how to make a winmerge equivalent in linux - bash

My friend recently asked how to compare two folders in linux and then run meld against any text files that are different. I'm slowly catching on to the linux philosophy of piping many granular utilities together, and I put together the following solution. My question is, how could I improve this script. There seems to be quite a bit of redundancy and I'd appreciate learning better ways to script unix.
# show files that are different only
cmd="diff -rq $dir1 $dir2"
eval $cmd # print this out to the user too
# remove lines that represent only one file, keep lines that have
# files in both dirs, but are just different
tmp1=`echo "$filenames_str" | sed -n '/ differ$/p'`
# grab just the first filename for the lines of output
tmp2=`echo "$tmp1" | awk '{ print $2 }'`
# convert newlines sep to space
fs=$(echo "$tmp2")
# convert string to array
for file in "${fa[#]}"
# drop first directory in path to get relative filename
rel=`echo $file | sed "s#${dir1}/##"`
# determine the type of file
file_type=`file -i $file | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}'`
# if it's a text file send it to meld
if [ $file_type == "text" ]
# throw out error messages with &> /dev/null
meld $dir1/$rel $dir2/$rel &> /dev/null
please preserve/promote readability in your answers. An answer that is shorter but harder to understand won't qualify as an answer.

It's an old question, but let's work a bit on it just for fun, without thinking in the final goal (maybe SCM) nor in tools that already do this in a better way. Just let's focus in the script itself.
In the OP's script, there are a lot of string processing inside bash, using tools like sed and awk, sometimes more than once in the same command line or inside a loop executing n times (one per file).
That's ok, but it's necessary to remember that:
Each time the script calls any of those programs, it's created a new process in the OS, and that is expensive in time and resources. So the less programs are called, the better is the performance of script that is executing:
diff 2 times (1 just to print to user)
sed 1 time processing diff result and 1 time for each file
awk 1 time processing sed result and 2 times for each file (processing file result)
file 1 time for each file
That doesn't apply to echo, read, test and others that are builtin commands of bash, so no external program is executed.
meld is the final command that will display the files to user, so it doesn't count.
Even with the builtin commands, redirection pipelines | has a cost too, because the shell has to create pipes, duplicate handles, and maybe even creating forks of the shell (that is a process itself). So again: less is better.
The messages of diff command are locale dependants, so if the system is not in english, the whole script won't work.
Thinking that, let's clean a bit the original script, mantaining the OP's logic:
# Set english as current language
# (1) show files that are different only
diff -rq $dir1 $dir2 |
# (2) remove lines that represent only one file, keep lines that have
# files in both dirs, but are just different, delete all but left filename
sed '/ differ$/!d; s/^Files //; s/ and .*//' |
# (3) determine the type of file
file -i -f - |
# (4) for each file
while IFS=":" read file file_type
# (5) drop first directory in path to get relative filename
# (6) if it's a text file send it to meld
if [[ "$file_type" =~ "text/" ]]
# throw out error messages with &> /dev/null
meld ${dir1}${rel} ${dir2}${rel} &> /dev/null
A little explaining:
Unique chain of commands cmd1 | cmd2 | ... where the output (stdout) of previous one is the input (stdin) of the next one.
Execute sed just once to execute 3 operations (separated with ;) in diff output:
Deleting lines ending with " differ"
Delete "Files " at the beginning of remaining lines
Delete from " and " to the end of remaining lines
Execute command file once to process the file list in stdin (option -f -)
Use the while bash sentence to read two values separated by : for each line line of stdin.
Use bash variable substitution to extract filename from a variable
Use bash test to compare a file type with a regular expression
For clarity reasons, I didn't considerate that file and directory names may have spaces. In such cases, both scripts will fail. To avoid that is necessary enclose in double quotes any reference to file/dir name variable.
I didn't use awk, because it is powerful enough that can replace almost the entire script ;-)


Sed through files without using for loop?

