Where Did The "Resolve" Option Go In Visual Studio 2015? - visual-studio

In previous versions of Visual Studio, I used to be able to right-click an unresolved class name, choose "Resolve" and then have the choice to add a using statement or fully-qualify the type.
However, that option appears to be missing for me since installing Visual Studio 2015. Anyone know where it went?

I figured it out.
It shows up as a little "Quick Actions" light bulb.
The "Resolve" wording is gone.

I had the same problem.
If you have dragged and dropped your work item to Done Column inside Web Portal of your TFS, then you can not check in your changes with Work Item set to resolve.
You have to first move back your work item to In Prgress column.


Refactor menu missing from Visual Studio 2015

I am having trouble finding the right-click context menu in Visual Studio 2015. I know that nothing is wrong with my project or the file I am working. I can find the right-click context refactor menu in Visual Studio 2013. However, in Visual Studio 2015 there isn't a refactor context menu in the right-click context menu.
Where did it go? How do I get it back?
Your suggestion cannot include menu Edit → Refactor.
I have tried to reset my Visual Studio settings back to default using menu Tools → Import and Export Settings and that didn't bring the menu back either.
Some of the refactoring tools have been relocated or are at least accessible in a different manner than they were previously.
Using the extract method refactor as an example, you can still use this function; it is just not done the same as before:
Right click
Quick actions
Click extract Method
I think they've changed it to feel more "ReSharper"ey. All of the functionality should still be there however.
Here's more information on refactoring in Visual Studio 2015 - hopefully this helps! Refactoring (C#)
You no longer need to access the refactoring using the mouse right click.
It is recommended that you use the keyboard shortcut keys within Visual Studio.
For all possible shortcut keys, see Default Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio, Refactor.
You might need to build the project to get it to work.
See Code Editing ASP.NET Web Forms in Visual Studio 2013 | Microsoft Docs. (If it is missing then the point is that I am using an example provided by Microsoft.). In Refactoring and Renaming see To extract a method in a C# page. When I follow the instructions I cannot find the feature to extract the code to a method. When I tried the Edit menu it said I did not have valid code. Then I built the project and the feature to extract the code was available and worked.
If you change the name of the object you are refactoring, the light bulb then appears to the left which asks if you wish to change the name of the object (i.e. refactor) or generate a new constructor for the new named object.
Ctrl + . is the shortcut key for extracting a method in Visual Studio 2015 and onward.
Ctrl+M, R does not work anymore in new versions.

How to get Visual Studio to open Resolve Conflicts window after a TFS Get

When I do a Get Latest in Visual Studio, if there are conflicts, there is nothing that is displayed to me to make it obvious. Invariably I think everything is OK, do a build, and often the build works.
The onus is always on me to remember to look for conflicts, to open the Conflicts window.
Is there any way to make VS get in my face, and tell me that there is now a conflict?
You can re open the Resolve Conflicts window if you closed it by mistake from Team Explorer. Goto: Pending Changes, then from the Actions drop down, select Resolve Conflicts.
From there you can click Get All Conflicts.
Normally VS will prompt you to resolve any conflicts as soon as you do one of the following:
Get latest
Check in
Click the link I surrounded with a red contour in the Team Explorer pane.
And in Visual Studio 2013:
If you're coding in C# then on your Visual Studios editor, select the Tools menu, then the options submenu.
A dialog will pop up. From there select Text Editor, then select C#, then select Advanced.
Then check the box for Show live semantic errors.

Visual Studio 2010 Toolbox Is Empty

My toolbox is empty.
Obviously, I'm not the first. I read this question and this other question, but that didn't help.
I click here...
I get this window...
With instructions that say: "...Drag an item onto this text, to add it to the toolbox..."
Sounds good; from where do I get such items to drag?
The toolbox is empty because there is no project loaded.
The toolbox is populated with tools/controls according to the type of the current project. The controls are different for MFC than they are for ASP.NET, for example. If you haven't loaded any project, Visual Studio can't populate the toolbox.
Either open an existing project, or go to File -> New Project to create a new one.
Have you tried right-clicking on it and selecting the "Reset Toolbox" option? You can also try to manually add specific tools to it by using the "Choose Items..." option.
A common suggest is also to go into the Visual Studio 2010 Directory and delete all of the .tbd files within the following directory (Related) :
C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0"
Although if neither of these options work, you will really want to consider possibly reinstalling / repairing Visual Studio.
Is your project running? I noticed that my toolbox is empty when I am debugging the project. Try stopping debugging.

