Looking for Xmldb Oracle library [closed] - oracle

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Where can I download the jar library Oracle xmldb: ?

You can download the initial release from the oracle.com site, or the edelivery.oracle.com. Under the database download you would see a separate option for the client. This should contain the jar file you are looking for.
If it is specifically the version you are needing, you will have to have an Oracle account WITH support account, login to the support site(s) (Flash: support.oracle.com , HTML: supporthtml.oracle.com). After doing so, you will use the patch search tool. Of the patchset listed files for 11g patchsets, the client is 3 of 6. For example, the Windows 32bit patchset id is 10404530.


How to download the HR schema on Oracle XE 21c? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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My instructor wants me for a h.w to download oracle database and show him the HR schema. However, I noticed that the HR schema is not available within the downloaded files of oracle xe 21c. So is there a way to download the schema?
A (very) quick search on Oracle's documentation website leads you to:
The installation guide for Oracle's sample schemas; and
Oracle's Github repository for the sample schemas.

License info for Elasticsearch [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to setup the X-Pack Kerberos authentication (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack-overview/7.1/kerberos-realm.html) in my elasticsearch. Is this a free version or a paid version? Will someone guide on where can I get the details?
I am using Elasticsearch version 7.1.0
In this site: https://www.elastic.co/blog/security-for-elasticsearch-is-now-free, it mentioned that its free for security but in this site, https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions, it is gray-out under the basic package. Gray-out means its not supporting for the basic/free version?
Short answer: Kerberos authentication is not part of the open source/free version.
It's a bit missleading that they put the SSO features under the section "security". It's correct that starting with version 7.1.0, security became part of the free-to-use version of the Elastic Stack. But this basically concentrates on the TLS encrypted communication, which was not included in versions prior to 7.1.0

Are there any data modeling tool besides ORACLE DESIGNER that allows you to link entities of different schemas? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Here at our company we are still using oracle designer to model our databases, once our databases are very coupling we need to share the entities between schemas. We would like to migrate to another more uptodate tool but we haven't found any one that allow this kind of usage.
Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, perhaps?

Pl Sql Environment Setup for Windows 7 for learning purposes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Iam familiar with Sql Server,but now i need to learn Pl/Sql .So,please suggest me what needs to be installed in my laptop and also sample database for running sample programs in Pl/Sql.
I dont have any server configuration.
Sql developer or Sql Plus what is better in my case.
Oracle 11g express should do you nicely...

Oracle client , Instant client and ODAC [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to download the full oracle client, but the only download I found in oracle website is Oracle Instant client.
Can I get a direct link to the download in Oracle website ?
Another thing, I need also the ODAC for .Net, does it include in the Oracle Client ? Or would I need to download it separately.
Version is not publicly available, it can be downloaded from support.oracle.com - including the full client. In order to log in there, you need an account associated with a valid CSI number (support contract).
ODAC includes the Instant client, you don't need to download and install a seperate Oracle client software.
The direct link anyways is as follows (but you need an account with the proper privileges to download it):