I have a small script which basically generates a menu of all the scripts in my ~/scripts folder and next to each of them displays a sentence describing it, that sentence being the third line within the script commented out. I then plan to pipe this into fzf or dmenu to select it and start editing it or whatever.
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # a script to do
So it would look something like this a script to do X a script to do Y
Currently I have it run a for loop over all the files in the scripts folder and then run sed -n 3p on all of them.
for i in $(ls -1 ~/scripts); do
echo -n "$i"
sed -n 3p "~/scripts/$i"
done | column -t -s '#' | ...
I was wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this that did not involve a for loop and only used sed. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Instead of a loop that is parsing ls output + sed, you may try this awk command:
awk 'FNR == 3 {
f = FILENAME; sub(/^.*\//, "", f); print f, $0; nextfile
}' ~/scripts/* | column -t -s '#' | ...
Yes there is a more efficient way, but no, it doesn't only use sed. This is probably a silly optimization for your use case though, but it may be worthwhile nonetheless.
The inefficiency is that you're using ls to read the directory and then parse its output. For large directories, that causes lots of overhead for keeping that list in memory even though you only traverse it once. Also, it's not done correctly, consider filenames with special characters that the shell interprets.
The more efficient way is to use find in combination with its -exec option, which starts a second program with each found file in turn.
BTW: If you didn't rely on line numbers but maybe a tag to mark the description, you could also use grep -r, which avoids an additional process per file altogether.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -sn '1h;3{H;g;s/\n/ /p}' ~/scripts/*
Use the -s option to reset the line number addresses for each file.
Copy line 1 to the hold space.
Append line 3 to the hold space.
Swap the hold space for the pattern space.
Replace the newline with a space and print the result.
All files in the directory ~/scripts will be processed.
N.B. You may wish to replace the space delimiter by a tab or pipe the results to the column command.

echo last character of text file in Unix/Bash

I need to see the last characters of bunch of text files (or alternatively test whether they are "}" and give a list of files that test negative ). Is there an easy way to do this from the command line.
(Ideally the solution works without reading the whole file from the start because in addition to there being many they can also be quite large.
P.S.: Any answer would be great but I would really appreciate if the function and syntax of everything in the answer can be fully explained.
It can be done fairly easily with tail and then string indexing in bash. For example, you obtain the last line in a file with, tail -n1 file. You will need to store the line in a variable using command-substitution, e.g.
lastln=$(tail -n1 file)
Then it is simply a matter of indexing the last characters, e.g.
echo ${lastln:(-1)}
(note: when indexing from the end of the string, you must put the offset (e.g. -1 in parenthesis (-1) -- or -- you must leave a space before the -1, e.g. echo ${lastln: -1} is also valid.)
You can try this:
for file in file1 file2; do tail -n 1 "$file" | grep -q '}$' || echo "$file"; done
where you should replace file1 file2 with the list of files you want to analyze, e.g. * or the like. Now what happens here? The outer part
for file in file1 file2; do ...; done
is a simple loop over the files, where inside the loop, you can refer to the current file as $file. Then,
tail -n 1 "$file"
prints the last line of the given file and
| grep -q '}$'
redirects the output to grep (turned into silent mode with -q), which looks for '}' immediatly followed by the end of the line ($). The return value of this command can be used to chain another action: when grep returns non-zero (indicating failure, i.e., the pattern is not matched), the last part
|| echo "$file"
is executed, resulting in the list of files you need.

