BASH shell scripting file parsing [newbie] - bash

I am trying to write a bash script that goes through a file line by line (ignoring the header), extracts a file name from the beginning of each line, and then finds a file by this name in one directory and moves it to another directory. I will be processing hundreds of these files in a loop and moving over a million individual files. A sample of the file is:
ImageFileName Left_Edge_Longitude Right_Edge_Longitude Top_Edge_Latitude Bottom_Edge_Latitude
21088_82092.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875 41.33763821961143 41.33557596965434
21088_82093.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875 41.33970040427444 41.33763821961143
21088_82094.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875 41.34176252364274 41.33970040427444
I would like to ignore the first line and then grab 21088_82092.jpg as a variable. File names may not always be the same length, but they will always have the format digits_digits.jpg
Any help for an efficient approach is much appreciated.

This should get you started:
$ tail -n +2 input | cut -f 1 -d: | while read file; do test -f $dir/$file && mv -v $dir/$file $destination; done

You can construct a script that will do something like this, then simply run the script. The following command will give you a script which will copy the files from one place to another, but you can make the script generation more complex simply by changing the awk output:
pax:~$ cat
ImageFileName Left_Edge_Longitude Right_Edge_Longitude
21088_82092.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875
21088_82093.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875
21088_82094.jpg: -122.08007812500000 -122.07733154296875
pax:~$ awk -F: '/^[0-9]+_[0-9]+.jpg:/ {
printf "cp /srcdir/%s /dstdir\n",$1
} {}'
cp /srcdir/21088_82092.jpg /dstdir
cp /srcdir/21088_82093.jpg /dstdir
cp /srcdir/21088_82094.jpg /dstdir
You capture the output of that script (the last three lines) to another file then that file is your script for doing the actual copies.


Writing a Bash script that takes a text file as input and pipes the text file through several commands

I keep text files with definitions in a folder. I like to convert them to spoken word so I can listen to them. I already do this manually by running a few commands to insert some pre-processing codes into the text files and then convert the text to spoken word like so:
sed 's/\..*$/[[slnc 2000]]/' input.txt inserts a control code after first period
sed 's/$/[[slnc 2000]]/' input.txt" inserts a control code at end of each line
cat input.txt | say -v Alex -o input.aiff
Instead of having to retype these each time, I would like to create a Bash script that pipes the output of these commands to the final product. I want to call the script with the script name, followed by an input file argument for the text file. I want to preserve the original text file so that if I open it again, none of the control codes are actually inserted, as the only purpose of the control codes is to insert pauses in the audio file.
I've tried writing
sed 's/$/ [[slnc 2000]]/' FILE -o FILE
But I get hung up immediately as it says sed: -o: No such file or directory. Can anyone help out?
If you just want to use foo.txt to generate foo.aiff with control characters, you can do:
for file; do
test "${file%.txt}" = "${file}" && continue
sed -e 's/\..*$/[[slnc 2000]]/' "$file" |
sed -e 's/$/[[slnc 2000]]/' |
say -v Alex -o "${file%.txt}".aiff
Call the script with your .txt files as arguments (eg, ./myscript *.txt) and it will generate the .aiff files. Be warned, if say overwrites files, then this will as well. You don't really need two sed invocations, and the sed that you're calling can be cleaned up, but I don't want to distract from the core issue here, so I'm leaving that as you have it.
This will:-
a} Make a list of your text files to process in the current directory, with find.
b} Apply your sed commands to each text file in the list, but only for the current use, allowing you to preserve them intact.
c} Call "say" with the edited files.
I don't have say, so I can't test that or the control codes; but as long as you have Ed, the loop works. I've used it many times. I learned it as a result of exposure to FORTH, which is a language that still permits unterminated loops. I used to have problems with remembering to invoke next at the end of the script in order to start it, but I got over that by defining my words (functions) first, in FORTH style, and then always placing my single-use commands at the end.
next() {
[[ -s stack ]] && main
main() {
line=$(ed -s stack < edprint+.txt)
infile=$(cat "${line}" | sed 's/\..*$/[[slnc 2000]]/' | sed 's/$/[[slnc 2000]]/')
say "${infile}" -v Alex -o input.aiff
ed -s stack < edpop+.txt
end() {
rm -v ./stack
rm -v ./edprint+.txt
rm -v ./edpop+.txt
exit 0
find *.txt -type -f > stack
cat >> edprint+.txt << EOF
cat >> edpop+.txt << EOF

Script that lists all file names in a folder, along with some text after each name, into a txt file

