Changing Salesforce report through url - update the title? - reporting

In Salesforce there is a way to programmably filter reports by adding parameters to the report url. pc#, pn# and pv# allow filters to be modified or even created out of nothing. It is also possible to use the bool_filter parameter to change how the filters are combined (AND/OR). With a Visualforce page and some Apex button code it's possible to create user friendly setup screens for very complex report filtering.
However to be really user friendly the report title (the label above the report) should change to reflect what is in the report. For example if a report shows all earnings from a specific account (by adding a blank account equals filter and then specifying an account id in the url) you would want someone looking at a print out of that report to know which account it is talking about. Depending on the layout the user will see the filters listed, but an automatically generated account id doesn't tell them much.
Can the label above the report be dynamically overidden (or added to in some fashion) with some text that better explains what the report is about?


Which region would work best to display what I need on Oracle APEX

I am trying to make a page that returns header information for all employees, but when an employee is clicked it returns all details of that employee. I have drawn up an example that may better help explain what I am trying to do. I am curious on what type of regions I should choose, and if there is an example application that I could use to base mine off of. Thanks!
Using the wizard:
create page
report with form
It'll create two pages:
an interactive report (you'll use to view some info for all employees on the same page, as if they are in an Excel worksheet) and
a form, which lets you show all details related to selected employee (which means that form can contain many more items than report)

Can a dynamic link be created to be used from a view in Dynamics CRM?

I would like to be able to include a link in a view on the contact entity of dynamics crm that will pop a custom window that we have built. The custom window needs the contact id and the user id in order to function. Our users have requested that such a link be on the view rather than having to go into the contact record itself.
So, is it possible to create a dynamic URL that will be utilized from the view and will be able to determine the contact id and the user id?
I would assume I need to do this with a web resource, but I've only ever used a web resource in an iframe.
I have tried to build a web resource and just use the web resource's link to put into a field and display that field on the view, but obviously that didn't work.
Essentially the link would build a url and then pop up a new window with that url. Here's my url structure:
This is an interesting request that I have not encountered before...
I thought about using a URL-formatted field, and the fact that D365 by default will hyperlink lookup fields. But, with those options you'd have to write data into a field on each Contact or create an entire new record for each Contact, on the fly.
What about creating a separate web resource that contains a table with only one column to hold the dynamically generated URL's? Run the same query as the view to get the Contacts, then generate the URL's and populate them into that "mini-grid". Put the main Contacts view in one section (say two-columns wide), and the mini-grid web resource in a single-column section right next to it, with no border and the same row height.
This way you rely on the main Contact grid for the Contact info, with the mini-grid holding your dynamic URL's (with proper link names of course, rather than raw URL's).
The high-level steps would be:
Get the user's id from the form context.
OnLoad of the sub-grid, get the set of Contact Id's.
Generate the URL for each Contact.
Populate the URL's into the mini-grid in the same order as the Contacts in the sub-grid, so each row in the mini-grid lines up with its Contact row to the left.
Another idea would be to look into the custom icon functionality in V9 to see if there are any hooks in there where you can add a dynamic URL.
You could also write a RetrieveMultiple plugin to dynamically populate a URL-formatted text field. RetrieveMultiple plugins have their caveats. But, how bad is it?
An unsupported option might be to hack the DOM and put your dynamic URL into a blank URL-formatted field in the view.

Dashboard Hyperlink or Iframe URL: Filter Parameter Required

I have a dashboard made up of several dashlets (based on ad hoc views) and some filters.
I have set up a hyperlink on one dashlet that allows the user to click on a product and drill to another report.
The hyperlink needed to pass the Product in the Dashlet that the user clicks on as well as any selections made on the filters within the dashboard, for example filter the dashboard on certain Supplier Types.
I got this working using the following syntax: -
repo:/reportPath?$P{"p_SupplierType=",Supplier_Type_Filter , ? "&"}&p_Product=$P{Product Field}
This works fine.
The issue is that if I don't select anything in my Supplier Type filter (i.e I want all Supplier Types) then I get an error telling me that Value for parameter 'Supplier_Type_Filter' is not set.
Anybody had the same or similar issues and have a solution or a workaround or even just an idea?
Thanks in advance.

Action filters across dashboards without switching sheets in Tableau 9.2

In Tableau 9.2, how can I use a filter which filters from one dashboard to another so that when I trigger it, it does not switch dashboards? I have found this answer online, yet the poster cautions that their method should only be used for V7 and not V9.
Create another action as a filter in the sheet you want to stay in and select all of the dashboards as source and target. As this is the newest action it should make you stay in the same sheet while you keep applying different filters to your data.
In the Dashboard Menu go to Actions and add a Filter,in the filter select source dashboard and select other dashboard as target.This will redirect you to different tab.
You could use a parameter along with calculated fields, or use the JavaScript API
Filter actions also change to the target sheet or dashboard, if not already in focus (as you found out)
If you are doing single selection and your list of values is relatively stable, you could use a parameter instead -- loading the initial values from your field. And then define calculated fields that access the parameter value and use those fields on filter shelves as desired.
Changing a parameter value does not change the view to a target sheet -- unlike a filter action.
The downside of this approach is that the parameter values are not loaded dynamically from a data source and that parameters can only have a single value.
Another option could be to use the JavaScript API in some way. You could listen for changes to the selection, and take whatever action you want in response. That only works if you publish to Tableau Server, and you may want to then pull out some of the navigation controls into your own HTML/CSS -- say to filter the second dashboard just before switching to it.

How to apply filter/specific criteria for browser UI component in Exact Synergy Enterprise?

I am creating a maintenance page where I want to select a task using browser UI component. What I want to do specifically is to filter and show only tasks that are not done yet. Can I implement this using browser UI component? Does Exact Synergy Enterprise offer other components for this functionality?
You should create your browser Repository Explorer and use it in browsefield UI component.
Go to System tab, process to Setup tab and under the Repository section click Explorer. Locate your Repository group, enter it, click Browsers tab next to Business components, Functional components, etc.
Click Add and provide Name, Caption, Caption suffix fields. Then write your SQL query in Query field. The structure is:
SELECT <column(s)> FROM <database table> WHERE <column(s)> IS NOT NULL ORDER BY <column>.
Leave the Column info field empty for now. Fill in the Result columns field with column name which will be used as a Browser component result.
Finally, add database table name in the Table list field. Click Save + Edit column info button. Edit column names from a list shown below Information section and fill in Header/Term ID field with title, describing your columns (this will be shown in Browser UI for the front-end user). Click Save and test your newly created browser. If something went wrong, repeat steps from the start. Most of the time problem could be wrongly filled Column info field.
Now go to your ASPX page and add browsername attribute to your browsefield UI component. Doing so will set the browserfield component to your newly created browser component. This is that you want to see in your maintenance page when setting up the browsefield UI component:
<ex:cardfield runat="server" id="cf" caption="Item" captionid="0">
<ex:browsefield runat="server" id="p" browsername="pbr" datasource="bc" />
Hope this gives you quick idea of what you need to do in order to adjust it to your situation with tasks.
