How to create variables in a template file in ruby? - ruby

I want to have a text template file that would contain variables.
the file is read
variables replaced with its values
the file is saved
I tried to have a file with #{my_variable} but actually the character # is escaped so #{my_variable} is not replaced with the value of the variable because it's text.
tried to escape # in the text file \# but it didn't work
Is there any way that I don't have to do search and replace in this scenario?

As clyfe mentioned, you should definitely be using ERB's for this:
This will let you use variables, loops, methods, etc. and is far more robust.


How to delete quotation mark in text file printed

I'm honestly a novice on scilab.
I'm using print function to create .txt file with my character matrix in it.
But , when I open txt file, double quote appeared. I just want words without "".
This is how I'm using print
Compterendu(1,1)= "Medecin demandeur: "
fileresname= fullfile(RES_PATH, "compterendu.txt")
And, compterendu.txt was printed out like this.
Would be so grateful for any help!!
Why do you use "print" ? After looking into the doc, yes, it is used to produce the same text as when you type the expression or the variable name on the command line. Hence it does print double quotes for strings. If you need something more basic use lower level i/o commands, like mputl.

In YAML, is there any way to use variables inside a literal block scalar?

I'd like to use a variable inside a YAML literal block scalar.
Here's what I'd like to do:
markup: |
{{ title }}
Can that be done somehow?
I appreciate that this example would be trivial to execute without using a literal block scalar, but my actual use case inside a Foundation 6 stack would contain more markup and more variables than what I'm showing here.
There is no such thing as a variable inside a literal block scalar.
First of all there are no variables in YAML (the word variable, occurs only once in the YAML specification, in an example document, nr. 2.28).
And second, this is called literal for a reason. No interpretation is done of any of the characters.
Of course it is possible that some program that loads your document does something with the text between curly braces ({}). E.g interprets it as a jinja2 template. But without knowing what such a program does or expects, it is equally valid to expect something like that for the information between angle brackets (<>).
Therefore within YAML there is no way to use variables, neither inside of literal block-style scalars, nor outside them.
As for the templating: I have worked with program that generated YAML from a template and applied templates on the loaded string scalars (by recursively walking the tree). Your example could be either.

How to pass infomation to POV-Ray from a shell script

How do I pass a variable from a shell script to POV-Ray? My desire would the ability to pass a variable as a command-line argument and then use that value in the .ini file or .pov file
Something like
POV-Ray +pass var=$imageNumber file.pov
And then being able to use var in POV-Ray
I realize that I could edit the .ini and .pov files in the script or use modulus to use the single frame variable as two variables, but both those solutions seem awkward.
I want to generate 1000s of extremely similar scenes. Each scene is exactly the same except that a heightmap uses a different image file as its source. Normally, I would use the animation tools in POV-Ray to generate multiple frames. However, I am already using the animation tools to cycle over a different property in each scene.
For *nix systems, use POV-Ray's file handling system to open the standard-in file in your .pov file
#fopen STDIN "/dev/stdin" read
#read (STDIN, var1, var2)
This will read from the standard-in for a comma separated list of POV literals. However, POV-Ray doesn't handle reading from a pipe; Thus, use herestrings (or heredocuments if you must use only sh compatible syntax) to fill stdin for POV-Ray.
For example, if run in the shell (works for bash):
povray "example.pov" <<<'"hello","world"'
Will fill the variables var1 and var2 from above with the values "hello" and "world" respectively. Note that quotes must be included around each string value in the list. This is because POV wants POV literals in the 'file' we are passing.
If you want to use an .ini file instead, just call the .ini file in place of the .pov file and everything will work as expected.
If you want more or less variable to be passed to the POV file, add or remove variable names from the #read directive and extend or trim the number you are passing to the same length.'
You can also pass shell variables like this. If foo contains "hello" including the quotes, and "example.pov" is expecting one string in the herestring, then
povray "example.pov" <<<$foo
will pass hello to the variable in the #read directive.
Additionally, you can other POV literals than stings, in that case use the relevant POV syntax the that literal type. However, you can't put POV expressions into the herestring. See the wiki page for more information.
As of POV-Ray 3.7 you can now declare constants in the INI file, and therefore the command line, with Declare=MyValue=24. This would be the same as a #declare MyValue=24; in a scene file. The value on the right-hand side must be a constant float value.
see the relevant manual entry
As long as you don't pass fractional values (or use extremely large sequence numbers), you should be able to use this as a component in the file name.

Bash Variable escape character

I'm attempting to generate a url using a bunch of different variables however when I follow a variable with an underscore the variable after the underscore does not show up. However, if I put a space before the underscore then there is a space in the generated URL. So my question is, is there an escape character for doing the sort of thing I have described?
Also code:
URL="$baseURL$BUILD/TorBrowserBundle-$BUILD-$OS$BIT _$"
The issue occurs in between $BIT and $LANG.
you can use ${}
so something like

How do I filter file names out of a SQLite dump?

I'm trying to filter out all file names from an SQLite text dump using Ruby. I'm not very handy/familiar with regex and need a way to read, and write to a file, another dump of image files that are within the SQLite dump. I can filter out everything except stuff like this:
and this:
I can't figure out the easiest way to filter through this. I've tried using split and other functions, but instead of splitting the string into an array by the character specified, it just removed the character.
You should be able to use .gsub('%2', ' ') the %2 with a space, while quoted, it should be fine.
Split does remove the character that is being split, though. So you may not want to do that, or if you do, you may want to use the Array#join method with the argument of the character you split with to put it back in.
I want to 'extract' the file name from the statements above. Say I have src="/images/9/94/folder%2FGraph.JPG", I want folder%2FGraph.JPG to be extracted out.
If you want to extract what is inside the src parameter:
foo = 'src="/images/9/94/folder%2FGraph.JPG"'
foo[/^src="(.+)"/, 1]
=> "/images/9/94/folder%2FGraph.JPG"
That returns a string without the surrounding parenthesis.
Here's how to do the first one:
bar = "VALUES(3,5,1,43,'/images/e/e5/Folder%2FOrders%2FFinding_Orders%2FView_orders3.JPG','1415',NULL);"
=> "/images/e/e5/Folder%2FOrders%2FFinding_Orders%2FView_orders3.JPG"
Not everything in programming is a regex problem. Somethings, actually, in my opinion, most things, are not candidates for a pattern. For instance, the first example could be written:
and the second:
bar[/'(.+?)'/, 1]
The idea is to use whichever is most clean and clear and understandable.
If all you want is the filename, then use a method designed to return only the filename.
Use one of the above and pass its output to File.basename. Filename.basename returns only the filename and extension.
