

I'm trying to use an xpath expression to select a node-set in an xml document with different namespaces defined.
The xml looks something like this:
<?POSTEN SND="SE00317644000" REC="5566420989" MSGTYPE="EPIX"?>
<ns:Msg xmlns:ns="http://www.noventus.se/epix1/genericheader.xsd">
<m:OrderStatus xmlns:m="http://www.noventus.se/epix1/orderstatus.xsd">
<OrderSystemId>Soda SE</OrderSystemId>
I want to select only "Msg"-nodes that has the "OrderStatus" child and therefore I want to use the following xpath expression: /Msg[count('OrderStatus') > 0] but this won't work since I get an error message saying: "Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed. This query has a prefix, variable, or user-defined function".
So I think I want to use an expression that looks something like this: /*[local-name()='Msg'][count('OrderStatus') > 0] but that doesn't seem to work.. any ideas?
I want to use the following xpath
/Msg[count('OrderStatus')[ 0]
but this won't work since I get an error message saying: "Namespace
Manager or XsltContext needed.
This is a FAQ.
In XPath a unprefixed name is always considered to belong in "no namespace".
However, the elements you want to select are in fact in the "http://www.noventus.se/epix1/genericheader.xsd"
You have two possible ways to write your XPath expression:
Use the facilities of the hosting language to associate prefixes to all different namespaces to which names from the expression belong. You haven't indicated what is the hosting language in this concrete case, so I can't help you with this. A C# example can be found here.
If you have associated the prefix "xxx" to the namespace "http://www.noventus.se/epix1/genericheader.xsd" and the prefix "yyy" to the namespace "http://www.noventus.se/epix1/orderstatus.xsd", then your Expression can be written as:
:2: If you don't want to use any prefixes at all, an XPath expression can still be constructed, however it will not be too readable:
/*[local-name() = 'Msg' and *[local-name() = 'OrderStatus']]
Finally, do note:
In order to test if an element x has a child y it isn't necessary to test for a positive count(y). Just use: x[y]
Xpath positions are 1-based. This means that NodeSetExpression[0] never selects a node. You want: NodeSetExpression[1]

XPath concat multiple nodes

I'm not very familiar with xpath. But I was working with xpath expressions and setting them in a database. Actually it's just the BAM tool for biztalk.
Anyway, I have an xml which could look like:
I was wondering if there is a way to use an xpath expression of getting all the SubElements concatted? At the moment, I am using:
This works if it only has one index. But apparently my xml sometimes has more nodes, so it gives NULL. I could just use
but I need all the nodes. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: I changed the XML, I was wrong, it's different, it should look like this:
And I need to have a one line code to get a result like: "subel2a subel2b";
I need the one line because I set this xpath expression as an xml attribute (not my choice, it's specified). I tried string-join but it's not really working.
string-join(/file/Element3/SubElement, ',')
/File/Element3/SubElement will match all of the SubElement elements in your sample XML. What are you using to evaluate it?
If your evaluation method is subject to the "first node rule", then it will only match the first one. If you are using a method that returns a nodeset, then it will return all of them.
You can get all SubElements by using:
But this won't keep them grouped together how you want. You will want to do a query for all elements that contain a SubElement (basically do a search for the parent of any SubElements).
Once you have that, you could (depending on your programming language) loop through the parents and concatenate the SubElements.

XPath : finding an attribute node (and only one)

What is the XPath to find only ONE node (whichever) having a certain attribute (actually I'm interested in the attribute, not the node). For example, in my XML, I have several tags having a lang attribute. I know all of them must have the same value. I just want to get any of them.
Right now, I do this : //*[1][#lang]/#lang, but it seems not to work properly, for an unknown reason.
My tries have led me to things ranging from concatenation of all the #lang values ('en en en en...') to nothing, with sometimes inbetween what I want but not on all XML.
Actually //#lang[1] can not work, because the function position() is called before the test on a lang attribute presence. So it always takes the very first element found in the XML. It worked best at the time because many many times, the lang attribute was on root element.
After some more tackling, here is a working solution :
Parentheses are needed to separate the [1] from the attribute name, otherwise the position() function is applied within the parent element of the attribute (which is useless since there can be only one attribute of a certain name within a tag : that's why //#lang[2] always selects nothing).
Did you tried this?
here you can see an example.
The following XPath seems to do what you want:
