Why does FineUploader's template/default.html look for files in the client folder? - fine-uploader

Why does FineUploader's template/default.html look for files in the client folder? When you follow the set up instructions on their website you are left with something that looks like this:
root#UbuntuVM:/usr/local/nginx/html/example.com/wwwroot# ls fine-uploader-gallery.css placeholders
all.fine-uploader.js fine-uploader-gallery.min.css processing.gif
all.fine-uploader.min.js fine-uploader.min.css retry.gif
composer.json fine-uploader-new.css template.html
composer.lock fine-uploader-new.min.css templates
composer.phar iframe.xss.response.js trash.gif
continue.gif LICENSE vendor
edit.gif loading.gif
fine-uploader.css pause.gif
And in the template folder there is a default.html file that looks for client/fine-uploader.js. I followed the instructions - why is the default template not working?

The Fine Uploader HTML templates serve as a starting point for your web app. It is expected that you make appropriate adjustments based on the location of your resources and your desired look and feel.


How to handle images with webpack encore & assets

so I seem to be a bit confused on how to work with images in webpack encore + assets.
I store all JS & CSS like this
With encore I can access them later from my /public/build folder - no issues there.
Now I want to store some images (e.g. file upload).
First idea was to store them inside a folder like /assets/images. But with the current settings & using assets I can only access files inside /public/build folder.
So I tried to use to copyFiles to copy everything from /assets/images to /public/build/images.
But this does not automatically copy my files (e.g. file upload to /assets/images/ does not copy it to /public/build - which is in order not accessible in my project). So I would need to run manually encore - which I don't want.
Second idea was to store the uploaded images directly inside /public/build/images but those files would be deleted when I run encore.
Next I disabled the webpack option cleanupOutputBeforeBuild, so images would not be deleted. But without this option the folder will be flooded by new JS & CSS Files everytime I run encore.
What do I need?
A solution to store my images either way in /assets folder & make them available for my project.
store the images directly in /public/build folder without encore deleting them nor flooding the folder with JS/CSS by disabling cleanupOutput Option.
Thanks in advance ~Syllz
If u need to use it in JS, just require the file:
// assets/app.js
import logoPath from '../images/logo.png';
let html = `<img src="${logoPath}" alt="ACME logo">`;
When you require an image file, Webpack copies it into your output directory and returns the final, public path to that file.
If u need using it from a templates:
You need to install file-loader to use copyFiles()
yarn add file-loader#^6.0.0 --dev
then enable it in webpack.config.js:
from: './assets/images',
//optional target path, relative to the output dir
//to: 'images/[path][name].[ext]',
//if versioning is enabled, add the file hash too
to: 'images/[path][name].[hash:8].[ext]',
//only copy files matching this pattern
//pattern: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)$/
then use it in your twig template:
<img src="{{ asset('build/images/logo.png') }}" alt="ACME logo">
more details in Symfony documentation
You can use the CopyWebpackPlugin to do this. You can read this post for more details.
Solution to my problem:
Store the images into /public/images and not into the build folder - which will be deleted when running encore.

Can't seem to get Jekyll to see posts that are in subdirectories from the root folder

