Let's assume below scenario:
In the multi-processor system we have, PIT that interrupt any cpu in system and its update
jiffies value which get protected by write_seqlock(&xtime_lock).
When all CPU receive PIT interrupt they do jiffies++. In this case if we have 4 CPU, the value of jiffies is incremented by 4 ticks at each one tick, therefore our time is not true.
Is this scenario true or not?
i belive this can true in unerstand linux kernel ebook below text mentioned:
The local APIC timer sends an interrupt only to its processor, while the PIT raises a global interrupt, which may be handled by any CPU in the system.
what is your comment?
False. Only one CPU receives the interrupt.
i find my question i hope it is useful for you.
There are two components in the Intel APIC system, the local APIC (LAPIC) and the I/O APIC.
we know due of LAPIC bu about I/O APIC
I/O APICs contain a redirection table, which is used to route the interrupts it receives from peripheral buses to one or more local APICs.
(it is from wikipedia)
there for just one cpu recieve interupt or in some case more than one.
thank for your attention.
I am reading the Linux Kernel documents and I have these questions(X86_64 Arch);
When PIC sends an interrupt to CPU, will that disable that specific interrupt till the acknowledgement comes from CPU? If that is the case, why do we need to local_irq_disable() in the ISR?
Related to above question, but say if CPU is processing an interrupt in its ISR and if there are 3 interrupts send by the same device to CPU, how does this going to be handled? Will that be serialised in some buffer(if yes, where)?
X86 architecture supports priority based interrupts?
The PIC is a very old interrupt controller, today interrupts are mostly delivered through MSI or through the APIC hierarchy.
The matter is actually more complicated with the IRQ routing, virtualization and so on.
I won't discuss these.
The interrupt priority concept still exists (though a bit simplified) and it works like this:
When an interrupt request is received by the interrupt controller, all the lower priority interrupts are masked and the interrupt is sent to the CPU.
What actually happens is that interrupts are ordered by their request number, with lower numbers having higher priority (0 has more priority than 1).
When any request line is toggled or asserted, the interrupt controller will scan the status of each request line from the number 0 up to the last one.
It stops as soon as it finds a line asserted or which is marked (with the use or a secondary register) in processing.
This way if request line 2 is first asserted and then request line 4 is, the interrupt controller won't server this last request until the first one is "done" because line 2 stops the scanning.
So local_irq_disable may be used to disable all interrupts, including those with higher priority.
AFAIK, this function should be rarely used today. It is a very simple, but inefficient, way to make sure no other code can run (potentially altering common structures).
In general, there needs to be some coordination between the ISR and the device to avoid losing interrupts.
Some devices require the software to write to a special register to let them know it is able to process the next interrupt. This way the device may implement an internal queue of notifications.
The keyboard controller works kind of like this, if you don't read the scancodes fast enough, you simply lose them.
If the device fires interrupts at will and too frequently, the interrupt controller can buffer the requests so they don't get lost.
Both the PIC and the LAPIC can buffer at most one request while another one is in progress (they basically use the fact that they have a request register and an in-progress register for each interrupt).
So in the case of three interrupts in a row, one is surely lost. If the interrupt controller couldn't deliver the first one to the CPU because a higher priority interrupt was in progress, then two will be lost.
In general, the software doesn't except the interrupt controller to buffer any request.
So you shouldn't find code that relies on this (after all, the only number in CS are 0, 1, and infinity. So 2 doesn't exist as far as the software is concerned).
The x86, as a CPU core, doesn't support priority when dealing with interrupt. If the interrupts are not masked, and a hardware interrupt arrives, it is served. It's up to the software and the interrupt controller to prioritize interrupts.
The PIC and LAPIC (and so the MSIs and the IOAPIC) both give interrupts a priority, so for all practical purposes the x86 supports a priority-based interrupt mechanism.
Note however that giving interrupt priority is not necessarily good, it's hard to tell if a network packet is more important than a keystroke.
So Linux has the guideline to do as little work as possible in the ISR and instead to queue the rest of the work to be processed asynchronously out of the ISR.
This may mean to just return from the ISR to work function in order to not block other interrupts.
In the vast majority of cases, only a small portion of code needs to be run in a critical section, a condition where no other interrupt should occur, so the general approach is to return the EOI to the interrupt controller and unmask the interrupt in the CPU as early as possible and write the code so that it can be interrupted.
In case one needs to stop the other interrupt for performance reasons, the approach usually taken is to split the interrupt across different cores so the load is within the required metrics.
