SWI-Prolog console code completion? - prolog

Code completion works fine inside the SWI Prolog editor window: Meta+/. How can I invoke code completion from the SWI Prolog console window (the window where ?- prompt appears)? (win x64 build)
Edit: as suggested below, TAB completes only to the greatest common prefix. It doesn't display all (or most common) possibilities nor it cycles through them.

should be TAB, but I'm not entirely satisfied with this.

This doesn't work for me either. I've never found a way to get it to work anywhere in the UI for windows.


Why does Windows Shell context menu handler break power-user menu (Win+x) on Windows 8/10?

My custom Windows shell context menu handler works like a charm, for all Windows versions from XP to 7, but on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, installing it breaks the Win+X menu (sometimes called "Power user menu", or "Quick Access menu", or "WinX menu"): when hitting Win+X, the menu is displayed as expected, but its items do not work anymore (nothing happens when I click on them), except for the last four items at the bottom which still work as expected ("Search", "Run", "Shut down/Sign out", "Desktop"):
I quickly found out on Google that it was a well known issue for a great number of shell extensions that were not "compatible" with Windows 8/10. But sadly, I only found application users talking about this issue and its "solutions", and no developer talking about this. And the two "solutions" proposed by these users were:
Unregistering this shell extension
Uninstalling the app that registered this shell extension (which leads to solution 1...)
See for example this, this, or this to read people talking about this issue.
Note: my shell extension is applied for the * file type, which means all files.
Several days later, I found the cause of this issue in the shell extension source code, so I thought it would help other developers to share it on StackOverflow, as a self-answered question (I didn't find this question). See answer above.
I first looked at the shell extension sample code provided by Microsoft (which doesn't cause this issue), compared it with my code, and progressively replaced parts of my code with Microsoft's code and testing it after each replacement.
I found out that what prevents power-user menu to work is what you return in method InvokeCommand() from IContextMenu interface: if your extension cannot handle the given verb, it shall always return E_FAIL so that Windows tries with other implementations of IContextMenu (see Microsoft documentation for more details). It seems that when a power-user menu item was clicked, Windows first called my extension (* file type), then since it didn't return E_FAIL for this unknown verb, Windows thought that my shell extension has processed this event, so it didn't process it through the nominal power-user menu callback.
By the way, three things seem very weird to me:
Why does Windows even try to process this power-user menu event with a shell file extension? Is this menu coded using the same design/mechanism as any other Explorer's file contextual menu?
Why does this bug didn't produce more side-effects yet? I mean this should have broken the whole shell extension system right from the beginning, no?
Why do so many applications has this bug? (meaning why so many applications do not return E_FAIL as expected?). It's been a while now that I've written this code, I can't really remember where it comes from, but I guess it comes from a Microsoft sample or any Microsoft employee tutorial (far too Microsoft-oriented to be coded by yourself). If it's the case, that may answer the question why so many shell extensions cause this issue...
I would be interested if someone has some ideas to share about this subject!
By the way, I hope my post can help other developers. When looking at the new Microsoft example that works like a charm, I was first afraid having to rewrite all my shell extension from their sample without knowing what was wrong in my code!

prolog running not work properly

sometimes when I run my program it works properly and sometimes when I try to run it
it can't start to run
ERROR: Undefined procedure:
I restarted
I consulted
then I tried and I got answers
what is the problem here? what should i do?
I have SWI-Prolog Editor
You must re-consult the file after adding any rule. Otherwise prolog will not get the rule definition and show ERROR: Undefined procedure. You can also do it by using the menu option Reload modified files.
If you are using SWI-Prolog Editor you have to press F9 to reconsult the file you are currently editing.
Ctrl C+Ctrl B does for me: it prompts to save any edited file and run make/0. It's a combination I use so often, has become almost a 'tic' for me...

How do you stop the XCode debugger from autocompleting without options?

The debugger is really (de)bugging me. Every time I try to type a po ... command, it autocompletes (without giving me any options) and I end up typing stuff like po [selfelf and so on until I go mad. Is there any way of stopping this, or of always giving me the autocomplete popup like in the standard editor?
This answer applied to the GDB debugger which is no longer the standard debugger used with Xcode
This is achieved by adding the following line to the "readline init file" (which, by default, I think does not exist). I created the file ~/.inputrc and put the following text in it:
set disable-completions 'On'
Hmm, the accepted answer is kind of overkill.
How about the answer provided to this question:
The closest I've come to solving this incredibly annoying problem is
to turn off automatic code completion in general (Preferences > Text
Editing > Suggest Completions While Typing) and then hit esc whenever
I actually do want code completion.

How to find source of print() or NSLog() console output in Xcode

I'm not sure if this is possible. Here is an example situation:
Something is printing to my console and I don't know where it is coming from in the code. I did a quick search using the Finder in Xcode on terms such as 'NSLog' and 'print'. Nothing relevant came up.
Is there any quick way that Xcode has of finding where the source of the output is coming from ?
Kind of like when you right click on a method and you have all the options of exploring different parts of the code associated with that method.
Also: are there other functions that print besides NSLog and print?
Thanks so much!
Try running in the debugger, with breakpoints set on printf, NSLog, etc. When you hit a breakpoint do a backtrace (bt) to see where it's being called from
There's a plugin LinkedLog for that. You replace all NSLogs with LLogs and then will be able to just tap on link in Xcode's console to get to the line caused it to appear.
Didn't try it myself, but definitely will.

Immediate Window for Eclipse

Does Eclipse have an analog to Visual Studio's "Immediate Window", a window where I can evaluate statements while in the debugger?
Yes. The view name is "Display".
Window->Show View->Other
It is under the Debug folder.
Once in there you evaluate statements while in the debugger.
Eclipse has a really cool concept call Scrapbook Pages where you can evaluate statements even when you're not debugging. However, if you want to eval code using values from the current program, go to Window->Show View->Expressions. There you can put in any expression you want and track it as your program executes.
Inspect ctrl-shift-i or Display ctrl-shift-d?
