Joomla Extension Manager issue - Getting an HTTP 500 Server error - joomla

I am using Joomla on my website. Now when i try to access the Extension Manager under Extensions, it gives me the following server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving
It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
How do i fix it?

You should definitely find more information in the error log, but a few things to look at are:
permissions: com_installer may need the tmp folder to be writable
configuration: is your tmp folder configured properly (you can check in system information)
corruption: try reinstalling the update package of Joomla over your current installation (the update package) with ftp/shell
improper routing configuration: you may have some wrong configuration either in your httpd.conf or .htaccess file (try renaming them quickly to see if this is the issue; look for an .htaccess in the administrator folder, and each parent up to the web root (so ./uploads/administrator, ./uploads, . )
I repeat, reading the error log (apache error_log or php error, or turn on debug in Joomla) should give you more than enough information to pinpoint the issue.

I had the same issue when I had forgotten to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess


facing error when installing magento on go daddy

hosting magento with godaddy getting error
I have changed my .htacces and php5.ini file ...
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator and inform them of the time the error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I will thankful to you.
I just finished a magento installation on a godaddy virtualhost and ran up with the same problem.
The fix was to do the following:
In godaddy host administration panel adjust the php version to match that of your magento installation(in my case magento CE -community edition), I've changed it to 5.4.
Then on your .htaccess file of your magento's base directory change the rewrite base directive to point to the relative path like this:
RewriteBase /
On this same file, add at the end of it the following:
RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*)$ [L]
Add the following directives to the php5.ini file at the root of your godaddy's virtualhost(if it doesn't exist create one with the same exact name specified):
[sourcecode language="php"]
register_globals = on
allow_url_fopen = on
cgi.fix_pathinfo =1
And that's it(don't forget to save all file changes and close the files used.
For a full explanation and more detailed steps go to the following article.
The article
Check if your server configuration is compatible for Magento installation first:
Click here for Server Compatibility check
Also make sure the file permissio are correctly given.
Change the folder permission of below folder to 777
Change the file permission of below files to 644
index.php (main index file in magento root folder)
downloader/index.php ( otherwise if you will try to access System > Magento Connect >Magento Connect Manager (after magento installation) by logging to magento admin, you will get 500 Internal Server Error.)
Click here to know the file permission settings.

Joomla set Temporary PHP directory

I installed Joomla 3.1.1 Stable on a Centos system.
I can access it, browse through it's admin backend and frontend, but I found in the Extension Manager/Warnings that "The PHP temporary directory is not set"
I went on google and found a fix: I created a php.ini file where I completed this line:
upload_tmp_dir = var/www/html/joomla/tmp
I did that because that is the location where I installed joomla (var/www/html/joomla/)
The fix I found online gave some other location for this folder, it was something with the home/accountname/public_html/... , but I do not have joomla installed in any accounts, it is installed in the "public": var/www/html folder.
I am asking what am I doing wrong because even after doing this, the warning stays the same:
"The PHP temporary directory is not set"
How can I fix this?
I set up the permissions for the entire joomla folder to 40777, and then to the inner folders and files so I would avoid a permission conflict. I then disabled the FTP from Global Settings (before doing this I was receiving a lot more errors when trying to upload anything)
I seriously thought that installing joomla on Centos would not give me so many headaches.
I need to install an extension in joomla (for a template) and I have an error that says nothing to me:"-1 - An error has occurred." - "Copy file failed" so I try to fix any warnings/errors that may cause this before giving up.
The fixes found online about this error (Copy file failed) refer to joomla 1.5 - 1.6. How is it possible that I still get it in version 3.1 ? It is rather absurd.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try to set it via .htaccess file, just add this:
php_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/html/joomla/tmp
It started working after I changed permissions to ALL subfolders located in var/www/html/joomla
I will reset those permissions after I finish with configuring and customizing the website.
But for now, that was my solution.
-di3sel - the upload_tmp_dir was set up correctly in the php.ini
Thank you both, but my problem seems to be solved now.

got 500 Internal Server error in joomla [duplicate]

