Proper way to use images in NSMenuItem? - cocoa

I've put some images next to NSMenuItems using the image option in Interface Builder. The custom image is a simple PNG. I was hoping the system would automatically alter the color of the image during mouse over like it does with stock images. It does not. What am i doing wrong?
Here's a pic of a stock image vs my custom one:

In code, call [menuItem.offStateImage setTemplate:YES]


How can we merge multiple image into single image in react native project

In one of my project I am using RNCamera for capturing image. Also the camera screens have custom components. One of the component showing with camera is compass image. I need to merge the compass image with the captured image.
I have tried this library react-native-view-shot. Wrapping the RNCamera inside the view shot view. But the result contains only the captured image without compass.
I have also tried react-native-images-combine. Here the second image is always positioning at the left side of the first image.
I looking for a better solution. Can anyone suggest a way to fix this in react-native. It would be great. Thank you.
Try to put both images in a View tag and each image in an own View tag. Than give “z-index” style property to put your image above.
Let me know!

Can Xcode infer an UIImageView's size from an image in a storyboard?

(I'm aware of how this is done in code)
When you plop an Image View into a storyboard, and then assign an image to it, is there some convenient way to resize that Image View to the size of the image? So far I've just been keying in dimensions manually, and it feels like I'm missing something.
Yes you can. Just press command and = buttons.

Parsys on top of an image

There is requirement where parsys should be added on top of an image. It is like a background image with the provision of parsys so that other components can be dragged and dropped on top of it. I am using html5smartimage for image component. But, no clue yet on how I can get the parsys on top of the image. Please help if you find any ideas. Thanks.
is the image authorable? If so, how do you intend to provide click-area for the authors to change the image vs edit items in the parsys.
If the image isn't authorable, just target the CSS for your parsys and set the image.
If the image is authorable, in edit mode you want the image to be distinct from the parsys and have separate clickable areas. Then in preview/disabled modes you would generate the actually desired markup & CSS to position the parsys content over the background image.

Magento: Detailed Image on Mouse-over for Product Attribute

I would like to show a detailed image on mouseover for each of our options.
This is exactly what i am after:
Any idea on how to do that? Or is there a plugin available for that?
Detailed image is usually called product zoom function and it's present in most of magento themes including default ones. It shows original image on zoom function and smaller version of the same image by default.
Images for options function is called color swatch, most of the modules aren't free. But the recent magento 1.9.1 has this feature for free in their new default theme called rwd. There are both color swatch and product image zoom features. You can look how they've done it and extend their solution if you need something more
The easiest way to achieve option image itself on hover would be to use image of resolution you need to have on hover in your configurable product. Then change html of configurable swatch options file. Currently it shows just one image, you can add the same image wrapped in some block. Then change the size of one image to be small, hide block hide big one and show it on hover via css/js.
File with code for swatches: app/design/frontend/rwd/default/template/configurableswatches/catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable/swatches.phtml
and change line no: 52 "click" to "mouseover"
Then check, if correct please vote me.

Highlight selected image in Windows Phone XAML?

I am currently using the Image control in XAML, when the user taps on the image I want to display another image like a tap effect*, so for example I want to make the image a bit darker or lighter once the user taps on it, how can I do this using the image control?
I've managed to fix this with adding a new image to the mousebuttonup, mousebuttondown and mouseleave event of the image control
You could place a collapsed image with the same size at the same position as the first one. If the user taps the image, you show the previously collapsed image.
If you want to make your first image darker, set the background of your hidden image to black and opacity to 0.25 or something like this. When it gets visible your first image will be slightly darker.
Instead that you can try to customize the style of your button. In Visual State>>Pressed>>You can change the Color or you can give some animation as well.
