Magento 'place order' redirects to shopping cart - magento

Every time I try to place an order rather than an order actually being placed I simply get redirected to the shopping cart.
Paypal express works fine however paypal standard payments gets the problem as above.

You have to examine the ajax request. You can use Firefox with the "HTTPfox" extension to track the single requests. Just look for the step, where the redirect is executed - and start the http tracker. Then you see the response.
In the response you can see, what went wrong. I've got this error some weeks ago and it printed a full html page (with the report-number you can look up in the var/log/reports folder) or you can see a php error (maybe syntax error or bad sql query for example). If you get a blank page, you have to set the error_reporting to E_ALL.

I thinkk that step is help.
Log into Magento Admin
Hover over "System" Click "Configuration"
On the next page in the left menu under "Advanced"
Under the check "Mage_Paypal" is Enable or Disable. if is Disable then Enable this options.
Then After the paypal is not redirect to paypal site. then please check your template code.
hope this will sure help you


PayPal Website Payments Standard Error

I currently have my online store set up using Magento and i’m adding my products, I’ve tried to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard but there is an error. When the user has passed through to the checkout section, after entering all their details, they fail to submit the order. The button is pressed to confirm order and redirect to the PayPal payment stage, the button will load saying that it's submitting the information, but nothing happens, it starts processing, then never goes through to the page. I've checked that the extension for Mage_paypal is enabled and it is.
If you would like try purchasing one of the test products on at the moment, you’ll be able to see what I mean.
2 things ..
Make sure that you have index management and cache management done
Try disabling and then enabling Mage_PayPal Module[Reindex the magento database after that]

How can I generate an error in magento to fail checkout?

I'm a magento front-end developer and I need to style the failed checkout page, but I don't know how to get to it, anyone?
After following the quick core code change shown here
Go to Mage_Checkout_OnepageController::successAction()
Comment the line $session->clear();. Now you can make one order and
refresh the page as often as you like.
for styling the success page, simply put through a test order and once you are on the success page just change the url from /checkout/onepage/success/ to /checkout/onepage/failure/
Don't forget to undo your modification to the core code to avoid the death penalty!

Magento - returns blank / empty success page

I have a problem with the succes page from Magento. Hope somebody can help me with.
What is the problem; The whole site works completely, no errors at all. But when a customer fills in the comple onepage checkout, the customer goes to the payment service provider (PSP) to do their payment. The PSP sends the customer back to {domein}/checkout/onepage/success, which should be right. But... this page is completly empty. I already changed the memory_limit, enabled the developers log, enabled the display_errors in index.php and viewed the log files in Apache. But nothing is shown as error on the page and now errors are shown in the log files.
The orders are processed successfully, so only the displaying is wrong.
Please help with this problem or with a workaround. I need this page to track the affiliates, these need the transactionID and transactionamount.
PS: we use Magento, theme ma_housestore and the PSP Buckaroo
In this case, you should Mage log at the start and every few lines after of successAction method, which ensures it's properly called and where it got stuck.
In your case, successAction is not been properly called. Check in Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php file you will find success action there.

Magento Items vanish from cart when user logs in at checkout

Here's a quick step by step of what's been happening.
The user adds a product to their basket/cart and proceeds to the checkout. They may choose to Register, Checkout as Guest or Login with an existing account.
Customer Logs in with existing account.
They get taken to a page informing them that their shopping cart is now empty. Yet in the top right the link for My Cart still reads (1 item) next to it. Clicking this link just loads the same 'Shopping Cart is Empty' page.
Some other tests I did showed the following:
User logs in, adds 3 items to his cart, but logs out before going to checkout.
He comes back to the site at a later date and starts a fresh order for just 1 product, choosing to login at checkout.
Upon doing so his cart cart displays the 3 items from his previous session (his new product missing), yet the My Cart link reads (4 items) next to it.
Does anyone know what might be causing the items to vanish from the cart during this transition from not being logged in to being logged in?
I have seen this problem before on servers that are uhosin.session.encryptrunning the suhosin patch. I'm assuming that you are running a secure cart (if not you should) what is most likely happening here is that your session is being lost each time you change between http and https.
When you switch between the HTTP and HTTPS, your HTTP session is not being passed to the HTTPS session. This can be resolved by placing the following in your .htaccess or php.ini file:
php_value suhosin.session.encrypt Off
Let me know if it works or if you are still having the same problem, remember to restart your server once you have made the changes.
I solved it.
Turns out the ZetaPrints OrderApproval module was installed and was overriding part of the checkout page.
Apparantly it was something that had been added, decided it was no longer needed and then forgotten about.
I disabled it and flushed the cache and got my old checkout page back.
All working again.
For me, it was a matter of Cooke Session Control and setting my 'Cookie domain' value as such:
Yes, with a period in front.

Magento: Checkout redirects to cart before 'Place Order' is pressed (should go to payal)

this is my first actual post on StackOverflow. I'm on here quite often because you guys always solve my queries!
We have a problem in a checkout cart on a Magento site.
We have Magento version and are using the one page checkout and Paypal Standard Checkout.
The problem appears when a customer adds lots of different products to their cart (say 7 or more). When they click on the 'Place Order' button, they should be taken to paypal to complete the order. But instead they are redirected to the cart (the default failure URL)
The checkout works fine when you buy a few items or many of the same item. It doesn't work when you buy multiple different items.
Any help/advice/solution/anything! would be much appreciated!
I to expereinced this issue... We run PHP Version 5.2.10, Magento ver. and use Paypal Website Standard PRO...
We have been optimising the server install APC and tuning MySQL... Uninstalling / reinstalling APC to swap out a version of APC that use spin locks...
After completing these works and running an end to end test the Paypal integration failed to work... Or more to the point on clicking "Place Order" we were redirected to the cart page...
I reviewed the headers sent after pressing "Place order" and found that a 500 error was issued by the server and as Magento is a production configuration this error is not shown and the browser is redirected to the referrer, in this case the basket page...
Our PHP errors are logged to our Apache error_log and on view this I found the following entries:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/user/htdocs/lib/Zend/Feed/Abstract.php on line 101
I reviewed this further and discovered DOMDocument and found a post stating that the "PHP-XML Module" is required...
As we had been installing / installing software we ran "yum install php-xml"...
This resolved the issue!!! This is odd as this did work so implying this would not be the issue...
A few more options / areas to look at...
I have experencied busy Magento installs with lots of products and orders, taking an extended amount of time to redirect to Paypal on clicking "Place Order". This is probably your actual problem and upgrading is the way forward, try upgrading to (final 1.4 stable release)... but normally in this circumstance the process would complete after an extended wait (60sec long and more!!!)...
The fact that your checkout redirects to the cart page when you have many items may well be a timeout issue. Magento redirects back to cart from checkout submit when an error occures in the transfer to payment gateway page, so the page timing out or PHP running out of memory would result in you being redirected back to cart...
You should check:-
Apache: "Timeout" normally set at around 120 (secs) consider increasing
PHP: "max_execution_time" 18000 (secs) - Magento friendly figure
Also try increasing PHP setting "memory_limit" in the .htaccess file... setup 64, 128, 256 really increasing past 256 should not be an required.
Also start logging yopur PHP errors: log_errors On
Hope this helps
P.s. My original solution is clearly not correct as your failure only happens when you have multiple products in your cart...