I have installed new site in Joomla 1.7 and its working fine, but when i checked its back-end (administrator) got 500 Internal Server Error.
Note: Site is working fine in Local server.
Please suggestion me any solution.
Thanks in advance.
First you have change folder permission to 775 for the following folders:
cache, logs, tmp & administrator/cache
then go to: configuration.php
find code:
$log_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';
$tmp_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';
and change code into:
$log_path = './logs';
$tmp_path = './tmp';
problem solved :)
I had this problem, but none of your advices didn't help.
I fixed a problem only after I switched off all modules via PhpMyAdmin (PMA).
Table modules, changed parameter "published" to 0 for all and then enabled only few modules with these types:
After this I entered admin page and used top menu to enable all needed modules one by one. After admin page started to give me 500 error again I knew what module is faulty and I disabled it again via PMA.
May be some files are not uploded.Check failed transfer of your FTP server.Make sure all the files are uploded online
Check your error logs and backtrace what is causing the error. It sounds like you have MySQL errors, make sure any of your components/modules/aren't tricking out your site.
Think it's a component?
You can login into PHPMyAdmin and disable/enable modules manually by unpublishing them using the table editor, changing isPublished to 0 .
Try reinstalling database with the correct compatibility and also check web.config file on ftp for correct configuration paths !
I experienced something similar on my site. Digging through the log file, /administrator/error_log i saw this error message:
[08-Oct-2012 15:28:59] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function login() on a non-object in /home/XXX/public_html/administrator/components/com_login/admin.login.php on line 65 .
Problem was, i had a previous installation of Joomla 1.5.x, and uploaded files for Joomla 1.6 to replace the previous files and upgrade security of the site. Took me almost a month to find a solution for my own case;
Finally found out from this website that I needed to completely delete all previous files in the website root directory before uploading a new version of Joomla.
Hope this helps someone out there who is in the same situation!
I also have the same issue on my site backend when editing or saving some articles, modules etc...Finally i solved it...
Add these lines to /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_secuirity.conf on your server
SecRuleEngine Off
save it...and restart works fine for me.
Adding these lines disable mod_secuirity engine off.I don't know if it causes secuirity problems in future..
Tnx all...
Change the permission of folder administrator at 775 or 755
I tried all the above ideas. Without avail. For my site (which was an outdated Joomla 1.5.x site- don't ask!!!), where the backend suddenly stopped working, the final solution was switching the servers PHP version from 4 to 5.5 (even 5.4 did not work!).
I then got some strange PHP warnings in the frontend. But I then updated Joomla from the now again working backend to the last 1.5 version and everything worked fine from the on.
Phew! Maybe this helps someone later on...
In my case there was a single file with bad permissions.
It can be tricky to figure out which file has the problem so just run this to set the permissions for all the files in the directory:
chmod -R ug+rwX .
chmod -R o+rX .
Change the permissions of all of your files/directories.
Files should be 755
Directories should be 644
This is my case and my solution:
I have changed my server and got this error. I have protected my administrator folder using password protection method. So I have checked my new server and found that my protection information are not saved in control panel. also my .htaccess file (in administrator folder) is not compatible to my new server.
The solution:
Simply protect my folder using control panel
I have renamed the .htaccess file to htaccess.txt
It is done.
I hope it could be useful ;)