I need to create a file that lists all the files in a folder into a text file, along with a comma and the number 15 after. For example
My folder has video.mp4, video2.mp4, picture1.jpg, picture2.jpg, picture3.png
I need the text file to read as follows:
No spaces, just filename.ext,15 on each line. I am using a raspberry pi. I am aware that the command ls > filename.txt would put all the file names into a folder, but how would I get a ,15 after every line?
bash one-liner:
for f in *; do echo "$f,15" >> filename.txt; done
To avoid opening the output file on each iteration you may redirect the entire output with > filename.txt:
for f in *; do echo "$f,15"; done > filename.txt
$ printf '%s,15\n' *
This will work if those are the only files in the directory. The format specifier %s,15\n will be applied to each of printf's arguments (the names in the current directory) and they will be outputted with ,15 appended (and a newline).
If there are other files, then the following would work too, regardless of whether there are files called like this or not:
$ printf '%s,15\n' video.mp4 video2.mp4 picture1.jpg picture2.jpg "whatever this is"
whatever this is,15
Or, on all MP4, PNG and JPEG files:
$ printf '%s,15\n' *.mp4 *.jpg *.png
Then redirect this to a file with printf above... >output.txt.
If you're using Bash, then this will not make use of any external utility, as printf is built into the shell.
You need to do something like this:
for i in $(ls folder_name); do
echo $i",15" >> filename.txt;
It's possible to do this in one line, however, if you want to create a script, consider code readability in the long run.
Edit 1: better solution
As #CristianRamon-Cortes suggested in the comments below, you should not rely on the output of ls because of the problems explained in this discussion: why not parse ls. As such, here's how you should write the script instead:
cd folder_name
for i in *; do
echo $i",15" >> filename.txt;
You can skip the part cd folder_name if you are already in the folder.
Edit 2: Enhanced solution:
As suggested by #kusalananda, you'd better do the redirection after done to avoid opening the file in each iteration of the for loop, so the script will look like this:
cd folder_name
for i in *; do
echo $i",15";
done > filename.txt
Just 1 command line using 2 msr commands recusively (-r) search specific files:
msr -rp your-dir1,dir2,dirN -l -f "\.(mp4|jpg|png)$" -PAC | msr -t .+ -o '$0,15' -PIC > save-file.txt
If you want to sort by time, add --wt to first command like: msr --wt -l -rp your-dirs
Sort by size? Add --sz but only the prior one is effective if use both --sz and --wt.
If you want to exclude some directory, add like: --nd "^(test|garbage)$"
remove tail \r\n in save-file.txt : msr -p save-file.txt -S -t "\s+$" -o "" -R
See msr.exe / msr.gcc48 etc in my open project tools directory.
A solution without a loop:
ls | xargs -i echo {},15 > filename.txt

Search text and append to each end of line of text file - OSX

I'm new to OSX command line tools.
I am trying to find a block of text in a file and append this text at the end of all lines in another text file. At run time I don't know what this text will be, I just know it will be located within "BEGINHMM" and "ENDHMM". Also, I don't know the makeup of the destination file, except for that it will not be an empty text file.
The command which finds the block of text of interest is:
sed -n '/<BEGINHMM>/,/<ENDHMM>/p' proto
where "proto" is a text file containing the text of interest.
I've been trying to pipe the output of the above command to another 'sed' command, in the following manner:
xargs -I '{}' sed -i .bak 's/$/{}/' monophones0.txt
but I am getting some bizarre results, I see the "{}" inserted in the text for example.
I've also tried piping to:
xargs -0 sed -i .bak 's/$/&/' monophones0.txt
but I just get the printout (similar to terminal echo) of the text I am trying to grab.
Ultimately I want to loop over several 'proto' files in multiple directories and copy the text between the "BEGINHMM", "ENDHMM" block in each directory, and append the selected text to that directory's monophones.txt lines.
I am running the commands in the terminal, bash, OSX 10.12.2
Any help would be appreciated.
(1) Your sed command is of the form sed -n '/A/,/B/p'; this will include the lines on which A and B occur, even if these strings do not appear at the beginning of the line. This form may have other surprises in store for you as well (what do expect will happen if B is missing or repeated?), but the remainder of this post assumes that's what you want.
(2) It's not clear how you intend to specify the "proto" files, but you do indicate they might be in several directories, so for the remainder of this post, I'll assume they are listed, one per line, in a file named proto.txt in each directory. This will ensure that you don't run into any limitations on command-line length, but the following can easily be modified if you don't want to create such a file.
(3) Here is a script which will use the sed command you've mentioned to copy segments from each of the "proto" files specified in a directory to monophones0.txt in the directory in which the script is executed.
cat proto.txt | while read file
if [ -r "$file" ] ; then
sed -n '/<BEGINHMM>/,/<ENDHMM>/p' "$file" >> $OUT
elif [ -n "$file" ] ; then
echo "NOT FOUND: $file" >&2
Just like what you did before. tmpfile=$(mktemp); sed -n '/<BEGINHMM>/,/<ENDHMM>/p' proto >$tmpfile; sed -i .bak "r $tmpfile" monophones0.txt; rm $tmpfile. This is the basic idea; there are other checks you need to perform to make this a robust script.
– 4ae1e1

How do I write a bash script to copy files into a new folder based on name?