Before multi-core systems were widespread, having too many interrupts would effectively slow down some operations.
I guess it would be possible to load a driver that would denial other interrupts for its own performance but that is a form of QoS/Real-time requirement that is up to the user to settle.
I have a textbook statement says disabling interrupt is not recommended in multi-processor system, and it will take too much time. But I don't understand this, can anyone show me the process of multi-processor system disabling the interrupts? Thanks
on x86 (and other architectures, AFAIK), enabling/disabling interrupts is on a per-core basis. You can't globally disable interrupts on all cores.
Software can communicate between cores with inter-processor interrupts (IPIs) or atomic shared variables, but even so it would be massively expensive to arrange for all cores to sit in a spin-loop waiting for a notification from this core that they can re-enable interrupts. (Interrupts are disabled on other cores, so you can't send them an IPI to let them know when you're done your block of atomic operations.) You have to interrupt whatever all 7 other cores (e.g. on an 8-way SMP system) are doing, with many cycles of round-trip communication overhead.
It's basically ridiculous. It would be clearer to just say you can't globally disable interrupts across all cores, and that it wouldn't help anyway for anything other than interrupt handlers. It's theoretically possible, but it's not just "slow", it's impractical.
Disabling interrupts on one core doesn't make something atomic if other threads are running on other cores. Disabling interrupts works on uniprocessor machines because it makes a context-switch impossible. (Or it makes it impossible for the same interrupt handler to interrupt itself.)
But I think my confusion is that for me the difference between 1 core and 8 core is not a big number for me; why disabling all of them from interrupt is time consuming.
Anything other than uniprocessor is a fundamental qualitative difference, not quantitative. Even a dual-core system, like early multi-socket x86 and the first dual-core-in-one-socket x86 systems, completely changes your approach to atomicity. You need to actually take a lock or something instead of just disabling interrupts. (Early Linux, for example, had a "big kernel lock" that a lot of things depended on, before it had fine-grained locking for separate things that didn't conflict with each other.)
The fundamental difference is that on a UP system, only interrupts on the current CPU can cause things to happen asynchronously to what the current code is doing. (Or DMA from devices...)
On an SMP system, other cores can be doing their own thing simultaneously.
For multithreading, getting atomicity for a block of instructions by disabling interrupts on the current CPU is completely ineffective; threads could be running on other CPUs.
For atomicity of something in an interrupt handler, if this IRQ is set up to only ever interrupt this core, disabling interrupts on this core will work. Because there's no threat of interference from other cores.
How to improve scheduler and interrupt latency:
Embedded system based on 10 cores mips64 processor
9 cores run SMP linux. kernel version
We have realtime performance required process which has to complete certain tasks within 1ms. At maximum load conditions it may take 800uS.
This process starts the processing after receiving GPIO interrupt (1ms interrupt provided by FPGA. implemented as a kernel driver).
Till then it will make a icotl call to gpio driver and will be put to sleep by the virtue of wake_up_interruptible system call
The GPIO ISR will wake_up() this process
To prevent other processes hogging CPU for this process, we run this process on an "isolcpus" core.
We have set priority to be highest among user thread for this process as below:
Priority: 80, Scheduling type:SCHED_FIFO
threadSetRtPriority(SCHED_FIFO, 80);
All /proc/sys/kernel/sched_ parameter values are default. We haven't fine tuned them
Sometimes we see that ISR has called wake_up, but the process is scheduled only after 350uS.
This is a big time since our processor is running at 1.25GHz.
This big number for scheduling latency, is puzzling us, as we have already isolated the core exclusively for this process by using "isolcpus"
We profile the max CPU cycle count between consecutive 1ms GPIO ISR calls. This max time is more than 1.5ms.
This big number for interrupt latency is too a concern for us, as this will eat up into the time available for the process to do its processing within 1ms boundary.
Please help us with inputs to reduce the interrupt and scheduling latency numbers
The standard Linux kernel does not provide real-time scheduling. A level of real-time determinism can be achieved with the RT_Preempt patch. It still requires careful design, and is no substitute for an RTOS for critical real-time requirements.
I have been working on linux kernel 4.8 preempt-rt which has the RT_Preempt patch applied from this repo: linux kernel 4.8 preempt-rt and have some promising results!
I have benchmarked both preempt-rt and non-preempt-rt linux kernels by running rt-benchmark cyclictests and found that the Max Latency in case of preempt-rt linux kernel has come down to 61 us as against 2025 us when using non-preempt linux kernel, which might as well help your case.
