Razor Editor crash VS 2010 SP1 - visual-studio-2010

Everything worked fine, but for some reason from today whenever I try to open .cshtml files with Razor Editor VS 2010 IDE crashes. i tried uninstalling MVC 3/4/ Web pages 1/2 but it didn't help. I am currently editing the files in HTML editor. I don't want to reinstall VS itself. Please suggest


visual studio 2022 gets hang when i try to edit _layout.cshtml file, its ok with other cshtml files edit

visual studio 2022 gets hang when I try to edit _layout cshtml file, its ok with other cshtml files edit. I tried every thing from resetting it, uninstall and then reinstall .anyone having idea what's wrong.
I am using asp.net core MVC with Dot Net 6.
The problem is solved, actually there was problem with my windows auto update, so I reinstall the windows 10 and then installed visual studio 2022.

Templates MVC 3 Not working in Visual Studio 2010

I just installed visual studio 2010, with MVC3 razor templates, but when I open the template, all the letters appear in bold, as if it were plain text, could someone help me solve this?
Ready, I could do it, I followed the steps of this page:
and I installed the following components :
and rebooted my computer, it worked perfect

Visual Studio 2015 razor editor not working

My razor file is not having proper highlighting and intellisense is not working.
Razor file in vs2015 image:-
I tried solutions in Visual Studio 2015 not syntax highlighting razor nor Intellisense , Visual Studio 2015 Razor View MVC Types not recognized but it didn't help me.
I installed vs2015 (with update 3) two days before. So i didn't try reinstalling it.
After some search i found the solution. the issue was with the Microsoft web development tool it was not installed correctly( I still don't know why :) ) in my system when i install visual studio 2015. When i tried to modify the visual studio it didn't let me install web development tool (Update button was disabled). So i tried an alternative solution install asp.net core https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windows because i know it comes with web development tool so i just tried installing and it fixed my issue.

No CSS or Razor Intellisense in .cshtml using VS 2013.2 Express for Web

There's a lot of posts from people who are having problems with Intellisense not working in .cshtml files. I'm having the same problem and even in .html files. With Bootstrap installed I don't get Intellisense even for class attributes.
As someone who is new to MVC, Razor and Bootstrap I can't tell you how much this hinders my progress in learning. It's very frustrating to be forced to Google for examples of syntax for virtually every piece of code I write.
I have tried most of the solutions I've read about, although some of them make me nervous to attempt - I'm currently in the middle of a project and just can't afford downtime if VS or something else would break, but I did uninstall VS 2013.2 Express for Web and reinstall it. I've tried running /resetsettings and went into Tools -> Options to make sure Intellisense was even enabled.
On this PC I have VS2010 Express for Web (maybe it's Visual Web Developer..., also have VS 2012 Express for Web and VS 2013.2 Express for Web.
I believe I also have Visual Studio 2013 Express installed.
I've uninstalled most of my NuGet packages and reinstalled.
I've rebooted my PC.
Tried creating a new Web Application project.
Totally uninstalled and reinstalled VS 2013.2 Express for Web.
I've loaded up VS 2012 Express for Web and created a new MVC project in it - still, no Intellisense in .cshtml.
This is a horrible problem to have. Does anyone have any other suggestions? For what it's worth, I do seem to get jQuery/Javascript and HTML Intellisense in .cshtml files. :S

MVC 3 Razor Intellisense

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed with SP1 RTM and MVC 3 RTM installed as well. The problem I am having is that the Razor intellisense will not work. When I start a new MVC 3 project with the Razor engine and open a view, the Razor highlighting works but all of the key words are underlined with red squiggles and the intellisense doesn't work. I do not have ReSharper installed.
I have tried reinstalling MVC 2, MVC 3, and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate but intellisense will still not work for Razor. Has anyone else had this issue, or know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
When uninstalling make sure to uninstall all of the below:
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools Update (you might not have this one installed)
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages - Visual Studio 2010 Tools
Now install the following:
ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update
Razor Intellisense should work.
Its possible that you're not opening Razor files with the right editor. This is particularly likely if you were using Razor before the RTM came out, when there was no Razor editor.
Right-click on one of your .cshtml files and select "Open With", and make sure that the default is the "Razor Editor" and not the HTML or XML editors. Pre-RTM, the auto-detection would have picked the XML editor as the correct one based on the presence of XML tags.
Also, you said that you've reinstalled everything, but the actual Intellisense support comes from a package called "ASP.NET Web Pages Visual Studio Tools", which is installed as part of MVC. If you are actually using the Razor editor and have no Intellisense, uninstall MVC3 and the web pages tools, and reinstall them both.
This solution is worked for me :)
When i uninstalled (i should never install) SP1 update for visual studio, my razor support had gone away, i try to uninstall and install MVC3 Tools update many times but it didn't worked.
After that I right click the installer and extract the package and i saw the seperated .msi installers in it. I installed one by one which are i needed and it worked :)
I hope it helps other user.
