What's the process of disabling interrupt in multi-processor system? - multiprocessing

I have a textbook statement says disabling interrupt is not recommended in multi-processor system, and it will take too much time. But I don't understand this, can anyone show me the process of multi-processor system disabling the interrupts? Thanks

on x86 (and other architectures, AFAIK), enabling/disabling interrupts is on a per-core basis. You can't globally disable interrupts on all cores.
Software can communicate between cores with inter-processor interrupts (IPIs) or atomic shared variables, but even so it would be massively expensive to arrange for all cores to sit in a spin-loop waiting for a notification from this core that they can re-enable interrupts. (Interrupts are disabled on other cores, so you can't send them an IPI to let them know when you're done your block of atomic operations.) You have to interrupt whatever all 7 other cores (e.g. on an 8-way SMP system) are doing, with many cycles of round-trip communication overhead.
It's basically ridiculous. It would be clearer to just say you can't globally disable interrupts across all cores, and that it wouldn't help anyway for anything other than interrupt handlers. It's theoretically possible, but it's not just "slow", it's impractical.
Disabling interrupts on one core doesn't make something atomic if other threads are running on other cores. Disabling interrupts works on uniprocessor machines because it makes a context-switch impossible. (Or it makes it impossible for the same interrupt handler to interrupt itself.)
But I think my confusion is that for me the difference between 1 core and 8 core is not a big number for me; why disabling all of them from interrupt is time consuming.
Anything other than uniprocessor is a fundamental qualitative difference, not quantitative. Even a dual-core system, like early multi-socket x86 and the first dual-core-in-one-socket x86 systems, completely changes your approach to atomicity. You need to actually take a lock or something instead of just disabling interrupts. (Early Linux, for example, had a "big kernel lock" that a lot of things depended on, before it had fine-grained locking for separate things that didn't conflict with each other.)
The fundamental difference is that on a UP system, only interrupts on the current CPU can cause things to happen asynchronously to what the current code is doing. (Or DMA from devices...)
On an SMP system, other cores can be doing their own thing simultaneously.
For multithreading, getting atomicity for a block of instructions by disabling interrupts on the current CPU is completely ineffective; threads could be running on other CPUs.
For atomicity of something in an interrupt handler, if this IRQ is set up to only ever interrupt this core, disabling interrupts on this core will work. Because there's no threat of interference from other cores.


The effects of heavy thread consumption on ARM (4-core A72) vs x86 (2-core i5)