The results have clearly tempted me to use the prempt-rt kernel as there is an overwhelming difference in Max Latency between the two. I have documented the results here: sachin-mokashi-linux-preempt-rt, in case if it might be of help to you!
The state of the process at any given time consists of the processes in execution right? So at the moment say there are 4 userspace programs running on the processors. Now after each time slice, I assume control has to pass over to the scheduler so that the appropriate process can be scheduled next. What initiates this transfer of control? For me it seems like there has to be some kind of special timer/register in hardware that keeps count of the current time taken by the process since the process itself has no mechanism to keep track of the time for which it has executed... Is my intuition right??
First of all, this answer concerns the x86 architecture only.
There are different kinds of schedulers: preemptive and non-preemptive (cooperative).
Preemptive schedulers preempt the execution of a process, that is, initiate a context switch using a TSS (Task State Segment), which then performs a jump to another process. The process is stopped and another one is started.
Cooperative schedulers do not stop processes. They rely on the process, which give up the CPU in favor of the scheduler, also called "yielding," similar to user-level threads without kernel support.
Preemption can be accomplished in two ways: as the result of some I/O-bound action or while the CPU is at play.
Imagine you sent some instructions to the FPU. It takes some time until it's finished. Instead of sitting around idly, you could do something else while the FPU performs its calculations! So, as the result of an I/O operation, the scheduler switches to another process, possibly resuming with the preempted process right after the FPU is done.
However, regular preemption, as required by many scheduling algorithms, can only be implemented with some interruption mechanism happening with a certain frequency, independently of the process. A timer chip was deemed suitable and with the IBM 5150 (a.k.a. IBM PC) released in 1981, an x86 system was delivered, incorporating, inter alia, an Intel 8086, an Intel 8042 keyboard controller chip, the Intel 8259 PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller), and the Intel 8253 PIT (Programmable Interval Timer).
The i8253 connected, like a few other peripheral device, to the i8259. A couple of times in a second (18 Hz?) it issued an #INT signal to the PIC on IRQ 0 and after acknowledging and all the CPU was interrupted and a handler was executed.
That very handler could contain scheduling code, which decides on the next process to execute1.
Of course, we (most of us) are living in the 21st century by now and there's no IBM PC or one of its derivatives like the XT or AT used. The PIC has changed to the more sophisticated Intel 82093AA APIC to handle multiple processors/cores and for general improvement but the PIT has remained the same, I think, maybe in shape of some integrated version like the Intel AIP.
Cooperative schedulers do not need a regular interrupt and therefore no special hardware support (except maybe for hardware-supported multitasking). The process yields the CPU deliberately and if it doesn't, you have a problem. The reason as to why few OSes actually use cooperative schedulers: it poses a big security hole.
1 Note, however, that OSes on the 8086 (mostly DOS) didn't have a real
scheduler. The x86 architecture only natively supported multitasking in the
hardware with the advent of one of the 80386 versions (SX, DX, and whatever). I just wanted to stress that the IBM 5150 was the first x86 system with a timer chip (and, of course, the first PC altogether).
Systems running an OS with preemptive schedulers, (ie. all those in common use), are, IME, all provided with a hardware timer interrupt that causes a driver to run and can change the set of running threads.
Such a timer interrupt is very useful for providing timeouts for system calls, sleep() functionality and other time-related functions. It can also help share out the available CPU amongst ready threads when the system is overloaded, or the thread/s run on it are CPU-intensive, and so the number of ready threads exceeds the number of cores available to run them.
It is quite possible to implement a preemptive scheduler without any hardware timer, allowing the set of running threads to be secheduled upon software interrupts, (system calls), from threads that are already running, and all the other interrupts upon I/O completion from the peripheral drivers for disk, NIC, KB, mouse etc. I've never seen it done though - the timer functionality is too useful:)
I have couple of questions.
1) In case of UP how is jiffies(timer) get updated while holding spin lock using spinlock_irq_save?
2)My understanding is in smp environment jiffies updation cannot be done on processor holding spinlock irrespective of spinlock API.So timer interrupt should be enabled across all cores in SoC. Imagine a scenario in quad core processor where 4 cores are holding 4 different spinlocks & how is the timer interrupt for jiffies handled?
Any help here will be appreciated.
simple - it isn't. 2. spin lock and other critical section that disable IRQs must be very short. Jiffie updates only occurs when IRQs are enabled.