Using grep to find and estimate the total # of shell scripts in the current dir

New to UNIX, currently learning UNIX via secureshell in a class. We've been given a few basic assignments such as creating loops and finding files. Our last assignment asked us to
write code that will estimate the number of shell scripts in the current directory and then print out that total number as "Estimated number of shell script files in this directory:"
Unlike in our previous assignments we are now allowed to use conditional loops, we are encouraged to use grep and wc statements.
On a basic level I know I can enter
ls * .sh
to find all shell scripts in the current directory. Unfortunately, this doesn't estimate the total number or use grep. Hence my question, I imagine he wants us to go
grep -f .sh (or something)
but I'm not exactly sure if I am on the right path and would greatly appreciate any help.
Thank You
You can do it like:
echo "Estimated number of shell script files in this directory:" `ls *.sh | wc -l`
I'd do it this way:
find . -executable -execdir file {} + | egrep '\.sh: | Bourne| bash' | wc -l
Find all files in the current directory (.) which are executable.
For each file, run the file(1) command, which tries to guess what type of file it is (not perfect).
Grep for known patterns: filenames ending with .sh, or file types containing "Bourne" or "bash".
Count lines.
Huhu, there's a trap, .sh file are not always shell script as the extension is not mandatory.
What tells you this is a shell script will be the Shebang #!/bin/*sh ( I put a * as it could be bash, csh, tcsh, zsh, which are shells) at top of line, hence the hint to use grep, so the best answer would be:
grep '^#!/bin/.*sh' * | wc -l
This give output:
grep works with regular expression by default, so the match #!/bin/.*sh will match files with a line starting (the ^) by #!/bin/ followed by 0 or unlimited characters .* followed by sh
You may test regex and get explanation of them on
Piping the result to wc -l to get the number of files containing this.
To display the result, backticks or $() in an echo line is ok.
grep -l <string> *
will return a list of all files that contain in the current directory. Pipe that output into wc -l and you have your answer.
Easiest way:
ls | grep .sh > tmp
wc tmp
That will print the number of lines, bytes and charcters of 'tmp' file. But in 'tmp' there's a line for each *.sh file in your working directory. So the number of lines will give an estimated number of shell scripts you have.
wc tmp | awk '{print $1}' # Using awk to filter that output like...
wc -l tmp # Which it returns the number of lines follow by the name of file
But as many people say, the only certain way to know a file is a shell script is by taking a look at the first line an see if there is #!/bin/bash. If you wanna develop it that way, keep in mind:
cat possible_script.x | head -n1 # That will give you the first line.

