500 error when installing symfony2 - installation

I'm trying to install and configure Symfony2 on my server.
My website is on a shared hosting plateform therefore have limited access to root level, apache & php.ini files...
I downloaded then extracted symfony2 files on my dev environment:
When I navigate to http://dev.mydomain.com/symfony/web/config.php I get some recommendations:
Install and enable a PHP accelerator like APC (highly recommended).
Upgrade your intl extension with a newer ICU version (4+).
Set short_open_tag to off in php.ini*.
Set magic_quotes_gpc to off in php.ini*.
Being on a shared hosting plateform I'm not allowed to modify/download the necessary files to fix those recommendations (which I believe shouldn't block the install).
I follow the link "Bypass configuration and go to the Welcome page" which sends me to http://dev.mydomain.com/symfony/web/app_dev.php/
The server throws a 500 Internal Server Error.
Any advice on how to fix that issue would be very much appreciated.

When it happened to me I forgot to tell my FTP client to transfer also invisible file (.htaccess) OR permissions on /web folder are not correct


501 error while on https and wamp server

I added SSL to my WAMP server on local host. Everything is working fine when I request for http url but when I ask https url it returns me 501 Not implemented error message for all external included files ie. images/js/css files.
Any remedies.
I am using WAMP Server 2.4 latest version from website. and did SSL settings as per the URL http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,32986 ssl working but resources would load as mentioned above.
I found the issue and fixed it.
For those who stuck with same issue.
One more major issue with Wamp 2.4 is that Resources ie. .css, .js and image files don't load even after all configuration. To solve the issue kindly do the following:
download and install 1.0.1e openssl from http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
then find the files in the installed directory:
bin\openssl.cfg (replace with confg\openssl.cnf after renaming the .cfg file to .cnf)
Stop the server and replace those files and enjoy!

Joomla set Temporary PHP directory

I installed Joomla 3.1.1 Stable on a Centos system.
I can access it, browse through it's admin backend and frontend, but I found in the Extension Manager/Warnings that "The PHP temporary directory is not set"
I went on google and found a fix: I created a php.ini file where I completed this line:
upload_tmp_dir = var/www/html/joomla/tmp
I did that because that is the location where I installed joomla (var/www/html/joomla/)
The fix I found online gave some other location for this folder, it was something with the home/accountname/public_html/... , but I do not have joomla installed in any accounts, it is installed in the "public": var/www/html folder.
I am asking what am I doing wrong because even after doing this, the warning stays the same:
"The PHP temporary directory is not set"
How can I fix this?
I set up the permissions for the entire joomla folder to 40777, and then to the inner folders and files so I would avoid a permission conflict. I then disabled the FTP from Global Settings (before doing this I was receiving a lot more errors when trying to upload anything)
I seriously thought that installing joomla on Centos would not give me so many headaches.
I need to install an extension in joomla (for a template) and I have an error that says nothing to me:"-1 - An error has occurred." - "Copy file failed" so I try to fix any warnings/errors that may cause this before giving up.
The fixes found online about this error (Copy file failed) refer to joomla 1.5 - 1.6. How is it possible that I still get it in version 3.1 ? It is rather absurd.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try to set it via .htaccess file, just add this:
php_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/html/joomla/tmp
It started working after I changed permissions to ALL subfolders located in var/www/html/joomla
I will reset those permissions after I finish with configuring and customizing the website.
But for now, that was my solution.
-di3sel - the upload_tmp_dir was set up correctly in the php.ini
Thank you both, but my problem seems to be solved now.

