Syntax error with process - vhdl

I am trying to simulate my small program and I keep getting error messages and I have not been able to figure out why.
The error messages are:
line 131 error near process
line 132 error near behavioral ; expected type void
The lines:
130 end if;
131 end process;
132 end Behavioral;
I have tried to solve these for hours and I still do not have any clue.
Whole code:
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity kuutonen is
Port ( A1 : in STD_LOGIC;
B1 : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
A : out STD_LOGIC;
B : out STD_LOGIC;
C : out STD_LOGIC;
D : out STD_LOGIC;
E : out STD_LOGIC;
F : out STD_LOGIC;
G : out STD_LOGIC);
end kuutonen;
architecture Behavioral of kuutonen is
signal tmp : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
process (clk)
if(tmp = "110")then
tmp <= "000";
end if;
if (A1 = '0' and B1 = '0') then
if (tmp ="000") then
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
E <= '0';
F <= '0';
G <= '0';
tmp <= tmp + 1;
end if;
if (tmp ="001")then
B <= '1';
A <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
E <= '0';
F <= '0';
G <= '0';
tmp <= tmp + 1;
end if;
if (tmp ="010")then
C <= '1';
B <= '0';
A <= '0';
D <= '0';
E <= '0';
F <= '0';
G <= '0';
tmp <= tmp + 1;
end if;
if (tmp ="011")then
D <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
A <= '0';
E <= '0';
F <= '0';
G <= '0';
E <= '1';
if (tmp ="100")then
E <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
A <= '0';
F <= '0';
G <= '0';
tmp <= tmp+1;
end if;
if (tmp ="101")then
F <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
E <= '0';
A <= '0';
G <= '0';
tmp <= tmp+1;
end if;
if (tmp ="110")then
G <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
E <= '0';
F <= '0';
A <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Just from inspection, I'd say it's probably due to a missing "end if;" between the case for tmp=001 and tmp=100.


Modelsim VHDL testbench

This is my VHDL code in Modelsim. The problem is that output is uninitialized, as you can see in the image. Please tell me what's the problem with my code.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.All;
entity circu_it is
port (A : in std_logic;
B : in std_logic;
C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Z : out std_logic );
end circu_it;
architecture Behavioral of circu_it
Signal E ,F ,M ,N , L: std_logic;
M <= (A and B and C) after 5ns;
E <= (M or D) after 5ns;
N <= (B nor C) after 5ns;
F <= (N nand A) after 5ns;
L <= not F after 2ns;
Z <= L xor E after 5ns;
end Behavioral;
The testbench of code is the following ......
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
entity delay_test is
end delay_test;
architecture stimulus of delay_test is
component delay
port (
A : in std_logic;
B : in std_logic;
C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Z : out std_logic);
end component;
signal A: std_logic ;
signal B: std_logic ;
signal C: std_logic ;
signal D: std_logic ;
signal Z: std_logic ;
DUT: delay port map ( A => A, B => B, C => C, D => D, Z => Z);
STIMULUS1: process
constant PERIOD: time := 100 ns;
A <= '0';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '0';
C <= '1';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '0';
C <= '1';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '1';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '1';
C <= '0';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '1';
C <= '1';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '0';
B <= '1';
C <= '1';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '0';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '1';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
C <= '1';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '1';
C <= '0';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '1';
C <= '0';
D <= '1';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '1';
C <= '1';
D <= '0';
wait for period;
A <= '1';
B <= '1';
C <= '1';
D <= '1';
end process;
end stimulus;
Your design entity is circu_it. You have instantiated a component called delay. You either need to
write a configuration to bind the two together
change the name of either the component or the entity so that they are the same (so that default binding occurs).

