Magento - returns blank / empty success page - magento

I have a problem with the succes page from Magento. Hope somebody can help me with.
What is the problem; The whole site works completely, no errors at all. But when a customer fills in the comple onepage checkout, the customer goes to the payment service provider (PSP) to do their payment. The PSP sends the customer back to {domein}/checkout/onepage/success, which should be right. But... this page is completly empty. I already changed the memory_limit, enabled the developers log, enabled the display_errors in index.php and viewed the log files in Apache. But nothing is shown as error on the page and now errors are shown in the log files.
The orders are processed successfully, so only the displaying is wrong.
Please help with this problem or with a workaround. I need this page to track the affiliates, these need the transactionID and transactionamount.
PS: we use Magento, theme ma_housestore and the PSP Buckaroo

In this case, you should Mage log at the start and every few lines after of successAction method, which ensures it's properly called and where it got stuck.
In your case, successAction is not been properly called. Check in Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php file you will find success action there.


Magento Onepage Checkout Place Order button redirects to empty cart instead to success page

I have an issue, and can not find what is causing it. On my local machine everything is working fine but when moved code to staging server on place order button, I'm getting redirected to empty cart page. I have looked system.log and exceptions.log, and also inspected through firebug, but I can't find anything. Did anybody had similar issue, or know how to fix this. Thanks
BTW it is Magento EE 1.14

How to find out why Magento makes an redirect?

I'm running a Magento installation with several websites which are more or less configured identically. On one of the websites when I browse to the onepage checkout, which was highly customized, the user gets redirected to the website's homepage, although he should stay on the onepage checkout of course. For every of the other websites this works.
Until the layout rendering part I know that the controller get processed without any errors. And also the all my custom templates which are used in the onepage checkout gets loaded. I added some logging messages so I can see how far the layout got processed.
But just before finishing the render process an internal redirect happens and the homepage gets rendered. At the moment I have no idea how I could find out why or where the redirect happened.
So is there any way to find the source of the redirect?

Magento - Checkout not redirecting to success page

I'm working on a store deployed using Magento. It has one module which I wrote, which has event observers for checkout_type_onepage_save_order_after, checkout_type_multishipping_create_orders_saved_after, and admin_created_order_after.
When a customer places his/her order, Magento does not redirect to a success page when my module is enabled. When I disable my module, it redirects just fine. With or without my module, the order still goes through but it's not very user-friendly if there's no thank you message of some kind.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem is? There's no entry in any error log (Apache, PHP, Magento, or database).
Using magento on PHP 5.
In case anyone else is having the same or similar problem, I just solved a very similar issue thanks to TonyTheJet's comment here. I am using onepagecheckout in Magento CE 1.7.02
If you have a stray echo command in your code, which will send raw text to the browser, this will cause a problem on the browser side in onepagecheckout.js . It does not correctly un-encode a subsequent JSON string sent by the server to say that the order was processed successfully. Because of that, the browser fails to send a GET to trigger the onepagecheckout controller successAction().
If you are using a protocol analyser or a tool like Firefox Firebug, the crucial JSON string should look like this. The order_creates=true is what should trigger a browser request for the success page:

Magento 'place order' redirects to shopping cart

Every time I try to place an order rather than an order actually being placed I simply get redirected to the shopping cart.
Paypal express works fine however paypal standard payments gets the problem as above.
You have to examine the ajax request. You can use Firefox with the "HTTPfox" extension to track the single requests. Just look for the step, where the redirect is executed - and start the http tracker. Then you see the response.
In the response you can see, what went wrong. I've got this error some weeks ago and it printed a full html page (with the report-number you can look up in the var/log/reports folder) or you can see a php error (maybe syntax error or bad sql query for example). If you get a blank page, you have to set the error_reporting to E_ALL.
I thinkk that step is help.
Log into Magento Admin
Hover over "System" Click "Configuration"
On the next page in the left menu under "Advanced"
Under the check "Mage_Paypal" is Enable or Disable. if is Disable then Enable this options.
Then After the paypal is not redirect to paypal site. then please check your template code.
hope this will sure help you

Magento is redirecting to cart when continuing from Billing info

Whenever I add an item to the cart, then checkout, I choose register or checkout as guest. Then I enter the billing information and click continue. It always redirects back to the cart. I have not been able to figure out why.
Example is here:
Thank you for posting the address, it makes it a lot easier to see.
On clicking continue there is an AJAX request which comes back with an error. The checkout javascript jumps back to a predetermined failureUrl on a server error which is what you are seeing. The error message will most likely be stored in var/report so go look at the most recent file there and see what the problem is. Update your question with it if you're still stuck.
You have the following in your theme:
The first of the two lines causes an error and is superfluous anyway, it is not related to the checkout problem but it doesn't do to tempt fate.
Hope this works for you, basically have mcrypt installed. Apparently it’s needed for the password encryption to function. And when it doesn’t, the logic flow gets confused.
Use the Magento check php to see if your server has all the software,