Joomla Extension Manager issue - Getting an HTTP 500 Server error

I am using Joomla on my website. Now when i try to access the Extension Manager under Extensions, it gives me the following server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving
It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
How do i fix it?
You should definitely find more information in the error log, but a few things to look at are:
permissions: com_installer may need the tmp folder to be writable
configuration: is your tmp folder configured properly (you can check in system information)
corruption: try reinstalling the update package of Joomla over your current installation (the update package) with ftp/shell
improper routing configuration: you may have some wrong configuration either in your httpd.conf or .htaccess file (try renaming them quickly to see if this is the issue; look for an .htaccess in the administrator folder, and each parent up to the web root (so ./uploads/administrator, ./uploads, . )
I repeat, reading the error log (apache error_log or php error, or turn on debug in Joomla) should give you more than enough information to pinpoint the issue.
I had the same issue when I had forgotten to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Changing Base URL in Magento

I am moving a magento store from mydomaintest.com to mydomain.com.
When I say move, in this instance, we simply used the Cpanel to Modify Account and changed the Domain Name from mydomaintest.com to mydomain.com.
Then using the advice found in forums I used PHPMyAdmin to update the Magento Core Config table to the new BaseURL for both Secure and Unsecure url's.
After doing this I deleted all files in /var/cache.
Trying to access the site by domain name or IP is providing the following error:
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/mydomain/public_html/errors/report.php' (include_path='/home/mydomain/public_html/app/code/local:/home/mydomain/public_html/app/code/community:/home/mydomain/public_html/app/code/core:/home/mydomain/public_html/lib:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mydomain/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 847
Please help, we are trying to move live today and can't seem to figure this one out.
Go to System > Index management and Reindex data as it also contain the url rewrites. Also be sure to check System > Cache Management (some versions still have that) and flush all cache as var/cache is not the only caching location. The zend components save their cache in the tmp folder.
I had this issue with Magento running with Apache2 on Ubuntu 14.10
Make sure that MySQL module for PHP is install:
dpkg --list | grep php5-mysql
If it is not listed, you need to install it:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
Then restart Apache:
sudo service apache2 restart
In our case we get this message because someone deleted the "error" folder - the site works fine until an error happens.
Once we restored the folder (and make sure PHP can access it), we see the normal Magento error page.
If you don't have the folder you can download Magento and extract it from the archive.

Joomla Component Install Issue: Can't install any components, fresh install of latest Joomla

When I try to install any component, specifically my mtwMigrator component, I receive the following error:
* Warning! Failed to move file.
This is on a fresh install, with FTP Layer turned off, with default content installed, Joomla 1.5.14, latest PHP and my_SQL versions, Legacy mode turned on.
A very common cause of this error is due to file permissions. Joomla must be able to copy the files from your component into the components and administrator/components directories. If the system user the webserver runs as does not have write permissions to these folders, it will not be able to copy the files over.
The FTP layer is there to get around this issue. With the FTP layer on, you upload the component to the server first, then it is FTP'ed from the temporary directory to localhost. For this to work, the FTP user you specify must have permission to write to the components and administrator/components folders.
I had a similar problem when moving between machines (I know you said it was a fresh install - but someone might find this helpful). Ensure the $tmp_path entry in joomla\configuration.php is pointing to a valid directory. Mine wasn't.
In your Joomla backend, on the top menu, go to Help >> System Info >> Directory Permission and ensure that that are writable otherwise you don't want to have to change the folders to 777 and back again each time you install an extension.
In addition to this, you can mass chmod folders and files using Akeeba Admin Tools.
You mgiht also want to update to the latest Joomla 1.5 version (1.5.26)
The most ideal permission for Joomla directories is 755. There are cases when mod_suphp is not installed that the permission problem would occur.
Make sure that mod_suphp is installed and loaded by checking your php info e.g. and running this on your browser. If mod_suphp is not installed, then you will need help from your hosting provider to install this for you.
Normally, all directerories should have 755 (rwxr-xr-x) and all files 644 (rw-r--r--). If you want to set the most directories to not-writetable, you will need at least the directories listed in Help > System info > Directory Permissions. (Here you can also check which directories need to be changed, as non-writetable directories are shown in red.)
In some shared hosting environments, 755 / 644 isn't enough, as the owner of the file is not the (Web)Server User, but the FTP-User ... so either change it to 777 / 666 (not recommended, as you allow others to write your files), or get your FTP layer to work.
Another try: Joomla! does not work yet with the recent PHP 5.3. Can you use PHP 5.2? (Similar Problem in the Joomla Forum)