I have a realtime linux desktop application (written in C) that we are porting to ARM (4-core Cortex v8-A72 CPUs). Architecturally, it has a combination of high-priority explicit pthreads (6 of them), and a couple GCD(libdispatch) worker queues (one concurrent and another serial).
My concerns come in two areas:
I have heard that ARM does not hyperthread the way that x86 can and therefore my 4-cores will already be context switching to keep up with my 6 pthreads (and background processes). What kind of performance penalty should I expect from this?
I have heard that I should expect these ARM context-switches to be less efficient than x86. Is that true?
A couple of the pthreads are high-priority handlers for fairly rare-ish events, does this change the prospects much?(i.e. they are sitting on a select statement)
My bigger concern comes from the impact of GCD in this application. My understanding of the inner workings of GCD is a that it is a dynamically scaled threadpool that interacts with the scheduler, and will try to add more threads to suit the load. It sounds to me like this will have an almost exclusively negative impact on performance in my scenario. (I.E. in a system whose cores are fully consumed) Correct?
I'm not an expert on anything x86-architecture related (so hopefully someone more experienced can chime in) but here are a few high level responses to your questions.
I have heard that ARM does not hyperthread the way that x86 can [...]
Correct, hyperthreading is a proprietary Intel chip design feature. There is no analogous ARM silicon technology that I am aware of.
[...] and therefore my 4-cores will already be context switching to keep up with my 6 pthreads (and background processes). What kind of performance penalty should I expect from this? [...]
This is not necessarily the case, although it could very well happen in many scenarios. It really depends more on what the nature of your per-thread computations are...are you just doing lots of hefty computations, or are you doing a lot of blocking/waiting on IO? Either way, this degradation will happen on both architectures and it is more of a general thread scheduling problem. In hyperthreaded Intel world, each "physical core" is seen by the OS as two "logical cores" which share the same resources but have their own pipeline and register sets. The wikipedia article states:
Each logical processor can be individually halted, interrupted or directed to execute a specified thread, independently from the other logical processor sharing the same physical core.[7]
Unlike a traditional dual-processor configuration that uses two separate physical processors, the logical processors in a hyper-threaded core share the execution resources. These resources include the execution engine, caches, and system bus interface; the sharing of resources allows two logical processors to work with each other more efficiently, and allows a logical processor to borrow resources from a stalled logical core (assuming both logical cores are associated with the same physical core). A processor stalls when it is waiting for data it has sent for so it can finish processing the present thread. The degree of benefit seen when using a hyper-threaded or multi core processor depends on the needs of the software, and how well it and the operating system are written to manage the processor efficiently.[7]
So if a few of your threads are constantly blocking on I/O then this might be where you would see more improvement in a 6-thread application on a 4 physical core system (for both ARM and intel x86) since theoretically this is where hyperthreading would shine....a thread blocking on IO or on the result of another thread can "sleep" while still allowing the other thread running on the same core to do work without the full overhead of an thread switch (experts please chime in and tell me if I'm wrong here).
But 4-core ARM vs 2-core x86... assuming all else equal (which obviously is not the case, in reality clock speeds, cache hierarchy etc. all have a huge impact) then I think that really depends on the nature of the threads. I would imagine this drop in performance could occur if you are just doing a ton of purely cpu-bound computations (i.e. the threads never need to wait on anything external to the CPU). But If you are doing a lot of blocking I/O in each thread, you might show significant speedups doing up to probably 3 or 4 threads per logical core.
Another thing to keep in mind is the cache. When doing lots of cpu-bound computations, a thread switch has the possibility to blow up the cache, resulting in much slower memory access initially. This will happen across both architectures. This isn't the case with I/O memory, though. But if you are not doing a lot of blocking things however, then the extra overhead with threading will just make it slower for the reasons above.
I have heard that I should expect these ARM context-switches to be less efficient than x86. Is that true?
A hardware context switch is a hardware context switch, you push all the registers to the stack and flip some bits to change execution state. So no, I don't believe either is "faster" in that regard. However, for a single physical core, techniques like hyperthreading makes a "context switch" in the Operating Systems sense (I think you mean switching between threads) much faster, since the instructions of both programs were already being executed in parallel on the same core.
I don't know anything about GCD so can't comment on that.
At the end of the day, I would say your best shot is to benchmark the application on both architectures. See where your bottlenecks are. Is it in memory access? Keeping the cache hot therefore is a priority. I imagine that 1-thread per core would always be optimal for any scenario, if you can swing it.
Some good things to read on this matter:
Optimal number of threads per core
Thread context switch Vs. process context switch

disabling interrupts on hyperthreaded processor

Let say I have a hyper-threaded processor and OS sees them as two different virtual processors vp1 and vp2. Now in an LWP1 on vp1, I disable hardware interrupt interrupts. Does not it amounts to say that both of the virtual processors wont get any interrupts unless enabled? And if this is true it should also mean that enabling the interrupts back by another LWP2 on the other processor vp2 will enable interrupts on vp1 as well? I am assuming that disabling interrupts from kernel, only disables it on local processor.
Please explain how this works.
The two logical cores of a hyperthreaded processor have their own APIC IDs, so as far as interrupts are concerned they are separate CPUs. (In Knight's Landing / Xeon Phi, four logical cores)
This makes it possible to disable interrupts on any one logical core independently of anything else, using cli / sti in kernel mode. Everything is exactly the same as on a non-SMT multi-core system, because that's how hyperthreading is designed to work.
Anything else would be inconvenient and weird, and increase latency for the other logical core by sometimes disabling the interrupts it was waiting for, so it's pretty clear that this is the sane way for Intel to have designed it.

Is there some sort of hardware support required for the implementation of the scheduler?

