How can I find the path to an include in Symfony2? - include

I've looked thoroughly over Symfony related questions on this site but can't find the answer I need.
I'm using Symfony 2.0.9 with PHP 5.3.6 and my file structure looks like this:
Inside of index.html.twig I have:
<div id="header">
{% include "BlogTestBundle:Resources:Default:header.html.twig" %}
It keeps erroring out with
Twig_error_loader: Unable to find template
no matter what I use for the path. Why isn't it finding the file? They're even in the same directory!
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

twig file includes should follow the format below:
You can also amend parts if they're not present, i.e. for just a file under a bundle /views directory you can use FullBundleName::filename
So in your case, use BlogTestBundle:Default:header.html.twig


JS vendor published files are not working

I am using laravel filemanager:
When I publish public from vendor everything works except JS files.
It still uses js files from vendor instead from public.
I tried:
Run composer dumpautoload
Clear all cache after any code changes, both in laravel and browser.
Deleting js files from public directory does nothing but when I delete
them from vendor folder it says they are missing even when they are in
public directory..
Well I found out that only one js/script was not used from public but vendor directory.
Inside vendor views directory => index.blade.php I found:
<script>{!! \File::get(base_path('vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/public/js/script.js')) !!}</script>
{{-- Use the line below instead of the above if you need to cache the script. --}}
{{-- <script src="{{ asset('vendor/laravel-filemanager/js/script.js') }}"></script> --}}
And commented vendor script and uncommented public one.
Now it works.

My static files are not rending correctly

In my html page I am referencing static assets like:
<script src="/static/assets/js/bundle.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/assets/css/style.css">
These files are stored in:
Currently my route looks like this:
app.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/assets"))))
Currently it is not working and returning a 404 not found error when I look at chrome console.
What am I doing wrong here?
The problem is with your call to http.Dir("/assets") in this line:
app.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/assets"))))
http.Dir takes the path to the folder either in absolute form or relative to where the go executable is. Using "/assets" tells it that the absolute path to the assets folder is on the root of the file system, where in reality I'm guessing the assets folder is in something like /home/YOUR_USER_FOLDER/code/this_project/assets.
Just change the code to use the absolute path:
app.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/home/YOUR_USER_FOLDER/code/this_project/assets"))))
If the assets folder is in the same location as the go executable, you can just use "assets" as the file path, but I will recommend using the absolute path to avoid any confusion.

Laravel - link to a file saved in storage folder

When we do something like this:
Storage::disk('local')->put('file.txt', 'Contents');
How do you make a link to that file in a view? Something like this:
Download File
there are so many things in documentation and yet not even one example how to create a link to that file
Try this command on your terminal : php artisan storage:link, then laravel storage become public access.
Download File
According to laravel docs, You can get the URL to the file like this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
$url = Storage::url('file1.jpg');
Remember, if you are using the local driver, all files that should be
publicly accessible should be placed in the storage/app/public
directory. Furthermore, you should create a symbolic link at
public/storage which points to the storage/app/public directory.
Hope this helps!
Scenario--(working from a fresh Laravel 5.6 project install for reference):
With the existing default paths being /public and /storage/app/public and you want to physically store your logo.png image in the /storage folder and render it on your Welcome page, the process would go something like this:
In your terminal, navigate to your Laravel project folder.
Run command php artisan storage:link
Now create the folder /images in your /storage/app/public folder which gives you /storage/app/public/images.
Look in your /public folder and you will see the (shortcut) subfolders /storage/images
Copy a test image named logo.png into the /storage/app/public/images folder.
In your project's welcome.blade.php under /resources/views paste the
following code over the existing code:
<div class="content">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<a href="/">
<img src="{{url('/storage/images/logo.png')}}" alt="Logo Image"/>
Save and open your project in your browser and you should see the logo image.
Having said all of that, later on you need a pdf folder to store uploaded pdf
files. Easy, just create a new folder in /storage/app/public called /pdf and
automatically the shortcut will appear in the /public folder. It is a once and "for all" solution.

Why does FineUploader's template/default.html look for files in the client folder?