I have a folder filled with ~300 files. They are named in this form I need about 40 of them, and I have a list of usernames (saved in a file called names.txt). Each username is one line in the file. I need about 40 of these files, and would like to copy over the files I need into a new folder that has only the ones I need.
Where the file names.txt has as its first line the username only:
(eg, eternalmothra), the PDF file I want to copy over is named
while read p; do
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
done <names.txt
This seems like it should read from the list, and for each line turns username into Unfortunately, it seems like only the last one is saved to file_names.txt.
The second part of this is to copy all the files over:
while read p; do
mv $p foldername
done <file_names.txt
(I haven't tried that second part yet because the first part isn't working).
I'm doing all this with Cygwin, by the way.
1) What is wrong with the first script that it won't copy everything over?
2) If I get that to work, will the second script correctly copy them over? (Actually, I think it's preferable if they just get copied, not moved over).
I would like to add that I figured out how to read lines from a txt file from here: Looping through content of a file in bash
Solution from comment: Your problem is just, that echo a > b is overwriting file, while echo a >> b is appending to file, so replace
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
ls | grep $p >> file_names.txt
There might be more efficient solutions if the task runs everyday, but for a one-shot of 300 files your script is good.
Assuming you don't have file names with newlines in them (in which case your original approach would not have a chance of working anyway), try this.
printf '%s\n' * | grep -f names.txt | xargs cp -t foldername
The printf is necessary to work around the various issues with ls; passing the list of all the file names to grep in one go produces a list of all the matches, one per line; and passing that to xargs cp performs the copying. (To move instead of copy, use mv instead of cp, obviously; both support the -t option so as to make it convenient to run them under xargs.) The function of xargs is to convert standard input into arguments to the program you run as the argument to xargs.

how to make a winmerge equivalent in linux

My friend recently asked how to compare two folders in linux and then run meld against any text files that are different. I'm slowly catching on to the linux philosophy of piping many granular utilities together, and I put together the following solution. My question is, how could I improve this script. There seems to be quite a bit of redundancy and I'd appreciate learning better ways to script unix.
# show files that are different only
cmd="diff -rq $dir1 $dir2"
eval $cmd # print this out to the user too
# remove lines that represent only one file, keep lines that have
# files in both dirs, but are just different
tmp1=`echo "$filenames_str" | sed -n '/ differ$/p'`
# grab just the first filename for the lines of output
tmp2=`echo "$tmp1" | awk '{ print $2 }'`
# convert newlines sep to space
fs=$(echo "$tmp2")
# convert string to array
for file in "${fa[#]}"
# drop first directory in path to get relative filename
rel=`echo $file | sed "s#${dir1}/##"`
# determine the type of file
file_type=`file -i $file | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}'`
# if it's a text file send it to meld
if [ $file_type == "text" ]
# throw out error messages with &> /dev/null
meld $dir1/$rel $dir2/$rel &> /dev/null
please preserve/promote readability in your answers. An answer that is shorter but harder to understand won't qualify as an answer.
It's an old question, but let's work a bit on it just for fun, without thinking in the final goal (maybe SCM) nor in tools that already do this in a better way. Just let's focus in the script itself.
In the OP's script, there are a lot of string processing inside bash, using tools like sed and awk, sometimes more than once in the same command line or inside a loop executing n times (one per file).
That's ok, but it's necessary to remember that:
Each time the script calls any of those programs, it's created a new process in the OS, and that is expensive in time and resources. So the less programs are called, the better is the performance of script that is executing:
diff 2 times (1 just to print to user)
sed 1 time processing diff result and 1 time for each file
awk 1 time processing sed result and 2 times for each file (processing file result)
file 1 time for each file
That doesn't apply to echo, read, test and others that are builtin commands of bash, so no external program is executed.
meld is the final command that will display the files to user, so it doesn't count.
Even with the builtin commands, redirection pipelines | has a cost too, because the shell has to create pipes, duplicate handles, and maybe even creating forks of the shell (that is a process itself). So again: less is better.
The messages of diff command are locale dependants, so if the system is not in english, the whole script won't work.
Thinking that, let's clean a bit the original script, mantaining the OP's logic:
# Set english as current language
# (1) show files that are different only
diff -rq $dir1 $dir2 |
# (2) remove lines that represent only one file, keep lines that have
# files in both dirs, but are just different, delete all but left filename
sed '/ differ$/!d; s/^Files //; s/ and .*//' |
# (3) determine the type of file
file -i -f - |
# (4) for each file
while IFS=":" read file file_type
# (5) drop first directory in path to get relative filename
# (6) if it's a text file send it to meld
if [[ "$file_type" =~ "text/" ]]
# throw out error messages with &> /dev/null
meld ${dir1}${rel} ${dir2}${rel} &> /dev/null
A little explaining:
Unique chain of commands cmd1 | cmd2 | ... where the output (stdout) of previous one is the input (stdin) of the next one.
Execute sed just once to execute 3 operations (separated with ;) in diff output:
Deleting lines ending with " differ"
Delete "Files " at the beginning of remaining lines
Delete from " and " to the end of remaining lines
Execute command file once to process the file list in stdin (option -f -)
Use the while bash sentence to read two values separated by : for each line line of stdin.
Use bash variable substitution to extract filename from a variable
Use bash test to compare a file type with a regular expression
For clarity reasons, I didn't considerate that file and directory names may have spaces. In such cases, both scripts will fail. To avoid that is necessary enclose in double quotes any reference to file/dir name variable.
I didn't use awk, because it is powerful enough that can replace almost the entire script ;-)