The state of the process at any given time consists of the processes in execution right? So at the moment say there are 4 userspace programs running on the processors. Now after each time slice, I assume control has to pass over to the scheduler so that the appropriate process can be scheduled next. What initiates this transfer of control? For me it seems like there has to be some kind of special timer/register in hardware that keeps count of the current time taken by the process since the process itself has no mechanism to keep track of the time for which it has executed... Is my intuition right??
First of all, this answer concerns the x86 architecture only.
There are different kinds of schedulers: preemptive and non-preemptive (cooperative).
Preemptive schedulers preempt the execution of a process, that is, initiate a context switch using a TSS (Task State Segment), which then performs a jump to another process. The process is stopped and another one is started.
Cooperative schedulers do not stop processes. They rely on the process, which give up the CPU in favor of the scheduler, also called "yielding," similar to user-level threads without kernel support.
Preemption can be accomplished in two ways: as the result of some I/O-bound action or while the CPU is at play.
Imagine you sent some instructions to the FPU. It takes some time until it's finished. Instead of sitting around idly, you could do something else while the FPU performs its calculations! So, as the result of an I/O operation, the scheduler switches to another process, possibly resuming with the preempted process right after the FPU is done.
However, regular preemption, as required by many scheduling algorithms, can only be implemented with some interruption mechanism happening with a certain frequency, independently of the process. A timer chip was deemed suitable and with the IBM 5150 (a.k.a. IBM PC) released in 1981, an x86 system was delivered, incorporating, inter alia, an Intel 8086, an Intel 8042 keyboard controller chip, the Intel 8259 PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller), and the Intel 8253 PIT (Programmable Interval Timer).
The i8253 connected, like a few other peripheral device, to the i8259. A couple of times in a second (18 Hz?) it issued an #INT signal to the PIC on IRQ 0 and after acknowledging and all the CPU was interrupted and a handler was executed.
That very handler could contain scheduling code, which decides on the next process to execute1.
Of course, we (most of us) are living in the 21st century by now and there's no IBM PC or one of its derivatives like the XT or AT used. The PIC has changed to the more sophisticated Intel 82093AA APIC to handle multiple processors/cores and for general improvement but the PIT has remained the same, I think, maybe in shape of some integrated version like the Intel AIP.
Cooperative schedulers do not need a regular interrupt and therefore no special hardware support (except maybe for hardware-supported multitasking). The process yields the CPU deliberately and if it doesn't, you have a problem. The reason as to why few OSes actually use cooperative schedulers: it poses a big security hole.
1 Note, however, that OSes on the 8086 (mostly DOS) didn't have a real
scheduler. The x86 architecture only natively supported multitasking in the
hardware with the advent of one of the 80386 versions (SX, DX, and whatever). I just wanted to stress that the IBM 5150 was the first x86 system with a timer chip (and, of course, the first PC altogether).
Systems running an OS with preemptive schedulers, (ie. all those in common use), are, IME, all provided with a hardware timer interrupt that causes a driver to run and can change the set of running threads.
Such a timer interrupt is very useful for providing timeouts for system calls, sleep() functionality and other time-related functions. It can also help share out the available CPU amongst ready threads when the system is overloaded, or the thread/s run on it are CPU-intensive, and so the number of ready threads exceeds the number of cores available to run them.
It is quite possible to implement a preemptive scheduler without any hardware timer, allowing the set of running threads to be secheduled upon software interrupts, (system calls), from threads that are already running, and all the other interrupts upon I/O completion from the peripheral drivers for disk, NIC, KB, mouse etc. I've never seen it done though - the timer functionality is too useful:)

Are there any performance penalties for running SMP enabled Linux kernel on a Uni processor (ARM Cortex A8 based SOC)?

This is a two fold question that raised from my trivial observation that I am running a SMP enabled Linux on our ARM-Cortex 8 based SoC. First part is about performance (memory space/CPU time) difference between SMP and NON-SMP Linux kernel on a Uni processor system. Does any difference exits?
Second part is about use of Spinlock. AFAIK spinklock are noop in case uni-processor. Since there is only one CPU and only one process will be running on it (at a time ) there is no other process for busy-looping. So for synchronization I just need to disable interrupt for protecting my critical section. Is this understanding of mine correct?
Ignore portability of drivers factor for this discussion.
A large amount of synchronisation code in the kernel compiles way to almost nothing in uni-processor kernels which descries the behaviour you describe. Performance of n-way system is definitely not 2n - and gets worse as the number of CPUs.
You should continue to write your driver with using synchronisation mechanisms for SMP systems - safe in the knowledge that you'll get the correct single-processor case when the kernel is configured for uni-processor.
Disabling interrupts globally is like taking a sledge-hammer to a nut - maybe just disabling pre-emption on the current CPU is enough - which the spinlock does even on uni-processor systems.
If you've not already done so, take a look at Chapter 5 of Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition - there are a variety of spinlock options depending on the circumstance.
As you have stated that you are running the linux kernel as compiled in SMP mode on Uni-processor system so it's clear that you'll not get any benefit in terms of speed & memory.
As the linux-kernel uses extensive locking for synchronization. But it Uni-Processor mode there may be no need of locking theoretically but there are many cases where its necessary so try to use Locking where its needed but not as much as in SMP.
but you should know it well that Spinlocks are implemented by set of macros, some prevent concurrency with IRQ handlers while the
other ones not.Spinlocks are suitable to protect small pieces of code which are intended to run
for a very short time.
As of your second question, you are trying to remove spinlocks by disabling interrupts for Uni-Processor mode but Spinlock macros are in non-preemptible UP(Uni-Processor) kernels evaluated to empty macros(or some of them to macros just disabling/enabling interrupts). UP kernels with
preemption enabled use spinlocks to disable preemption. For most purposes, pre-emption can be tought of as SMP equivalent. so in UP kernels if you use Spinlocks then they will be just empty macro & i think it will be better to use it.
there are basically four technique for synchronization as..1->Nonpreemptability,2->Atomic Operations,3->Interrupt Disabling,4->Locks.
but as you are saying to disable interrupt for synchronization then remember Because of its simplicity, interrupt disabling is used by kernel functions for implementing a critical region.
This technique does not always prevent kernel control path interleaving.
Critical section should be short because any communication between CPU and I/O is blocked while a kernel control path is running in this section.
so if you need synchronization in Uni-Processor then use semaphore.