How do I create an empty solution in Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express?

The only link I can find anywhere is this: Is it possible to create "Empty Solution" with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express?
However this is what my New Project box looks like:
There are almost no templates and Blank Solution is not one of them. I tried searching Online Templates but also no luck.
Any ideas?
"Empty Project". Project is synonymous with solution :)
I just tried it out now, and after clicking 'Empty Project', I've been given to option to specify a name for the new solution too. As shown below:
Note that there's even a checkbox giving you the option to create a new folder for the solution.
Edit: Sorry, just re-read question and saw it was specific to the Express version.
This tip only works in full version as far as I know.
In the New Project dialog, select the "Other Project Types" section under Installed Templates.
Visual Studio Solutions/Blank Solution is your friend.
What about the "Empty Project" option?
That should do what you want.

Visual Studio Editor does not underline errors anymore

My Visual Studio (2008) Editor has stopped to underline Errors (this nifty wavy red lines). I can't really tell when, but it can be related to the installation of .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 or the MVC Beta (which I guess is unlikely). Furthermore have I installed and uninstalled both CodeRush and Resharper for evaluation purposes (decided not to keep either one of them).
Does anyone know the problem and how to restore this functionality again?
Have you checked Tools→Options...→Text Editor→C#→Advanced→Underline errors in the editor?
I usually like to reset my settings after messing around with plugins, as they tend to mess with settings: Tools→Import and Export Settings...→Reset all settings.
About possible causes.
For VS 2012 and 2013 if you have more than one instance of Visual Studio on different machines binded to one "live" account and have installed ReSharper on one of them, it disables the native IntelliSense and error underlines (to replace by it's own rules) that will be synchronised through your account to another machine without ReSharper.
Found it in Visual Studio 2019 as: Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Show error squiggles
This is generally called Disable Squiggly or Wavy lines in Visual Studio.
How you will do in Visual studio 2013?
TOOLS -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Squiggles: True/False (Under IntelliSense) -> Press OK
I know its an old question, and with various solutions, but I have fixed it in different way. I'm working with Unity3D on my C# code using VS2017, when suddenly VS decides to stop underlining error while im typing. However, if I close the file tab and reopen, it suddenly undelines the error.
For example:
class A {
public int x;
should obvsiouly give an error for that lonely 's' symbol. But, VS doesn't underline it until I close and reopen this file tab.
Copied the entire Unity Project folder (which is like a regular VS Solution folder basically) and worked with the new folder, which issue was gone there.
For visual studio 2017 act according to HeeJae's comments in:
Hi. you are probably hitting a known issue. can you try this?
1.Update to latest release If that doesn’t solve it
2.Go to Tools\Options\Projects and Solutions\General and uncheck “Allow parallel project initialization”.
3.Close VS.
4.Delete the “.vs” directory beside their solution file.
5.Reopen VS.
thank you
You can re-enable the "Allow parallel project initialization" option after the issue was solved.
I tried to upgrade VS, reset VS settings, clear VS cache and everything people do conventionally but none of them solved this issue! At the end the mentioned solution worked for me magically.
Good luck
Unloading and loading same project again from the solution does the trick. Just right click on the project and click "Unload Project". Once unloaded, again right click the same project and click "Reload Project". Error highlighting will return.
I had the same issue with 2017. There was a 'disable intelisense' option, make sure that is set to false.
For everyone wondering in 2021..
search for "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles" in the settings.
Make sure to have it active for the user, as well as the workspace.
No need to restart Visual Studio.
For me (VS 2019) , after trying the other answers also, setting the scope of analysis from "Current document" to Open document" brought back the missing error markers
Just go to settings and search for errors and Image in Error Squiggles. You can see the Error squiggles (Modified: Workspace - Right now you can't see it because I modified it). Just click on modified and you will see the disabled option. If by mistake you disabled it, just enable it and you can see the red line errors again in your code.
In latest edition, check for .vscode folder in same project folder. There will be a setting.json file in that. Delete the key value pair of "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Disabled". Restart the vs code.