Testbench for FSM

I'm trying to implement a testbench for the following fsm in created in vhdl. The problem is that currently, I'm not seeing any state transitions in the test bench. The simulation stays at state 0.
library IEEE;
entity FPGA_Challenge is
Port ( led : out STD_LOGIC;
clk_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
button : in STD_LOGIC;
data_line : in STD_LOGIC);
end FPGA_Challenge;
architecture Behavioral of FPGA_Challenge is
type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20);
signal state: state_type;
signal x:std_logic;
signal y:std_logic;
signal count : integer:= 0;
--signal tmp: std_logic:= '1';
process(clk_in, reset)
if rising_edge(clk_in)then
if reset = '1'then -- Goes back to known state (state 0)
state <= s0;
count <= 0;
count <= count + 1;
case state is
-- Initial state- if button is pressed, then LED is lit and machine goes to state 2, if not it stays in state 1
when s0 =>
if (button <= '1') then
led <= '1';
state <= s1;
state <= s0;
led <= '0'; --is this necessary?
end if;
-- Beginning of preamble detection(states 1-17)
-- Count = ((freq in) / (freq out))/ 2 -1 = (100 MHz/ 2 MHz)/ 2 -1 = 50/2 - 1 (due to 50% duty cycle)
when s1=> -- do I need to put led = '1' in each state because it stays on ?
if (count = 25 -1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line = '1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s2;
-- led = '1';
y <= '0';
state <= s1;
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s2 =>
if (count = 25-1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line = '0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s3;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s3 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
if (data_line <= '1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s4;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s4 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s5;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s5 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s6;
state <= s4;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s6 =>
if (count= 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s7;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s7 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count<= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s7;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s8 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s9;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s9 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s10;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s10=>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='1')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s11;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s11 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s12;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s12 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s13;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s13 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s14;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s14 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <=0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s15;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s15 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <=0;
if (data_line <='0') then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s16;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s16 =>
if (count = 25-1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s17;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s17 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line ='1')then
y <= '1';
-- led = '1';
state <= s18;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s18 => -- no real condition here except varying period of clock
if (count = 25)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
state <= s19;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s19=> -- no real condition here except varying period of clock
if (count = 25)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
state <= s0;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when others=>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
The following is the testbench I have so far. I have internal signals such as y(output for each state), and count(counter for how long I'm in a state) that I probably should be using as drivers in the testbench. Any input is appreciated
library IEEE;
entity FPGA_tb is
-- Port ( );
end FPGA_tb;
architecture Behavioral of FPGA_tb is
component FPGA_Challenge is
Port( led : out STD_LOGIC;
clk_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
button : in STD_LOGIC;
data_line : in STD_LOGIC);
end component;
signal led : STD_LOGIC;
signal clk_in : STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
signal reset : STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
signal button : STD_LOGIC;
signal data_line : STD_LOGIC;
type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20);
signal state: state_type;
signal x,y: std_logic;
signal count : integer:= 0;
UUT: FPGA_Challenge
led => led,
clk_in => clk_in,
reset => reset,
button => button,
data_line => data_line
Testing: Process
--wait until rising_edge(clk_in);
--wait until rising_edge(clk_in);
clk_in <='0';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '0';
button <= '1';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '1';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='0';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Try this in the testbench to have a running clock and proper reset
signal clk_in : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
signal reset : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- is reset necessary
clk_in <=NOT clk_in after 10ns;
reset <= 0 after 30ns;
play with button after the reset. that is, from 40ns

