Action filters across dashboards without switching sheets in Tableau 9.2 - filter

In Tableau 9.2, how can I use a filter which filters from one dashboard to another so that when I trigger it, it does not switch dashboards? I have found this answer online, yet the poster cautions that their method should only be used for V7 and not V9.

Create another action as a filter in the sheet you want to stay in and select all of the dashboards as source and target. As this is the newest action it should make you stay in the same sheet while you keep applying different filters to your data.

In the Dashboard Menu go to Actions and add a Filter,in the filter select source dashboard and select other dashboard as target.This will redirect you to different tab.

You could use a parameter along with calculated fields, or use the JavaScript API
Filter actions also change to the target sheet or dashboard, if not already in focus (as you found out)
If you are doing single selection and your list of values is relatively stable, you could use a parameter instead -- loading the initial values from your field. And then define calculated fields that access the parameter value and use those fields on filter shelves as desired.
Changing a parameter value does not change the view to a target sheet -- unlike a filter action.
The downside of this approach is that the parameter values are not loaded dynamically from a data source and that parameters can only have a single value.
Another option could be to use the JavaScript API in some way. You could listen for changes to the selection, and take whatever action you want in response. That only works if you publish to Tableau Server, and you may want to then pull out some of the navigation controls into your own HTML/CSS -- say to filter the second dashboard just before switching to it.


Hide/remove options from a view's grid header filtering

I've been looking for an approach to remove unwanted values from a views grid column filtering dropdown but I'm not sure if its even possible.
A specific view in our app only displays results where the column will contain 5 values, however the column option set has 20+. Is it possible to remove the unwanted 15 values from being displayed when the view's filter by function is used?
This documentation does not mention any way the values can be hidden.
I have added a web resource to a view column before, to change text values into an image, however I don't think this is an applicable place to add a script to hide filter by values.
I have developed plugins so not against using this medium if the approach works and does not introduce a performance hit.
Unfortunately that header filter is not open for customization/configuration. Though MS mention it as Excel like filter, it is not going to give the filter options for only values from current list. It will load the full options list.
When we had such requirements in the past - we have developed a PCF control with grid + filters and used it instead.

ServiceNow Add a Form Section to multiple Configuration Items

I am currently working on a project in ServiceNow that requires me to configure around 500 descendants of the Configuration Item table by adding multiple form sections to the CI's with around 10-20 fields in each of these form sections. I currently am doing this by going into the Form Design for each CI, and manually adding these form section and fields for every CI individually, which takes far to long to do for 500 CI's.
Is there a way to add a form section to multiple CI's without having to go into the form design on every CI you want to change and adding it manually?
Technical answer: yes, because all of that form layout data is stored in tables (sys_ui_form_section, sys_ui_section, sys_ui_element, etc) that you could script to insert relevant records. However, due to the complexity (form sections, form elements, ordering) and the potential to run into conflicts (forms differ between tables), I would recommend this only as a last resort.
I think the real question is why is it required to have all of those fields displayed on the forms? If you're populating data from Discovery or a large import, can those fields just be visible by a list page, or just be available to use in filters? Will users actually be clicking to view a CI record and need to see that data on the form? The other part to consider is which view you are adding all of these form sections and fields to. As an example, a user won't see the data on a reference field hover if you're only making changes to the Default view, and won't see any of the fields on a mobile device if you don't add to the Mobile view.