I have used collections in my Jekyll website for GitHub Pages. I'm trying to get Jekyll to see the Markdown files inside the collection folder, _projects.
Here's a rundown of the file structure:
├─ _projects
│ │
│ ├─ project_1.md
│ └─ project_2.md
└─ /*Rest of the Jekyll folders and files, _posts, _includes, etc.*/
At the moment, I realized that you must put the Markdown files in the root, so Jekyll can be able to see and parse the files to display them when after you clicked a link that points to them via permalinks. But it cannot "see" the Markdown files if the files are not in the root folder, after testing quite a while.
Is there a way to let Jekyll see and parse files inside the subfolder, _projects, just like how it can see files in the root folder? Maybe I need to set something up in the _config.yml, I guess?
Thanks in advance.
Edit : My first answer was completely wrong. I was talking
output: true
layout: project
title: project
## Yo!
Project in **strong** yo `inline code`
some code
yolo !
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% include head.html %}
{% include header.html %}
<div class="page-content">
<div class="wrapper">
{{ content }}
{% include footer.html %}
You now have a project/project_1.html page.
No need to use include: parameter in order to Jekyll to see collection folder or subfolder.
exclude: parameter can be used to ignore a subfolder in the collection.
End Edit
Old answer (nothing to do with collection)
Your _project folder is ignored by Jekyll, just like any underscored folder
To force Jekyll to parse files in this folder, in your _config.yml you can add :
- _project
jekyll build and all is good !
The OP tom-mai78101 comments the the article "Jekyll Blog From a Subdirectory" from Hemanth.HM
has confirmed my guesses that subdirectories are only defined by the permalinks in the Markdown files, and not through the folders within the repository.
I quickly wrote a code snippet, and created a few Markdown files shown here, I am now able to create webpages using Markdown files nested within the _posts folder.
In short, there's no need to use collections in the _config.yml, and just use the default _posts.
It would've been better if there is a way to change the default permalink setup in the _config.yml.
The question "Jekyll not generating pages in subfolders" could be relevant, in order to make some pages being generated in a subfolder.
Or you could use a different baseurl. (Jekyll 1.0+)
Or use the _include folder (see "Jekyll paginate blog as subdirectory")
Or, The article "Running Your Jekyll Blog from a Subdirectory" (from Josh Branchaud) seems to address your situation:
Solution 1
Create a directory called blog in your public html directory (that is, in the directory that your domain points to).
Assuming you are using some sort of deployment scheme (GitHub pages or deployment methods), you need to have that deployment scheme tell Jekyll to deploy to the blog directory instead of the directory it is currently using.
(in your case blog would be projects)
Solution 2
Start by creating a directory locally where you have your Jekyll blog setup.
This directory will sit along side _posts, _site, css, etc.
This is only going to hold non-post files such as index.html.
The blog posts will still go in the _posts directory.
Next, we are going to tell Jekyll that we want it to take our blog posts and put them inside a directory called blog when it generates them.
This can be done by adding a permalink setting to the _config.yml file.
Add a line like this to the top of the file:
permalink: /blog/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html.
The default (which you have probably been using) puts posts in a directory structure starting with the category, followed by the date, and finally with the title of the blog post as the name of the html file.
Which, spelled out would be
Does that look familiar? Sure does. It is what we have used above, sans the /blog part.
We are essentially emulating the default directory structure and while adding our blog directory at the beginning.
Lastly, you are going to want to add an index.html file to the blog directory that you created.
This way, when a person goes to mydomain.com/blog/ they can see what blog posts you have to offer.
This index page is going to more or less mirror exactly what you had setup originally for listing your blog posts.