initializing oled display using vhdl

I'm trying to use a LCD project in my own project but I don't really
understand this project fully especially with the counters e.g count1 and count2
I can provide the datasheet if needed!
I hope I can get a clarification to this, I understand what is going on when counter has reached a certain number but what I do not understand is what is that number is representing!
I think something is worth mentioning is the clock used in the FPGA is 50MHz
the code is as fellow
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity display is
port( clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
byte_ready : in std_logic;
RS : out std_logic;
RW : out std_logic;
E : out std_logic;
DB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rxdata : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );
end entity display;
architecture rtl of display is
signal cnt : integer range 0 to 1000000; -- init counter
signal cnt2 : integer range 0 to 50000000; -- counter that resets every time byte i recieved
clk_gen : process(clk, cnt, rst)
if (rst = '0') then
cnt <= 0;
cnt2 <= 0;
if rising_edge(clk) and cnt < 1000000 then
cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif rising_edge(clk) and cnt = 1000000 then
if (byte_Ready = '1') then
cnt2 <= 0;
end if;
if (cnt2 < 5000000) then
cnt2 <= cnt2 + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process clk_gen;
p_main : process(clk, rst)
if (rst = '1') then
if rising_edge(clk) then
case cnt is -- INIT
when 100000 =>
RS <= '0';
RW <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "00111000"; -- function set --kan ändras till 00111011 western eurpean #2
when 140000 =>
E <= '0';
when 150000 =>
E <= '1';
DB <= "00001011"; -- display off
when 190000 =>
E <= '0';
when 200000 =>
E <= '1';
DB <= "00000001"; -- display clear
when 300000 =>
E <= '0';
when 350000 =>
E <= '1';
DB <= "00000110"; -- entry mode
when 390000 =>
E <= '0';
when 400000 =>
E <= '1';
DB <= "00000010"; -- home command
when 440000 =>
E <= '0';
when 450000 =>
E <= '1';
DB <= "00001111"; -- display on
when 490000 =>
E <= '0';
when 500000 =>
RS <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "00010000"; -- cursor shift left
when 550000 =>
E <= '0';
when 600000 =>
RS <= '1';
E <= '1';
DB <= "10100000"; -- output space
when 650000 =>
E <= '0';
when 700000 =>
RS <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "00010000"; -- cursor shift left
when 750000 =>
E <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
if (rxdata = "01111111") then -- if input is backspace
case cnt2 is
when 300000 =>
RS <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "00010000"; -- cursor shift left
when 350000 =>
E <= '0';
when 400000 =>
RS <= '1';
E <= '1';
DB <= "10100000"; -- output space
when 450000 =>
E <= '0';
when 500000 =>
RS <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "00010000"; -- cursor shift left
when 550000 =>
E <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
elsif (rxdata = "00001101") then -- if input is enter
case cnt2 is
when 300000 =>
RS <= '0';
E <= '1';
DB <= "11000000"; -- go to second row
when 350000 =>
E <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
case cnt2 is
when 300000 =>
RS <= '1';
E <= '1';
DB <= rxdata; -- output character
when 350000 =>
E <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_main;
end architecture rtl;

FSM Mealy Machine Sequence Detector. How to use multiple flip flops?

Right now I am working on a small project in Vivado, a Mealy FSM. The program must detect a 6 bits sequence 001011, and output "1" when the sequence is detected.
The code concerning the sequence detection is doing just fine, but besides that, it must also use Three Flip Flops: JK, D, and T.
Any advice or suggestions on how to add them?
Thank you for your time.
This is the FSM code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity sequence is
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
x: in std_logic;
z : out std_logic;
a : out std_logic;
b : out std_logic;
c : out std_logic;
d : out std_logic;
e : out std_logic;
f : out std_logic);
end sequence;
architecture behavioral of sequence is
type state_type is (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5);
signal state, next_state : state_type;
state_register: process (clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then --if reset is high, goto state Q0
state <= Q0;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then --if not, and rising
state <= next_state; --edge, go to next state
end if;
end process;
next_state_func: process (x, state)
case state is
when Q0 =>
if x = '0' then
next_state <= Q1;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q1 =>
if x = '0' then
next_state <= Q2;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q2 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q3;
next_state <= Q2;
end if;
when Q3 =>
if x ='0' then
next_state <= Q4;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q4 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q5;
next_state <= Q2;
end if;
when Q5 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q0;
next_state <= Q1;
end if;
end case;
end process;
-- This process controls the output of the sequence detector.
-- Each state has it's own output along with 'z' which indicates
-- the entire sequence 001011 has been detected.
output_func: process (x, state)
case state is
when Q0 => z <= '0';
a <= '1';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q1 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q2 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '1';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q3 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '1';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q4 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '1';
f <= '0';
when Q5 => z <= '1';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '1';
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
[1]: - and here is the table that contains the State Diagram Table of the FSM.
Your code is wrong. Take a look at the output_func process; this is combinatorial, and just decodes the current state, without looking at x. The a to f outputs aren't necessary, and are just a 6-bit decode of the current state - why? The z output is set when the current state is Q5, which isn't what you want - the whole process is redundant. You need to set z in your main FSM, when the current state is Q5, and x is 1 - ie. on the next_state <= Q0 transition.
On your actual question - you can't force selection of any particular F/F type with this code - the synthesiser will do whatever it wants, which means that it will implement the whole thing in D types, since JKs have been obsolete for the last 20 years. The same is probably true of T types. You need to start again, and pretend that you have a technology and a library with T, D, and JK. Write these yourself as separate entities, and re-write your code to instantiate these components, instead of allowing the synthesiser to infer them. Re-write your FSM to use JKs - the diagram you gave shows you how. In other words, derive the J and K inputs to each F/F. The z output can be a D-type. You should be able to fit in a T somewhere - I've left that as an exercise for you.