Iterate through list of filenames in order they were created in bash

Parsing output of ls to iterate through list of files is bad. So how should I go about iterating through list of files in order by which they were first created? I browsed several questions here on SO and they all seem to parsing ls.
The embedded link suggests:
Things get more difficult if you wanted some specific sorting that
only ls can do, such as ordering by mtime. If you want the oldest or
newest file in a directory, don't use ls -t | head -1 -- read Bash FAQ
99 instead. If you truly need a list of all the files in a directory
in order by mtime so that you can process them in sequence, switch to
perl, and have your perl program do its own directory opening and
sorting. Then do the processing in the perl program, or -- worst case
scenario -- have the perl program spit out the filenames with NUL
Even better, put the modification time in the filename, in YYYYMMDD
format, so that glob order is also mtime order. Then you don't need ls
or perl or anything. (The vast majority of cases where people want the
oldest or newest file in a directory can be solved just by doing
Does that mean there is no native way of doing it in bash? I don't have the liberty to modify the filename to include the time in them. I need to schedule a script in cron that would run every 5 minutes, generate an array containing all the files in a particular directory ordered by their creation time and perform some actions on the filenames and move them to another location.
The following worked but only because I don't have funny filenames. The files are created by a server so it will never have special characters, spaces, newlines etc.
files=( $(ls -1tr) )
I can write a perl script that would do what I need but I would appreciate if someone can suggest the right way to do it in bash. Portable option would be great but solution using latest GNU utilities will not be a problem either.
for file in *; do
# We need something that can easily be sorted.
# Here, we use "<date><filename>".
# Note that this works with any special characters in filenames
sorthelper+=("$(stat -n -f "%Sm%N" -t "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" -- "$file")"); # Mac OS X only
# or
sorthelper+=("$(stat --printf "%Y %n" -- "$file")"); # Linux only
while read -d $'\0' elem; do
# this strips away the first 14 characters (<date>)
done < <(printf '%s\0' "${sorthelper[#]}" | sort -z)
for file in "${sorted[#]}"; do
# do your stuff...
echo "$file";
Other than sort and stat, all commands are actual native Bash commands (builtins)*. If you really want, you can implement your own sort using Bash builtins only, but I see no way of getting rid of stat.
The important parts are read -d $'\0', printf '%s\0' and sort -z. All these commands are used with their null-delimiter options, which means that any filename can be procesed safely. Also, the use of double-quotes in "$file" and "${anarray[*]}" is essential.
*Many people feel that the GNU tools are somehow part of Bash, but technically they're not. So, stat and sort are just as non-native as perl.
With all of the cautions and warnings against using ls to parse a directory notwithstanding, we have all found ourselves in this situation. If you do find yourself needing sorted directory input, then about the cleanest use of ls to feed your loop is ls -opts | read -r name; do... This will handle spaces in filenames, etc.. without requiring a reset of IFS due to the nature of read itself. Example:
ls -1rt | while read -r fname; do # where '1' is ONE not little 'L'
So do look for cleaner solutions avoiding ls, but if push comes to shove, ls -opts can be used sparingly without the sky falling or dragons plucking your eyes out.
let me add the disclaimer to keep everyone happy. If you like newlines inside your filenames -- then do not use ls to populate a loop. If you do not have newlines inside your filenames, there are no other adverse side-effects.
Contra: TLDP Bash Howto Intro:
for i in $( ls ); do
echo item: $i
It appears that SO users do not know what the use of contra means -- please look it up before downvoting.
You can try using use stat command piped with sort:
stat -c '%Y %n' * | sort -t ' ' -nk1 | cut -d ' ' -f2-
Update: To deal with filename with newlines we can use %N format in stat andInstead of cut we can use awk like this:
LANG=C stat -c '%Y^A%N' *| sort -t '^A' -nk1| awk -F '^A' '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-2)}'
Use of LANG=C is needed to make sure stat uses single quotes only in quoting file names.
^A is conrtrol-A character typed using ControlVA keys together.
How about a solution with GNU find + sed + sort?
As long as there are no newlines in the file name, this should work:
find . -type f -printf '%T# %p\n' | sort -k 1nr | sed 's/^[^ ]* //'
It may be a little more work to ensure it is installed (it may already be, though), but using zsh instead of bash for this script makes a lot of sense. The filename globbing capabilities are much richer, while still using a sh-like language.
files=( *(oc) )
will create an array whose entries are all the file names in the current directory, but sorted by change time. (Use a capital O instead to reverse the sort order). This will include directories, but you can limit the match to regular files (similar to the -type f predicate to find):
files=( *(.oc) )
find is needed far less often in zsh scripts, because most of its uses are covered by the various glob flags and qualifiers available.
I've just found a way to do it with bash and ls (GNU).
Suppose you want to iterate through the filenames sorted by modification time (-t):
while read -r fname; do
fname=${fname:1:((${#fname}-2))} # remove the leading and trailing "
fname=${fname//\\\"/\"} # removed the \ before any embedded "
fname=$(echo -e "$fname") # interpret the escaped characters
file "$fname" # replace (YOU) `file` with anything
done < <(ls -At --quoting-style=c)
Given some filenames with special characters, this is the ls output:
$ ls -A
filename with spaces .hidden_filename filename?with_a_tab filename?with_a_newline filename_"with_double_quotes"
$ ls -At --quoting-style=c
".hidden_filename" " filename with spaces " "filename_\"with_double_quotes\"" "filename\nwith_a_newline" "filename\twith_a_tab"
So you have to process a little each filename to get the actual one. Recalling:
${fname:1:((${#fname}-2))} # remove the leading and trailing "
# ".hidden_filename" -> .hidden_filename
${fname//\\\"/\"} # removed the \ before any embedded "
# filename_\"with_double_quotes\" -> filename_"with_double_quotes"
$(echo -e "$fname") # interpret the escaped characters
# filename\twith_a_tab -> filename with_a_tab
$ ./
.hidden_filename: empty
filename with spaces : empty
filename_"with_double_quotes": empty
with_a_newline: empty
filename with_a_tab: empty
As seen, file (or the command you want) interprets well each filename.
Each file has three timestamps:
Access time: the file was opened and read. Also known as atime.
Modification time: the file was written to. Also known as mtime.
Inode modification time: the file's status was changed, such as the file had a new hard link created, or an existing one removed; or if the file's permissions were chmod-ed, or a few other things. Also known as ctime.
Neither one represents the time the file was created, that information is not saved anywhere. At file creation time, all three timestamps are initialized, and then each one gets updated appropriately, when the file is read, or written to, or when a file's permissions are chmoded, or a hard link created or destroyed.
So, you can't really list the files according to their file creation time, because the file creation time isn't saved anywhere. The closest match would be the inode modification time.
See the descriptions of the -t, -u, -c, and -r options in the ls(1) man page for more information on how to list files in atime, mtime, or ctime order.
Here's a way using stat with an associative array.
declare -A arr
for file in *; do
# modified=$(stat -f "%m" "$file") # For use with BSD/OS X
modified=$(stat -c "%Y" "$file") # For use with GNU/Linux
# Ensure stat timestamp is unique
if [[ $modified == *"${!arr[#]}"* ]]; then
for index in $(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${!arr[*]}" | sort -n); do
Since sort sorts lines, $(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${!arr[*]}" | sort -n) ensures the indices of the associative array get sorted by setting the field separator in the subshell to a newline.
The quoting at arr[$modified]="${file}" and files+=("${arr[$index]}") ensures that file names with caveats like a newline are preserved.