500 internal server error at back end - Joomla

I have installed new site in Joomla 1.7 and its working fine, but when i checked its back-end (administrator) got 500 Internal Server Error.
Note: Site is working fine in Local server.
Please suggestion me any solution.
Thanks in advance.
First you have change folder permission to 775 for the following folders:
cache, logs, tmp & administrator/cache
then go to: configuration.php
find code:
$log_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';
$tmp_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';
and change code into:
$log_path = './logs';
$tmp_path = './tmp';
problem solved :)
I had this problem, but none of your advices didn't help.
I fixed a problem only after I switched off all modules via PhpMyAdmin (PMA).
Table modules, changed parameter "published" to 0 for all and then enabled only few modules with these types:
After this I entered admin page and used top menu to enable all needed modules one by one. After admin page started to give me 500 error again I knew what module is faulty and I disabled it again via PMA.
May be some files are not uploded.Check failed transfer of your FTP server.Make sure all the files are uploded online
Check your error logs and backtrace what is causing the error. It sounds like you have MySQL errors, make sure any of your components/modules/aren't tricking out your site.
Think it's a component?
You can login into PHPMyAdmin and disable/enable modules manually by unpublishing them using the table editor, changing isPublished to 0 .
Try reinstalling database with the correct compatibility and also check web.config file on ftp for correct configuration paths !
I experienced something similar on my site. Digging through the log file, /administrator/error_log i saw this error message:
[08-Oct-2012 15:28:59] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function login() on a non-object in /home/XXX/public_html/administrator/components/com_login/admin.login.php on line 65 .
Problem was, i had a previous installation of Joomla 1.5.x, and uploaded files for Joomla 1.6 to replace the previous files and upgrade security of the site. Took me almost a month to find a solution for my own case;
Finally found out from this website that I needed to completely delete all previous files in the website root directory before uploading a new version of Joomla.
Hope this helps someone out there who is in the same situation!
I also have the same issue on my site backend when editing or saving some articles, modules etc...Finally i solved it...
Add these lines to /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_secuirity.conf on your server
SecRuleEngine Off
save it...and restart works fine for me.
Adding these lines disable mod_secuirity engine off.I don't know if it causes secuirity problems in future..
Tnx all...
Change the permission of folder administrator at 775 or 755
I tried all the above ideas. Without avail. For my site (which was an outdated Joomla 1.5.x site- don't ask!!!), where the backend suddenly stopped working, the final solution was switching the servers PHP version from 4 to 5.5 (even 5.4 did not work!).
I then got some strange PHP warnings in the frontend. But I then updated Joomla from the now again working backend to the last 1.5 version and everything worked fine from the on.
Phew! Maybe this helps someone later on...
In my case there was a single file with bad permissions.
It can be tricky to figure out which file has the problem so just run this to set the permissions for all the files in the directory:
chmod -R ug+rwX .
chmod -R o+rX .
Change the permissions of all of your files/directories.
Files should be 755
Directories should be 644
This is my case and my solution:
I have changed my server and got this error. I have protected my administrator folder using password protection method. So I have checked my new server and found that my protection information are not saved in control panel. also my .htaccess file (in administrator folder) is not compatible to my new server.
The solution:
Simply protect my folder using control panel
I have renamed the .htaccess file to htaccess.txt
It is done.
I hope it could be useful ;)

how to solve 500 Internal Server Error in joomla?

i use com_google_map_vision in my site.when i click on view map then following error display:-
500 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.
More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
how to solve this error
hope someone help me
In general the first step when dealing with this sort of error would be to turn on error reporting by putting the following at the beginning of your index.php:
Doing so might give you some php specific error message with which you will find it easier to troubleshoot the problem.
Error 500 generally occurs when the (web) server is not configured correctly. Many times it means that there is problem with your .htaccess file. Please check if you need to do any changes to .htaccess file things to work correctly.
According to Abhijeet Pathak, probably it is related with .htaccess file, specially with the Rewrite module
Check out the "Rewrite /" parameter
That's a long shot, but I recently had a similar issue with Community Builder extension. It turned out it was running out of memory, because it was not able to use all available memory. Adding the following line to .htaccess solved my problem:
I added it right at the beginning of the file. It supposedly allows a php script to use more of the memory assigned in php.ini...
Try recursively setting the permissions on components/com_google_map_vision and administrator/components/com_google_map_vision to 755 for folders and 644 for files.
This type of error is usually due to a permissions issue in Joomla.
Please change the file permission as follows.
All folders to 755
All files to 644
This error is caused by the permissions of files and folders.
The files should be chmod 644 and folders 755
Executing these instructions into the shell solves the problem
sudo find. -type f-print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
sudo find. -type d-print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775
PD: enter the root of joomla before executing commands
Its because of IP address,you used foreign or totally different,therefore your host company denied permission,you should firstl identify your Ip then call them to add this Ip to their secure ip's.
If you are loading Joomla! on local development machine, remember to check if you have enabled mod_rewrite.Because this causes Internal Server Error 500. Most of the time it happens
Because it was never enabled in the first palce
A wamp/lamp update may have reset your .conf file
The new version of apache may use a different file name or a directory altogether for the .conf file.
Uncomment the row in httpd.conf or a file named something similar (whatever your wamp/lamp stack names it, eg. mine is httpd_uwamp.conf so yours may vary).
And you should be good to go, after restarting the server.
try this please.. All you have to do is put this line of code on your .htaccess file:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