VHDL possible signal misunderstanding in combinational code

My code is intended to be purely combinational. Only one element gives some synchronysm to simulation. it is a 4*4 led matrix where only 3*3 (starting on the top right) is valid. like:
-- LED matrix
-- rows\cols | A | B | C | D |
-- 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-- 2 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
-- 3 | 11 | 10| 9 | 8 |
-- 4 | 15 | 14| 13| 12| <- row not used
-- ^
-- |
-- column not used
the following code compiles and simulates on an FPGA but not with the desired behaviour. The wanted behabiour is to iluminate a red led if one input is detected, 2 if 2, and if 3 are in a row in the matrix at the same time instead of 3 red led it should show 3 blue ones. no memory involved. The observed behaviour is explained as coments within the code.
entity mt is
cD, cC, cB, cA : in std_logic; -- comparators for each column. cA is not necessary / not used.
row : inout std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- detection of each row.
led_R, led_G, led_B : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := (others => '1') -- '1' indicates they are OFF. 12 to 15 will not be used (as well as 3, 7, 11 positions)
end mt;
I have 4 concurrent processes which depend on the signals explained:
architecture arc1 of mt is
signal led_R_in : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := (others => '1');
signal led_G_in : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- don't think they are necessary
signal led_B_in : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- don't think they are necessary
signal counter : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
PROCESS (row, cD, cC, cB, cA) -- execute if any of these change
WHEN "1000" => -- row 1 --
-- (LEDs are active at logic level 0)
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(0) <= '0'; led_G_in(0) <= '1'; led_B_in(0) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(0) <= '1'; led_G_in(0) <= '1'; led_B_in(0) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(1) <= '0'; led_G_in(1) <= '1'; led_B_in(1) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(1) <= '1'; led_G_in(1) <= '1'; led_B_in(1) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(2) <= '0'; led_G_in(2) <= '1'; led_B_in(2) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(2) <= '1'; led_G_in(2) <= '1'; led_B_in(2) <= '1';
CASE cA IS -- not necessary
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(3) <= '0'; led_G_in(3) <= '1'; led_B_in(3) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(3) <= '1'; led_G_in(3) <= '1'; led_B_in(3) <= '1';
WHEN "0100" => -- row 2 --
-- (LEDs are active at logic level 0)
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(4) <= '0'; led_G_in(4) <= '1'; led_B_in(4) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(4) <= '1'; led_G_in(4) <= '1'; led_B_in(4) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(5) <= '0'; led_G_in(5) <= '1'; led_B_in(5) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(5) <= '1'; led_G_in(5) <= '1'; led_B_in(5) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(6) <= '0'; led_G_in(6) <= '1'; led_B_in(6) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(6) <= '1'; led_G_in(6) <= '1'; led_B_in(6) <= '1';
CASE cA IS -- not necessary
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(7) <= '0'; led_G_in(7) <= '1'; led_B_in(7) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(7) <= '1'; led_G_in(7) <= '1'; led_B_in(7) <= '1';
WHEN "0010" => -- row 3 --
-- (LEDs are active at logic level 0)
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(8) <= '0'; led_G_in(8) <= '1'; led_B_in(8) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(8) <= '1'; led_G_in(8) <= '1'; led_B_in(8) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(9) <= '0'; led_G_in(9) <= '1'; led_B_in(9) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(9) <= '1'; led_G_in(9) <= '1'; led_B_in(9) <= '1';
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(10) <= '0'; led_G_in(10) <= '1'; led_B_in(10) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(10) <= '1'; led_G_in(10) <= '1'; led_B_in(10) <= '1';