Why does FineUploader's template/default.html look for files in the client folder? When you follow the set up instructions on their website you are left with something that looks like this:
root#UbuntuVM:/usr/local/nginx/html/ ls fine-uploader-gallery.css placeholders
all.fine-uploader.js fine-uploader-gallery.min.css processing.gif
all.fine-uploader.min.js fine-uploader.min.css retry.gif
composer.json fine-uploader-new.css template.html
composer.lock fine-uploader-new.min.css templates
composer.phar iframe.xss.response.js trash.gif
continue.gif LICENSE vendor
edit.gif loading.gif
fine-uploader.css pause.gif
And in the template folder there is a default.html file that looks for client/fine-uploader.js. I followed the instructions - why is the default template not working?
The Fine Uploader HTML templates serve as a starting point for your web app. It is expected that you make appropriate adjustments based on the location of your resources and your desired look and feel.

Can't seem to get Jekyll to see posts that are in subdirectories from the root folder

I have used collections in my Jekyll website for GitHub Pages. I'm trying to get Jekyll to see the Markdown files inside the collection folder, _projects.
Here's a rundown of the file structure:
├─ _projects
│ │
│ ├─
│ └─
└─ /*Rest of the Jekyll folders and files, _posts, _includes, etc.*/
At the moment, I realized that you must put the Markdown files in the root, so Jekyll can be able to see and parse the files to display them when after you clicked a link that points to them via permalinks. But it cannot "see" the Markdown files if the files are not in the root folder, after testing quite a while.
Is there a way to let Jekyll see and parse files inside the subfolder, _projects, just like how it can see files in the root folder? Maybe I need to set something up in the _config.yml, I guess?
Thanks in advance.
Edit : My first answer was completely wrong. I was talking
output: true
layout: project
title: project
## Yo!
Project in **strong** yo `inline code`
some code
yolo !
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% include head.html %}
{% include header.html %}
<div class="page-content">
<div class="wrapper">
{{ content }}
{% include footer.html %}
You now have a project/project_1.html page.
No need to use include: parameter in order to Jekyll to see collection folder or subfolder.
exclude: parameter can be used to ignore a subfolder in the collection.
End Edit
Old answer (nothing to do with collection)
Your _project folder is ignored by Jekyll, just like any underscored folder
To force Jekyll to parse files in this folder, in your _config.yml you can add :
- _project
jekyll build and all is good !
The OP tom-mai78101 comments the the article "Jekyll Blog From a Subdirectory" from Hemanth.HM
has confirmed my guesses that subdirectories are only defined by the permalinks in the Markdown files, and not through the folders within the repository.
I quickly wrote a code snippet, and created a few Markdown files shown here, I am now able to create webpages using Markdown files nested within the _posts folder.
In short, there's no need to use collections in the _config.yml, and just use the default _posts.
It would've been better if there is a way to change the default permalink setup in the _config.yml.
The question "Jekyll not generating pages in subfolders" could be relevant, in order to make some pages being generated in a subfolder.
Or you could use a different baseurl. (Jekyll 1.0+)
Or use the _include folder (see "Jekyll paginate blog as subdirectory")
Or, The article "Running Your Jekyll Blog from a Subdirectory" (from Josh Branchaud) seems to address your situation:
Solution 1
Create a directory called blog in your public html directory (that is, in the directory that your domain points to).
Assuming you are using some sort of deployment scheme (GitHub pages or deployment methods), you need to have that deployment scheme tell Jekyll to deploy to the blog directory instead of the directory it is currently using.
(in your case blog would be projects)
Solution 2
Start by creating a directory locally where you have your Jekyll blog setup.
This directory will sit along side _posts, _site, css, etc.
This is only going to hold non-post files such as index.html.
The blog posts will still go in the _posts directory.
Next, we are going to tell Jekyll that we want it to take our blog posts and put them inside a directory called blog when it generates them.
This can be done by adding a permalink setting to the _config.yml file.
Add a line like this to the top of the file:
permalink: /blog/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html.
The default (which you have probably been using) puts posts in a directory structure starting with the category, followed by the date, and finally with the title of the blog post as the name of the html file.
Which, spelled out would be
Does that look familiar? Sure does. It is what we have used above, sans the /blog part.
We are essentially emulating the default directory structure and while adding our blog directory at the beginning.
Lastly, you are going to want to add an index.html file to the blog directory that you created.
This way, when a person goes to they can see what blog posts you have to offer.
This index page is going to more or less mirror exactly what you had setup originally for listing your blog posts.