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

I am trying to upload my Laravel project onto my web server, but my past two attempts have been unsuccessful. I believe I am not uploading the files to the right location.
This is my web server's structure ->
Am I correct to say that I need to upload ALL of my laravel files into public_html?
This is my Laravel project's directory :
EDIT : I have now added all the files onto the root folder, and public into public_html, however none of my routes seem to work. (They work perfectly on localhost). Everything throws a 404
No, but you have a couple of options:
The easiest is to upload all the files you have into that directory you're in (i.e. the cPanel user home directory), and put the contents of public into public_html. That way your directory structure will be something like this (slightly messy but it works):
app/ <- your laravel app directory
bootstrap/ <- your laravel bootstrap directory
public_html/ <- your laravel public directory
artisan <- your project's root files
You may also need to edit bootstrap/paths.php to point at the correct public directory.
The other solution, if you don't like having all these files in that 'root' directory would be to put them in their own directory (maybe 'laravel') that's still in the root directory and then edit the paths to work correctly. You'll still need to put the contents of public in public_html, though, and this time edit your public_html/index.php to correctly bootstrap the application. Your folder structure will be a lot tidier this way (though there could be some headaches with paths due to messing with the framework's designed structure more):
laravel/ <- a directory containing all your project files except public
public_html/ <- your laravel public directory
I believe - your Laravel files/folders should not be placed in root directory.
e.g. If your domain is pointed to public_html directory then all content should placed in that directory. How ? let me tell you
Copy all files and folders ( including public folder ) in public_html
Copy all content of public folder and paste it in document root ( i.e. public_html )
Remove the public folder
Open your bootstrap/paths.php and then changed 'public' => __DIR__.'/../public', into 'public' => __DIR__.'/..',
and finally in index.php,
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/start.php';
Your Laravel application should work now.
If you are trying to host your Laravel app on a shared hosting, this may help you.
Hosting Laravel on shared hosting #1
Hosting Laravel on shared hosting #2
If you want PHP 5.4 add this line to your .htaccess file or call your hosting provider.
AddType application/x-httpd-php54 .php
In Laravel 5.x there is no paths.php
so you should edit public/index.php and change this lines in order to to pint to your bootstrap directory:
require __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/autoload.php’;
$app = require_once __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/app.php’;
for more information you can read this article.
Had this problem too and found out that the easiest way is to point your domain to the public folder and leave everything else the way they are.
All of your Laravel files should be in one location.
Laravel is exposing its public folder to server. That folder represents some kind of front-controller to whole application. Depending on you server configuration, you have to point your server path to that folder. As I can see there is www site on your picture. www is default root directory on Unix/Linux machines.
It is best to take a look inside you server configuration and search for root directory location. As you can see, Laravel has already file called .htaccess, with some ready Apache configuration.

How to install phpThumb in codeigniter framework

How to install phpThumb in codeigniter framework. I have placed the files like below floder struture
When i place this phpThumb files in upload folder my webpage showing empty, when i remove those files then the webpage loading correct. How could i resolve this and let me know hopw to install the PHPThumb in my codeigniter framework
Place pHP thumbe folder in root directory of project

Installing a CodeIgniter application in a subfolder

I'm trying to install an application made with codeIgniter in a subfolder, so that I can access it using : http://www.domain.com/my_subfolder/
At the root, there's a Wordpress application.
I edited the .htaccess of the Wordpress install to let the request go to the folder /my_subfolder/
It's working fine, the only problem I get is that CodeIgniter is unable to dynamically load the classes in the "libraries" directory. So everything in the CI application works fine until it tries to use an object declared in the "libraries" subfolder, then I get a : Unable to load the requested class: my_class
It doesn't seems that there's a parameter in the "config" folder to change that... any idea?
What you need is to edit your CodeIgniter config.php in System > application > config.
and then edit config.php and set the property:
$config['base_url'] = "http://www.domain.com/my_subfolder/"
Well it seems that the config param base_url should be updated. Also, I used a library with the "MY_" prefix, and I should'nt since I was'nt extending any CI class.
This is 2021. In case anyone is having this same issue with CodeIgniter 4, this is how I solved it when I came across this issue.
I installed CI in a subfolder in my public_html folder i.e example.com/api. When I visited www.example.com/api, I saw a 403 forbidden error.
Download and unzip CI on your local machine or use composer.
Rename public folder to the name of your subfolder. In my case, I named it api.
Create another folder and give it any name of choice, for example, let's use mango (yes, I love mangoes). Copy all the remaining files and folders (app, system, writables, env, LICENSE, README, composer, phpunit, spark) into the mango folder. After doing this, we should have 2 folders: api and mango
Copy both folders to your live server cpanel root (Do not copy into public_html or www). Let them be on the same level as public_html
Open api/index.php and change $pathsConfig = FCPATH . '../app/Config/Paths.php'; to $pathsConfig = FCPATH . '../mango/app/Config/Paths.php';
Create a subdomain and point it to /api
Go to the api folder, duplicate the env file and rename it to .env
Open .env and look for app.baseURL=''. Remove the '#' to uncomment that line and the change it to app.baseUrl='http://subdomain' where subdomain is the subdomain you created above e.g http://api.example.com
Open mango/app/config/App.php and look for public $baseUrl and set it to subdomain e.g $baseUrl = 'http://api.example.com'
Your CI project is now well configured. Visit http://api.example.com. and you should see the CodeIgniter welcome page.