Export data from a list view using a button

I am building a simple admin-on-rest application. One of the features is the user to export the content from a list view. So far I have two possible approaches in mind.
Export based on the selected filters (my favorite).
Export based on the selected rows from the table using check boxes.
I guess two things are necessary to achieve that:
Be able to render a button somewhere in "list view": would be great to add an "export" button inside the "filters" section. I couldn't find a way to render an "export" button keeping the filters.
That "export" button would be able to get the filters (from the list view filter section) for creating my custom URL for downloading the data. Or if using check boxes, detect the selected rows from the table and export that data.
I have been looking for examples or following other colleagues questions and I coundn't come up with anything similar. Any info/example/project will be much appreciated.
This is quite solvable. The filter is stored in the redux form and can be accessed by any connected component. I am guessing you have an API endpoint available that you can ping with the filter data and that can then generate the file and respond with the file URL.
1) Write a connected button component. This should have a mapStateToProps method to access the current filter data
2) It should also dispatch an action that generates a POST request.
IMPORTANTLY: You will have to think about how the file itself will get downloaded. Since you are generating the URL on the fly, it will not be embedded in the model data so you do not have access to it. You might have to hard code a file name and path into your components so clicking will always lead to a download. Though this is not as trivial as it sounds, as the file generation itself will be an async operation. I think clicking this button should lead to a redirect to a page where the download link is displayed.
Just to complement krunal's answer, there's a library called FileSaver that can take a json response and start a file save operation with its content, showing a file save dialog, or even download it directly to a file of your choice.

Grafana Table Panel 'clickable' and use it to drill down to a more detailed view

Is it possible to have a Table Panel in Grafana, and when you click on a row, it shows a graph from another set of time series?
I see there is a feature request for it, but I'm not sure it's available yet
Looking for any suggestions on making the rows in a Table Panel
'clickable' and use it to drill down to a more detailed view (another
dashboard using Template variables). Currently displaying a summary of
several servers as rows in a Table Panel and we want to select an
individual row (i.e a server) to drill down to a more detailed
Any ways to do this?
You can achieve this also in 4.x by defining a link for a table column (in the Column Styles section under Visualization). The link can refer to another dashboard and embed current cell's value (or other cell in the same row) as a parameter.
For example the link Url can be:
In Grafana 6 or above you can preserve the time range filter using the $__from and $__to built-in vars.
The available built-in variables to access cell contents are not well documented, but they can be found by hovering over the (i) icon of the Url in the table panel.
More info on built-in vars:
The feature request you linked to is a duplicate of this one which links to this Pull Request. The PR was recently merged so it is available now as a nightly build and will be included in the upcoming 5.0.0 release in September/October.
Drill Down Option can be used from General option from Grafana Dashboard.
Copy the link in the Url of the table which you want to show. Change the items in the variable part which is changing according to the need.It will be of format var-name=value
The link URL works well if you are linking to another dashboard, but it does not work well if you are changing a variable on the same dashboard as it does not auto-refresh.
You can add JavaScript into the URL instead of a link.
javascript:$('a.variable-value-link').trigger('click'); $('span:contains(${__cell:raw})').closest('a').trigger('click');
The JavaScript only works for a single dropdown, it would have to be updated if there were multiple dropdowns. I worked on this quickly, so I am sure there is a better way to use JavaScript to change the variable. It basically opens the dropdown, finds the value from the current row and selects it.

How to Get PowerBi Embeded Report's Filters' Options

We are trying to hide the native filter panel of the embeded powerbi report, and create a toally new look filter panel aside the embeded powerbi report with ourselves html and js code.
The problem we have is how do we get all the options of a filter? we need to get the options of a filter so that we can populate them on custom filter panel.
I find the powerbi client js sdk as a method "getFilters" of a report, but the filter values is empty unless we check all the options on the powerbi native fitler panel manually.
How can we get any filter available options?
The getFilters method returns the filters currently applied to the object (can be a report or a page). That's why it will be empty if no filter is applied.
For the how to get all the options of a filter part, the short answer is such thing doesn't exist.
There are two types of filters in Power BI, Basic and Advanced. Basically, any column in any of the tables in the data model can be set as a filter target, even though it's not used in the visuals. And the filtered values can be any value compatible with the column data type. Thus, there are many, if not infinite combinations of filters.
Instead, you can check how to construct filters to set meaningful filters to the report or page. Or best, adding slicers to the report during the report building phase.
