prolog running not work properly - prolog

sometimes when I run my program it works properly and sometimes when I try to run it
it can't start to run
ERROR: Undefined procedure:
I restarted
I consulted
then I tried and I got answers
what is the problem here? what should i do?
I have SWI-Prolog Editor

You must re-consult the file after adding any rule. Otherwise prolog will not get the rule definition and show ERROR: Undefined procedure. You can also do it by using the menu option Reload modified files.

If you are using SWI-Prolog Editor you have to press F9 to reconsult the file you are currently editing.

Ctrl C+Ctrl B does for me: it prompts to save any edited file and run make/0. It's a combination I use so often, has become almost a 'tic' for me...


EmEditor Macro Error - 'document' is undefined

I used EmEditor for years now. Now I want to create and use a simple macro.
But every time a run a macro I get the error message:
'document' is undefined
I can fix the problem by deinstallation and a new installation of Emeditor.
But after a reboot, the same error will be show again.
I use EmEditor Professional 64-bit Version 22.2.0 on a Windows 10 22H2.
I had this issue also in the past, on a different notebook.
So this issue seems to be independend of my windows installion.
There is no third parts virus scanner installed, only windows defender.
EmEditor is installed in the standard path.
This error happens with the default marcos like ValidateXml.jsee or also with self recored and save macros.
If you run EmEditor as Administrator, please run EmEditor as non-Admininistrator. Please run emeditor.exe without a shortcut to see if macros run correctly.
Do you can run macro's from clipboard?
Please try it for example with "alert(".
Put this between "" to clipboard and select in menu macros - run clipboard.
In normal case you get an popup with the actual document name.

Juno debugger in Atom - Numerous problems interacting with debug session, like ArgumentError invalid index, UndefVarError, etc

I am trying to use the debugger that comes with JuliaPro 1.2.0-1. This collection of software provides an IDE (Atom) and a debugger ("Juno", or something).
A create a new .jl file containing only
function test()
a = 1
b = 2
And put a breakpoint on line 2, a=1.
I then either copy and paste it into the REPL (interactive julia pane), or select the code and hit Ctrl+Enter to do the same.
Now test() is defined in the REPL session. I then open the debugger. Now everything looks like below:
After a lot of trouble with poor documentation, I figured out how to start the debugging session by executing Juno.#enter test() in the REPL window. I do so, and it hits the breakpoint supposedly:
I then want to to interact with the variables inside test(). Such as calling print(a). It prints, but then some weird error occurs:
If I just type a, I get:
Supposedly c and fm are commands in the debug session, but they don't work.
So I'm completely confused. Is the debugger broken? Am I using it incorrectly? Thanks for your help.
Figured out the problem. JuliaPro simply doesn't have a working debugger. There is some conflict or outdated versions of the packages, causing the above problems.
I uninstalled JuliaPro, and instead installed julia, Atom text editor, and finally Juno through the text editor using this guide. Now print(a) and a both work as expected in the debug> session. However commands c and fm still don't work, and I'm not sure why (edit: see #pfitzseb comment).

RubyMine 2018.1.3 - Not able to configure Ruby Interpreter in Mac OS X 10.13.4

RubyMine shows me an error regarding Ruby Interpreter like below
Now whenever I click on Configure Ruby Interpreter it takes me to the below page and even after selecting the interpreter and pressing Apply , the interpreter is not getting configured.
The same issue with Configure Cookbooks. When I try to configure Cookbooks it shows me an window like below and even after doing apply nothing happens.
Can some one let me know what is going wrong ?
I am not sure whether I have faced the same problem, but for me when I press apply button, it got stuck so I directly pressed the okay button, it has configured the interpreter fine. Try it.
This is literally just a case of the message not going away, same thing happens in PyCharm as well. Closing the tab the message is displayed on and re-opening it will make it go away, as well as simply clicking the "play" button to confirm it is indeed working.
The project I was working on has both python and ruby files. I have configured PyCharm and then in the same directory I was trying to configure RubyMine for ruby which was causing the issue.
So I checked out the code in a different folder and configured only RubyMine there. Now things are working as expected.

SWI-Prolog console code completion?

Code completion works fine inside the SWI Prolog editor window: Meta+/. How can I invoke code completion from the SWI Prolog console window (the window where ?- prompt appears)? (win x64 build)
Edit: as suggested below, TAB completes only to the greatest common prefix. It doesn't display all (or most common) possibilities nor it cycles through them.
should be TAB, but I'm not entirely satisfied with this.
This doesn't work for me either. I've never found a way to get it to work anywhere in the UI for windows.

How do you stop the XCode debugger from autocompleting without options?

The debugger is really (de)bugging me. Every time I try to type a po ... command, it autocompletes (without giving me any options) and I end up typing stuff like po [selfelf and so on until I go mad. Is there any way of stopping this, or of always giving me the autocomplete popup like in the standard editor?
This answer applied to the GDB debugger which is no longer the standard debugger used with Xcode
This is achieved by adding the following line to the "readline init file" (which, by default, I think does not exist). I created the file ~/.inputrc and put the following text in it:
set disable-completions 'On'
Hmm, the accepted answer is kind of overkill.
How about the answer provided to this question:
The closest I've come to solving this incredibly annoying problem is
to turn off automatic code completion in general (Preferences > Text
Editing > Suggest Completions While Typing) and then hit esc whenever
I actually do want code completion.
