How to get the snooze time for a scheduled reminder? - windows-phone-7

I have been having some trouble with reminders as of lately. I was wondering how the snooze feature works? When snooze is pressed on a reminder, is a new reminder created or is the same reminder scheduled for later?
The reason i ask is that i want to update a textblock in my app that shows the time of the reminder. My first thought was to look upp the reminder that has been snoozed and check the BeginTime property of the returned ScheduledAction. But this property had not been changed since the reminder was first created.
So, simply put, how do i get the scheduled time for a ScheduledAction including one or more possible snoozes ?

You can't get this information.
All you can do is trigger the notification and then it's up to the user to respond to the notification as they feel is appropriate.
That doesn't mean you can't include additional reminder information within your app, if appropriate.


Scheduling and rescheduling emails

A workflow I have allows users to book meetings. The time/day of the meeting is stored in a table along with other details like the email address.
I send them an email reminder 30 minutes in advance.
In order to send them an email, a recurring event is set up once a week to go through the table and schedule the email to be sent on time - 30 minutes.
I've added the ability to reschedule the meeting. The problem that creates is that the emails are already scheduled, so users get the reminders at the original time, which is confusing.
What I want to do
I want to be able to send them the email at the rescheduled time, but there are technical limitations to the platform I use, which are:
I cannot set up cron/recurring more frequently than every day. This would probably be better than every week, but if someone rescheduled within the day, they would still get the wrong email.
I cannot remove scheduled events - so any recurring events-based workflow would still send the original email.
I know - this is pretty limiting, but am I even approaching this in the right way?
given your constraints, I'd probably go with 'resign'.
But in all seriousness, if you can't remove scheduled events (and I'm guessing you can't 'move' them because this is too advanced for your CTO to get their head around) then the only way I see it is to break the email send process into two steps - send scheduled event to PROXY in-front of your email sender, check if there is another event (i.e. can you add some 'cancelled/moved to data to the original one) and if so don't send it.

Can we implement countdown feature for the slack message?

Is there a way to implement the countdown feature for the slack message using Slack API?
The message should only be valid for specified amount of time and then it should disappear or stop user interaction with it.
Yes technically this is possible. To display the countdown you need to use two methods, that is chat.postMessage and chat.update. chat.postMessage is for posting the initial message that contains the full counter say 5 minutes. After the initial message is posted you will need to run a loop in you code that updates the initial message with the depreciating value (4 minutes, 3 minutes and so on) using the chat.update method. After the countdown ends you can now delete or update the blocks to remove the interactions (buttons and so on). I hope that provides some insight.

MS Outlook- Multiple All Day Meeting Template?

Is there a way for me to make multiple all-day events at weird intervals. If so, is there a way to make it a template so I can do it faster?
I have a very repetitive business that has identical deadlines for every project I am given. Currently, I have to add all of these deadlines into my outlook calendar manually. I'd like a short cut where I can select a template or something that automatically programs the various all-day calendar items that I currently create manually.
For instance, I get a project today and I want to make an all-day reminder in 15 days to remind me to complete my first task. 7 days later, I need an all-day reminder for my second task. 45 days later, I need a reminder for my third task.
The other scenario is deadlines. I want to add an all-day event in my outlook calendar for the final deadline for a project. I'd like a 15 day reminder and a 5 day reminder to appear on my calendar as all-day events. I know there is a way to add a single reminder, but if it pops up while I'm away from my desk, I tend to ignore the reminder. An all-day calendar item is much harder to ignore.
Is there some way to automatically do this through a macro or function of MS Outlook of which I'm unaware. I keep my life in outlook, so I'd like for all of my deadlines to appear there as well.

Laravel - Sending Notification when event starts

I developed a little Event System. By creating a new event the event startdate can be set on the future.
In this case I´m trying to send out a notification to a user, where is participant of this event, that the event started. How i can solve this?
I tried something like this with scheduling and an own ServiceProvider:
$challenges = Auth::User()->challenges()->where('startdate', '<=', Carbon::now())->get();
foreach($challenges as $challenge) {
But yes, so the notification will send out everytime..not a good solution. I need them only one time when the event startdate switches from future to now.
Do you have an idea? Many thanks in advance!!
Personally I would just create a new field in database that would indicate if you sent the notifications. If you did not and the start date is after now you want to send notifications and set the flag to 1/true.
Still, the solution you created is not the best/most performant, since now you'll query database at every single request. The better would be to create some CRON job to perodically check for such thing.
For more information check this out:
This will provide you some basic informations about what you need to do to perodically make some actions.You may also want to read about Artisan Commands
so you can run it every x minutes.

Can I send multiple ShellToast notifications at once?

What happens, if I send multiple ShellToast notifications from background agent at once, for example in ToDo list app I want to notify that 3 tasks should be finished today?
Is it allowed or recommended? Would the user see all three toasts or only the first one?
The scheduled agent only runs once and it's up to you to manage which toast will be shown. In those scenarios you should be using a counter...possibly.
The way I've worked around this sort of thing in the past is just track a time or which toasts have been shown in sort of a queue and just show one every update so you could just rotate through your queue throughout the day until the tasks in app are no longer valid. Or, based on the phone's time, determine what to show (they fire every 30 min or so).
Ultimately, the optimal way is probably having one toast that says "You have 3 tasks to complete" etc etc.
Hope one of those solutions might help!
// Jed
