How do I create an empty solution in Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express? - visual-studio-2010

The only link I can find anywhere is this: Is it possible to create "Empty Solution" with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express?
However this is what my New Project box looks like:
There are almost no templates and Blank Solution is not one of them. I tried searching Online Templates but also no luck.
Any ideas?

"Empty Project". Project is synonymous with solution :)
I just tried it out now, and after clicking 'Empty Project', I've been given to option to specify a name for the new solution too. As shown below:
Note that there's even a checkbox giving you the option to create a new folder for the solution.

Edit: Sorry, just re-read question and saw it was specific to the Express version.
This tip only works in full version as far as I know.
In the New Project dialog, select the "Other Project Types" section under Installed Templates.
Visual Studio Solutions/Blank Solution is your friend.

What about the "Empty Project" option?
That should do what you want.


Where Did The "Resolve" Option Go In Visual Studio 2015?

In previous versions of Visual Studio, I used to be able to right-click an unresolved class name, choose "Resolve" and then have the choice to add a using statement or fully-qualify the type.
However, that option appears to be missing for me since installing Visual Studio 2015. Anyone know where it went?
I figured it out.
It shows up as a little "Quick Actions" light bulb.
The "Resolve" wording is gone.
I had the same problem.
If you have dragged and dropped your work item to Done Column inside Web Portal of your TFS, then you can not check in your changes with Work Item set to resolve.
You have to first move back your work item to In Prgress column.

How do you change the default programming language visual studio 2013?

I installed Visual Studio 2013 again after I got a new PC, but now when I create a new file it creates it as an VB file instead of c#.
I changed the default programming language in web.config like shown here:
I tried reloading the project but it still does not work.
The web project is placed on a local ftp server.
When you make a new project, under Templates you should see a node for Visual Basic and one for Visual C# with the different types of projects listed under the language. I believe VS remembers which one you used last.
The menu that shows up when you right click on a folder > "Add" shows a list of the options available for that folder ex. if you are in App_code it shows "Class". It seems it doesn't change the first suggestion to C# class even tho you change the programming language. So to fix that you go into the same menu and pick "Add New item..." and select C# Class file ...close it. Now if you try and create a file again it still says "Class" in the Add menu, but when you select it now, it creates it as an C#.
Sovled the problem for me. Thanks to all of you leading me to the answer.

Visual Studio 2010 Toolbox Is Empty

My toolbox is empty.
Obviously, I'm not the first. I read this question and this other question, but that didn't help.
I click here...
I get this window...
With instructions that say: "...Drag an item onto this text, to add it to the toolbox..."
Sounds good; from where do I get such items to drag?
The toolbox is empty because there is no project loaded.
The toolbox is populated with tools/controls according to the type of the current project. The controls are different for MFC than they are for ASP.NET, for example. If you haven't loaded any project, Visual Studio can't populate the toolbox.
Either open an existing project, or go to File -> New Project to create a new one.
Have you tried right-clicking on it and selecting the "Reset Toolbox" option? You can also try to manually add specific tools to it by using the "Choose Items..." option.
A common suggest is also to go into the Visual Studio 2010 Directory and delete all of the .tbd files within the following directory (Related) :
C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0"
Although if neither of these options work, you will really want to consider possibly reinstalling / repairing Visual Studio.
Is your project running? I noticed that my toolbox is empty when I am debugging the project. Try stopping debugging.

How to add new page in VS 2010 with tfs

I am completely new to TFS 2010 and am trying to use it for basic source control. I have successfully added an exsting project, however I cannot figure out how to add a basic new .aspx file. I know I am missing something completely obvious here.
Is there another product I should consider altogether? My needs are very basic and TFS seems to be complicated for what I am doing.
To answer your second question: if you think TFS is too complicated, then google an alternative and try it. Version control is not simple, though, and you won't necessarily make it any easier by changing products.
For your first question: add the aspx file to your project exactly as you normally would. If you do this in Visual Studio then the file will be added to your "Pending Changes" list in TFS automatically, and all you need to do is check in.
Right click on .soln in Source Control Explorer-->"Get Latest"
Open the .soln
In solution explorer, right click on your project or a folder -->"Add"
Right click on the new file once you've created it and "Check in"

adding dialog - Visual c++ Express 2010

I'm used to using Visual Studio 6.0 to develop c++ APIs. I've downloaded and installed Visual c++ 2010 Express and now I find myself in a foreign land!
The first thing I did was make a hello blank windows app. That worked ok.
Next I thought I'd try looking at the "about" dialog but darned if I can find it. I also tried to create a new dialog but have no idea how to go about doing so.
So my questions are....
How do I look at the "about" dialog?
How do I add a new dialog?
I see there is a "add resource" if I right click the project directory but is grayed out.
Feeling like an idiot but thankful for any help....
From what I can determine, there is no resource editor in the c++ express product.
See Free resource editor for Windows .rc files?