Why spinlocks don't work in uniprocessor (unicore) systems?

I know that spinlocks work with spining, different kernel paths exist and Kernels are preemptive, so why spinlocks don't work in uniprocessor systems? (for example, in Linux)
If I understand your question, you're asking why spin locks are a bad idea on single core machines.
They should still work, but can be much more expensive than true thread-sleeping concurrency:
When you use a spinlock, you're essentially asserting that you don't think you will have to wait long. You are saying that you think it's better to maintain the processor time slice with a busy loop than the cost of sleeping your thread and context-shifting to another thread or process. If you have to wait a very short amount of time, you can sleep and be reawakened almost immediately, but the cost of going down and up is more expensive than just waiting around.
This is more likely to be OK on multi-core processors, since they have much better concurrency profiles than single core processors. On multi core processors, between loop iterations, some other thread may have taken care of your prerequisite. On single core processors, it's not possible that someone else could have helped you out - you've locked up the one and only core.
The problem here is that if you wait or sleep on a lock, you hint to the system that you don't have everything you need yet, so it should go do some other stuff and come back to you later. With a spin lock, you never tell the system this, so you lock it up waiting for something else to happen - but, meanwhile, you're holding up the whole system, so something else can't happen.
The nature of a spinlock is that it does not deschedule the process - instead it spins until the process acquires the lock.
On a uniprocessor, it will either immediately acquire the lock or it will spin forever - if the lock is contended, then there will never be an opportunity for the process which currently holds the resource to give it up. Spinlocks are only useful when another process can execute while one is spinning on the lock - which means multiprocessor systems.
there are different versions of spinlock:
spin_lock_irqsave(&xxx_lock, flags);
... critical section here ..
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xxx_lock, flags);
In Uni processor spin_lock_irqsave() should be used when data needs to shared between process context and interrupt context, as in this case IRQ also gets disabled. spin_lock_irqsave() work under all circumstances, but partly because they are safe they are also fairly slow.
However, in case data needs to be protected across different CPUs then it is better to use below versions, these are cheaper ones as IRQs dont get disabled in this case:
In uniprocessor systems calling spin_lock_irqsave(&xxx_lock, flags); has the same effect as disabling interrupts which will provide the needed interrupt concurrency protection without unneeded SMP protection. However, in multiprocessor systems this covers both interrupt and SMP concurrency issues.
Spinlocks are, by their nature, intended for use on multiprocessor systems, although a uniprocessor workstation running a preemptive kernel behaves like SMP, as far as concurrency is concerned. If a nonpreemptive uniprocessor system ever went into a spin on a lock, it would spin forever; no other thread would ever be able to obtain the CPU to release the lock. For this reason, spinlock operations on uniprocessor systems without preemption enabled are optimized to do nothing, with the exception of the ones that change the IRQ masking status. Because of preemption, even if you never expect your code to run on an SMP system, you still need to implement proper locking.
Ref:Linux device drivers
By Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartma
Find the following two paragraph in Operating System Three Easy Pieces that might be helpful:
For spin locks, in the single CPU case, performance overheads can be
quite painful; imagine the case where the thread holding the lock is
pre-empted within a critical section. The scheduler might then run
every other thread (imagine there are N − 1 others), each of which
tries to ac- quire the lock. In this case, each of those threads will
spin for the duration of a time slice before giving up the CPU, a
waste of CPU cycles.
However, on multiple CPUs, spin locks work
reasonably well (if the number of threads roughly equals the number of
CPUs). The thinking goes as follows: imagine Thread A on CPU 1 and
Thread B on CPU 2, both contending for a lock. If Thread A (CPU 1)
grabs the lock, and then Thread B tries to, B will spin (on CPU 2).
However, presumably the crit- ical section is short, and thus soon the
lock becomes available, and is ac- quired by Thread B. Spinning to
wait for a lock held on another processor doesn’t waste many cycles in
this case, and thus can be effective