How to remove the path part from a list of files and copy it into another file?

I need to accomplish the following things with bash scripting in FreeBSD:
Create a directory.
Generate 1000 unique files whose names are taken from other random files in the system.
Each file must contain information about the original file whose name it has taken - name and size without the original contents of the file.
The script must show information about the speed of its execution in ms.
What I could accomplish was to take the names and paths of 1000 unique files with the commands find and grep and put them in a list. Then I just can't imagine how to remove the path part and create the files in the other directory with names taken from the list of random files. I tried a for loop with the basename command in it but somehow I can't get it to work and I don't know how to do the other tasks as well...
[Update: I've wanted to come back to this question to try to make my response more useful and portable across platforms (OS X is a Unix!) and $SHELLs, even though the original question specified bash and zsh. Other responses assumed a temporary file listing of "random" file names since the question did not show how the list was constructed or how the selection was made. I show one method for constructing the list in my response using a temporary file. I'm not sure how one could randomize the find operation "inline" and hope someone else can show how this might be done (portably). I also hope this attracts some comments and critique: you never can know too many $SHELL tricks. I removed the perl reference, but I hereby challenge myself to do this again in perl and - because perl is pretty portable - make it run on Windows. I will wait a while for comments and then shorten and clean up this answer. Thanks.]
Creating the file listing
You can do a lot with GNU find(1). The following would create a single file with the file names and three, tab-separated columns of the data you want (name of file, location, size in kilobytes).
find / -type f -fprintf tmp.txt '%f\t%h/%f\t%k \n'
I'm assuming that you want to be random across all filenames (i.e. no links) so you'll grab the entries from the whole file system. I have 800000 files on my workstation but a lot of RAM, so this doesn't take too long to do. My laptop has ~ 300K files and not much memory, but creating the complete listing still only took a couple minutes or so. You'll want to adjust by excluding or pruning certain directories from the search.
A nice thing about the -fprintf flag is that it seems to take care of spaces in file names. By examining the file with vim and sed (i.e. looking for lines with spaces) and comparing the output of wc -l and uniq you can get a sense of your output and whether the resulting listing is sane or not. You could then pipe this through cut, grep or sed, awk and friends in order to to create the files in the way you want. For example from the shell prompt:
~/# touch `cat tmp.txt |cut -f1`
~/# for i in `cat tmp.txt|cut -f1`; do cat tmp.txt | grep $i > $i.dat ; done
I'm giving the files we create a .dat extension here to distinguish them from the files to which they refer, and to make it easier to move them around or delete them, you don't have to do that: just leave off the extension $i > $i.
The bad thing about the -fprintf flag is that it is only available with GNU find and is not a POSIX standard flag so it won't be available on OS X or BSD find(1) (though GNU find may be installed on your Unix as gfind or gnufind). A more portable way to do this is to create a straight up list of files with find / -type f > tmp.txt (this takes about 15 seconds on my system with 800k files and many slow drives in a ZFS pool. Coming up with something more efficient should be easy for people to do in the comments!). From there you can create the data values you want using standard utilities to process the file listing as Florin Stingaciu shows above.
# portably get a random number (OS X, BSD, Linux and $SHELLs w/o $RANDOM)
randnum=`od -An -N 4 -D < /dev/urandom` ; echo $randnum
for file in `cat tmp.txt`
name=`basename $file`
size=`wc -c $file |awk '{print $1}'`
# Uncomment the next line to see the values on STDOUT
# printf "Location: $name \nSize: $size \n"
# Uncomment the next line to put data into the respective .dat files
# printf "Location: $file \nSize: $size \n" > $name.dat
# vim: ft=sh
If you've been following this far you'll realize that this will create a lot of files - on my workstation this would create 800k of .dat files which is not what we want! So, how to randomly select 1000 files from our listing of 800k for processing? There's several ways to go about it.
Randomly selecting from the file listing
We have a listing of all the files on the system (!). Now in order to select 1000 files we just need to randomly select 1000 lines from our listing file (tmp.txt). We can set an upper limit of the line number to select by generating a random number using the cool od technique you saw above - it's so cool and cross-platform that I have this aliased in my shell ;-) - then performing modulo division (%) on it using the number of lines in the file as the divisor. Then we just take that number and select the line in the file to which it corresponds with awk or sed (e.g. sed -n <$RANDOMNUMBER>p filelist), iterate 1000 times and presto! We have a new list of 1000 random files. Or not ... it's really slow! While looking for a way to speed up awk and sed I came across an excellent trick using dd from Alex Lines that searches the file by bytes (instead of lines) and translates the result into a line using sed or awk.
See Alex's blog for the details. My only problems with his technique came with setting the count= switch to a high enough number. For mysterious reasons (which I hope someone will explain) - perhaps because my locale is LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 - dd would spit incomplete lines into randlist.txt unless I set count= to a much higher number that the actual maximum line length. I think I was probably mixing up characters and bytes. Any explanations?
So after the above caveats and hoping it works on more than two platforms, here's my attempt at solving the problem:
# We create tmp.txt with
# find / -type f > tmp.txt # tweak as needed.
# Get the number of lines and maximum line length for later
bytesize=`wc -c < $files`
# wc -L is not POSIX and we need to multiply so:
linelenx10=`awk '{if(length > x) {x=length; y = $0} }END{print x*10}' $files`
# A function to generate a random number modulo the
# number of bytes in the file. We'll use this to find a
# random location in our file where we can grab a line
# using dd and sed.
genrand () {
echo `od -An -N 4 -D < /dev/urandom` ' % ' $bytesize | bc
rm -f randlist.txt
while [ $i -le 1000 ]
# This probably works but is way too slow: sed -n `genrand`p $files
# Instead, use Alex Lines' dd seek method:
dd if=$files skip=`genrand` ibs=1 count=$linelenx10 2>/dev/null |awk 'NR==2 {print;exit}'>> randlist.txt
true $((i=i+1)) # Bourne shell equivalent of $i++ iteration
for file in `cat randlist.txt`
name=`basename $file`
size=`wc -c <"$file"`
echo -e "Location: $file \n\n Size: $size" > $name.dat
# vim: ft=sh
What I could accomplish was to take the names and paths of 1000 unique files with the commands "find" and "grep" and put them in a list
I'm going to assume that there is a file that holds on each line a full path to each file (FULL_PATH_TO_LIST_FILE). Considering there's not much statistics associated with this process, I omitted that. You can add your own however.
for file_path in `cat FULL_PATH_TO_LIST_FILE`
## This extracts only the file name from the path
file_name=`basename $file_path`
## This grabs the files size in bytes
file_size=`wc -c < $file_path`
## Create the file and place info regarding original file within new file
echo -e "$file_name \nThis file is $file_size bytes "> $file_name