CASE cA IS -- not necessary
WHEN '1' => led_R_in(11) <= '0'; led_G_in(11) <= '1'; led_B_in(11) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => led_R_in(11) <= '1'; led_G_in(11) <= '1'; led_B_in(11) <= '1';
WHEN OTHERS => Null; -- not necessary, although for avoiding latches creation I will have to assign them.
PROCESS (led_R_in) -- executes when led_R_in changes
-- leds are ON at '0' value
-- the problem is that, when initialising, the first row of leds will be blue, which means that
-- led_R_in 0, 1, 2 are 0, but they should be 1 as stated in their default values
-- the second and third row initialises correctly to green values, although the response to changes in the inputs are not only affecting them but also their neighbours, which I think it could be a problem of the FPGA pin assignment.
if (led_R_in(0)='0' AND ((led_R_in(1)='0' AND led_R_in(2)='0') OR (led_R_in(4)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(10)='0'))) then
led_B(0) <= '0';
led_R(0) <= '1';
led_G(0) <= '1';
led_R(0) <= led_R_in(0);
led_G(0) <= '0';
led_B(0) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(1)='0' AND ((led_R_in(0)='0' AND led_R_in(2)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(9)='0'))) then
led_B(1) <= '0';
led_R(1) <= '1';
led_G(1) <= '1';
led_R(1) <= led_R_in(1);
led_G(1) <= '0';
led_B(1) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(2)='0' AND ((led_R_in(0)='0' AND led_R_in(1)='0') OR (led_R_in(10)='0' AND led_R_in(6)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0'))) then
led_B(2) <= '0';
led_R(2) <= '1';
led_G(2) <= '1';
led_R(2) <= led_R_in(2);
led_G(2) <= '0';
led_B(2) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(4)='0' AND ((led_R_in(0)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(6)='0'))) then
led_B(4) <= '0';
led_R(4) <= '1';
led_G(4) <= '1';
led_R(4) <= led_R_in(4);
led_G(4) <= '0';
led_B(4) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(5)='0' AND ((led_R_in(2)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0') OR (led_R_in(1)='0' AND led_R_in(9)='0') OR (led_R_in(0)='0' AND led_R_in(10)='0') OR (led_R_in(6)='0' AND led_R_in(4)='0'))) then
led_B(5) <= '0';
led_R(5) <= '1';
led_G(5) <= '1';
led_R(5) <= led_R_in(5);
led_G(5) <= '0';
led_B(5) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(6)='0' AND ((led_R_in(2)='0' AND led_R_in(10)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(4)='0'))) then
led_B(6) <= '0';
led_R(6) <= '1';
led_G(6) <= '1';
led_R(6) <= led_R_in(6);
led_G(6) <= '0';
led_B(6) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(8)='0' AND ((led_R_in(2)='0' AND led_R_in(5)='0') OR (led_R_in(4)='0' AND led_R_in(0)='0') OR (led_R_in(9)='0' AND led_R_in(10)='0'))) then
led_B(8) <= '0';
led_R(8) <= '1';
led_G(8) <= '1';
led_R(8) <= led_R_in(8);
led_G(8) <= '0';
led_B(8) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(9)='0' AND ((led_R_in(1)='0' AND led_R_in(5)='0') OR (led_R_in(10)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0'))) then
led_B(9) <= '0';
led_R(9) <= '1';
led_G(9) <= '1';
led_R(9) <= led_R_in(9);
led_G(9) <= '0';
led_B(9) <= '1';
end if;
if (led_R_in(10)='0' AND ((led_R_in(9)='0' AND led_R_in(8)='0') OR (led_R_in(5)='0' AND led_R_in(0)='0') OR (led_R_in(6)='0' AND led_R_in(2)='0'))) then
led_B(10) <= '0';
led_R(10) <= '1';
led_G(10) <= '1';
led_R(10) <= led_R_in(10);
led_G(10) <= '0';
led_B(10) <= '1';
end if;
PROCESS -- executes at the beginning (when is equal to "00") and changes its value every 10 ms
counter <= counter + "01"; -- there is an intended combinational loop here, so that it does this forever changing the row.
WAIT for 10 ms;
PROCESS (counter) -- executes at the beginning (when is equal to "00") and when counter changes (every 10 ms)
CASE counter IS
WHEN "00" => row <= "1000";
WHEN "01" => row <= "0100";
WHEN "10" => row <= "0010";
WHEN OTHERS => Null; -- for avoiding the automatic generation of latches due to non existing assignments. although it could also be row <= "0001"
END arc1;
why is it not working with the behaviour that I want?
